TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JULY 31, 1919, FI RST BAN K of BAY CITY: We are just completing 14 years of bank service for tbe people of Bay City and tributary country, country. i We invite your further _____ patron­ age, age. and full co-operation so we may be able to give y you still better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business bi with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate. BAY CITY NEWS Butterick Patterns, 15c. —20c.—25c.—30c. Wirthmor Waists Always One-Fifty. By Mail 1c, Extra for 15c. and 20c. patterns and 2c. extra for 25c. and 30c. patterns. The prettiest and most economical Blouses maim, factured today. Sizes 36 to 50. TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. The City on Tillamook Bay. Mrs. L. Harvey has returned to Bay Mrs.-Carl Lail, of Buxton was a City. ing her brother, Joe Lazotte, Mr. Jones Trading Co. has installed a Lail used to be with the life savers I and he expects to return here, where | new gas tank. J. K. Elder returned from a trip to they will make their home. Bay City Friday night was prac­ Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Parker visited tically deserted. Every one that could spare the time went to Tillamook to Very Special Tillamook Monday. hear Hon. W. J. Bryan. They were Purchase of A baby girl was born to Mrs. An­ well pleased with the program ren- Clark ’ s tone Lagler, July 24. dered. Mrs. Huston of Manhatten was a (Double- Tip). J. W. Butler and associates were Bay City visitor Tuesday. in Bay City the first part of the week Silk Gloves Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tillman were looking over the field in preparation Priced Specially at Bay City visitors this week. for the canning season. D. M. Oliver left for Foley today J. W. Butler felt for Portland Mon- day. after staying in town a few days. These good looking, good wearing, Mrs. Paul Bates was in Bay City The placing of Bay City on long double-tip Silk Gloves with two Wednesday shopping from B^ypean. distance from Tillamook has caused clasps come in prettily embroider­ ed styles in black with white em- R. Schwerdtman has purchased a great deal of disgust, and many briodery, grey with grey and white acreage and will set in berries in tbe patrons of the ’phone company say they will have the telephone out be­ embroidery, white with black em­ spring. broidery and sand with tan and William Harper is putting in a fore they will pay 20c. whenever white embroidery. There are all cleaning and pressing parlor at the they call up Tillamook. sizes from 6 to 8 and they are pric­ A petition signed j>y the Mayor, the I old pool hall. ed at only per pair................$1.50 Frank Smith has his new boat tun­ business men, and nearly every one ed up for any emergency on the bay, in Bay City has been circulated the last few days, asking the highway it will speed. commission to locate the Roosevelt Elva Morris, of Bay City, is now highway along the beach route, via working at Bayocean in the confec­ Garibaldi, Brighton, and Wheeler, tionery. instead of down the Miami. Visiting with Mrs. Robt. Watt and C. F. Girard has opened his real relatives in the county, was Harry estate office for business land of all Smart of Salem. description, small and large tracts, Mrs. C. Brace, and daughter, Miss houses for sale or rent, Sole agent Doris, visited Mrs. Lewis Dick in Til­ for the Woodlawn Add. to Bay City, lamook, Tuesday. 150 lots to choose from at $75, $1UU Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCann are and $1.25 per lot. Just a few min- now living in town again, They’ve utes walk to center of town, on easy Solid been at Brighton. terms. * Leather After visiting her mother at Rock- Mr. and Mrs. J. Bodie Tuesday away for two weeks, Mrs. Fred Os- evening were recipients of a surprise 1 Intuí trander reurned home. party composed of Mayor Girard and wife. Miss Alice Keene, Mr. and Frances Provoost came home last with H.'-'d-Tn-Flt fc Saturday, after being away in the Mrs. T. Gillen, and Mrs. George Dun- ■ can. The guests were entertained army for a year and a half. breCitt'i< . ■ - 'e * f relief Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Watt, of with a musical by Miss Hazel Bodie, 1 jur Edmonds “F. : - Fitter. Brighton, spent Thursday with their and singing and recitations were the order of the evening. One of Mrs. Gll- dip on their feet! Such icstan Bister, Mrs. Robert Watt. len’B songs, "The Wireless Message” taneouc msj is g rcoelrzticn ( A Ramsey, manager of the Tilla­ was highly appreciated. Each of the mook Bay Fish Co. has returned from guests were presented with a bouquet I them. if you wur.t ¿enui. a business trip to California, Shoe-Joy, wear “Foot-hitters' \ of choice flowers. Mrs. Ed Jacoby has lost all her lik­ ing for yellow jackets, since she was NEW $25,000 SCHOOL VOTED. stung over the eye by one. ------ o------ George Van Fleet, a noted Califor­ Bonds to be Sold to Raise Sum For nia violinist, YlsIM Miss Irene Wilk­ New Building for Bay City. ins at the Duncan home Sunday. — O------- Wilbur Ivey, his wife and children Bay City School District, No. 31, are visiting here from Portland with voted July 24th, with but a single Mr. Ivey’s aunt, Mrs. J. M. Milsap. dissenting vote to bond the district Roy Brock and F. S. Eoassie, with for $25,000 for a new school build­ their families, have gone up the ing, which will most probably be a Trask river to fish and camp for a high school building. This provides week. for an educational development for Visiting with Mrs. Robert McCul­ !Bay City that will be second to none, ly are Mrs. E. Cope und daughter, 'and h I iows foresight on tlie part of Nina, and niece, Jessie Cope, all of the district to look ahead to ihe training of its young men aiid wom- Portland. Mrs. Cluy Richards, of Forest , en. T.cxica C The building will be erected on the Grove has moved here and joined her Infsband. They will make this their nite of land purchased a few yeurs Shoe ago above the railroad track future home. a fac- Jess Hays returned Friday from Provoost'.». Astoria w here tie has been fishiug. ON2 He 1 h back at the old stand. Hays & $560 Realized from Less Than Acre Blanchard's tisli and crab house. of Strawberries. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gratton, and son and daughter, of Portland, were J. E. Provoost, of Bay City liar J uhi expected by Homer Provoost this finished picking ills strawberries. He looks up because k is d.'Cfru-■ week as visitors. Mrs. Gratton is his had .31 of an acre in two, three and Bister. four-year-old plants, from which he 5en>iceable! Prcctical! Go.-.t.e’i Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Holmes, Miss gathered und sold to the local mar­ Comfortable! Better i’iuk J McGinnis, und Mr. und Mrs. Witt, kets 160 crates at 24-pounds each spent Sunday evening ut Tillumook, for $3 net per crate. and Neater Appearing than as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. The Bay City Storage & Fisheries Carlin. company lias sold a half interest in 1 any other shoe of its pries! It A new lattice arbor, and cozy cor­ their concern to Wassell and Helgren has dignified style and “will ner has been installed in the Bay of Portland, and are arranging to in­ City Drug Co. this week. It isn't stall berry canning machinery here always take a good shine!” quite finished yet, but looks attrac­ and will be in the market for ever­ green blackberries this fal|. It is tive already. C. F. Girard has putchased two estimated that the evergreen crop acres from M, George in addition this year will be from 100,000 to Our definite purpose ia to with other property adjoining and 150.000 pounds. Prices are not yet fixed, bu» will will Improve to put in loganberries give you satisfaction all-ways! be approximately 8 cents to open the In the spring. New people are coming to the season. The berries grow mostly in Whitney railroad camp all the time. the open country, and by the road­ They will probably have to camp sides. They will bring in considerable ¡“Foot-Fitters” Fit All Feet! out as there are few houses and no pin money for the women and chil­ 1 — dren. hotel at Idaville. Ever}) Department in the Store Participates in this Great SALE OF REMNANTS $150 Pair. I E. E. Smith has purchased from E. Mitehell all the fixtures contained in the meat market. Mr Smith expects to put in a small fold storage plant in the near future. Mrs. Hawkins' sister was out driv- Ing Friday night when the horse be­ came frightened ami ran away. throwing her out of the buggy. She was not seriously injured. Bay City Barber ..... ............................ The famous Da Vogue and Beginning at 10 A. M. Saturday, August 2nd. Be here on time for there are only small quantities of some of the Bargains offered. All Remnants offered are good reliable merchandise and the prices quoted afford you some wonderful opportunities to meet and beat the present High Cost of Living. Liberty Bonds of any denomination taken at face value in lieu of Cash. REMNANTS OF REMNANTS OF Boys’ and Children's Straw Hats in various shapes, and values to 75c. for only.................................................. ♦ Ladies’ and Misses’ Summer Hats in desirable shapes values to $2.75 for only . . . lie * * * REMNANTS OF REMNANTS OF Men’s White Wash Ties with Mer­ cerized Colored stripes. Actual 40c. values for only ................................... ♦ * * Ladies’ White Canvas Mary Jane Pumps, with and without heels and $2.00 values for per pair 15c ♦ REMNANTS OF REMNANTS OF Men’s black and tan Dress Socks in all sizes and actual 25c. values for only .................................................. « « Women’s Auto Dusters. Summer wear. Actual $3.75 Coats for only 15c « ♦ REMNANTS OF REMNANTS OF Ginghams, Wash Goods, Lawns and Curtain Scrims in values to 35c. only per yard ................................................ » • • » Ladies’ .Separate Skirts of Palm Beach, Linen, Beach Cloth, etc. val- ues to $5.00 for 17c. • « Wash fabrics, Lawns, Percales and Ginghams, in values to 39c. for only per yard ............. .................................. * Youths’ Outing Shoes, Men's Leath­ er Sandals, Misses and Childs’ White Canvas ShoeB to $3.00 values for.. * REMNANTS OF REMNANTS OF Outing Flannels, Ginghams, Per­ cales, and Wash Fabrics in value., to 50c. for only per yard........................ ♦ * American Lady Corsets in Back and Front Lace Models and values to $3.50 for only per pair 29c. X * REMNANTS OF REMNANTS OF Men’s and Boys' light weight Sum­ mer Hats in actual values to $1.50, for only each .........................................’ * « * • • REMNANTS OF Ladies' White Buck and Canvas Shoes,-high and low heels, and $7.00 values for only 38c. I * • REMNANTS OF lien's White Canvas, Chocolate and Black Calf Oxfords with rubber heels and actual $7.50 values only Wash Fabrics, Tub Cloth, and Ser­ pentine Crepes in values to 75c. for only per yard ....................................... * « REMNANTS OF REMNANTS OF * Fine for * I REMNANTS OF REMNANTS OF White and colored Sheer Voiles and Heavy Wash Suitings and Skirt­ ings. Values to 93c. for per yard .. . * • * Ladies Wash Skirts in plain and fancy Gabardines, etc. and values to $ß.35 for only . • REMNANTS OF Women’s Knickerbocker and En­ velope Combinations in actual $1.25 values for only..................................... REMNANTS OF Ladies' Black, White, Cordovan Kid, Calf, Patent Pumps and Oxfords in $8.00 values for only À New Samples of Fall Suits. One "Week’s Free Demonstration of the Famous Cleaning and Pressing. F. W. SMITH. C. H. JONES TRADING COMPANY, BAY CITY, OREGON. Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies, Dry Goods and Gasoline. Phone Main 73. CITY DRUG CO. Confections, ks and Patent Medicines Suits and Coats For Fall Art Now Being Displayed in Dept, and Windore a. Come to th« store and view the lovely new Sults and Coats now be­ ing shown in tbe Ladies' Ready- to-wear Dept, on the Balcony. We consider ourselves exceeding­ ly fortunate in being able so early In the season to afford the style descriminating women of thia county this opportunity to select authentic style« In Fall Sults and Coats at prices that will look like Sal« Prices when the^ later pun­ chase« begin to arrived Windshield Wings For all makes of Cars. To introduce these wonderful auto accessories we are pre­ pared to give to any responsible automobile owner one week’s free use of these Windshield Wings. The acceptance of thia free demonstration does not obligate you to purchase if you do not wish to do so. We simply want you to know what a great benefit they are on any car. Sole Distributors in this county. I