TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 31. 1919. Booths—Mesdames S. 8. Johnson, ful service were received from thia brief history of red cross The county officials came to the malnder upon the confirmation of with the North line of Third Street, Dr. Reedy, W. A. Lewis, F. R. Beals. source. WORK IN TILLAMOOK rescue with cash contributions from the sale by the Circuit Court. Robert McGrath, John Groat and and running thence North 105 feet; o — — Much inspiration as well as prac- the County funds to help In defray­ This notice is publishehd by order thence West 125 feet; thence South Capt. Dodge. tical help was received from the To Be Filed with The County Records to North line of Third Street; thence Soliciting—Mesdames R. T. Boals, report of the Red Cross Convention ing necessary jrayage bills that of Hon. George Taxwell, Circuit East to place of beginning. be met gratitously. Judge sitting in Probate Department When Complete. H. T. Botts, Alex Watt, M. Doty’ with Mrs. Rob’t McGrath attended in could not Tract beginning at the intersection Through the entire campaign the or­ on the 20th day of June, 1919. Jennie McGee, S. S. Johnson, W. B. Seattle in June. the West side of Stillwell Avenue iginal moss gathering committee Mrs. Mary M. Clemens, Ex­ of At the request of the Portlaud Aiderman, Laura Dodge, Minnie with South line of Third Street, and In January 1919, Mrs. C. E. Stan- S. S. Johnson and. Mr. Fred C. Baker, Chapter of the American Red Cross, Martin, Webster Holmes, E, T. Ull­ ley went ecutrix of the last will running thence South _ Z____ .11 105 feet* to Portland and took a laboring unceasingly for the ad­ and testament of W. X thence West 210 feet; thence North Mrs. C. J. Edwards, president of the man and G. A. Jones. course of study in Home Service vancement, of the work, and the ship­ Clemens, deceased. Tillamook branch, has written a brief 105 feet; thence East to point of be­ Took care for country service—C. training and since her return in ping committee, Mesdames Groat. First publication June 26, 1919. ginning. history of the Red Cross activities in I. Clough, Bernard Kuppenbender, A. April she has had charge of that de- Gruber and Barnes were tireless in Last publication July 24, 1919. Tract beginning at the Intersection Tillamook County during the war, C. Everson and Mrs. Dr. Reedy. partment of the work at a salary of their efforts,, they having continu­ of tho West side of Seventh Avenue which is to be placed on file with the During this drive the finance com­ 150.00 per month, it being a ruling West with the North line of Third Summon« county records, as It is proposed to mittee won a »50.00 liberty bond of the Portland chapter to reimburse ous orders t» fill from Portland. Ore­ Street; and running thence North -------- o-------- gon City, McMinnville. Amity, Forest place on record all other war work put up by a merchant, in close con­ for this arduous work, all other ser­ In the Circuit Court of the SUktc 105 feet; thence West to the West Grove, and one shipment was sent to activities in this county. Mrs. Ed­ test with the Rebecca Lodge, boundary of Tillamook City; thence vices in the county during the entire Salem. of Oregon for Tillamook County. , South to the South line of Third wards is somewhat concerned that The second war drive was also period having been given gratitously. Harry J. Foster, Plaintiff The Rad Cross auxiliaries of the I Street; thence East to the place of she might have overlooked some staged by the executive committee Mrs. Dr. Boals and Mrs. Kennedy vs beginning. names that should be included in with Mr. Fred C. Baker, manager, officiated in the Christmas package county, were often seen in the har­ Dorothy Foster, Defendant, " Tract beginning at point 60 8eet the brief history, and this is what Mrs. Everson, secretary; Mr. Thad , shipment, performing every service vesting? fields, and they sorted moss To Dorothy Foster, the above West of the Northwest corner of throughout the season. she says on this point: Robison, treasurer and Mrs. Aider­ faithfully. Block 9, of StillweU'B Addition to A. targe vacant store room was ob- named defendant. "This history of the Tillamook man chairman of speakers commit­ But by far the most stupendous talned in TlUamook for this part of I In the name of the State ot Ore­ the Town of Tillamook (now Tilla­ County Red Cross is to be placed on tee. Our apportionment of 85000.00 task confronted by the people of Til­ the- work, and Mrs. mook City), and running thence gon: to the West boundary of Tilla­ permanent file in the County Court was again divided up with the aux­ lamook county was the gathering chairman with some Knight made You are hereby required, bo. appear West of the younger mook City; thence South 106 feet; House. Amidst the multiplicity of iliaries, and with very little effort and shipment of sphagnum moss for matrons as captains and answer the complaint filed thence East to a point due Soath of in the after ­ demands during our rush periods no approximately 89279.00 were raised. absorbent pads. Prof. Albert R. noons. These were Mesdames Fred against you in the above entitled the place of beginning; them;« North record was kept of many committees Following are the two committees Sweetser, of the University of Ore' Christensen, Dr. Allen, Geo. Hansel­ cause from and after six, weeks from to the place of beginning. that were appointed, and mu^li splen­ which did most of the soliciting in gon, located immense bogs of ttkUs mire, Web McCracken, W. A. Lewis, the date of the first publication I Be it further resolved, that the did service that was rendei%d. We Tillamook City: product in the remote parts of the and Lillian Beals, Miss Esther Swen­ hereof, to-wit; July 24i. 1919, the City Eecorder, be and she is hereby will appreciate it if any one will tell Business district—Henry Cren­ county, and while we were in. the son, M13S Jennie Gibson. Dr. C. J. last publication being, tbe 4th day of instructed to cause this »«solution us of omissions or corrections which shaw, Rollie W. Watson, Roy Jones, white heat of concentration ou the Ramsey took charge in the evenings. September, 1919, and. if you fail so and notice to be published for three I consecutive publications fa the city should be made before it is placed on Ira Smith, Chas. E. Gibson. second war drive, our first order In closing I want to make mention to answer for wamt thereof, the newspaper; that the City file in the court house.” Residence district—Mesdames W. came for niojs—two hundred sacks of the ceaseless efforts of the splen­ plaintiff will apply to the Court tor official Engineer is directed to cause to be ------ o------ J. Hill, Jennie McGee, G. W. Dwight, of it. Mrs. S. S. Johnson and Mr. F. did partiotic people of Sandlake tn the relief prayed, tor in the com­ conspicuously posted at each end of The brief history follows: O. A. Schultz, M. Doty, John Perry, C. Baker were appointed to take helping to make possible the consum­ plaint, to-wlt: That the contract of the line of the proposed improvement T. L. Holt, Miss Everson. charge of the gathering, and Mes- mation of this work, both in person­ matrimony existing between the a copy of this resolution and notice Written by Mrs. C. J. Edwards. The second membership drive was dames John Groat, M. E. Gruber and al services, and in the giving of plaintiff and the defendant be annull- within three days from the date of With thanks to Mr. F. C. Baker teams and wagons most continuously ed and dissolved by the Court and the first publication at such notice, and his files of the “Tillamook Head­ conducted in similar manner as the C. S. Barnes, the shipping. first, save that Albert Byers toqk the Mr. Ross Shreve, Mr. C. J. Edwards and will mention especially the that plaintiff have an absolute di- and that all persona conserned be light” for much of the data. and Mr. S. A. Brodhead were asked names of Mrs. Maud Robertson and vorce from the defendant and such thereby notified of the date of the In April, 1917, The Civic Improve- , place of Mr. Fred C. Baker in a good­ to first publication of said notice, and act as scouting committees, to tell Mr. U. S. Edwards. ly share of the manager work. Mr. ! other and 1 further relief as the that objections and remonstrances to mem Club of Tillamook, with Mrs. . us which bogs to gather from first, Baker being out of the city. Court may deem just and equitable, the proposed improvements may be ------ o------ Stanley Coates as chairman, called a by order filed with the City Recorder within Those who served on committees in | how best to make roads to them. etc. We would like to add to the above I Ths summons is published . public meeting tor the purpose of or­ of Hon. Getf. R. Bagley, Judge of the days from said date. ganizing a Red Cross, and Mrs. C. J. . Tillamook were Mesdames Dawson, ' Also a*set of captains to organize the a word of well deserved commenda­ ' above named court, said order being 20 All persons «oncerned are hereby Edwards was chosen temporary I Smith, Bales, Reichers, Crenshaw, I crowds into groups and oversee tion to Mrs. C. J. Edwards, president dated the 21st day of July. 1919. notified that said resolution was duly Edwards, McGee, Doty and 1 gathering " was appointed—Thos. of the Tillamook branch, which the chairman, and Mrs. A. C. Everson Lloyd adopted on the date aforesaid; that Drew. Coates, Stanley Coates, Glen Terry above brief history does not contain Johnson & Handley temporary secretary. P. O. Address Tillamook, Ore the first publication of this notice is and Ross Shreve. After all the adult canvassers had for the reason that Mrs. Edwards was 19th, 1919, and that objections A committee consisting of Dr. The gathering committee struggled modest in not saying one word about Attorneys for Plaintiff. June given up, a young peoples member­ and remonstrances to the proposed Boals, Mrs. Alex McNair and Mrs. valiantly against labor shortage, im­ what she had done. It was through ship contest which netted us 8141.00 improvement may be filed with the Fred Deals, was appointed to write was staged; Cordelia Oatfield, Lil­ passable roads, indifference, and Edwards’ untiring and persis- Notice of Intention to Improve Street undersigned City Recorder within to the Portland Chapter, and to the lian Groat, James Campbell, Loraine other difficulties, and succeeded to a Mrs. 20 days from said date. In Tillamook City, Oregon. tent efforts as president of the local divisional headquarters at San Fran­ Done by order of the Common considerable extent in meeting the branch that cisco, to ask for methods of proced­ King, Byron Tucker and Theodore demands by calling for Sunday pic- were obtained. the splendid results NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all Council of Tillamook City, Oregon. Liisberg taking part. Upon the president ure. An application form was receiv­ whom It may concern, that the Com­ Dated this June 16th, 1919. The auxiliaries supported the work nic parties, the men sacking and car- fell many responsibilities as well as mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore­ Frances B. Stranahan. ed in reply, which required the sig­ I faithfully, and approximately 2800 rying the moss to the roads while a good many difficulties, often of a gon, deeming it expedient to improve City Recorder of Tillamook City. Ore. nature of twelve prominent citizens, the women sewed up sacks and fur­ discouraging nature, but Mrs Ed­ the street hereinafter described, did, i memberships were secured. and the following became applicants nished refreshments. The orders in­ wards’. heart and soul was in the on the 16th day of June, 1919, adopt We conducted the linen and two CALL FOR BUDS FOR STREET I following citizens became applicants IMPROVEMENTS 'old clothes drives, but kept no rec­ creased rapidly, however, and the good work, and with unselfish zeal a reiolution of said Improvement, Red Cross chapter at Tilla- for a community seemed insensible to its and patriotic motives prompting her, which said resolution is in words and ord of the amounts collected. mook; Mr. F. C. Baker, Mrs. F. R. | I cannot refrain from a word of responsibilities until the Knights of she was instrmental in making the figures as follows, to-wit: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Beals, Dr. R. T. Boals, Mr. H. T. appreciation for our splendid secre- Pythias Lodge took the initiative in Tillamook Branch of the Red Cross Resolution and Notioe of Intention to Tillamook City, Oregon, invites pro­ Botts, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Edwards, tary, Mrs. Canzada Everson. Through a movement to harvest moss in lodge one of the most efficient in the state Improve a Certain Street in Till­ posals for the improvements of that Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Everson, Mr. T. all the drives, as well as continuous- groups. Mr. R. R. Warren, Chancel- of Oregon. portion of Third Street extending from amook City, Oregon. the West side of Stillwell Avenue to H. Goyne, Mrs. John Groat, Mr. and ly, during the entire active period of ,lor Commander of the organization, BE IT RESOLVED that the Com­ Mrs. B. C. Lamb, and M ib . Alex Mc­ ithe organization, her services were assisted by Chas. Johnson, Stanley Notice of Hearing Administrator’s mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore­ the Western Boundary of Tillamook City, by paving the same, together Nair. Final Account. gon, deem it expedient and hereby with provisions for curbs, surface gladly given and gratitously; her I Clark and others, organized the work This application was sent to San books being kept in perfect order, ' and about one hundred persons took ------ 0------ ' declares its intention to improve the drainage and other appurtenances, Francisco; and after some seven and always accessible to those who the early morning drive on Sunday, Notice is hereby given that Thomas following street In said city, to-wlt- all in accordance with plans and spec­ All that portion of Third Street ex­ ifications therefor on file in the office months of correspondence, the Tilla­ wanted to refer to them. August 4th, to the Sandlake bogs, a McGiinchy, the administrator of the tending from the West side of Still­ of the City Recorder. Bids will be re­ mook branch of the Portland chapter Enough credit can hardly be given distance of 21 miles, some of the way estate of Edward McGiinchy, deceas­ well Avenue to the Western bjund- ceived up to the 31 day of July, 1919, A. R. C. was organized in November, to Mr. Fred C. Baker for his broad over rough mountain roads, 425 ed, has filed his final account with ary of Tillamook City, by establish­ at 8 o’clock P. M. All proposals or 1917, with the following officers: publicity, given to all the drives, and sacks of moss were the product ot the county court of Tillamook county ing the grade of said street; by roll­ bids must be accompanied by certified Chairman—Mrs. C. J. Edwards. Oregon, and that said court has fixed ing the roadway thereof for a width check for 5 per cent of the amount to all other lines of work through­ the day’s labor. Vice-chairman—Mrs. W. B. Alder­ out the whole active period of service The firemen furnished the crowd Monday, August 18, 1919, at ten of 36 feet; by laying thereon a con- [ of the bid, payable to Tillamook City, man. in his paper. “The Tillamook Head­ the next Sunday, with Thos. Coates, o’clock a.m., as the time, and in the crete readway covering the whole ot as a guaranty that the successful bid­ Secretary—Mrs. A. C. Everson. A. C. Everson, Claude Frisby and office of the county judge of Tilla­ said 36 feet, with the exception of der will enter into contract and fur­ light.” eight feet In the center thereof, ' nish approved bond for the construct­ Treasurer—Mr. Thad Robison. We find records in our books of others as leaders, and with strenuous mook County as the place for hear­ which portion shall not be paved h:it ' ion of said improvement within a rea­ Director—Mr. Fred C. Baker. ing said final account.. Notice is , efforts harvested some thousand sonable time after contract is award­ In the months directly following, ' cash receipts as follows: further given that all persons are finished according to plans and sped- ' ed. drives. sacks. The right is reserved to reject | These were aside from all fications of the city engineer there- ' auxiliaries were organized and chair­ On August 25th, the Oddlellow’s hereby required to appear at said for, Intersections to be paved solid, any and all bids. Bids should be ad­ * 42.62 I Gem Theatre ........................ men elected as follows: crowd broke all records by gathering time and place and show cause, if by building curbs, catch basins and dressed to the undersigned at Tilla- Bay City—Mrs. Roy Brock (fol- | (Oretown Auxiliary ............. 235.00 some 2000 sacks with a company of I any, they can, why said final account laying drain pipes, together with in­ I mook City, Oregon. 30.00 Garibaldi Auxiliary ........... Frances B. Stranahan,, lowed later by Mrs. Lem Parker.) 50.00 about 125 persons, Henry Crenshaw, should not be allowed and said ad­ lets and constructing laterals for Priscilla Club. Tillamook. . . ___________ City Recorder. Beaver—Mrs. Mabie Wood. ministrator discharged. sewer connections and making pro ­ Allen Page, Woods Terry, Dolph Tin- 50.00 Kill Kare Klub, Tillamook . Brighton—Mrs. E. D. Curtis. visions for the necessary surface Dated July 12, 1919. 16.00 nerstet and others doing valiant ser­ Swiss people, Tillamook ... CALL FOR BIDS FOR STREET Thomas McGiinchy, Ad- drainage for sai dstreet am d all appur- Blaine—Mr. J. S. Wilmot. IMPROVEMENTS 17.00 vice in sallciting Interest. Qaribaldi Auxiliary............. ministrator of the Estate tenances thereto, and by laying and Cloverdale—Mrs. Chas. Lundquist. Shakespeare Club, Tillamook About this time Dr. Hotsen from 70.00 ------ O------- McGiinchy, constructing concrete headers. Mildred Tilden I 0 ", Coal Creek—Miss I.............. of Edward NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That, 76.40 the University of Washington, in , u~ Prank Fairview Auxiliary ........... ' | All of said improvements to be (followed later by Mrs. Frank Cloverdale Auxiliary........... deceased. 50.00 company with Prof. A. R. Sweetser, made in accordance with the charter, Tillamook City, Oregon, invites pro­ Shrom) the improvement of that 52.55 of the University of Oregon, and his Johnson & Handley, Attorneys. I Holstein Breeders ’ Assn. .., . resolutions and ordinances of Tllla- posals for Fairview—Mrs. Frank Bester (fol­ of Seventh Street extending ' mook City and in accordance with portion 153.25 wife, came to us, and were taken to Wheeler Auxiliary ............. from the East side of Stillwell Ave lowed later by Mrs. Albert Marolf) Notice. the plans and specifications, and to Civic Club and Gem Theatre. . 50.26 the Sandlake bogs by the moss gath­ Die Wgst side pf MJJer Ave., by Garibaldi—Mrs. Frank Crane. ering committee, they expressing ------ 0 ---- . estimate vv V, Qt work therefore y.v.v.v.v u,-.v made and 475.00 paving tne same, together with pro­ Mountain Glen—Mrs. Annie John- Onion Peak Auxiliary......... 152.15 much surprise it the long, rough In the County Court of the State of prepared by the City Engineer of Bay City Auxiliary............. visions for curbs, surface drainage eon (followed later by Mrs. Speece) Mesdames. Hill, Johnson and Tillamook City, Oregon, filed in the and roads over which we were compelled Oregon for Tillamook County. other appurtenances; all in ac­ Mohler—Mrs. Agnes Stephens. In the matter of the last will and office of the City Recorder of said 61.55 to bring the moss, and much pleasure testament of Henry Lederer, deceas- Tillamook City. All of said lmprove- cordance with plans and specifications McGee ................................ Nehalem—Mrs. C. Pogue. therefor on file in the office of the City Beaver Auxiliary................. 135.00 in our abundance of moss, and our ed. menta to be made at the expense of Recorder. Bids will be received up to ........................................... Onion Peak—Mrs. A. Burns. 71.00 untiring efforts' in procuring it. Mountain Glen Auxiliary . . the property, and all thereof, adjac ­ Oretown—Mrs. Alexandria Rock. Notice is hereby given to all whom ent tbeieto and specially benefltted the 31 day of July, 1919, at 8 o’clock September 1st, 2nd and 3rd, was a The Tillamook Barbers .... 121.61 Pleasant Valley—Mrs. Chas Des­ it may concern, that the County by said improvements within the P. M. All proposals or bids must be continuous moss harvesting picnic, 350.00 I Calf from Jos. Durrer......... accompanied by certified check for 5 mond. with the Masons, Eastern Star, For­ Court by its order and decree made limits of the district established and per cent of the amount of the bid, pay­ Sandlake—Mrs. Maud Robertson. Horse from Ben Vantress .. 180.00 esters, and Tuesday the Wilson River and entered therein on the 12th day defined by this resolution, able to Tillamook City, as a guaranty 63.00 Wheeler—Mrs. Damoree, (followed 'Bouquet from Mrs. McGee.. 220.00 dairymen, in the lead; their efforts of July, 1919, the undersigned was Be it further resolved, that the that the successful bidder will enter Knights of Pythias Lodge . duly appointed the executor of tho plans, specifications and estimates by Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Ed. Benson into contract and furnish approved resulting in about 2000 sacks being last will and testament of the above for the proposed improvements so bond for the construction of said im­ and Mrs. Ethel Houser.) Total .......................... 82,722.99 added to our amount. Some of the made end prepared by the City En ­ provement within a reasonable time Yellow Fir—Miss Louise Lyster. named deceased, and all persons are gineer as aforesaid, the estimate of after contract is awarded. The right I am sure that this is incomplete. leading helpers at this time were hereby Soon after the organization of the notified having claims The sewing department was shared Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. against said estate to present them the probable total cost thereof being is reserved to reject any and all bids. Tillamook branch, the following Bert King, Atty and Mrs. H. T. Botts, the sum of 823,087.00, be and the Bids should be addressed to the under­ standing committees were appointed: by the whole county, and was direct­ Atty, and Mrs. S. S. Johnson, Atty, to the undersigned at his office in same are hereby approved. signed at Tillamook City, Oregon. ed during the entire period of the John Groat, Finance—Mesdames Frances B. Stranahi lan, , and Mrs. T. H. Goyne, Ross Shreve the county court house in Tillamook That the boundaries of the assess- war by Mrs. Fred Beals, with Mrs. Alex McNair and S. S. Johnson. City, Oregon, with the proper ment district t to be benefltted by City Recorder. and others. Membership—Mrs. Jennie McGee, , Webster Holmes and Mrs. Robert vouchers thereto within Bix (6) said improvements ________ and assessed Members of the Christian Church nmv «. Purchasing xu.vU-o...B —Mrs. ___ McGrath as cutters during the wint- and Mrs. E. Bales. months from the date of this notice, therefore are hereby established I as Notice to Contractor!. and Mrs. Luella Ier months. The captains in the sew­ went to the bogs on two occasions on Dated this 16th day ot July, 1919. follows; Botts, Mrs. 1 Boals, ____ ,___ contributed much week days, and G. B. Lamb. Executor of Beginning at a point on the West Nelson. Civilian Relief—Thos Coates ing rooms in Tillamook were: Mes- valuable service to this work. Notice is hereby given that the C. J. Edwards, C. A. McGee/ W. B. dames Dr. Smith, Todd, C. E. Gibson, the last Will and Testa- " °^?}lllwe,L4v?nue J.n Tillamook County Court of Tillamook County, But still more moss was needed, Aiderman, and publicity in charge of E. Bales^R. Kirk, Jones, M. Gru- ment of Henry Lederer, City, Oregon, 105 feet North of the will, until 10 o'clock a.m. of August North side of Third Street, and run­ and those who had gone repeatedly ber and Dr. Robinson. deceased. Mrs. Helen Hartford. ning thence West parallel with the 8, 1919 receive proposals for con­ were becoming weary, so on Monday, An accurate record ot all sewing The first war drive was staged be­ North lino of Third Street to the structing the section of coast high­ fore we were organized, with Rollie during the entire period was not kept the 16th of November, Mayor Boals Notice of Sale of Real Property by West boundary ot Tillamook City; way from Station 182 plus 50 to Sta- and the City Council of Tillamook, W. Watson, appointed by the State but the following Records which have thence South along the West bound­ tlon 261 plus 50 on Tillamook Bay Executrix. ary of Tillamook City to a point 105 City section according to the plans Committee as manager, he being been found may give some approxi­ issued a declaration that Wednesday o ably assisted by Rev C. C. Curtiss, mation ot the amount of work ac- of that week should be a holiday, Notice is hereby given, that the feet South of the South line of Third and that the entire population should undersigned, as Executrix of the last Street in Tillamook City; thence and specifications now on file with Rev. Addis Lacy. Mrs. Mary E. Mad­ complished: the County Clerk of Tillamook Coun­ dux, and Miss Helen Epplett. The Hospital bed shirts................... 300 go to Sandlake and make a last effort will and testament of W. J. Clemens, East parallel with the South line of ty, Oregon and at that time publicly Third Street to a point in the West quota given the county was 85000.00 Outing bed shirts...................... 250 to obtain a full quota before the deceased, in pursuance of an order side of Stillwell Avenue 105 feet opened and read. and the efforts of the committee Heavy bed shirts . .................... 175 winter rains set in, flooding the bogs of the Circuit Court of the State of South of the South line of Third Each proposal shall be in a sealed and making the roads impassable. I Twilled tape bed shirts 195 were rewarded with 85041.32. , Oregon, for the County of Multnom­ Street, and thence North along the envelope plainly marked on the out- Every store, garage, bank, and busi ­ 145 The executive committee, with Mr. Bed jackets ah sittipg in Probate, which "order West side of Stillwell Avenue to the side ''Proposal tor the construction 85 to 95 ness bouse, save the drug stores. was made and entered on the 20th pluce of beginning. F. C. Baker as manager, conducted Pajamas ... of Coast Highway Sta 182 plus 50 to 100 closed for the day, the people of the day of June, 1919, will, on Friday, That said assessment district shall 261 plus 50, and shall be accompan­ the first membership drive, our Pinafores country were notified, and the citi ­ be and is hereby designated as Local 150 quota being . 82500.00. Auxiliaries Boys suits . the 25th day of July, 1919, at the ied by cash, certified check or bid­ 240 zens of Tillamook County went to hour of ten (10:00) o’clock a.m. of Improvement District No. 10, and the der's bond equal in amount to 5 per had been organized in most parts of Shirts ........ propyty, and all thereof Included the scene of activity, to add the full 280 the county, and appointments were Boys blouses said day, at the office of Clemens, within said district, is described as cent of the total ot the amount bld, 218 contribution required of that with White & Colman, in room No. 200 follows: made, with the promise of speakers gw eaters ... the same to be made payable to Tll- 702 which nature bad so abundantly in the Stevens building in the City to help in public meetings, but the Socks ........... Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 1. tamook County. Proposals shall be blessed us for the benefit of the al ­ 18 storms became so intense and the Mufflers ... of Portland, Multnomah County, Lots 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. made on forms furnished by the lied armies in France. 7 rivers so swollen that when the dates Wristlets .. , Oregon, and thereafter until said "”<1 14, in Block 2; County Clerk. Altogether we harvested about property ' uu be d sold, offer lur for naie sale at at . , — Lots • — 1. 2, 3. and 4. in Block 3; arrived for speakers to go to various During the later part of the war, < hu , uiirr I The Court reserves the right to 7000 sacks of moss and no account of the following 3; anÌ m°c A '< JUli . parts of the county, bridges were ira- anj through the throng of refuge private eale t __ _______ _ described ________ I All I •> A' or all blds. Vf n 1 zv ■ ’ All In Maple Grove Addition to reject any passable both north and south of the sewing. Mrs. Beals was assisted in the work would be complete without real pioperty belonging to said es­ Homer Mason, County Clerk. Tillamook City. city, the train service was stopped, taxing responsibilities by Mrs. Robt. prominet mention of the difficulties tate, viz: First publication July 24, 1919. Lots 5. 6, 7. and 8, In Block 4; conveying this and the work had to be postponed. It McGrath, and great credit should be encountered in All of Lots numbered Twenty- Last publication, Aug. 7. 1919. Lots 5, 6. 7. and 8 In Block 5; amount of product over the rough was resumed the next week, how- awarded these two ladies for their nine (29) and Sixty-Eight (68), and Lots 1, 2, 3. and 4, in Block 4; ever, and a total of 2983 member- persistent faithfulness in discharging mountain road to the R. Il, and of the North Half (N<4) of Lots num- , Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 7; Senator Ashurst told the Tammany Lots 1. 2. 3, and 4, in Block 8. ships obtained., the little auxiliary their arduous duties, they even mak- the names of the firms of King A bered Twenty-eight (28) and Sixty- Society on the Fourth of July that Lots 1, 2. 3, and 4. In Block 9; at Brighton deserving special men- ing the boxes for the shipment of Crenshaw and the Coast Power Co., nine (69), in Block Numbered the Democratic party was entitled to whose trucks and services were giv­ thirty-nine (39) in Bayocean Park, I Lots 5. 6. 7, and 8, in Block 10. tion for sending in 826. with Mr. of the goods. the credit for winning the war. This i Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, In Block 11. and Mrs. Tom Watt largely instru- The Junior Red Crons was organ­ en so many times in the accomplish­ Tillamook County. Oregon. Is good stuff for the stay-at-honn All in Stillwell's Addition to Tilla- mental in securing them. ¡zed in many parts of the county by ment of this part of the work. Hgnry Said sale to be for cash, one-fourth mook, or Tillamook City. politicians to hand out among the Following are some of the commit- co. School Superintendent G. B. Crenshaw deserving special mention (% ) of the purchase price to be Tract beginning at the intersection boys who did the fighting. They like tees that served In Tillamook: Lamb, and a goodly amount of help- for this tireless personal service. paid at the time of sale, and the re- of the West aide of Stillwell Avenue it. cross o: CITY: C. Baker, i Tillamook of orj B. J. B. Gilli 4gl ’ortland Chaht ted Cross ai*H’ Faye F. Cat Up, service work to meet with;fl nook County; B he meeting*.). were appolAtt chapter, as thi lad been unlm vith enough'a ct. These self« rs pro tem, gnj ting can be ia] ors and meftll lect officers^/, the III. rs of the ER m nted by the ‘'j ChairinagM bairman, M m J ary, Mrs. A.lj Chester M c GM lachel Stanley i. Gillingham; * disappointed ay night, aa 1 he had wanted! ne. The Red Cl concern, and <1 the ínteres!' ij the Red Croqa active ordin , seems to IM i who are st, but boss is a and will ver there i keep is being and It nlcs and lay be and i in every ork. . nbers of the1 ting with thi Edwards, F. Dr. D. B ly Coatee, i i planned to èri of the ,dl Ing them of i Portland d *.o come to ‘I meeting to( nent officer! directors hi ioctors, C. Ji R. T. Boa ion and Dr. | ienry Crenel Iwards, J. I, E. E. Koch nlngton, C. , nil. Geo. La| if. Holmes, N Mrs. Robieo tert King, h John Groaf I, B. C. Lam Irodhead, Ra Geo.Williaj Heaston, W Rosenbérg R Button, Ja Merrll Smiti Harrison, j nd ley, Hotnd « appointed inty are: 94 ni Watt, Bri Nehalein; ; A. J. Joni well, Fair^l Prairie; Joi 'has Ray, C| ; J. J HolH -ell, Moun Oretown; Ö Evide Ro «e Evldeni ma in 111 be I ills of the which the addon, a o S' t t but she nd refuses of her • does not 4 With jetty they stayed at the hot T