TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 31, 1919. What the Editors Say ------- o----- The automobile dealers, all say, that they can’t Jill their orders for cars. It's the greatest year for auto­ mobile purchases ever recorded in the annals of the state.—News Re­ porter. ------ o------- Sir Edward Carson advises Ameri­ cans to "attend to their own affairs.” But. dear Sir Edward, you must re­ member that we have none to attend to. The League of Nations ‘is there to settle" our affairs— on the ratio of six British voices to one for Amer­ ica.—Economist . *'4 wii / «hip in th. indu.tri.1 and profeuion. •• follow. : HOME ECONOMICS. AGRICULTURE. COMMERCE. FORESTRY. PHARMACY. MUSIC. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. CIVIL ENGINEERING. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. MINING ENGINEERING. LOGGING ENGINEERING. MILITARY SCIENCE. The Coll.« traininc inWudr. courm in EnctUh. Economic., Art. Mathematic.. Modern L«n«u«««, Phy.k.l Eduction. Indwtri.l Journaliam. Natural Science., and all eaeential. of an education Three regular term»—Fall term begins September 22, 1919 le ■ TSS7 ^MU4 For Colles« Catelof. lUuetreted Booklet end other information ad drew THB RKOISTRAR, Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallie European governments and steam­ ship lines are already .advertising for travel from America .to see the war devastated East. Only a morbid cur­ iosity could lead the* traveler hunt­ ing recreation to visit such a scene. Americans should see their own country, and no section affords more real pleasure in summer than a visit to the Pacific Northwest, and partic­ ularly Oregon. When Oregon gets her good roads linked up for auto travel we may expect this state to become the paradise of the west for the traveling public who seek beau­ tiful scenery and a salubrious cli­ mate. There is need for greater ad­ vertising to induce visitors by mak­ ing our merits known.—Telephone Register. ------ o------ The Independent’s prediction .of a few weeks ago that even if Henry Ford won his libel suit against the Chicago Tribune he would ldse what money could not repay appears to be borne out by recent proceedings Jn the trial. These indicate that while Ford had the ability to make money, that was all, and opinions and poli­ cies promulgated as his own where bought from hired servants. He ad- mitted ignorance of common histori- | cal facts and questioning elicited the fact that pacifist advertising and ‘ propaganda was prepared by his press bureau and circulated over his name without his knowing just what The Swanson Speech. (it meant. One illustration of the -------o------ I whole sorry mess will suffice and The “ Pith, nub and kernel” of ; give an irea of the mischief ignor- , ance adequately financed can do. Senator Swanson’s pro-league speech Ford opposed preparedness when it in the Senate Monday was: “That a state reserves its full sov­ i was certain we would be drawn into I the world war, and said the existing ereignty is conclusively settled by army was ample for all requirements. tlie provisions allowing any member ! Now that we know what the designs to withdraw.” of the former German government Withdraw it may, indeed, but how were we know how ample it was, but Boon and upon what terms? Turn to that is not the worst of it, for Ford Article I of the covenant: when questioned could not tell how “Any member of the league~may, many men were in the army he as­ after two years notice of its intention serted was adequate, where the units so to do, withdraw from the league, were located or how well equipped it provided that all its international waB. It was the same jumping at con­ obligations and all its obligations clusions and lack of grasp of the true under this covenant shall have been situation which sent the absured fulfilled at the time of its withdraw­ peace ship laden with long-haired al.” men and short-haired women to Eu­ Much can happen to a country sur­ rope, and in spite of it all the pres­ rendering its independence even for ent administration presented him as two years, and, anyway, who is going a personal candidate for United to decide that all important things States senator from Michigan. All in covered by the joker beginning with ulls what can we dub the trial but an the word ‘provided?” indecent exposure.—Independent. Somebody Tells Lies, Have you seenftthe Mode! 90 Overland Car ? Like the one that broke the world’s record at Oklahoma, going 7 days without a stop. CHAS. F. PANKOW, Star Garage, Tillamook The Tillamook Transfer Co., hus contracted the wood output of the Coats Lumber Co., Mill If the wood supply from this plant is not suf­ ficient for the local demand we will fill orders from other sources. Place your order» for wood with us. TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO., LIBERTY T 5L1 PLE MMM and-down lie itself. An instance of this last occurs in the case of charge 42, which reads: “During the past winter and spring streams of ice-cold water were pour­ ed upon men confined in goal, and they were compelled to lie all night on cold floors in unheated sells in their wet clothing. Many of them were afterwards removed to hospit­ als suffering from pneumonia.” To which the answer is as follows: “These statements are untrue. The following constitutes the only pretex for making such a charge;—On one occasion in February last, four pris- oners in Mountjoy Prison, after ex- ercise, instead of returning to their cells, climbed up to a ledge upon tl|r roof of one of the wings of the pris- on. They could not be reached or in­ duced to come down, and, after being repeatedly cautioned that if they did not come down the hose would be used, it became necessary to get them down to use it. They did come'down. The incident occurred in the presence of the visiting Justices. Changes of clothing were at once provided for these prisoners. Two of them availed themselves of the change of clothing. The Medical Officer took charge of the other two, and had one of them removed to the hospital and the other to bed. No illness resulted to any of the prisoners.” As an instance of the flat denial type of reply, the case of charge 14 may be cited: “Charge—Many of the persons the delegates met in the vicinity of West­ port corroborated the stories of bru­ tal treatment to which prisoners in Westpont goal were being subjected, the details being horrible beyond lief. “Reply to charge—There is prison in Westpont." And so on through the entire of-47 charges and answers. It is open to anybody to say which side is a monumental liar. One side or the other is. To date, that is the only un­ qualified certainty that emerges from the controversy. Y'^OU LL like Firestone Gray Sidewall Tires and Firestone Methods. The organization that makes good tires obtains good dealers. Naturally car owners find satisfac­ tion in both. What Mr. Wilson Used to Think Be­ fore He Began to Work on a World Constitution. (From Harvey’s Weekly) is fair that-those journals which I space to give to the report on “There are actually men in Ameri­ conditions in Ireland made by the ca who are preaching war, who are visiti.ig delegates, Messrs Dunn and preaching lhe duty of the United Walsh, should gi' e equal space to States to do what it never would be­ the formal and specific denials of the fore, seek entanglements in the con­ Dunn-Wulsh charges which the troversies which have arisen on the Chief Secretary for Ireland has other side of tile water—abandon its recently made public. The London habitual and traditional policy, and Times of June IS devotes an entire deliberately engage in the conflict pu”, j to these charges and t he ans- which is now engulfing the rest of wets thereto. Chr. rge and answer the world. 1 do not know what the , confront each other i.i parallel col- standard of citizenship of these gen­ tinins of type. '1 here are 47 specifi- tlemen may be. I only know that I, I cations and 47 re joiners. for one, cannot subscribe to those When these_ shocking Dunn-Wulsh standards.”—From a speech by Pres­ accusations were .J first made public ident Wilson at Des Moines, Iowa, ¡they aroused emotions of intense in­ 1 1914,nine months after the sinking dignation and, indeed, of absolute of the Lusitania and 18 months after ■ horror. Even the cold-blooded vil- I the invasion of Belgium. lians of the Bolshevik madmen of I "When we resist, therefore—when I Russia but little exceeded the atroci­ I, as a Democrat, resist—the concen­ ties which Mr. Dunn and Mr. Walsh tration of power, I am resisting the accused English Government officials processes of death, because concen- of practicing in Ireland. The indig­ ’ tration of pow-er is what always pre­ nation and the horror were not con­ cedes the destruction of human ini­ fined to this side of the water. They tiative and therefore of human ener­ were felt and found vigorous express­ gy.”—From a speech by Woodrow ion in England itself. There was a Wilson in 1912. premptory demand that those respon­ “The theory of government which sible make immediate answer. I decline to subscribe to is that the That answer has now appeared and i vitality of the nation comes out of after careful reading of it there can (the closeted councils where a few men remain no question in the mind that determine the policy of the country.” 1 either Messrs Dunn and Walsh lied J—President Wilson at Philadelphia, deliberately, maliciously and so out- 1916. rageously as to verge on. the grotes­ que, or that the authorities who re­ I The twelve thousand doughboys at plied to them are liars correspond­ Brest who might have been brought ingly conscienceless and Infamous. home on the George Washington There is no middle ground. Either while It rode in the harbor for six I Messrs Dunn and Walsh or the Eng­ weeks awaiting the convenience of lish government authorities are the the preBidental party, doubtless ap greatest liars that ever set their . predate the full force of the declara­ hands to a public document. You may tion of the first platform upon which read the statements of both and take 1 Mr. Wilson was elected demanding 3 your choice as to which of the two "return to that simplicity and econ- I you will thus brand. It is flatly eith­ omy befitting a democratic govern- er one side or the other. There can ment.” ------ o------ be no compromise. It is, of course, Impossible within The New York Times expresses the i the space restrictions of this publi­ hope that the Carranza government cation to give even the most condens- will by its course "avert resolute ac­ i ed outline of the remarkable docu­ tion by the United States in defense ment the Times publishes. It can [of its citiiens in Mexico.” In these 1 ¡¡only be said that each and every one (days of watchful wobbling there Is I i of the 47 charges formulated by no trouble at all averting any action I Messrs. Walsh and Dunn is either of that kind, as the record of the I denied flatly and in toto, or with past six years clearly demonstrates. such specifications as to fhe facts on — o------- which the charge was possibly based Don't blame A. Mitchell Palmer as to make the formulation of such for creating fifteen thousand dollar an accusation on materials so paltry jobs for friends of the administra­ even more shamelessly contemptible tion. Everybody's been doing it and I than would have been a straight, up- why not paae prosperity aroundf Jirestone TIRES Most Miles per Dollar AND ALL KINDS OF TRADE All Work u GUARANTEED L V c A N I z We carry a Full Line of United States Tfres, Also Used Tires and Tubes. We take your Tires in Exchange. I N W est C oast R ubber C o G Todd Betel Building, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. 9 R E p A I R 1 N G