TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 31, 1919. « » Marguerite QaiK GEM THEATRE TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 Marguerite Clark in “Out of a Clear Sky.” I Miss Clark is seen as a Belgian Princess, forced to leave her own country, she comes to America. She is introduced to her future husband by a bolt of lightening “Out of a Clear Sky.’’ You had better see the pic­ ture. It’s a dandy. Pathe News « CAaWM» I THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, “THE STRANGE WOMAN »> William Fox Production featuring Gladys Brockwell. 4 * Before marriage a girl is a dear ; afterwards, she’s cheap at any price. “The Strange Woman,” who learned this truth at some cost, will spread the news from the screen on the above date. Don’t pass it up. An Amateur Liar.” «Out of a ClearSky » Therefore, we ask the citizens of NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM­ property, and all thereof included The Beach vs Miami Route. CHAUTAUQUA TO COME AGAIN the bargain. PROVE CERTAIN STREETS IN within said district is described as Mr. Ray recently had a session Tillamook to assist us in fighting the ------ o------ NEXT YEAR. TILLAMOOK CITY, OREGON. follows: with the dentist which is the result fire fiend, by eliminating careless­ The State Highway Commission —-—o------ The South half of Blocks 15, 16, 22, ine »outn nan oi biocks id , io , zz, win meet in por..„nd nPY. T„part„v of youthful vanity. When he was a ness and cultivating carefulness. J. and 43, and whole - of ... Blocks 23, 24, when it ® , r ^"r ^nd tt,.it next Tuesday, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all 42 — — — — . Sufficient Number of Signers Secur­ lad he thought it would be fine to ls exPected that It ».ill will t,.. be whom it may concern, that the Com­ 25, 26, 27, 28, 44, 45, 46 and 47, and I ed to Bring Organization Back. have some gold in his teeth, so he Council of Tillamook City, Ore- the North half of Block 29, 30, 48 and | decided whether the beach or the Mercantile Company ' mon ------ o------ discovered a couple of small cavities Cloverdale gon, deeming it expedient to improve 49 of Thayer’s Addition, or Additions, Miami will be designated the state Changes Hands. ! the streets hereinafter described, did, to what Ts now Tillamook City: highway. A large delegation from At the final night of the success­ in two front molars. The dentist in­ on the 21st day of July, 1919, adopt ------ o------ The South half of Blocks 3 and 4, Wheeler and Nehalem with a num- ful cliautauqua season just closed serted bits of gold which looked fine P. E. Rogers who was with the a resolution for said improvement, J and all of Blocks 5 and 6 of R. R. ber of business men from this city Miss Inez Bristol, the director, an- in the eyes of the young man and said resolution is in words and Hays’ Addition to the Town of Tilla­ will go to Portland with the object Star Grocery in this city, has bought which were the envy of his associates. But for next pounced that the contract figures as follows, to-wit: mook (now Tillamook City.) the Cloverdale Mercantile Co. ’ s stock in the pictures they looked anything RESOLUTION AND NOTICE OF Blocks 1, 2 and 3, and Lots 1, 2, in view of having the beach route year had been signed, and Tillamook at Cloverdale and took charge of that but that. So Charles took advantage INTENTION TO IMPROVE CER ­ 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and the North half selected. There is a strong sentiment would have the privilege again of TAIN STREETS IN TILLAMOOK of Lot 8 in Block 4 of Drew’s Addi­ in favor of the beach route by the of life vacation to have them removed business on Monday. Mr. Rogers is a Chautauqua’s entertainers. CITY, OREGON. of Tillamook City. business men of this city, and it Is The week just closed has been a and replaced by porcelain. The Ray good, wide-awake business man and BE IT RESOLVED that the Common tion All of Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 success in every way—financially, smile will be more than ever attrac­ we are confident he will be a good Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, and 9 Norton's of Addition to Tilla­ hoped by then the commission will favor that route. The County Court acquisition to the city on the Nestuc- deems it expedient and hereby declares mook City. optically, esthetically and intellectu­ tive now. ca river. Mr. Ray, who is the old its intention to improve following ally. The eye has been pleased with All of Block’s 1, 2, 3 and 4 of will also appear before the commis­ timer there, retires from the business streets in said City, to-wit: Sunnymead Addition to Tillamook sion for the purpose of coming to an the fine appearance of the actors, I FIRE MARSHALS BEGIN and being the pioneer business man Ninth Street, from the East line of City, except the North half of Lots understanding about hardsurfacing the symphony of the musicals and the INSPECTION HERE. roads in this county. of Cloverdale, his long residence Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook City, 6 and 7 in Block 2; ------ o ■ - excellent, thought-inspiring talks of Oregon, West to Stillwell Avenue; | Tract beginning at the Southwest the lecturers has helped many to a Will Report to Ciay What Building» there gave him many staunch Tenth Street, from the East side of corner _______________________ ,_______ of Block 2 of Sunnymead Ad- Ethel Clayton’s Picture Based On friends. new vision. The seat sale was over­ Thayer’s Aaddition to Stillwell Avenue dition to Tillamook City, and running Are Unsafe. Complete Survey M’Cutcheon Novel. subscribed, making a sound financial and from the West line of Lot 1 I thence North 105 feet; thence West ------- o------- Planned. Missionary to Speak. Block 3, Sunnymead Addition to Tilla-; to the West line (extended) of Nor- gain for the system. The Chautauqua Ethel Clayton, the talanted, beau­ mook City West to Third Avenue ton ’ s Addition to Tillamook City; is rapidly doing away with the old Deputy State Fire Marshals, Geo. z thence South to the Northwest corner tiful and versatile Paramount Btar, Next Sunday night, August 3, Miss West; Assertions that high class entertain­ W. Stokes and Gilbert W. Allen ar­ Eleventh Street from the East line' of Norton’s Addition u rui«n.nnu w ill be seen In the "Mystery Girl" at to r Tillamook Agnes Gardner from Massachusetts, ment could not be a financial success rived in Tillamook yesterday, for the of Thayer’s Addition to Stillwell Ave­ City, thence East to the northeast the Gem Theatre next Monday. an outgoing niissionery to India, will in America, and credit is due to purpose ot assisting the City Officials nue, and corner of Block 2 of said Norton’s George Barr McCutcheon has the Ellison and White for making this to eliminate the careless fires, and to speak at the Nazarene church at 8 Twelfth Street, from the West side ' Z1.UUIL1UH LU Tillamook 1111UII1UUA UHJ. VI1C11W reputation of never writing a dry Addition to City; thence o'clock. For seven years this gifted of First Avenue East to Stillwell Ave- | South to the North line of 10th Street; possible. make the City of Tillamook as near- story. His imagination is vivid and The Junior Chautauquans pleased ' ly fire proof as it is possible for a woman has been preparing for her nue, and from Stillwell Avenue to ' thence East to the place of beginning. he puts a great deal of originality Third Avenue West. Tract beginning at the Northwest life work, and the story of her call their friends and relatives greatly I city to be with ___ _______ , old _________ so many shacks Also 1st Avenue East, from a point corner of Block 3 of Sunnymead Addi- into his books, coupled with a whim­ when they put on the closing Pase-I^nd ¿he Fire Mar­ and the great difficulties overcome 70 feet South of Tenth Street to a tion to Tillamook City, and running sical and fantastic humor, and a land fire fire traps. trans. Today Today til ant, -"The Boy Who Wanted to be a J slials will study the city ordinances during the long preparation are en­ point 125 feet North of the Easterly thence West to the Northeast corner genius for invention that renders Farmer.” Miss Bess Bagley, who di­ ! relative to fire hazards an,d fire save- couraging and inspiring to those in portion of 12th Street; i of Lot 1 in Block 3 of Norton’s Addi- them entirely different from the Stillwell Avenue, from 9th Street tion to Tillamook City; thence South average best seller. rected the performance, and coached ' guards, this will be succeeded by in­ all walks of life. Miss Gardner is not only an accredited deaconess but has South to the Easterly portion of 12th to the North line of the Easterly part the actors in five short days deserves spection of fire apparatus, water 'Green Fancy” was a striking story I of Lot 3 in Block 3; thence East to a great deal of credit, some of which 1 pressure, and inspection of public had a number of years of training as Street; First Avenue^ West, and an extens- the West line of Block 3 of Sunnymead but it Is said to have been improved sympa-| " . . : . - „„ J , , ' a nurse in hospitals and homes in the audience showed by y , their sympa ­ and then b and business buildings. The deputies ion thereof, from a point in the Addition to Tillamook City; thence by its transference to the screen, thetic smiles and nods, •’lapping. The ex»ect t0 tel1 the city frankly what varoius parts of the country, and was center of 9th Street (extended) South North to the place of beginning. The change in title gives a better llv at one time superintendent of a hos- the cheerful handclapping, of 12th Street. | Tract bounded on the North by idea of what it is about, for Alias ' ____ ___ _ is wrong and what is right. The ex- England. This service is Second Avenue West, from a point Block 3 of Drew’s Addition to Tilla­ Clayton is truly a girl of mystery children of Tillamook, showed capa­ i pense of the survey is born by the j P J ito1 ln * New 1— . nr THL.nwv.V „nd bility and brains to learn to do the ' state, and will cost the city nothing. free to the citizens of Tillamook and 100 feet North of the center of 11th mook City; on the West by Stillwell and a very charming one. vicinity and to strangers as well. A Street South to the center of 12th Avenue; on the East by 1st Avenue things they did, and speak their There is a lot of trouble about Ibe deputies state in regard to fire _ I ____ East, , and on the South by 12th parts in so short a time. Miss Bagley losses, thut many say and feel silver offering will be taken to de­ Street. crown jewels of an imaginary prin­ Third Avenue West, from the inter- Street. fray the local traveling expenses of said. that there ls no loss because section of the center of 10th Street Tract bounded on the North by Lot cipality, and the war is introduced The Hippie Concert Company play­ the Insurance Companies pay the the missionary. It is hoped that Miss with 3rd Avenue West South and ' 5 of Block 4, Drew’s Addition to Till- through the fact that the heroine is be accorded a large Southerly to the center of 12th Street. ' amook City; on the west by 1st Ave- at first seen as an ambulanoe driver Gardner will ed many instruments in a versatile loss. They fail to see the res- By laying and constructing a sewer nue East; on the South by 12th Street In the battle zone, while the hero, way, playing selections from the best trqction of wealth, the blotting out audience for she will say things of works of the great masters . The or destroying of much property that great interest and helpfulness to all. along said portions of said streets, ’ and on the East by the center line played by Henry Woodward, is an South Sunday services will be as follows: and from the point of the intersection (extended) running North and ¡south second Hungarian rhapsody of Liszt, can never be restored. It ls uut of the -------"- Dl — 4 ■* ~ v» —■■■’» through Block sgi«l Drew ’s Addi- American Army Captain, invalided 10 a.m. Sunday School, William of 12th Street sewer with the sewer ■** played as a xylophone solo, by Mr. world, and represents so much effort home because of a smoker’s heart. to be constructed along the line of ition' Hippie with orchestral accompani­ and toll in the time, energy, and life Fletcher In charge. There is adventure, thrill, excite­ Third Avenue West, running in a Tract beginning at the intersection sermon by the 11 a.m. Morning ment, was one of the finest and most of some man or men to say nothing Southerly direction to Trask River. , I ! of the South line of 12th Street ment and hpmor in the story and difficult things of the entire program of the destruction of things that pastor, Rev. A. F. Ingler. All of said i improvements . > be with the West line of the street the ending is said to be distinctly 7:30 p.m., Peoples' service led by made in accordance with the Marshall Louis Merten, Saturday’s were perhaps years and years in nee charter, ' Or road leading South from Tillamook charming. Harray Fletcher. resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ i I City, and running thence South 105 lecturer had the message of the growing. mook City, and in accordance with the feet; thence West to a point 1»? 8 p.m., “The Call of the Mission­ “Blue Bird”, of Maeterlinck’s to give * r It is true the insurance companies ♦ and specifications, and estimates ( West of the west 1 me of Stillwell Notice. 4 That happiness rested in you, and at pay many losses, reimbursing partly ary,” By Miss Gardner. Mid-week plans of work therefor, made and prepared Avenue, and 105 feet South of the ------ o— home, not in travels . or wanderings. at least, the loss of the individual, service on Thursday at 8 p.m. All by the City Engineer of Tillamook South line (extended) of the Epster y In the County Court of the State of He said a person might live and see I but these companies have already col- welcome. dity, Oregon, Oregon, filed in the office of the portion of 12th Street; thence North Oregon, for the County of Tillamobk, City, more in two days at home than an­ I lected for these in premiums paid City Recorder of said Tillamook City, to the South line of the Edrick Jn the matter of the Estate of A. Circuit Court Cases. other might see in several year’s them, or must do so afterwards. The All of said improvements to be made Thome» DPDfitibU Land Claim; thencs - -o------ •» W. Fox, deceased; t * ,‘j, at the expensé of the property, and East to the West line of Stillwell foreign travel. Bess Gearheart Morri­ premium is the measure of the haz­ I lo The cost in the suit of Nehalem . all thereof adjacent thereto and spe- I Avenue; thence South to the South Notice is hereby given to all to son renewed her old friendship when ard and must be Increased by heavy she spoke Friday. Her quality of be­ losses, and go down as the losses de- Telephone and Telegraph Co. vs. Pa­ cially benefitted by said improvements line of 12th Street; thence East tq whom it may concern, that the un­ • cific Telephone and Telegraph Co., I within the limits of the district es- — . the place of beginning. —- dersigned has been by the County ing just like home folks, and real I crease. which was dismissed was placed at tablished and defined by this resolut­ Tract beginning at the intersection Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, human, that has endeared her over ion. The property burned and so des- $75.50 against the plaintiff. I of the East line of Second Avenue much of America, made her success­ i troyed must be replaced with the Be it further resolved that the plans, East with the North line of 11th duly appointed Administrator of the . A. M. Commons vs Frank and Flora specifications and estimates for the ful here also. Street and running thence East to the Estate of A. W. Fox, deceased; and money, time, work, and energy that proposed improvements so made and West line of Third Avenue East; all persons having claims against Altogether, everyone was quite otherwise would be used elsewhere in Carver. Dismissed. thoroughly satisfied with the Chau­ building or in adding to the possess­ I L. D. Smith vs. Chas Kunze et all. prepared by the City Engineer as a- thence South 105 feet; thence West said estate are hereby notified to the estimate of the probable to vvr MV. VIIU /X»CilUC j UOL j thence North present same duly verified, as by law Second Avenue L East; tauqua, and by a unanimous stand­ ions or wealth of the community, Demurrer overruled and defendants foresaid, total cost thereof being the sum of to place of beginning. required, to the undersigned, or to ing vote asked for the return of the Think of the fact that one half at given until August 1st to answer. I _ . | Mrs. E. H. Best vs. Alfred Johnson. $13,199.76, be and the same are here­ That the City Recorder be, and ahi his attorney John Leland Henderson, same management for next year. by approved. least of the value of all buildings Dismissed. I is hereby instructed te JUJwe this re­ at Tillamook, Oregon, within six That the boundaries of the assess­ solution and notice to be published erected in any one year are destroy- ment district to be benefitted by said for three consecutive publications in months from this date. Bay Foils Crook in New Photoplay. ed by tije during the year. Without Notice. improvements and assessed therefor the Tillamook Herald and the Tilla­ Dated July 31Bt, 1919, the first this great loss and destruction there ------ o------ ■------o------ i are hereby established as follows: a mook Headlight, the city official news­ publication of this notice. would remain not only the burned j Having sold my store and business Beginning at the center of the east papers; that the City Engineer is In his new Thomas H. Ince-Para­ George J. Scharff, Ad ­ i buildings, but the fire insurance at Hemlock to Mr. C. Nielson, I want line of Block 49 of Thayer’s Addition directed to cause to be conspicuously mount photoplay, ‘String Beans,” in ministrator of the estate which he will be seen at the Gem premiums paid, and it would be in­ to, thank the people of Tillamook to Tillamook Citv, Oregon, and run­ posted at each end of the line of of A. W. Fox, deceased. ning thence North along the East line the propsed improvement a copy of Theatre next Wednesday, August 6, teresting to know how much this County for the good business they of said addition to a point in the cent­ this resolution and notice within three John Leland Henderson, would amount to in the saving of have given me in the past. Charles Ray appears as the country er of the East line of Block 42 of said Mr. Nielson is an experienced Addition; running thence West to a days from the date of the first public­ Attorney for said estate. boy who puts the schemes of a any community or country. Some may obtain a temporary ben ­ business man and will improve and point 375 feet West of the West line » ation of such notice, and that all per­ shrewd “bunco" artist from the city sons concerned be thereby notified of Bids Wanted to Bnild School House. to naught. The idea Is to raise money efit by a fire when he is overinsured continue the business along lines de­ oPStillwell Avenue and 105 feet North the date of the first publication of ------ o------ and gets more than his property is of the North line of 9th Street (ex ­ serving of your best trade. from the farmers to start a string said notice, and that objections and The Board of Directors of School tended); thence South to a point 105 I worth, but his neighbors and his i All accounts up to July 9 are due remonstrances to the proposed im­ District No. 28, Mohler, Oregon, will bean canning factory—but it is a feet North of the North line of 10th swindle and Mr. Ray as Toby Kat- community lose, and the world is and payable now to E. G. Anderson, Street; thence West to the West line provements may be filed witn the receive bids for the construction of a Recorder within 20 days from kins, the no-account lad from the just that much poorer by the loss of after that date to Mr. Nielson. (extended) of Norton’s Addition to date of said notice. two room school house. Plans and the burned property that is destroy- . E. G. Anderson, farm, upsets the whole thing and Tilamook City; thence South to the specifications can be seen at the Ail persons concerned are hereby Hemlock, Ore. | South line of Edrick Thomas Donation notified that said resolution was a- home of H. H. Tubeslng, chairman. finally wins the mayor’s daughter in ed and lost forever. Land Claim; thence East along said dopted on the date aforesaid; that the All bids must be in by one o'clock I South line of the Edrick Thomas Don­ first publication of this notoice is made p.m. on the Sth day of August, 1919, ation Land Claim to the Southwest July 31, 1919, and that objections and tóSB5Z52SZS2S2SZS2S2SZSZSE5E5E5H5é25ZSE525E5ZSZSZSH5ESH52SZSH5H52525ZSZ525HSH5Z5Z5H5i2525ZSZ525íáZ525Z5ZS25 corner of Lot 3 in Block 9 of Norton's remonstrances to the proposed im­ and must be accompanied by suffi­ i Addition to Tillamook City; thence provement may be filed witn the City cient security. Board of directors re­ South to a point 105 feet South of the Recorder within 20 days from sa.d serves the right to rejeet any or all South line (extended) of the Easterly date. blds. portion of 12th Street; thence East1 Done by order of the Common Council A. D. Lommen, to the West line of the street or road of Tillamook City, Oregon. Clerk Diet. No. 28 i leading South from Tillamook City; Dated July 30, 1919. Mohler, Oregon. I thence North to the North line of the Frances B. Stranahan, City Recorder Easterly portion of 12th Street; thence 1 of Tillamook City, Oregon. I East to point South of the center line Announcement. (extended) of Block 4 of Drew’s Add­ i ition to Tillamook City; thence North Men Wanted. Twentieth Century wood saw now to a point 105 feet South of the South in operation. line of 11th Street; thence East to the For planing mill work. Day and Ail orders promptly attended to. f place of beginning. F • Da MITCHELL AU are Welcome. $ au welcome. Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave orders That said assessment district shall night—eight hour shifts. Apply or write to Chas. K. Spauld­ at Star Grocery or Sutton’s Market. i be and is herby designated as Local @e5eSRSZ52529RXS25Z5R5R5R5Z5Z5Z525Z52S2SeS252S252S25252525!52525252S2S25 !SZ52SB52SBSZS2SZ5Z5Z5E5Z525B5cSr Improvement District No. 11, and the ing Logging Co., Newberg, Oregon. Karl Wilhelms. This Beautiful Resort is being well Patronized this Season. tB^Mayed at the ho| 1 CROSS 0 CITY: C. Baker, Tillamook of or s. J. B. Gill! ‘ortland Ch fed Cross arN’ 'aye F. Catlin, service work ' o meet with,« nook County I he meeting^ were appolf’ chapter, as lad been un| dth enough ct. These sei, rs pro teih, jL ting can be Af ors and meMl1 lect officers./ the meeting^ rs of the ■ ■tted by the Chairma» bairman, M ary, Mrs. A. Chester McC lachel Stanl Gillingham ' disappointed ay night, as le had wantei ite. The Red C concern, and t the interest I the Red CA" active ord« , seems to C > who are st, but this? l oss is a pe and will J ver there it i keep going,, onst ruction» is being caa and it serv« tiles and big- lay be need« and stronki i in every i ork. nbers of th« ting with tk Edwards, F. Dr. D. J y Coates. 1 planned to era of the ,4 Ing them of i Portland e to come to 1 meeting to nent officer directors b ioctors, C. J R. T. Boi Kin and Dr. (enry Crens Iwards, J. i, E. E. Koe nington, C. nil, Geo. Li Holmes, 1 Mrs. Robin lert King, I John Groa I, B. C. Lam Irodhead, Ra Geo.Williai Heaston, W Rosenbdrr ■ Sutton, Je Merril Smit! Harrison, , ndley, Hon» ■e appointed inty are: ■ ni Watt, Bn Nehalem’; ; A. J. Joni well, FalrvI Prairie; Joi 'has Ray, C> ; J. J Hold ell, Moua Oretown; C Evident Ron «■ Evidence* ma in wht< 11 be preseJ > Satuida/, ills of the c~ which exit I he inounti adelon, a y o wonianh. >e Hie prom Madelon, ’■ t but she