TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 31, 1919, ZTillamnuk ffipuhlfllht dl«®PPo‘nting to the large audience, through the medium of the Chautau-'south side of Nehalem bay, , when the For Life Insurance, there i* nothin? W41 n. there is no doubt that Mr. Bryan qua platform. I believe that in that beach MICKIE SAYS beach road road will will be be built. built. It It is simply better than what the Mas*. Mutual ; was a sincere advocate of national way I was best able to serve the peo­ a question of time, but we are all apt Fred C. Baker, Editor. otters. Ask to nee specimen policy prohibition, yet when it was propos­ ple by a discussion of measures of re­ to crave too much road improvement /^you niay ari Moat PKoea —W. A. Church. « FS« T he money in T he B io ed some few years ago that the Ne­ form and of current politics.” Thus in this or that locality without get­ SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 braska Democratic platform contaiu did he seek to convey the impressiion city papers , but you don ' t ting down to facts and figures and Obtain your wood from the Tillamook REAO E'JR.Y CINE IN 'EM, IN- a "dry” plank, Mr. Bryan sent a of his altruistic Intentions, whereas what it is going to cost. We have Transfer Co. Liberty Temple. Advertising Rate*. CUUOiNO THE AOS, LIKE YOU telegram advising against doing so, if he had stated that he had thus heard it repeatedly stated that the OO IN THE HOME PAPER Display Advts, per inch • • 20c. contending that it might injure the ' sought to "serve the public” at from draw bridge at Wheeler would not Tillamook Feed Co. buys hides. Come 99 99 OO YOU ?’ iu and investigate their prices. ” . .half page 17%c. Democratic party of that state by *100 to *500 per serve, plus at all cost more than 30,900, and now we doing so, which only proved that Mr. »9 99 times a percent of the gate receipts, are all thunder struck when the en- ” ... full page 15c. Bryan was more interested in the For vulcanizing and tire repairs see his• benevolent intentions would not gineers estimate it at over *200,000. Local* ........... per line J. C. Holden at City Vulcanising 7c. Democratic party at that time than have appeared so- wholly disinterest­ which is more money than is raised and Tire Shop, opposite P. O. Reader*, with reading matter in the prohibition party. ed. He "earned” in the neighborhood every year tor road work in the ------ o------ per line............................... of *700 last Sunday denouncing prof­ whole county. 7c. Used tires bought and sold—City Mr. Bryan is opposed to the new iteers. | Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. Vulcanizing and Tire Shop, oppo­ triple alliance between France, Eng- From what we can learn Mr. Bryan I It is not long since that the south site P. O. • land and the United Slates. The con­ is paid *250.00 for each address and part of the county was divided ditions of the treaty being that a percent of the receipts, so when he whether the state highway should go If you are contemplating buying a Bryan “Come Backs.” should Germany invade France, the makes two addresses in a city he re­ by way of Three rivers or the Little drag saw see the Tillamook Feed ------ Q------ United States and England are to go ceives *500.00 and a certain percent Nestucca. We were in favor of the Co and get prices. 1 he local Democrats appeared a lit­ to the assistance of France. Why, | of the gate money. And that’s the tle chesty and swelled up when Bry­ that’s awful tor a Democrat to op- man who'talked against the railroad latter but the State Highway Com­ Films, Cameras and Photo Supplies mission decided in favor of the form­ Films developed 10c. with print an came to this city Friday. pose President Wilson’s secret dip- and telegraph companies, and the er. There is a good deal of division in orders.—J. W. Edwall. » -------o------- lomacy in forming a league ot na- • profiteers, and amongst the latter the north part of the county, now One thing was very noticeable in tions_ within a league of nations to j must be included the dairymen of Men Wanted—for planing mill work Bryan’s address. He said nothing prevent future wars. There is a good Tillamook county because they rais­ that the State Highway Commission Day and night, eight nour shifts. about the president. Didn’t appear to deal of inconsistency in the two ed the price of cheese. When the gov­ is about to decide upon the beach or Miami route. There is no doubt that Apply or write to Chas. K. Spauld­ be very friendly. things, and even a good democrat ernment set the price of wheat at a very large number of the people of ing Logging Co., Newberg, Ore Al4 ------ o------- like Mr. Bryan had to criticise the *2.25 per bushel the dairymen of the county favor the beach route, but That wasn't very nice of Mr. Bryan president for entering into entangl- this Founty should have doubled the in deciding these vexed questions the See Williams, ,of the Tillamook Feed to say something very uncomplimen­ ing alliances with European powers, price of cheese, shouldn't they? Co. and get prices on the hand­ 'State Highway Commission has taken tary of lawyers, when two of our who, he said, did not have the same The gate receipts at Gladstone I a state view point and the saving in some 19 series Studebaker cars, be­ legal lights were on the rostrum to ideas as the people of the United Park the day Mr. Bryan spoke there, 'cost fore buying your new car. and distance, and if this any lend dignity to the occasion. States. It looks to most people who ‘that he might do his might toward criterian to go by the Commission can understand the English language helping his fellow men” amounted •may decide in favor of the Miami ------ O------- Lost a babies Silk Crochet bonnet in One of the Democratic planks pro­ that the United States, is enter­ to *2,500. Bryan gets his *250 guar­ rose pattern with blue rosettes. road. Unfortunately, the estimated mised a reduction in the high cost of ing into entangling alliances with antee and half the remainder. Al­ ¡cost Finder please leave at Headlight of building the beachh route living, and even Bryan banquets European powers. Mr. Bryan was op­ most anyone would be willing to1 office and receive reward. surprised and knocked the wind out were placed at »1.00 a plate. The posed to one league and favorable to ¡talk twice a day with a drag like of most of us. It is hard to make some Tillamook Headlight’s Auto Tires—investigate the Republic cost of Bryan banquets seems to the other. ¡that each time. They might even ad- ' people believe that it will cost *1,- Standard, five thousand miles have doubled, for last week- in this ------ o------ vocate the L. of N. without even 424,823 to build 22.1 miles of road guarantee, price right, at Tilla­ Trade Mart. city the Bryan banquet was *2.00 a So Mr. Bryan is still advocating touching upon the serious points in , with a draw bridge at Wheeler. They mook Feed Co. plate. That’s a very good illustration government ownership of telephone controversy, but very few One cent a word per issue. of how the Democratic party is ful­ and telegraph lines and railroads, or opine, could be found to we could are the figures arrived at by the en­ say any- gineers, and, of course we have no Found. Monday night, Lady's black filling its political promises to the to be more correct, the states to own thing in the same address about the -------- O Fur. The same may be recovered way of knowing whether they are people. local lines and the government trans­ crimes of the profiteers.—Gazette absolutely correct or not. One thing I For Sale cheap, good 5 room house by calling at the Headlight office ------ o------ continental lines. He failed to men­ I ' News. with 1 or 2 lots- A. Billings. and indentifying same. ' is certain, it is costing considerable It cost just one dollar to hear Bry­ tion that since the government took [more to build roads than it used to. an for those who did not have a sea­ over the control of the railroads that For Sale—Two 5 passenger Ford See Williams about the Republic, the son ticket—seventy-five cents to up to the present time two billion Editorial Snap Shots. •Even should the commission decide cars—Inquire at Hudson’s Garage. yello.v chasis truck that serves so the Miami road, this will not put a hear a speuker with a reputation and dollars have been taken out of the well and honestly, a truck at an stop to the building of the beach ------ o------ twenty-five cents for the privilege taxpayers’ pockets, Why stop at tak- Fry Chickens for sale—call or write honest price. Tillamook Feed Co. • road at some future date. One thing Mrs. Jessie Nelson 4 ml. South of of holding down a hard seat for tw-o ing over the telephone and telegraph A great deal of the trouble Presi- Tillamook or Box 195 Tillamook, Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ hours while a lot of ancient history ilnes and the railroads? There’s the dent Wilson is experiencing with the is certain, no matter which route is selected it will be necessary for the mook office aero; o the street from was being poured into the audience. steamship lines, the motor car lines, ibnited Slates Senate is his — fault. ------- commission to do the hardsurfacing For Sale a 10 ft. Perfect Stay-Round the court house, Mondays, Tues­ Nearly 500 persons plunked up *1.00 the Jitney and the motor truck ser- During the war and during the peace Silo. See Geo. Williams or write D. days and Wednesdays until further each which .. goes to prove that it is vice. These would give plenty of op- I negotiations he ignored the advice of if the county will do the grading. I., Shrode, .Salem Ore. * .There is one very important matter notice. customary for the people to be portunities nnrtunitiAu fur r.-,,- Democrats *r, ..... — the senate and failed to take the to get on • that no doubt will be brought to the ’’stung” by Bryan’s popular reputa- the government pay roll, I leading Republican senators Into his For Sale: Five assenger Saxon in It is not tion. which he should have attention of the State Highway Com­ good condition. Cheap if sold at government ownership that Is want- •confidence, [ the 1917 law mission, and that is ----- o - - ed, but government control to *- stop ' done for his own and the country’s (Which designates the state highway once—Inquire of A. H. Harris. Mr. Brya n was introduced to the some of the abuses. But Mr. Bryan welfare, which does not cide with audience Friday as the great com- is still arguing socialistic doctrine. . the president’s published statement to go by way of Wheeler and Gari­ For Sale—500 Shares Capital Stock of the Copper Hill Mining Co., of moner. Had we had the honor of In­ There Is a good reason why Mr. Bry­ , that politics were adjourned during baldi. Los Angeles, Cal., J. T. Berry, Bay troducing the gentleman, we would an purposely avoided mentioning the war. EDWIN E. SMITH. I A good many persons have criticis­ City, Oregon. J-31 have introduced him as the great that in less than two years the rail­ ------ o------ ed the snap shot man because he ad ­ pacifist and who belonged to the roads under government manage­ I Somebody slipped a cog in the pro- Sale—Typewriter, in good con­ party that kept us out of war, but ment have gone In the hole to the , motion of the Roosevelt hig’liway, for vocated the building of a road For dition. Inquire at the Headlight had the United States gone to war amount of two billion dollars. Had now after the people have voted the around Necarney mountain. Now office. that there is some disagreement in when the Lusitiania was destroyed, lie done so it would have shown that ^deral aid is in no way cer-j^^ tQ wbetber the highway thousands of lives would have been it was through Democratic misman- 'a'n^nd a decided opposition has ahou(d be bujlt by way of the beacb Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays Mutuai Phones all records at their beet.—Palin saved, the war would have been won .agement. Hence, like a good Demo- manifested itself in congress toward q[ thg Miaml, we make thfc Btate- Confectionary. » over a year sooner and Russia would crat, he held his whist on that point. the project.—Independent. . meat without fear of contradiction, We think our worthy contemporary have been saved for democracy. Our Oh, my, the people have been soaked that the building of the Necarney Hay. quality quaranteed at pacifist democratic, administration is two billion dollars and this is too in­ : is a little prejudiced about the mountain road will be of far more Alfalfa lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. responsible for the prolongation of significant a sum for even the great i Roosevelt highway. From reports finaucial benefit to Clatsop and Till­ • from Washington the roads commit- the war. Why, when the Huns tore Commoner to even mention. Let B-K be your disinfectant It is General Merchandise, : tee was wonderfully impressed by amook counties than the beach or the safe, ,clean and powerful. For sale up the Belgian treaty as a scrap of ------ o------ ! Miami routes, and in a few years Bay City, Oregon. at the Kuppenbendeir Warehouse. paper and sent its army through that How’s this for government owner­ ' the showing made. | both counties will see w-hat a serious ------ o------ I The 47 accusations by Dunn and country, the pacifist democratic ad­ ship of railroads? During the month mistake they are making in not hav­ Let your co-worker on the farm be ministration taised no word of pro­ of May the government went in the ing that road built. There is no bet ­ the Cleveland Tractor. On display test notwithstanding that women hole *35,511,330. And this is only W’alsh, charging the British govern­ ter scenery anywhere in Oregon than at Kuppenbender warehouse. and children were being butchered for one mouth. If it was a private ment with cruelty to Irishmen in I can be found around Necarney and property destroyed. When the corporation that was going behind Ireland, have been characterized by [ moutain, and the greater putatlon it Special Sale used Sewing Machines, the London Times as a pack of lies. heart rending cries of the people of that amount of money, it would soon including one Singer,. *10 to *25. would bring would mean millions of Belgium and the innocent victims of be placed in the hands of a receiver 'Probably the accusations were for dollars left every year in both coun- Singer Agency Opp. P. O. * •the United States and not British the Lusitania went down to a watery or go into the bankruptcy court. This | ties by the tourist travel. It was a lit- Phone 72.. grave, this did not arouse the is prima facie evidence that the rail­ consumption, for the purpose of i tie disappointing to us that the State For Trade—A fine 196-aexe Wiliam creating hostility in this country to ­ ette Valley farm for a Tillamook government control pacifist administration for it did not roads under Highway Commission did not look dairy farm. For particulars write look as if It felt very concerned about are insolvent and it is time to apply ward England. The London Times over and obtain estimates of cost. published each accusation and ans- A. Crossan (owner), Lebanon. Ore. making Europe safe for democracy to the courts that receivers be ap­ I What with the high cost of building R. F. D. 2„ Box 61 A-7. pointed to prevent the taxpayers be­ 1 wered each and proving every accu- roads at present, and with road and ut that time. o ------ a------ ing robbed every month of the above 'nation to be a concoction of lles or ! bond money to be used on other pro- misrepresentations. Did Mr. Bryan say one word about amount. I Jects, we see little prospect of the Miscellaneous Advertisements. REGISTERED AND GRADES - - o------ the wilful extravagance of the Dem­ . Necarney road being built for some Of Any Breed. • It is doubtful if our so called per ­ Here ’ s another socialistic idea, ocratic party In conducting the war? ' time. But we want to say right here Dr. Wise—Dentist. manent hard surfaced roads, now in ------ o------ non-partisan league I Oh, no! Like most politicians, he tinged with process of construction, will with­ I that Tillamook county is making a jumped onto the railroads and the propaganda. Mr. Bryan is advocating stand the heavy traffic by auto truck very serious mistake when it over­ Live Stock Ins.—See Watson. AUCTION SALE EVERY big corporations, when, In fact the that the government issue a paper looks the importance of the Necarney Dr.’s Allan and Sharp. Dentist*. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. president who "kept us out of war,” giving political editorials, Every I It is probable that steps will in years ! mountain road. Some day both Tilla- National Building. ------ o------ turned the government Into a regular newspaper in the country is fully to come be taken to fix the amount ' mook and Clatsop counties will Democratic political machine, and in aware that millions of dollars are be­ of tonnage that may be hauled over i wake up to the fact that it is scenic Let W. A. Church write your hay Dr. J. E. REEDY insurance. • the space of less than two years more ing wasted at Washington sending highways.—News Reporter. roads that attract the tourist traYel. It our McMinnville contemporary In Barn Near Depot. millionaires were created In that out propaganda stuff, and It Is time . There is nothing very attractive time than In the whole history ot the the senseless waste of money and will make a little investigation and Iabout the road from Seaside, but Get your gas and car supplies at Jones Trading Co., Bay City. material was put a stop to. There is keep posted it wll find that the last those who have taken the trail United States. another fool notion of Mr. Bryan, session of the state legislature fixed around Necarney mountain are al- J. B. Grider, dentis*, I. 0. 0. F. As the good roads question is up­ He flayed the New York newspapers ■ the amount of tonnage that may be I ways thrilled with the magnificant Dr. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. hauled, and it would be a good thing M40ELI IF PUF I CUSS. and as the New York World is a died permost In the minds of the people, scenery. We hope our readers ,will for the Yamhill news papers to pub ­ Mr, Bryan, of course, advocated good in the wool Wilson advocate. It 1 not think we are a crank on the Ne ­ Singer Sewing Machine Agency PERFECTLY opposite P. O. Both Phones. roads, and to give employment to sol­ seemed a little strange that Mr. Bry­ lish that part of the road law in re­ carney road for we are looking diers returning from the war, he ad­ an should have included that demo­ gard to the amount of tonnage. head and see what a great benefit SIMPLE ------ o------ vocated that .they be employed on cratic newspaper in his denunciation. Buy your crab* of Hays & Blanchard, u will be to Tillamook county. from Port- A delegation of women Bay City. Phone 162. • road work. Whether it was gospel We do not quite recall all the facts, SIMPLY truth that soldiers were In bread yet it seems to us that not more than land waited on Governor Olcott ask­ The Allied Church. session ot 0 Why not place your feed orders for PERFECT. lines in New York is hard to believe, twelve months since the Anti-Saloon ing him to call a special the future with Kuppenbender. but this was what Mr. Bryan stated. League of New York denounced Mr. 'the state legislature to ratify the Invites you to attend all their ser- Needles. Oil, Belts and ail "kinds of Sewing It 1« a well known fact that the re­ Bryan for participating in a New woman's suffrage amendment. What vices. Strangers will receive a most Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath, Room 4 Y Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty.« do you think th$ governor told them. turned soldier is not looking for or York fight, in which he joined forc- ' cordial greeting. Preaching at 11 a. Masonic Building. New Home Users wanting to work on roads. They es with the Hearst newspapers, the He would do so if the state legisla­ m. and 8 p.m., with Sunday School at are quality chosers. think they deserve better Jobs than New York World and Tammany tors would waive their salaries and 10 a.m. every Sunday. Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. For Sale By Wise. that, and they are right in demand­ (there’s nothing "dry” about these), per diem and confine their work to i Prayer meeting every Wednesday SHARFF lb DUBIVER considering the amendment at issue. ing them. The small number of re­ to make Hearst governor of New evening. 172 3rd Street We handle Trojan Powder. Best for turned soldiers who have applied for York. 'Well, Bryan was a long way One could not expect any thing else stumping. Tillamook Feed Co. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE road work in Oregon proves this. from New York on Friday, and ' from Oregon’s greedy governor who Announcement. COMPANY. —o------ thought, no doubt, that people out is holding down two political offices. ------ o------ Buy yonr hay at Kuppenbender’* The woman suffrage amendment is What was somewhat of a surprise, here did not know much. warehouse. Holden, after spending Mrs. of sufficient importance to call the months in extensive study in technic Mr. Bryan advocated the initiative ------ o------ HOW FAR IS FOREST GROVE! and referendum for European coun­ Mr. Bryan denounced the prof­ state legislature to ratify it and the and interpretation with Mrs. Carrie H. F. Cook has in ------ o------ recent months tries, for he thought the Oregon sys­ iteers, and In doing so only told one 'state legislators should be paid their Louise Dunning, of New York, will tuned and repaired more than 100 No So Far that the Statement of It* tem would curb the power of auto­ side of the question. It was the Dem­ salaries and per diem. Oregon, un­ ■ return to Tillamook and open her piano« in this county. Both phones. Residents Cannot be Verified. cracy in foreign countries. If the ocratic party that started profiteer- fortunately has a greedy governor, 'studio September 1. Applications for o------ system had been applied to European ing when it guaranteed *2.25 per holding down two offices but wants ' adiuu. .nee to the classes of the Dun­ Chickens Wanted—Will pay top Rather an Interesting case has been price for your spring chickens,— countries instead of Oregon, what a bushel to the wheat growers. There to play the role of dictator. If the ning system or for private lessons Elmore Hotel, Rockaway, Ore. -1 developed in Forest Grove. Being so happy relief it would have been to is good profit In wheat at *1.00 a governor is sincere in wanting to will be received after August 1st. near by. it is well worth publishing tliis state. The autocrats of Oregon bushel. The Democratic pilrty having save the state a few paltry dollars we Vinegar for sale—40c. per gallon. here. The stat* is sincere—the proof cun initiate bills for revenue, or enhanced the value of the staff of move that he waive his own salary Apply to Vincenz Jacob, Route No. convincing: Notice to Hunters. other purposes and can carry them life to more than twice what it could and per diem when . traveling over 1, Tillamook, Ore. A-21 Mrs. II. C. James, 420 Pacific Ave., the state on public business. But Ol ­ b« cause it Is impossible to get to the be raised for at a good profit, conse­ For sale Pedigreed Irish Spike 'Tail Forest Grove, Ore., says: ‘Doan's cott is not built that way. preferring polls more than 25 per cent of the quently all other products Jumped Water Spannel pups. Enquire A. E. See Conover & Condit for Aluminum i Kidney Pilla are a medicine of merit ware. *5.00 in trade and *1.66 cash voters. It 1« really too bad that Mr. skyward. If Mr. Bryan’s argument the other fellows to do the waiving Williams. Tillamook. gets a nice piece of aluminum and I can certainly recommend them Bryan did not advocate the Oregon was logical, then every dairyman in of their constitutional salary and per ware. - Aug-7. to anyone who wants a reliable kid­ diem. system for Europe when he was tour­ Tillamook county Is a profiteer and ney medicine. I was more less subject ing those countries. Mr. Bryan is a bad sinner in that See the Tillamook Feed Co. about :to kidney disorders and at times I ——o------- respect, for it was priflteering for No matter bow the State Highway Republic tires and save money. COVE MEAT COMPANY suffered from severe backaches. Mr. Bryan’s speech on Friday was him to charge »250.00 for a lecture Commission decides the highway lo­ After I have taken a box or two of East Garibaldi. disappointing, but, no doubt, greatly tbat was disappointing, three parts cation in the north part of the coun­ Here is a place that will make a fine Doan's Kidney Pills my back has felt home, 5 room house and one acre pleasing to prohibitionists, for most of which was nothing more than a ty, Wheeler will win out either way. Fresh and Cured Meats. of all kinds of fruit, near town on stronger and my kidneys have be­ of his talk was on prohibition, a sub­ prohibition address. The Corvallis If the Miami route is selected it will come normal.” paved road.—D. Billings. Special Delivery. Parcel post orders ject that has been settled, and settled Gazette Times also comes back at have a hard surfaced road to connect •Price 60c.. at all dealers. Don’t rightly, by the people of the United Bryan on this subject: with the highway, and it will not be solicited. Here is a snap for someone. 180 simply ask for a kidney remedy—get "For 24 years,” said Mr. Bryan. “I long, with the natural course of de­ States. By devoting considerable time on Sandiake for *3.200. easy terms Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that to ancient history was more or leas have been reaching the public velopments on the beach and on the Phone 32 F 14 Garibaldi, Oreron. —D. Billings. Mrs. James half, Foster-Milburn Co., ’ Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd. Adv. BAY CITY MARKET, Fresh and Cured Meats NELSON & CO., Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. Stock Exchange