TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JULY 31, 1919. GARIBALDI NEWS NOTES QR. O. L. HOHLFELD. retrench, and the present job requir­ es not merely the pruning knife, but an axe. VETERINARIAN. Mrs. E V Stewart .of Portland, who Don't know what was the matter is visiting friends here.and at Bay Bell Phone—2FI Mutual Phone with Jess Willard, but maybe be had Secretary McAdoo says City. read too many of those "too proud article on the British-Wilson coven­ IF your immediate need is a de­ Tillamook Oregon. to fight ” speeches. Mrs.L-C.Hight, of Portland, who ant: ”We are now trying to restore pendable, painstaking handling of is slaying at the Hight Cottage at to the different people of the world I ------ 0------ ! The use of church organizations Rockaway.fell into the bay Tuesday the territories which of right belong AVID ROBINSON. M. D . some business or financial 'matter, and church papers for administration to them.” Yes, that’s the reason we morning. Mrs.Hight was walking a- propaganda is hurting the churches read the last paragraph of this ad­ long the rocks near tbe railroad track took the Chinese province of Shan- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON far more than it is helping the ad- j l tung and gave it to Japan, and then and slipped and fell flat into the bay vertisement. Our desire is to go ministration. She was poking around for crabs refused to tbe Chinese delegates the NATIONAL BUILDING. when the accident occurred, and less directly to the point. I right to sign the treaty with reser­ i - ----- ®----- President Wilson says those that vations against the peace of internat­ went to the Green Tree Hotel where TILLAMOOK OREGON. criticize w hat was done at Paris lack she was dried out and warmed before ional grand larceny. vision. It would better for some BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL leaving. ------ ------- people if they had less vision and I CONDITIONS srt mAtiinaf «**• T. BOALS..M.D., Mrs. Wertnian and daughter, and Prof. Charles W. Elliott, of Har ­ probienM Almost daily and ’hi» ban* more eyesight. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, of Twin vard refers to the opposition of the has prepared itself with facilities very « - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rocks, were clamming on the island valuable to a wide vanety,of interests. The London Standard now claims British-Wilson covenant in the Sen­ near heie Tuesday morning, and all TO THE TABU KB AND BANCB- that it was Lord Balfour who got the date as "ignomonious and dastardly.*’ Surgeon S. P. Co. got a sack or more full of clams, as EB. our membership in the FsdrrM United States into the world war. I There were learned gentlemen lr. well as the fun of wading around m New England who regarded the dec ­ Bterrte Syttem 1« an advantanferr ores ritb our ■flkrr« often bring out ad- truction in Mexico of a billion dollars faction lingering in Massachusetts came last Saturday. COUNSBLLOB-AT L aw . van'age« which anxiety aod business worth of American property and the yet. Mr. and Mrs. Beltau expected to cares have hidden from them. leave for their old home in Louisiana ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN?. destruction of scores of American After lives, the administration now begins the republic of China, with- this Wednesday. They came here TILLAMOOK. OREGON. to show signs of perking up to Car­ out being consulted by the Paris with Mr. Renuck when he built his I\' the final analytic, >t will be found that thie in­ ranza in behalf of some oil compan­ peace makers, had been robbed of ten mill, and are one of the many going P orti and O ffice ies. stitution is governed by a tpiril of helpfulnete, and, thousand square miles of land and way dow n south, returning home. 1110 W ilcox B ld . whatever your buvrineet infertile in this tection may forty million people, she was refused I Frances Provoosl was visiting here ARL HABERLACH By and by the people of the world permission to sign the treaty with be, you can confidently rely upon ilt cordial, intelli­ Monday. Everyone was glad to see will find what the big bunk being reservations. Probably the reason gent and personal co-operation. him again after his years in the passed out by the world states­ President Wilson’s claquers say the A TTORN E Y- A T-L A W army. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK men will not provide food for cloth­ United States cannot sign the treaty The lumber to build the new school T illamook B tock ing and will decide that it will be with reservations is that they think Tke Strong Home Bank I sidewalk has arrived, and W. H. Dir- necessary, after all, for everybody to this country in the same class with I by. the builder, expects to begin Tillamook Orcffob go back to work. China. • ___ ______ right away. The New York World suggests that Peter Svenson is clearing the block EBSTER HOLMES. Members of the Wilson delegation Senators Reed and Borah migbi to the peace conference were across the street from his home with greatly start out to prove the world is flat. piobable intention to build new res­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW surprised by the announcement that All they would have to do is to make the trial of Kaiser Wilhelm had been idences there. ihe World advocate that doctrine, decided upon, and declared they had COMMERCIAL BUILDING, Driving in from Seattle to visit his and denounce all who oppose it a, never heard of it. These diplomats mother. Mrs. P. T. Thompson. was numbskulls and traitors, and to FIRST STREET. entitled at least to the William Sharp, of Seattle, who arriv­ I are surely have President Wilson espouse it. courtesy, in this day ot open cove­ ed several days ago. TILLAMOOK OREGON I nants openly arrived at, ot being The newspapers of Oregon which told-in advance what they have de­ Leaving for her heme in Bend. have attacked Townley and Gilbert, cided upon, instead of being Oregon. Wednesday, was Leone Ben­ QR. L. L. HOY, of the non-patriotie Non-partisan find out from the columns left to ner. and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jeck of j ot the league, have been vindicated. Both new «papers. Bend, who have been visiting her mother. Mrs. Alice Benner, will drive f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON men have been found guilty in a ------ o------ Minnesota court of conspiracy to back in their machine, and she is go­ T illamook B lock , Speaking at Columbus, O.. son-in- thwart the government ’ s prepara ­ ing w ith them. law McAdoo declared that opposition tions-—The Sentinel. Oregt n. to the British-Wilson covenant was A large number of summer visitors Tillamook, keep ’.he beach inhabited near Gari­ Kings are no more, but only names the work of the friends of war. Bar­ BELL'PHONE. MAIN 3 .MUTUAL PHONE baldi at all hours of the day. The H GOY NE. of Kings”, soul fully sings Robert ring the general untruthfulness ot that ascertion. doesn't McAdoo know Green Tree Inn is full, and many of Underwood Johnson, in a poem laud­ the summer cottages at the cove, and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ing the Versailles covenant as a that if there were only friends of war I , in this country before his father-in- along the bay nearby are full. Office- O pposite C ovrt I j .’ se character of freedom Cable the news law was reelected on the pledge to to the Mikado of Japan by way of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, from Tilla- keep us out of war. there wouldn’t O tgon Shantung. The kings are still with us be any left after experiencing a war » Btook visited friends in Garibaldi a Tillamook few days ago. y OH*i .LELAND HENDERSON. ’ but the jacks seem to be numerous. as conducted by a Democratic nation­ ----- o----- Boss Casier and wife are leaving J i It is officially an n noneed that the al administration? early next week for Portland where ATTORNEY, vast new territory turned over to ------ o------ they will reside. I Storage holdings ot frozen and cur­ AND Great Britian by the pending treaty COr\SKLLt>R AT LAW “ be considered a part of the ed meats and poultry were decidedly Hiram Perry and family were down I COL N-hLl.> R AT LAW _ British Empire. Of course it is. The larger July 1 than on the same date from Scofield Sunday, visiting her ' Tillamook - - - ■ OaegiA{word "mandatory" * is one of those a year ago. reports made public by mother. Mrs. H. Lederer. vx tinw aw.iic phrases i invented to make Department of Agriculture showed. numerous T. »ms Leaving Monday tor Portland were The increase that meat supplies held something look like what it isn't. Arthur Hills and wife, who ‘ had been in storage varied from 5 per cent in ATTORNEY-AT LAW. I I visiting here a few days. First the league of nations to keep the case of dry salt pork to 193 per­ Complete Set of Abstract B< k ks m us out of war. and then the treaty cent in the case of frozen lamb and Going out for a business trip was Office. with France which binds us to get mutton. Large amounts of all kinds E E Richardson of the Cummins into war whenever the peace of Eu­ of poultry were shown by the reports Taxes Paid for Non Residents Moberly Company. . rope of Europe is threatened again to be held in storage, amounting in T illamook B lock . THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN Mrs. Mary Smith went to Vancou­ by any war in which Germany and some classes to an increase of 467 Till.moox - - - - Oregon THE COUNTY. ver. Washington. Sunday morning. France are both engaged, You can per cent over July 1, 191$. Both Phones. pass some people any old bunk and — o----- "Sure, and they can take it out,” See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. make 'em like IL was the way many of the Garibaldi 0R J. G. TURNER. Josephus Daniels says the league of o nations constitution is the greatest people received the news that tbe Japan has apologized to us for an covenant since the Sermon on the telephone from Tillamook had been EVE SPECIALIST. 'attack on our marines ia Pekin and placed on long distance. "All 1 had Mc-ut. Greater than Magna Charta, it for was to call up friends there, PORTLAND — OREGON fire Americans w ho went to France to greater than the United States con­ srop the German invasion have been stitution. greater than the Declara­ and order goods—guess they're forc­ Regular Monthly V isits to killed by a mob at Brest We are go- ing me to save on the phone bill, be­ Tillamook and Cloverdale. I ing to appreciate more and more the tion of Independence, greater than the Emancipation proclamation, but cause I won't have one any more-" WATCH PATER FOR DATES- job of chairman of other people s it is hard to believe that it is greater business which some “world charac- than the North Carolina election law HENEY C VTEKECK M. D. "ters " are trying to force on us. which prohibits the secret ballot and SPECIALIST. deprives about seventy-five percent ------ “------ | President Wilson is to have the of tbe citizenship of the state of the All Work Guaranteed Disease of The first Victory medal. The National Let He Keep T m Out of Trouble. I carry a Stock oi Goodrich EYE. FAR NOSE AND THROAT Republican offers tbe hole in a Sal­ right to vote. o------ Only Ivation Army doughnut to the sub­ Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Continued falling off in the rev­ ■Call 15W For Appointment scriber who suggests the best desi-rn Your Patronage Solicited. Oregon. for the medal. Our idea is a goid enues of tbe railroads of the country Tillamook are shown in the report made last J. C. BOLDER, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE 0J»_ TILLAMOOK. brick, surrounded by the motto: week by Walker D. Hines, director < "War in tbe East; Peace in the general, on expenses and revenues of West. Thank God for Wilson He tbe class I railroads for the month of Kept Us out of War." May and for the five months ending tested and proven May JI. The net operating revenues 'for the reads during the month of 'May. 1»19. were »St.C3T.T41. as There i» a Heap of Saloce ia Being < -rnpared with »$«.»$».111 for the I Able to Depend Upon a Well- TOWERS month in 191». a decrease of, Earned Reputation. •a- .S3.ST1. Mr. Hines points out — o - came at FISH BRAND readers _____ ______ 5’h last, that one-twelfth of the annual rental • For months Tillamook is belter an* the companies covered by tbe re­ have seen the constant expression of to know port amounts to »74.3S1.33C. so that praise for Doan’s Kidney Pills, and the net loss to the government for read about the good work they have the month was »3S.S11.33». locality. What other I done in this I remedy ever produced such convinc­ ing proof of merit? ’ Waterproof T. J. Campbell, retired farmer. Ash Absolutely. S l Dallas Oregn. says: "For a long Ì Electric time I have been using Doan's Kid­ ney Pills when my kidneys have feel put you at ease or P ortable needed attention and in every in- stance. I have found S ewing M achine them all they any job that turns up. are represented to be. 1 couldn't rec­ \ SATISFACTION rear ommend a better medicine for back­ I GUARANTEED ache and for regulating the kidneys . A J Town co KMTOR than Down's Kidney Pills.” S Price 44c. at all dealers. Don ’ t ». simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doaa's Kidney Pills—the same that Victor Moore in "Snob»" iMr Campbell had Foster-Milburn Victor Moore, the famous comedian .Cm, Mfgrs . Buffalo. N. T.—Pd Adv. will be seen in bis celebrated comedy "Snobs” at the Gem Theatre next Friday. August I. There are few k kad comedians who have Mr. Moore’s ability to provide clean and whole­ my body and I some amusement, and he never has I'npenred to greater advantage than in this production, Mr. Moore plays I the part of a milk wagon driver who Inherits a title and twenty millions COAS! POM ER CO and who enters society with more or THE less painful results to his pride. Jt Is charming comedy that will prove ELECTRIC STORE delightful to every spectator. Anita ÍB King heads the supporting cast of TILLAMOOK ORE. unusual merit. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector I ALEX. MeNAIR & CO. GENERAL HARDO1ARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating 5toves. City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. REFLEX SLICKER ffte/mr. I