í TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 24. 1919. O. L. HOHLFELD. VETERINARIAN. Bell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone Tillamook Oregon AV ID. ROBINSON, M.D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK OREGON. T. BOALS.IM.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bld».) Tillamook Oregon - OBERT H. McGRATH, COUNSELLOR-AT L aw , ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN?, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. P ortiand O ffice 1110 W ilcox B h >, QARV HABERLACH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock Tillamook Oiegon A Typical Case of Administration The situation now is such that it seems likely that nothing can be Extravagance. done but to pay for the land which (By Representative Frank L. Greene has already been contracted for, up­ of Iowa.) on which the War Department has The Republican members of Con­ erected buildings and improvements, gress are finding it as difficult to and stop the further purchase, which curb the extravagance of the various was accordingly done by Congress, departments in time ot peace as it but how is it possible for Congress was while the war was going on. to bring about the economies which '1 here may have been some excuse ought to be effected under an admin­ for the waste of money in time of istration that proceeds in this nian- war, but certainly there is not now iner? While the Benning camp pre­ that the war is closed, nevertheless sents one of the most flagrant in- it requires a constant struggle on the . stances, it is only one of many. We part of Congress to hold the expeudi- have a similar situation with refer- tures down to a reasonable basis, and ence to hospitals. At the close of the even with every effort on the part of war, it was claimed that new hos- Republicans and assistance on the pitals would have to be constructed part of some of the Democratic mem­ to take care of the wounded that bers, the administration still contin- | would come back _____________ from France, . mil- 1 lions were appropriated for that pur­ ues to squander immense sums. An example of what has been done pose. Now, it appears tjiat we have in this line, since the war wgs over, hospitals all over the country that is found in the purchase o. the camp are not only partly filled, but the known as Fort Benning, near Colum­ Secretary of the Treasury is going bus, Ga., since the armistice was on buying more land for hospitals signed, in utter defiance to the ex­ and making preparations to con- struct more buildings. pressed will of Congress. The proposition involved was to purchase about three hundred fifteen COAXING YOU TO SMILE. to one hundred thirty thousand acres of land, which was mostly in Up Against It. cultivation in Georgia, requiring " ‘Like a fish out of water’ is a fig­ about seven million dollars for the land and several millions more for ure of speech that expresses acute improvements. When purchased, it I I discomfort,” remarked Mr. Gadspur. was intended to use this camp as a I “Maybe so”, replied Mr. Dubwaite, out of tiring center for artillery and also as 1 thoughtfully, “but a fish a range for small arms, and to aban­ water isn’t much more uncomfortable don the camp ot Fort Still, Oklahoma than an oldtime politician delegation which had been acquired for the of fair but determined suffragists.” ------- o same purpose. "Entirely Discontinued” EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK. OREGON 0R. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, rp H Oregi n. GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: .O pposite (C ourt Tillamook F josh O. tgon - J OH’i ¡LELAND.HENDERSON, attorney ; AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW “ Tillamook - - ' - • Oregu T. ho i i a ATTORNEY-AT LAW. > Marshall Gets His Answer. Vice President Marshall is possess­ After the armistice had been sign­ ed and before the adjournment of the ed of wide information on a grea: last Congress, the Secretary of War variety of subjects and yet he is al­ presented this proposition, first to ways seeking to enlarge his store. the military committee of the House Senator Fletcher, an authority on and then to the committee on Mili­ shipping, was giving the Senate an tary affairs in the Senate. The House outlinq of the American merchant committee declined to approve the marine from its inseptlon, and men­ project, understanding that if it was tioned, among other nautical terms, not approved, that nothing would be a dead weight ton. Immediately the Vice President done with relation to it. The Senate committee took action, and after brightened up. "The Chair will asa hearing a large number of witnesses the Senator from Florida what is a advised the War Department that it dead-weight ton?” ’A dead-weight ton is the cargo ca­ disapproved the project. Secretary Baker then appeared before the | pacity of the ship,” Senator Fletcher House committee on Military affairs said. “The difference between the and, refering to the action of the dead-weight ton and grosB ton is senate, informed the House commit­ arrived at in this way: You multiply tee that: "We have entirely discon­ ¡the gross ton by 150 to get the dead tinued the purchase at Columbus, i weight ton, and you multiply the ¡dead weight ton by 66 2-3 to get the Ga.” No sooner, however, had Congress gross tonnage.” adjourned, so that no further action i The Vice President nodded saga- could be taken, the War Department Iciously during the explanation and proceeded to make contracts for the slipped down in his chair. land at Fort Benning, and to expend on land and building a total of about No Novelty two million three hundred thousand, “So our engegement is at an end?” before Congress could act. A pro­ vision was inserted in the Military said the blond youth. ‘It is certainly at an end,” replied bill, forbidding further expenditures on this project and in the discussion the fickle brunette. “I suppose you will return the en- of the matter, the action of the War Department was vigorously denounc­ gagement ring?” “I certainly will if you call around ed in the House by Congressman some night and pick it out.” McKenzie, (Illinois), and others; and Complete Set of Abstract Boe ks in in the Senate by Senator Lenroot, Senator New and others. It is not Frelinghuysen’s Close Shave. Office. necessary however, to quote from A large athletic man with a frosty Taxes Paid for Non Residents how Republicans in order to show poll passed through the east .door T illamook B lock , high-handed this proceeding was, into the Senate chamber recently be- Tillatnooic .... Oreg-on and how recklessly millions have ; fore the doorkeeper could stop him. been wasted. The proposition was so Although the stranger had an air of Both Phones. outrageous and indefensible that it one who belonged, the guardian of J- G. .TURNER, was condemned by some of the lead­ I the sacred portal chased the intrud­ ing Democrats. Mr. Ferris (Demo­ er. Republican senators nearby crat), of Oklahoma, wrote two letters glanced curiously at the newcomer EYE SPECIALIST. to the Secretary of war, while the and assume that he was some newly- PORTLAND - OREGON purchase of land at Fort Benning elected representative from the back- Regular Monthly Visits to was going on, calling attention to woods who wished to pose about the the wrong which had been done, in senate for the benefit of the galler- Tillamook and Cloverdale. abandoing Fort Still, and creating a ies. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. new camp at Benning. In the Senate Just then someone suggested the discussion, some claim was made that absence of a quorum. When the HENRY C. VIERECK. M. D. Fort Sill was not large enough, but stranger answered to the name of SPECIALIST. Senator Gore, (Democrat) , replied ’Frelinghuysen,” the senator stared Disease of The that it contained forty-six thousand in amazement at the nerve of the I EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT acres, and was joined by a govern- man. Slowly it dawned upon them meut reserve, which was nof being that he was Senator Frelinghuysen Only used, containing sixty-five thousand of New Jersey, and not an imposter. For Appointment - -Call 159J acres; that shells could be thrown The Jerseyite had shaved off his Tillamook - - - - Oregon. twenty-five or thirty miles without large mustache. getting off the government property ------- o------- Senator King, (Democrat), spoke of I ALL WRONG. Carried Unanimously. • :-------O------- the "illegal and defiant attitude” of Betty had been very trying, and the War Department in this matter, The Mistake is Made By Many Tilla­ land said that its officers had acted her mother had to correct her many mook Citizens. I “against the best interests of the times. Look for the cause of backache. 'country.” Senator Owens (Democrat) I At last she lost patience, and ex- To be cured you must know the I said: The “conduct of the War De- claimed: cause. ! partment discloses a proceeding l “Betty, I should think you would If it’s weak kidneys which seems exceedingly scandalous.’ get tired hearing me talk to you so You must set Jhe kidneys working much!” “Case of Impeachment.” right. _ ______________ ..... fail 1 And in decided tones the child re- The _____ annals of this country will A resident of this vicinity shows to show more senseless, reckless, and .plje^: you how. wanton waste of money, than this | 'es mother, I do. Mrs. Kenneth Chase. 1214 S. Riv- case. I - - — er St., Newberg. Ore., say8: “My | At Fort Sill, the government nl- , To Get Results From Breeding And back ached all the time and my kid­ ready had more land than it could Raising Pure Bred Stock. neys acted irregularly. My feet and ¡possibly use. It was admirably ad­ ------- o------- ankles were so badly swollen that in apted for the purpose of both an ar­ the morning, I couldn’t get my shoes tillery and infantry range. It was (To the Editor of the Tillamook Headlight.) on for several hours. I felt generally high and dry, and at the same time I have visited Tillamook County a depressed. The first few’ doses of .well supplied with water, and over past few Doan’s Kidney Pills helped me won­ I two million dollars had been spent number of times in the visit here derfully. My back stopped aching, in buildings on it. yet the Secretary I years and have on each my kidneys acted more regularly and of War, knowing that he could not become more impressed than ever possibilities of the swellings in my feet and ankles get the approval of Congiess for the with the immense went down. After I had taken one Benning project, wgited until Con- I I Tillamook County as a pure bred 'cattle producing center. box of Doan’s Kidney Pills, I felt as gress adjourned, and then undertook After having visited a number of well as ever." to bind the government by contracts, number of Price 60c., at all dealers. Don’t so that the Benning project could be these dairies and seen a I am im- simply ask for a kidney remedy—get completed. In his defense, it was pure bred sires and cows, TillamooK Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that claimed by Democratic members in 1 pressed with the fact that dairymen are now getting some very Mrs. Chase had. Foster-Milbourn Co. the House, that he had the legal I fine foundation stock of Holstein*, Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd. Adv. j right to purchase this land. This was ' Jerseys and Guernseys. 1 am not disputed, but it is unnecessary to de- .-atisfied with the conditions however Dairymen Attention. i termine whether he had the legal under which these cattle are bein?; ------- o I right. Certainly he had no moral Eighty six acres of fine river bot­ right to purchase the land, when it developed. As there has been no offi­ tom land with house barn and other was not needed, and it was clearly cial work dofie on these cows what- buildings, two miles from city of Co­ an usurpation of power, when know­ ever. the conditions are quille. half mile from cheese factory, ing that congress disapproved the ' Let us see what close to school house. You can send project, he went on with it during .at this time. First the breeder who | wants a pure bred bull or cow would your milk to the cheese factory or its adjournment. Senator Le m oor creamery or condensary. Come and correctly stated that the action of not entertain having at all unless see me or write to Peter Biasca. Ara­ the Secretary of War presented a the animal had a good showing rec­ ord backing—the better the record go, Coos County, Oregon. case for impeachment. tap life Q4 H.f*’ » i'1 £7^ t .i.A u* ■■’.i1’ Ml s o: I: a D I.-; r. er. i took ! on 9 Gillil 1 Cha * Catlin, i 3 work'* with..th, uinty R« etinj*» • ippof*’— , as t n units jugh ni se select; em, and ■i be cal meMti cers./J" tingjft ’tfS » ■jS il’ ... ! Copyright 1119 by R. J. Reynold« Tobacco Co. ìe theJJ niaNH| ................. ’• A’W McQM tanlfy ighanV Jintod t, aa vanteC Red C and è ■resi 1 Croi, ordii .o be e sM his’ J a pet o use arguing about it. or making chin-music in a minor key! If you’ve got the jimmy-pipe or ciga­ rette makin’s notion cornered in your smokeappetite, slip it a few liberal loads of Prince Albert! Boiled down to regular old between-us-man-talk, Prince Albert kicks the “pip” right out of a pipe! Puts pipe pleasure into the 24-hours-a-day joy us class! Makes cigarette rolling the toppiest of sports! P. A. is so fragrant, so fascinating in flavor, so refreshing! Prince Albert can’t bite your tongue or parch your throat! You go as far as you like according to your smoke spirit! Our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch! N Toppy recFbagt, tidy red tint, handrome pound and half-pound tin humidoa—and—that dairy, practical pound crystal glait humidor with sponge moistener top that keeps the tobacco in tuch perfect condition. one 1 car rvoa bi# I R. J. Reynold» Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. the more likely is the purchaser to 5?Sa5H5aS2SBSaS25B5asasa5252S25a5asasa5a5E5asaS25E5B52SHSBSa5a5a52S25aS2 pay a good price for the animal. Second—Anyone of these pure bred fellows purchasing an animal wants an official record, yet they are doing nothing, nor have done nothing, to develop the animals that they have bought or are now raising. Yet, Third—These breeders expect to get a very good price for their young For disenfecting where Contagious or stock and at a price which they are infectious diseases are prevailing. not doing anything to sustain or deserve unless they commence to do CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ official testing to show what their cows will produce under testing con- ful Germicidal mixture and by its use ditions. will improve general stable conditions. The sooner that the pure bred stock raiser of the dairy animal gets into the official testing game, the sooner he will be able to command prices for his young stock that he is now asking for animals that have no official backing in advance registry RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. or register of merit class. Yet if they want to buy an animal they are all looking for the official backing, so ase5E5S5H52525H5H5HSZSÏ!5?5E5Z5Z5ES2SH525H5H5252S2525a5cL5aZ52Scl5a52Sa! IS how in the love of "Mike” can they expect prices for their young stuff that they are not backing with offi­ cial testing? So get in the game and be game. 7 * R. V. Hutchings, I McMinnville. Ore. tM CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND F, ' A to «i j. i«i C. I. CLOUGH CO. ? T he . L atest r /M ore than ever j/our rairy days must be Fuji productive 7^’ lOct Work rcouiiFs AFTER INFLUENZA WINTER COLDS— BAD BLOOD • You are pale, thin, weak—with little vitality. Your liver is sluggish and the bad blood causes your stomach muscles ’to lose their elasticity and become flab­ by and weak—then indigestion. Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ covery, made from wild roots and barks, and free from alcohol or narcotics, is the great and powerful blood purifier of to-day. Ingredients printed on wrapper. This tonic, in liquid or tablet form, is just what you need to give you vim, vigor and vitality. Take it as directed and it will search ont impure and poisonous nutter throughout the system and eliminate it through the natural channels. You can procure a trial package by sending 10 cents to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids* Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Sandlake, Oregon— “I want tn write a gtatement Ceiling what Dr. Fierce** medicine haa done for mo. I wa* bolhere*l with an ulcer on my right thin for a year. I went to rf doc­ tor here but hi* rr.odicino did rnc no good. The eoro got worse right along, *o I tried another doctor and hi* medicine did mo good for a while, then the *orc ec-einod to be getting worse right along *o i tried Dr. Pierce's medi­ cines. I took two and a half bottles of Dr. Pierce' d ‘Golden Medical Disco’/- H, cry and used Dr. Pierce's Ail-Healing Halve and the ulcer was all well before I had the medicine all used, arid i recommend there mediexuea wdLcrer«.”—Aim* ¡Jtrtha Haff r- ‘ 3- I) *1 it T ower s F ish B rand reflex : SUCRE R Electricity’s latest gift to the housewife greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the ic 5T0N Ornamental Fire Places Built of Brick and Stone, All Fire Electric Places absolutely guaranteed not to amoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. RALPH E. WARREN, TILLAMOOK. ORE. I MOOHI OF PERFECTION. SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. Ncsdles, Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing I Machine supplies, Itepsiring a specialty.* New Home Users are quality chosers. For Sale By SHARFF lb DUBIVER 172 3rd Street NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY A statistical expert says that there is more water in the Pacific Ocean than in the Atlantic. However, we dare say that there is enough water in the Atlantic for all practical pur­ poses. -JU Tn Cut full in shoulder ch,st and arms-comfortable, s in# I onó ioe anni. Itaterproof absolutely S atisfaction A J T ower do guaranteed al I ! s ( ! : 1 P ortable S ewing M achine No more tiresome treadle pushing - no more backache a little electric motor does the hard work. / A foot control gives any speed desired. The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. I ♦ Ask for a demon.'tra- tion. COA SI POH ER CO THE ELECTRIC STORE. The man who hanged himself rather than live under a dry regime took long chances on his ills he knew not of. r :■ ..Fj ■ ¿ i r i—I D ■With tl A» ■MIC I 4 « " * - — Al. _ ■ .... .. Üf;>