TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JULY 24, 1919 n See the World’s Greatest Acrobatic Comedian, FRED STONE in “THE GOAT An Artcraft Special * 5 > i 1 I : t I FRED STONE, ’ The Goat “ An ARTCRA í T Picture s o: i; Remember how excited you were the day Dad first took you to the Circus years ago. Well, that’s the feeling “The Goat” will bring back. For honest-to-goodness thrills see it at GEM THEATRE. TUESDAY, 29th ADULTS 20c. CHILDREN 10c. This table shows by classes, that I rivalry with competitors enjoying below, be reduced from present rates Artcraft picture in which Fred Stone in the water until Sam Beltau and SOUTHERN PACIFIC DISCRIMI­ all Coast Harbor Ports are treated | the advantage of blanket parity as shown, to the proposed rates as is starred, and which will be shown Dan Church came by and saw her NATES AGAINST TILLAMOOK’ equally, regardless of distance and rates, to continue to * be burdened shown: at the Gem Theatre next Tuesday, struggling in the tide. July 29. Fred is said to give one of Rates per Cwt. operating conditions, except Tilla­ year after year with excessive rates Sam is a boy about thirteen and In Rates on Timber, Hay, Grain, mook Bay. merely because some engineer for tbs. liis finest interpretations in the char- Dan isn’t much older, so they got a the Southern Pacific Company made Cheese, Road and Farm Min. Pres Prop. acter of Chuck. It will be noted that from both plank and waded out in the water At the story’s start he Is shown and pushed it to Mrs. Reed, who Portland and Seattle to the Western an error in locating the line. If we Rails............. 36,000 . . 32% . . 19 Machinery. Washington ports there is a combi­ are to get into the matter of cost of Donkey engine 24,000 .. 31% .. 25 working at the Filmcraft studio as says she had really given up hope but operation (which will probobly be Wire rope .. . an iron worker, whither be has been The Southern Pacific Company is nation placing both on a parity, re­ advanced) there are many rates now­ Machinery .. . 36,000 .. 32% . 25 sent for the day on some construc- simply couldn't quit struggling. Mr. discriminating against Tillamook tn gardless of distance and operating in effect in the northwest which Piling........... 24,000 .. 31% . 25 (tion work. Then the bathing girls Bent from the mill helped also, and . . 14 . 13 they carried Mrs. Reed to a machine freight rates, as it will be seen in a conditions, and this parity also ap- would certainly be open to uttack. Contrs. outfits 24,000 . . 31% . . 25 ¡come into his life and he makes a and took her home. letter written by Russell Hawkins. plies between Portland and Seattle, No. 3—The argument will probab­ The propesed rates are those now ¡thrilling rescue of the leading lady’s The'Southern Pacific contends that a distance of 183 miles, without any ly be advanced that water competi- in effect between Portland, Sound i pet monkey. She wants to thank him competition its operating expense justifies the apparent reason. Water be it, since there |tion has compelled the making of cer- points, and Grays and Willapa Har­ I and carelessly tells him that he Mrs. Elsie Vidito Recovering From present high rate and that the can certainly not Her Illness. has not been one ton of freight mov­ , tain of the rates in western Wash- bors, to which Tillamook Bay points 'should be in the movies. No more en- Western Washington rates are too I couragement is needed. Next day ------ o------ ed from Seattle to Portland by water ington. If this is true, then under . are also entitled. low. I trust that this application may ¡Chuck presents himself to the casting since the memory of man runneth the decision of the Interstate Com- Recovering from an illness that Of special interest to the farmers not thereto. 1 merce Commission in the lnter- I have your favorable and early con­ ¡director of the Filmcraft Studio. The seriously threatened her life is Mrs. and residents of Tillamook county. rest of the story is given up to tell­ Elsie Vidito, who has been confined Figuring the rate per ton mile on Mountain case, the rates between sideration. are the rates between Tillamook and I the basis of this table, shows a dis­ I Seattle and Portland are no longer ing Chuck’s adventures in the pio­ to bed for several weeks as the result Respectfully, Portland on such articles as hay, I crimination against Tillamook even justified, since there is no water tures. The story is said to be a of an operation. Mrs. VidIto's condi­ Russell Hawkins. grain, cheese, road and farm machin- | greater than would be indicated by I competition and has not been for laugh from start to finish, It wras tion was so much improved that her cry. By reference to the table it will j the table. i years, as far as the movement from written by Frances Marion, and is father, Oscar Dilley, of Raymond, be noticed that hay takes class “C” said to represent that writer at her Washington, who came here when However, confining ourselves 1 Sound points to the harbors and ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY in carload lots. This is 26%c. a hun­ strictly to the commodities listed in from Portland to the harbors, goes, PLAN WINS FRIENDS best. her condition was critical, was able ------ o------ dred, between PorUand and Tilla­ your docket No. 728, we feel that we there has been absolutely no water to leave Monday morning and return mook, as against 20c. between Port­ are entitled to a reduction to the competition for many years. There Oregon Delegation Captures .Foes of Mr. Tooley, of Sandlake Goes out to home to attend to business. Mrs. land and Aberdeen. basis named , for the following rea- I has been more actual water competi- Military Road.—Government Portland to Have Operation on Eye Vidito’s mother, Mrs. Dilley will re­ |tion between Portland and Tilla­ Grain takes class “B” which is i sons. main a while longer. Aid Likely. 31 %c. Portland to Tillarnooki and J. K. Tooley left on the Monday No. 1—It is very apparent from an mook, than there has been between 22 %c. Portland to Aberdeen. morning train, with C. W. Hatfield, examination of the rate situation 1 the points above mentioned, as in (From The Oregonian) Cheese takes third class, being 45c. from the mouth of the Columbia one year the movement between , Washington, July 16—It was with of Cloverdale, for Portland to have Peggy Hyland Wed# a Total Stranger - - -o------ between Portland and Tillamook, River north, that all points located Portland and Tillamook reached a an absolutely reversed mental atti­ an operation oi his eye. About three Girls, how would you like to marry and 29c. between Portland and Aber­ in positions analagous to that of Til- | total of twenty six thousand tons, tude that Representative Thomas B. weeks ago while going through the lamook, such as Willapa Harbor and The only point in the Northwest, Dunn, chairman of the house roads brush, a twig scratched the eye. the first tuan you met on a country deen. _ ", that has ac- I committee, closed the hearing last and it has been bothering seriously road? Of coudse some girls would, ab- aside _____ from _____ Tillamook, Farm machinery and road mach-. Grays Harbor, are placed on an _ ________ I * I * T-- tually bona-fide water competition i Friday on the Hawley bill appro­ since. inery take class "A” which is 31 %c. solute rate parity from . both Por- take u chance at any time or in any It Is feared that Mr, Tooley will be place—especially if the man happen­ between Portland and Tillamook, tland, Tacoma and Seattle, regardless i with the railways between the points priating $2,500,000 for Ae Roosevelt blinded in the Injured eye, and it is ed to be a millionaire. But do you and 25c. between Portland and Aber­ of distance, and regardless of operat­ 1 named, is Astoria, and the competi- ! military highway. ing conditions, though the distance i tion is fully reflected in the rates, i And the same state of mind had ¡with the hope of saving his vision think such a marriage would result deen. This discrimination is more obvious and operating conditions vary to a . The reasons lying behind this parity 'come over the rest of the committee that he is going to Portland. The happily? If you want to get a point on this, you can do’so by seeing Peg- •when it is noticed that the Portland marked degree. One can ship from of rates between the points named, ' by that time. All of the cynicism and left eye is the one effected. gy Hyland in a new photoplay called to Aberdeen rate applies also from Seattle through Tacoma to Aberdeen, are no doubt fully understood by ; all of the antagonism at first turned the Sound points between Grays Har for the same rate that one can ship i this Committee, and it is therefore their faces toward the Oregon rep- Auction Sale of Jerseys not a Success “The Rebellious Bride,” which will bor and Willapa Harbor, as well as front Tacoma to Aberdeen. The same i 1 unnecessary to go into the phase of resentatives disappeared soon after be shown at the Gem Theatre next • ----- o----- between Portland and Seattle, which applies to Raymond. The same ap­ the proposition. The fact remains B. F. Jones, of Newport, author of Thurdsday, July 31st. This delight­ An auction sale of registered Jer ­ latter distance is 183 miles campar- plies from Portland to either of these that the party exists and that it is jthe Roosevelt Highway bill which seys was held at the Fair Grounds ful Wm. Fox star is full of the pap­ Jour contention that Tillamook is en­ i passed the Oregon legislature, told a '*■ rika of life, and current report de­ ed with 120 miles between Portland points. l Conditions make it that Tillamook titled to equal treatment, and pref­ something of the conditions in Ore- Saturday and finally closed because clares that she makes this play hum and Tillamook. of the inordinately low pritgis the competi- water County is in competition with these erence treatment if , gon due to Uncle Sam’s retention of cattle were going for. W. H. Mur­ from beginning to end. She certainly very points, and unless equality ik tion is to govern. [ such great areas of the lands in the phy, of Independence, brought in the has the aids of youth, beauty, viv­ The letter follows: granted on the basis of geographical , It may be argued at this hearing state. - . herd, which did not contain the best acity and dramatic talant—a com­ Referring to docket No. 728— location, lumber operators in Tilla­ that a concession cannot now be Dangers of War Not Over Yet. looking cows in the world, according bination that has carried her rapidly Your file No. 180-7; mook County will continue to be pen­ made in the rates between Portland into an enviable position in the film ! Mr. Jones made a talk that would to a Holstein expert. • ' It was not the intention of the alized from a rate standpoint unwar- and Tillamook tor the reason that have won any jury, because he did world. _ One of the best cows in the herd writer to make application for a re­ rantedly. In the Astoria rate case, others have gone in under the old not over’ook the human interest side. duction in rates only on the commo­ the Interstate Commerce Commission rate and established operations simi­ i And Senator Chamberlain said that was sold for only $260, and others Mrs. Sarah R. Kinnaman Dies at dities listed in your docket No. 728, held that owing to their location, As­ lar to the one we contemplate, and the people of that state had met the that should have brought that much, Beaver After a Short Illness. and, as a matter of fact no formal toria, Portland, and the Puget Sound that to lower the rate now|would be government 50-50 on the improve- went for much less. It is too late in ------- o------- ’»■q, application was made, but since the Ports formed a natural rate making to injure them. If this argument iment of harbors other than the Col- the season for a good market for After being ill little more than a question has come up to your com­ group, this from the fact that they were followed to its logical conclu­ i umbia river and that to do this the cows, and with the fine crop of hay mittee in the way that it has, and were located in particularly an ana­ sion, rates could never be lowered or 'people of the counties on the coast to harvest, most of the farmers are week, Mrs. Sarah Kinnaman, of Bea­ Interested in something besides ad- ver, died suddenly Saturday after­ since our interest in the matter is so lagous situation and could not be raised, and It is absured on its face. had voluntarily taxed themselves. noon about five o’clock. Mrs. Kinna­ It is a matter of common know­ I And then Senator Chamberlain re­ ding to their herds. large, we are willing to proceed on separated. The same thing applies to Tillamook as compared with Willapa ledge that the northern lines serving man broke her ankle about a week the application as its stands. minded the committee, as did Repre­ Our interest in the matter is great, Harbor and Grays Harbor. Argument the territories of western Washing­ sentative Hawley and McArthur, One Good Stove and Barrel of Chit- ago and various complications re­ in that we are about to establish in will probably be advanced that Tilla­ ton, have either been more liberal in that the dangers of war are not over tern Bark Can’t Run Ford so Smash sulted, her kidneys became poisoned, and her heart weakened. Saturday Tillamook county a very large log­ mook enjoys a better rate than their dealings with that locality and he remarked that the danger ——V she was apparently no worse until a ging operation, which will require Yaquina, which is also situated in than has the Southern Pacific in its now is on the Pacific Coast and not LAst Thursday morning Charlie few minutes before death,, and had for its installation shipment into the somewhat the same position, but if dealings with localities situated in on the Atlantic. Himes added his Ford to the list of been transacting some business. The county of about eighty-six cars of this is the caBe, Yaquina is certainly northwestern Oregon. It is a fact that Representative McArthur cited the lucky ones that fall down bluffs, rails, donkeys, piling, contractors* entitled to a decided reduction in for many years, all points in Western figures given recently by Senator and over cliffs and come up smiling. deceased had lived in Tillamook had a liberal dis- ‘ Washington have county for nearly 27 years. rates. equipment in and out, wire rope, Phelan, of California showing the Mr. Himes with a stove and a barrel No. 2—It will probably be argued trlbutlng rate out of the big whole- rigging, tools and machinery, and in The funeral services in honor of rapid growth of the Japanese birth of chittem bark in the back Beat was the course of our operation the con­ that cost of operation makes it im- sale sections, like Seattle, Tacoma, rate in California as compared to the driving along the TraBk river high­ her memory were held Tuesday, and stant shipment of supplies to support possible to reduce rates on the Tilla­ and Portland, and no effort has been white, and said it behooved congress way, with his Ford in apparent good the body removed to Kelso, Wash., the operation. These supplies will mook branch of the S. P. It is true made to handicap them by excessive to prepare for the defense of the Pa­ humor until it came to a steep place for Interment. Her daughters, Mm. embrace a great many articles, such that operating conditions on the Til­ rates. In tact the contrary is true, cific coast. He said that with the on the road, then the engine stalled. James Duncan, Jr., and son, and as groceries and dry goods, not listed lamook branch of the S. P. are bad, and the result is very obvious. It is exception of a few old obsolete guns He set the emergency break and Mrs. John E. Roach, both of Seattle, in your docket, and this movement and that cost of operation is high, actually a fact that one can ship a at the mouth of the Columbia river got out and cranked up the Henry, were with her before the end, and from Aberdeen to Wai- ■ will go with the body to Kelso. will continue year after year, and it but we respectfully urge that this is car of lumber < L7; Walla right through hTn„m/ Tacoma, forl for' the Ore . K°n coaat waa "holly unpro- but when the engine started. It jar­ is not a matter of momentary inter­ not the fault of the people In Tilla­ la red the brake loose, or anyhow the . the • same _ _ W- freight --1 --1. * — ■■ , ■ a V» —* I— ** mol I 1 z4 * * mook County, and should not be held charge the he would est. For this reason, and for further brake got loose, and the machine Constance Talmage at the Gem In Favorable Action Predicted. reason that we feel Tillamook against them forever. They should pay from Tacoma, and when it comes 1 ; Louis J. Simpson, as president of started along on its own, with the not be compelled to pay year after “The Honeymoon.” to the purchase of commodities County is entitled, owing to its geo­ chittem bark and kitchen stove in ------ o------ graphical location and its contiguity year for the errors of judgment, re­ commonly used in the lumber indus­ i the Pacific coast league, discussed full possession of the backward mov­ to tide water, to rates on all classes, sulting in the location of this line try, and by merchants situated at i the need of the highway as a defense ing car. “ The Honeymoon ” starring Con­ of the Pacific coast and told of the as well as certain particular com­ over heavy grades and around sharp points in western Washington, no ¡measures stance Talmage will be shown at the The stove and the chittem bark fell already taken in California modities, on a par with those tide curves, when a much better and one point is at a disadvantage as down on their Joy ride then, or may­ Gem Theatre next Sunday, June 27, water ports to the north, with which cheaper location could have been se­ compared with another. We at Tilla­ and Washington to extend the road be couldn’t decide which was to act is a delightful comedy of the type from the Canadian boundary to the cured and can yet be secured. What mook must compete with these points Tillamook must compete in the lum­ first and set the brakes, anyhow the which this captivating comedian is Mexican border. ber Industry, as well as a matter of th** object of the Southern Pacific situated in this favorable territory, Ford ran over the grade at the road­ making her own. It is a merry tale of The showing made by the Oregon justice to the farmers and other res­ may have been in building into Til­ but under the practice followed in side, and down into the ditch smash­ marital mishaps which points the men before the committee was so un ­ idents of the county. The following lamook bay over its present line, is the past by the Southern Pacific expected that Representative J. W. ing one wheel. The stove and chittem moral to the newly-wed bridegroom; _______ Company we are compelled table of class rates, shows the dis­ not known to the writer, but regard- I , Railroad Summers, of Washington, in a pre­ bark* remained serene and uninjured Never let anything break into your crimination now being practiced by less of w hat that object may have'to pay for alf construction material pared statement issued at the close of by the accident. honeymoon. the Southern Pacific Railroad been, it is beyond reason to expect and gUppHes, rates which lmmedlat- the hearing said: Dick Greer, honeymooning at Niag­ against Tillamook, on all class rates the people of the county or an indus- e|y put U8 at a disadvantage with our I "I want to compliment the Oregon ara Falls with Susan Lane, his wife Under tlfri try which must compete in keen ■ coni p e titors to the north. Bather Gets Out in Channel and and the lumber rates: of a day, arouses her suspicion when system of operation and rate making : delegation in congress and the visit­ Nearly Drowns. she discovers him in the dressing ing committee. No witnesses before in existence previous to the inaugu­ S. P. fc o. w. ------ o----- S. P. room of Malsie Middleton of the any standing committee of which I ration of operation by the Railroad While in bathing last week, Mm. Jigfield Frolics. He has gone there to Tacoma & Tacoma & Administration, it was almost im­ am a member have presented their Portland to Portland to Portland to Seattle to Seattle to possible to correct this discrimina­ case so concisely and so convincingly | Walter Reed, who comes here from buy off Malsle who has entangled Aberdeen Seattle Tillamook Raymond tion, but we feel that the public as has the Roosevelt coast military Portland to spend her summers. Philip, Susan’s brother, who now Aberdeen Raymond I waded out too far, and got caught by wants to announce his engagement 112-152 have a right to look to the Railroad highway been presented. Speaking the outflowing channel current, and to Marlon Starr. This escapade is a 95-135 147-143 183 120.5 Miles Administration for adjustment of for myself. I predict favorable action was nearly drowned before help came secret from Susan, and so she thinks Class obvious discriminations such as the by onr committee.” to her. the worst of Dick, flies into tantrum, .... 37% ... 37% . ... 37% . ... 37% one complained of, that state lines ... 54 1 and finally secures a divorse decree. ... 31% Mrs. Reed is a fairly good swimmer ... 31% . ... 31% . .... 31MT ... 49 2 should not exist in so far as the Fred Stone Has Fine Role in His and was paddling around near the They are reconciled, of course, for 29 29 29 45 3 Railroad Administration in concern- First Screen Offering “The Goat” 25 saw mill, unawares of the channel each loves the other devotedly, but 25 25 25 35 4 ed. and that the mere fact that one ------ o------ 25 nearby, until she got over the shelf the unraveling of the entanglement 25 25 25 32% 6 locality is situated on one certain A group of shapely bathing girls in and into the channel current, then furnishes scores of laughs. The di­ 25 25 25 25 31% A line can have no effect under the a boxed set and a woman's kind if 22% 22% 22% 22% 31% B unity of operation Inaugurated by careless remark. are what caused she commenced to call for help, and vorced couple is remarried by a mln- 20 struggled in the water as beat she ister whom Dick providentlally finds. 20 20 20 26% Administration, C the Railroad Chuck McCarthy to be bitten by the Icould. Some men at the mill heard and, amid smiles, he and Susan start 17% 17% 17% 17% .20 D I therefore respectfully urge that "movie bug.” Chuck Is the young iron her, and some boys passing by, but on a second edition of "The Honey­ 14 14 14 14 17% E rates on the commodities shown worker hero of "The Goat," the new they thought it was children playing moon.” the 9% 9% 13 14 14 a er, i took f on Gillii$gha 1 Chabt«| 388 artivo CatllB, a< 9 work'« with,Ih« lunty Rei eting* *i tppolhte^ , as th« n unib|4 mgh md 9C sefMfl em, gna a be dad meftlfi cers^J tin^J^j le SeM the^B inarfiS 9. A.*Qfl Mc(Mi| tan lira Ighantl Mnted.1 t, a»J X antedi Red Ci and ÓB resf 11 CrotJ ordeil .o be i e sf'M his fl a 4S 11 e is fl ing«.fl on* fl casrfl rvtsfl tba F.l ' TÌJ «I ,J¡ 1 m M f Lumber Dr. With th* At al 9 J Í * ■ * i KM