TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JULY 24, 1919. See Conover & Condit tor Aluminum i of doing so. So what's the use of but- | CHAUTAUQUA ATTENDED BY MORE BUSINESS BLOCKS. ware. $5.00 in trade and $1.66 cash MICKIE SAYS ------o------ ting into something that is sure to be | WELL PLEASED AUDIENCES gets a nice piece of aluminum defeated and nut sufficient money to Fred C. Baker, Editor. Large Sums Being Expended on New ” (VOICE) PLEASE 1AKE OUT ware. Aug-7. do the work? The 1917 law designat- First Three Day» of Entertainment Structures for Tillamook. THAT "FOO SALE" AO OP ed the state highway by way of * I Proclaimed a Successful Season. See the Tillamook Feed Co. about . SUBSCRIPTION MINE RIGHT AWAY’. I SOLO ------- o per year . $2.00 ; Wheeler and Garibaldi, and this was ------- o------- Republic tires and save money. T he REFRIGERATOR BEFORE over Business blocks valued at Tillamook's annual Chautauqua i what the state legislature intended. Wanted—gill to do house work. Ao- Advertising Rates. I but the State Highway Commission opened July 21 with one of the larg­ $50,000 are in course of erection in T he PAPER HAO BEEN OUT ply. -Mrs. A. T. Dolan. Two HOURS. BUT PEOPLE Display Advts. per inch • • 20c. 1 has been given plenty of latitude -to est audiences on record, auguring Tillamook, since the beginning a keep calling up O h the well for the success of the events, week or so ago of work on McNair’s » » change routes when it comes to a ” . .half page 17 Vic. Wanted—Man to work on dairy farm TELEPHONE OR RINGING question of saving money, and this and for future chautauquas. Large new building. The building of Ack­ » —Married man preferred. Apply to ” ... full page 15c. will be one where they can show and pleased audiences have attended ley and Miller of a new garage at T he door qell ano i xnish John Berns Tillamook. j . ji TO GOODNESS I KNEW ( Locals per line 7c. with a great deal of truthfulness every program, all of which have the corner of Second Ave E. and 4 th I Street, is the most expensive con ­ SOME WAN To 6 TOP THE SA/ kept up the name of Ellison-White as Readers, with reading matter that a large amount of money can be Here is a place that will make a fine home, 5 room house and one acre per line.................................. 7c. saved and results brought about with provider of high class amusements. struction undertaken. F ull UO inn ALL 1HE < The biggest event has not yet This building will be 105 by 140 of all kinds of fruit, near town on Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. considerable less time and less dis­ played, and that is the coming of feet SHADES. LOCK THE 7 in dimensions, and will contain tance, which is a very convincing ar­ paved road.—D. Billings. 0009 UN1 OON'Í \ unobstructed floor gument in favor of the Miami route. William Jennings Bryan, Friday. Mr. the biggest AH6V4ER THE PHONE] Here is a snap for someone. 160 By the bonding measure passed at Bryan always attracts a crowd, some space of any garage in the state. The BEACH VS. MIAMI ROUTE. on Sandlake for $3,200, easy terms 'N AFTÉR HILE THEY J | ------o ---- the June election, the north part of for the usual reasons to hear a good ceiling is of truss work construction, D. Billings. QUII ÍHEM ¿ I — speaker, some from curiosity, and and has no support in the center of the county was to receive the larger ___________________________________________ There is a difference of nearly some from thinking of what might LIL ROS OF OURS ARE $1.000.000 between the cost of build­ portion of the bond money, and as have been.Castellucci’s Concert band the building. The garage will be fit­ For Life Insurance, there is nothing EASY "ÍO START, BuT better than what the Mass. Mutual ing the state highway by way of the the road from the Wilson river is an organization that has a na­ ted out In the most modern ways, bridge to the Miami bridge is to be land with a modern office appliances. T hen a \ n T NO way offers. Ask to see specimen policy. beach and Miami. This seems to be a tion wide reputation, and will prob­ 1 OF STOPPING —W. A. Church. • glaring statement to make, and, no graded and hardsurfaced from the ably prove to be a treat for music I There will be four main drive en- doubt, it will greatly surprise a large bond money, the Highway Commis­ lovers. Bess Gearhart Morrison will I trances, three big skylights, huge i sion, it is thought, will go 50-50. windows, steel sashed, and an as­ Obtain your wood from the Tillamook number of our citizens, who never be an added attraction, that will Transfer Co. Liberty Temple. realized that the beach route could There is not sufficient money to do draw many people who wouldn't go bestos slate roof. The walls are made cost such a large amount of money. the grading and hardsurfacing from just to hear the band. Miss Morrison of concrete. The cost of the build­ Tillamook Feed Co. buys hides. Come But these figures appear to be the the Wilson river bridge to the county will undoubtedly be a fine entertain- ing will be from $30,00 to $35,000. in and investigate their prices. August 15 is the date set for com­ estimate of the state engineers who line by way of Miami, and for the ' er tonight. next two years the county court pletion of the structure. were instructed to make an estimate For vulcanizing and tire repairs see | Tomorrow besides Mr. Bryan, the The hardware store of McNair & of the cost of both routes. To grade would have to do considerable econ­ Parnell's will furnish a musical en- J. C. Holden at City Vulcanizing omizing out of the road fur/: to meet Co. will be moved into their new and hardsurface the road from Gari­ and Tire Shop, opposite P. O. | tertainnient, while Saturday the building, which is going up wheie the cost. These are some cold facts baldi to one mile of the Clatsop coun­ ' Earl Hippie Concert Company will Used tires bought and sold—City ty line, which is 22.1 miles, includ­ and figures for our readers to digest I close the music with a joy feast of their old building stood on Second and study. It is to the best interest Vulcanizing and Tire Shop, oppo­ Ave. E„ just off the corner of 1st ing a draw bridge at Wheeler, is classical and more popular successes. site P. O. estimated to cost $1,424,823, or $53,- of Tillamook county that the road Marshall Louis Mertins, a speaker St. about September 15. The build- 000 a mile, without the bridge. The between the Wilson river and the with a pleasing personality promises ing will have concrete walls, be one If you are contemplating buying a Miami route, from the bridge to one county line be graded and paved, and well to delight the audience also story high, and have a basement the drag saw see the Tillamook Feed full length of it. The cost will be mile of the county line, a distance of here is a project whereby it can be on Saturday. Co and get prices. accomplished in the next two years, about $5,000, according to A. Mc ­ 17.1 miles, to grade and pave with International Trio who opened Nair & Co.. one bridge to cost $30.000. the esti­ and’even if it should take a little | the The Films. Cameras and Photo Suuulies One cent a word per issue. made the first day peo­ Another new garage costing about Films developed 10c. with print mate cost is $451.659. or a difference more bond money to complete it in ple program glad they had bought tickets if ----- —o- orders.—J. W. Ed wall. » of exactly $973,164. with five miles that time, we feel certain that the the rest of the program would be as $15,000 is being built by W. B. less in the distance in favor of the people would agree to vote what1 good. Miss Gertrude Hober, niezzo- Aiderman and his son-in-law. The For Sale cheap, good 5 room house Miami road. The average cost per money is lacking on a 50-50 proposi­ 1 soprano and violinist possesses a down stairs will house the cars of See Williams, ,of the Tillamook Feed with 1 or 2 lots—A. Billings. Co. and get prices on the hand­ mile without the bridge is $24.000. tion to grade and pave 30 miles of voice that was intensely beautiful the Mitchell, Hudson, Maxwell, El­ some 19 series Studebaker cars, be­ So as to connect the south side of Ne­ county road. We are not recommend­ and clear, and her violin sang till it gin and Chalmers companies, and For Sale a 10 ft. Perfect Stay-Bound fore buying your new car. Silo. See Geo. Williams or write D. halem bay and Garibaldi beach with ing another bond issue, provided seemed it must burst with the tone the White trucks. Upstairs the rooms of the K. of P. lodge will be fitted L. Shrode, ,Salem Ore. * the state highway, the engineers pro­ what money is lacking can be ob­ she brought forth. Julius Caesar out. The building is of hollow tile, Auto Tires—investigate the Republic pose to build a spur fiom the Miami tained from the road fund. If anyone Nayplie easily deserved the applause and will be covered over with cement For Sale—Motor Boat. Port Orford Standard, five thousand miles load to Garibaldi and from the high­ can convince us that the position we that went cedar. In good condition—Phone to him, for his interesting plaster. guarantee, price right, at Tilla­ have taken is wrong we would like way to Wheeler, the two spurs being J-25 ; mook Feed Co. talk. The Overseas quartet and Ser­ 8F13 3% miles and to be hardsurfaced. to hear from them. The snap shot geant Arthur Gibbons made a mili­ The additional expense of building man has boosted for a hard surfaced tary aspect for the second day, and TILLAMOOK AGAIN BALL VICTOR For Sale: Five assenger Saxon in'See Williams about the Republic,, the- these two spurs is estimated at $121,- road through the county for a num­ entertained the crowd. Sergeant Gib­ good j condition. Cheap if sold at — yelio,v chasis truck that serves so 653, which would be a saving of ber of years and will continue to do bons’ . stories kept the audience at­ Nehalem Defeated Last Sunday by once—Inquire of A. H. Harris. well and honestly, a truck at an so until it is consummated, and this $851,511 in favor of the Miami route honest price. Tillamook Feed Co. tentive and sympathetic throughout project in the north part of the coun ­ Score of 14 to 9 at Fair Grounds. For Sale—Ford Truck, and scale.! with the two spurs included. These to him. Yesterday the Zedeler’s ------ o------ Apply at the Tillamook Hide & Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ figures will provide plenty of food ty appeals to him as the right thing proved unusually good musicians, In the third game of the series be ­ mook office across the street from Junk Co. J-ll for reflection and discussion. They to get behind and boost for as it will and clever. tween Tillamook and Nehalem, Tilla ­ the court house, Mondays, Tues­ are simply a small summary of the bring about in a rapid manner what mook won again for the second suc­ F ot Sale—500 Shares Capital Stock days and Wednesdays until further report that has been prepared for the we have contended for. cessive time by a score of 14 to 9. Wilson River to Have Railroad. of the Copper Hill Mining Co., of notice. State Highway Commission. Under ------- o------ - The team showed that they had prac­ Los Angeles,. Cal., J. T. Berry, Bay General Leonard Wood, the man the circumstances what is the best Work on the railroad from Forest ticed well, and worked hard to make City, Oregon. J-31 and wisest course for the county to whom President Wilson kqpt from Grove, which started to build up the a good showing, and it was too> bad GARIBALDI NEWS NOTES;. pursue ? The snap shot man, although going to war, will be the next presi- Wilson River, will be resumed this a bigger crowd did not turn out. For Sale—Typewriter, in good con­ favorable to the beach route, must dent, is the prediction of leading fall, and by next spring it is expect­ dition. Inquire at the Headlight McClenny, Tillamook’s pitcher was Jim May is back at Garibaldi now confess that it is the best policy Republicans. office. ed that the road will be built as far in fine form, and played exceptional­ again. io favor the Miami route, and we will as the Smith place, when, no doubt, ly well. The other members of tlie Mls- Mary Smith is home from give our reasons as briefly as possi­ The Wheeler Reporter made a it will be continued this side of the team also deserved credit, but to Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays all records at their best.—Palm | Portland. ble. First, the beach route is beyond good showing last week why the mountain. Ralph Williams, of the mentoin one wuld necessitate men- Confectionary. * | Nels Nelson is fixing up his gaso- the county’s financial ability at pres­ state highway should go by way of Tillamook County Bank, is the presi­ tioning all to distribute praise equal­ ent to finance it, and if it was put to the beach. But after all, It will be dent of the railroad company, and it ly. Tillamook’s line-up was as fol­ Alfalfa Hay, quality quaranteed at riine launch for deep-sea fishing, a vote of the people to bond for mon­ the estimated cost of both routes that is from that source we obtained our lows: lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. | Jim Langley ’and W. Holmes are I building a barn on their place on the ey to carry the project through it will decide the matter. p information. Travis 1st; McClenny, p. and l.f.; would be snowed under. Even if it F. Eberman. 2nd; Wallace, 3rd; Let B-K be your disinfectant. It is | Miami. ------- o safe, .clean and powerful. For sale was decided to build by the beach Heisel, c.Mapes, r.f.; Bliss, C. f.; United Artisans. Mrs. Donna Walker’s school will be President Wilson and Senator at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. route and take a portion of the Chamberlain have kissed and made Gabriel, s.. s. The following men were 'out Friday and she will come home money every year from the road fund up. No doubt George was awfully The Portland drill team of Frarn on the Neiialem team: Atwood.c.; co-worker sn the farm he co spend the summer. it would be at least eight to ten anxious of the opportunity to do so. Assembly, United Artisans, will, put Peregoy, 3rd;- Jones, 2nd; Sullivan, Let the your Cleveland Tractor. On display James Pallin is becoming an expert years before the highway could be From the looks of things, however, on the initiation work at Nehalem, s. s.; TohL 1st; Davidson, r. f.; Slag- at Kuppenbender warehouse. driver with his new machine, bought connected up in this county. This is the president is coining down from Saturday evening, July 26. All Ar­ el, c. f.; Blanchard, p. | some time last week. a long time to wait in these days of his high horse. tisans are welcome. Special Sale used Sewing Machines, i _ including one Singer7?10 to $25.1 tank Reading has moved to Rose progress and we are inclined to The Fram assembly drill team will ------- o------- $750,000 Hay Crop Expected in Singer Agency Opp. P. O. * Farm 011 the Miami river, which he think that the people of Tillamook also put on the initiation work for Tillamook County. When the county holds its next an- Tillamook assembly at K. of P. Hall, __________________________ '__________ , and Reuben Ensign have leased for county are not in favor of waiting ------- o ------- fair For Trade—A fine 19fi-acre Wiliam [five years. that long. We are free to admit that nual fair we hope it will have a artis- Wednesday evening, July 30th. A One of the finest hay crops ever ette Valley farm for a 1 illaniook Fred Flint and his friend Mr. Fin-., the Miami route could be used in the grounds of its own, fixed up will business meeting will be held after grown in Tillamook is being harvest­ all dairy farm. For particulars write 'Ley are here for a week vialUng Wlth interval, but it is . a hard surfaced fically. Then, propably we the initiation. ed this season, and has been suc ­ A. Crossau (owner). Lebanon. Ore. McMillans, and spending their time road through the county that is take more interest in the county fair. cessfully brought in without any bad R. F. D, 2„ Box 61 A-7. ! at the beaches. wanted as soon as possible at the Other counties are doing this and Special Sale Friday July 25th weather. Carl Haberlach says the least expense to the taxpayers. The there is no reason why Tillamook For Sale — Absolutely the best 40! The plans for reopening.Coat’s mill crop should be worth nearly $750,- The Catholic ladies will offer a line 000. Nearly 30,000 tons is the esti­ Miami route to the county line can county should be behind. acre tract of alfalfa on the Her- ¡at • Hobsonville are continuing unin­ of home baking and cooking to take mated yield, and at the present with positive assurance be graded mlston Project, now heLng offered terruptedly. Some new machinery What Parliament in Canada Did. with you for your lunch and dinner. and hard surfaced the next two years for sale for the first time. A fine was installed last week. market price of $25 a ton, the above ------- o------- Give them a call at the Palm Confec­ figures would be reached. as well as the spurs built to Wheeler home. Less than 2 miles from Her­ The new walk to the county road, The following list of the main ac­ tionary. Don’t forget the date. (it should be Brighton) and Gari­ miston Bank. Write for price and Most of the crop will never be sold, is to be put in by W. H,. Derby, who baldi. There is every .reason .to be­ complishments of the Thirteenth full details, 8. D. L, Boss, Hermis­ but will be kept here to feed the lieve that the State Highway Com­ Canadian Parliament recently ad­ ton, Oregon. J-24 went to Tillamook Tuesday to see dairy herds, but whether sold or A Crack in The Covenant. about getting lumber. mission will agree to go 50-50 on the journed at Ottowa. represents a kept the crop means st season of Miami project, but would not do so rather imposing record: At the recent convention of the plenty for the farmers. More cheese Fur Sale—Dairy ranch, one hundred A big free entertainment and bon­ eighty acres partly improved river fire at Rockaway will be held July A bill granting $20,000,000 as fed­ American Federation of Labor, An- and better cheese will result from on the beach route. This would mean bottom., three quarters mile river 25, Friday. A fine time is expected. that the Miami route would cost the eral aid to building; 'drew Furuseth, opposed the endorse­ plenty of good feed. frontage. Over thirty acres under by those panning to go. A bill creating a federal depart­ ment of the League of Nations with taxpayers of this county $286.650, cultivation, twenty acres slashed, and we believe it would be money ment of public health; its labor covenant on the ground that Notice to Contractor». _ _ ________ __ three _ _ The new sanitary meat market of balance easily cleared, miles wisely expended and would do justice Soldiers’ land settlement bill; i the latter had been so modified as to —*—o------- from Coquille City In the Coquille |* rank Hubler b , is filling a long, felt .Measures providing loans to prov ­ to the north part of the county. The I be of no value to labor. He was op- Notice is hereby given that the valley the coming dairy section ¡need at Garibaldi,, and his fresh, engineers estimate of the draw inces to improve housing conditions; I posed by President Gompers, who County Court of Tillamook County, af the coast. My price if sold before meats are attracting much patron­ Bridge at Wheeler is over $200,000. Bill providing liberal Increases in argued that while he was dissatisfied will, until 10 o'clock a.m. of August August 1st, $85 per acre, part cash age. while the bridge on the Miami is es­ pensions; , with the changes made himself, Pies- 8, 1919 receive proposals for con­ balance easy terms—Address F. C. | Arriving from the east Sunday Last,, timated at only $30,000. A draw Consolidation of the Dominion rail­ iident Wilson has cabled him as.-ur- structing the section of coast high­ Hauck (owner) Myrtle Point, Ore. .was Mrs. Thompson’s little grand­ bridge across Nehalem bay would be way act; ’ ances that they did not materially way from Station 182 plus 50 to Sta- a perpetual expense to the taxpayers Bill providing for grant of $10,- impair the value of the covenant. I k . 261 plus 50 on Tillamook Bay­ daughter, eight years old, who. came the engineers argued.. Considering 000,000 to technical education; The principal complaint is that the City section according to the plana Miscellaneous Advertisements. all the way from Milwaukee. Win- alone. that the beach travel into the county Bill creating a court of commerce clause declared that "labor is not a and specifications now on file with is only about two months in the year, and another restraining the opera­ commodity" had been changed to the County Clerk of Tillamook Coun­ Dr. Wise—Dentist. i August Shearer came back from it seems that the county could take tions of trust and combines; read: "Labor is not a mere commod­ ty, Oregon and at that time publicly ¡the navy last week. Adam Krumlauf Live Stock Ins.—See Watson. good care of the road along Garibaldi Important revision of tariff sched­ ity.” The definition of what labor is opened and read. ŒtUamnnk ììraù liuh Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. ! We do not know what the State Highway Commission will do, but we surmise that it will take a business view of the situation and decide upon the least expensive and most speedy route, which is by way of the Miami. Whether this will satisfy the people of Nehalem and Wheeler, as well as those on the beach, we do not know, probably it will not. and J good deal of discussion will arise from what the snap shot man has stated in this editorial, but we want our friends in the north part of the county to keep their heads level and carefully study what is best for the county under the circumstances, as well as for that part of the county. There is a possi­ bility of doing the north part of the county much harm if serious opposi­ tion should arise if the Commission decides on the Miami route, and we want to council the people to be dis­ creet in the matter. There is one very important fact that they must not overlook. Should the matter of bond­ ing the county to provide money to build by way of Garibaldi and the beach be voted upon, with the difference in the cost of each route, we see no possible show of the people being in a disposition to vote in favor ules, involving decrease in custom duties to the extent of $17,000,000. New immigration act to decrease the quantity and improve the quality of immigrants; Amendments to the Criminal Code defining sedition and increasing pen­ alties for those found guilty of it; Creation of an air board with pow­ er to deal with all matters pertaining to aerial development in Canada. People who spend more than they make, eat more than they want and drink more than they can hold are due for a prodigious bump. Higher wages, higher freight rates and higher rates again to make high­ er wages. An interesting cycle of fed­ eral control of railroads. There Is difficulty in getting any­ one to serve as British ambassador to the United States. Why not ask Colonel House to act pending his ap­ pointment to the league of nations? may or may not be important. "Com­ modity” is defined as meaning: ’That which is bought hind sold, except an­ imals,—goods, wares and merchan­ dise.” The word "mere” means “un­ mixed. pure, entire, absolute, unqual- 1 if led, only this and nothing more.” 1 So the clause is intended to mean; "Labor is not an unmixed, entire, absolute, unqualified article which is bought and sold, except animals— goods, wares and merchandise." Mr. Furuseth was right in saying that this clause not only did not do what the labor interests were demanding, bui did the exactly opposite thing, by declaring that labor is principally a commodity. The incident only goes to show how little consideration is being given by some people to the i matters in controversy relative to I league of nations—how willing many people are to fool themselves. Notice to Hunters. — —o ■ For sale Pedigreed Irish Spike Tail How can the Irish who are clamor­ Water Spannel pups. Enquire A. E. ing for a republic expert to make Williams. Tillamook. rapid and successful strides with a The whole German navy now ap- man named De Valera as President ? What has become of the Sullivans pears to be composed of undersea t boats. and Flannigans and McCanns? Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the out- side "Proposal for the construction of Coast Highway Sta 182 plus 50 to 261 plus 50, and shall be accompan­ ied by cash, certified check or bid­ der's bond equal in amount to 5 per cent of the total of the amount bid, the same to be made payable to Til­ lamook County. Proposals shall be made on forms furnished by the County Clerk. The Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Homer Mason. County Clerk. First publication July 24, 1919. Last publication, Au; 7, 1919. and John Benson Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. National Building. who came back Dentisti. recently make Garibaldi’s part Ln the war more apparent, and its nice to Let W. A. Church write your hay have them all back. insurance. » i A party of nearly 25 couples went 'from Barview and Garibaldi, leaving Dr. J, B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. at the Garibaldi dock for Bayocean Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. ——————————-------- — Monday night. They had. a fine time at the Bayoceau hotel, and Singer Sewing Machine Agency dancing swimming at the nat. opposite P. O. Both Phones. m . , ,. , . I The new Garibaldi dock is com- W“H7E)km“ Hotel lillamooK. dishwasher, pIeted and PB88engera were auppo8ed tranaferred acroag the bay from Buy your crabs of Hays & Blanchard. 1 Garibaldi for the first time this sea­ Bay City. Phone 162. • son on Tuesday. The dock was built by subscription labor entirely, all Why not place your feed orders for work being donated, and some of the the future with Kuppenbender. material. Herr Bauer talks about the treaty violating German honor. He is as Dr. Ramsey. Osteopath. Room 4 The reopening of the mill by the Reinick «state seems no nearer at badly in need of a new conception of Masonic Building. honor as are most other official Ger­ hand now than before, and everyone Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. is awaiting mans. the time when the Wise. I whistle will blow there again, The all is that Mr. We handle Troian Powder. Best for Reinick accidently took COVE MEAT COMPANY the poison stumping. Tillamook Feed Co. I that ended his lite, and caused the East Garibaldi. Buy your hay at Kuppenbender’»'mil1 t0 dose down. About a dozen Fresh and Cured Meats. warehouse. ¡men men are working at the mill. mill, keeDing keeping ' it in trim, and all ready to start, Special Delivery. Parcel post orders H. F. Cook has in recent months when affairs are settled. Mr. Carlin, solicited. tuned and repaired more than 100 the superintendent, sayp be hopes to pianos in this county. Both phones. be able to start in the near future. Phone 32 F 14 Garibaldi. Oregon. fJZS.