Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 24, 1919, Image 3

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a newspaper published in Tillamook
City, notifying all persons concerned
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that that the Council has determined to
in pursuance of a resolution adopted make the improvement in question,
by the Common Council of Tillamook Such notice must specify with con-
City, Oregon,
:‘ certainty the street
- - or part
regon, on the 10th day ol Jul-
Juh —
1919, as special ’ election
has v been called,
thereof proposed to be improved, or
and will' be held at the City Hall in of which the grade is proposed to be
Tillamook City, Oregon, on Monday, established or altered, and the kind
the 4th day of August, 1919, at which of improvement which is proposed to
election there will De and is submitted be made, the boundaries of the im­
to the qualified electors of Tillamook provement district established and the
City for their adoption or rejection, cost of the improvement as fixed by
a measure for amending Sections 3 the accepted bid therefor.
to 14 inclusive, of Article VII of the
Section 7: Within ten days from
Charter of Tillamook City. Said mea­ the first publication of such notice the
sure being proposed by the Common owners of two-thirds or more of the
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, area of the property within such im­
being in words and figures as follows, provement district may make and file
with the Recorder a written remon­
“A Measure to Amend Sections 3, strance against the proposed improve­
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 ment, grade or alteration thereof, and
of Article VII of the Charter of Tilla­ thereupon the same shall not be then
mook City, Oregon.
further proceeded with or made, ex­
Section 1: That Sections 3, 4, 5, cept in the case of a proposed im­
6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12 ,13, and 14 of Art­ provement providing for the con­
icle VII of the Charter of Tillamook struction or repair of a sidewalk or
City, Oregon, as enacted by the legis­ sidewalks, and the particular improve­
lative assembly of the state of Oregon, ment so defeated by remonstrance
in the year 1893, and as thereafter shall not be agin proposed for six
and herefore amended, be and the months, except on petition of the own­
same are hereby amended so that the ers of one-half or more of the proper­
same shall read as follows:
ty to be affected thereby, but notice
Section 3: The Common Council may be at once given of a different
shall have power, and is authorized kind or character of improvement
whenever it deems it expedient, to im­ from the one first proposed. The Com­
prove any part of the streets of the mon Council shall have full power to
City; to establish or alter the grade proceed with the proposed construct­
of any street or part thereof within ion or repair of any sidewall? or side_
the limits of Tillamook City; to de­ walks nortwithunderstanding the filing
termine the character, kind and ex­ of a remonstrance against the same,
tent of any street improvement; to but it shall, at its first regular meet­
levy and collect assements upon all ing after the time for filing remon­
lots and parcels of land specially bene- strance has expired, or at such other
fitted by such improvement to defray time as the hearing may -be continu­
the whole or any portion of the cost ed to by it, hear and determine any re­
and expense thereof, and to determine monstrance which may be presented
within the limits specified by this against such proposed sidewalk con­
charter what lands are specially bene­ struction or repair. As to any other
fitted by such improvement, and the character of street improvement, if
amount of such benefits as to each no remonstrance such as is hereinbe­
parcel or tract.
fore mentioned be filed within the time
Section 4: In providing for any limited, the Common Council, at itB
street improvement the Council shall earliest convenience thereafter and
have the power to provide, as a part within one year from the final public­
thereof, for placing in the street where ation of such notice, may establish the
said improvement is to be made, all propised grade or alteration thereof,
necessary pipes and conduits for wat­ or commence to make the proposed
er, gas, heat, power, sewerage, elect­ improvement as herein provided by
rical and any other purposes for which letting contract therefor as herein­
such street may properly be used, and after provided for.
which may be deemed necessary, and
Provided however, that whenever
it shall have power to prescribe and ‘ the owner of any property has peti-
enforce such rules as may be deemed tioned the Council to make any street
necessary, regulating the opening and improvement, he or his successor in
repair of any street surfaces in order ownership of said property shall not
to insure the replacing of the street be permitted to remonstrate against
in proper condition, and in providing the making of such improvement if
for any street improvement the Coun­ notice of intention to make the same
cil shall have ‘he power to require the is published within 3 months from the
contractor for any street improve­ time such petition is presented to the
ment to maintain and keep the same Council, but in every such case the
in repair for such period of time (not signature of any such person to any
exceeding 10 years) as the Common remonstrance to such improvement
Council may determine, any such re­ shall not be considered as in any way
quirements however to be included impairing the authority or power of
in the plans and specifications of the the Council to proceed with the mak­
engineer therefor.
ing of such improvement.
Section 5: Whenever the Common
Tillamook City shall not be respon­
Council shall deem it expedient to im­ sible to any person whomsoever for
prove any street or streets, or any any injury sustained by reason of any
part thereof within Tillamook City, it •defective sidewalk within its corpo­
shall require from the City Engineer rate limits whenever the Street Com­
plans, specifications and estimates missioner or City Engineer shall have
therefor, and where the proposed im­ previous to such injury, posted notice
provement is one for the paving of a at or upon such,defective sidewalk
street, the plans, specifications and notifying the public of the unsafe
estimates shall be for two or more condition thereof.
kinds of appropriate improvement, at
Section8 : Whenever the Common
least one of which must be of a non- Council shall have acquired authority
patentable kind, and the Engineer to make any improvement as provid­
shall furnish as a part of said esti­ ed for herein, it shall direct the May­
mates a statement of the probable or and Recorder of the City to enter
total cost of each class of improve­ into a contract with the person, or
ment, and such plans, specifications persons, or corporation submitting
and estimates shall be filed by the City the lowest bid as herein provided for
Engineer in the office of the City Re­ making said improvement, and shall
corder. If the Common Council shall require such contractor to excute a
find such plans, specifications and esti­ good and sufficient bond and under­
mates to be satisfactory, it shall ap­ taking, in a sum not less than the a_
prove the same, and shall determine mount of the contract price, condition­
the boundaries of the district bene­ ed to make said improvement accord­
fited and to be assessed for such im­ ing to the plans and specifications
provement, and declare its purpose and according, to the terms and con­
intention of making said improvement, ditions of such contract, and complete
and determine the portion of the street the same within a reasonable time to
to be improved, and the assessment be determined by the Common Coun­
district established shall be designat­ cil, such contract to be for the a-
ed as Local Improvement District mount bid for the making of said im­
No.----- . The action of the Common provement by such lowest bidder; in
Council in declaring its intention to case of an establishment or change
improve any street, or any part there­ of grade the proposed change or es­
of, approving and adopting the plans, tablishment shall be effected either
specifications and estimates of the by ordinance or resolution.
City Engineer, determing the bound­
Section 9: The Common Council
aries of the improvement district and may, for good cause, extend the time
of the portion of street or streets to for the completion for any contract
be improved, may all be done at the for a street improvement. It shall
same meeting of the Common Council have power to make all contract^ ne­
and by one and the same resolution. cessary for carrying out the street
Upon the passage of such resolution improvement work, to provide for the
by the Common Council the Recorder proper inspection and supervision of
shall give notice by publication for not all street improvement work, and to
less than ten days from date of the do any other act necessary to secure
first publication, by publishing for not the completion of the improvement.
less than two issues in a weekly news­
Section 10: After the contract
paper published in Tillamook City, in­ and bond are excuted for the making
viting bids for making said improve­ of any street improvement as herein
ment. Each bid submitted must be ac­ provided, and the Common Council
companied by certified check equal to has thereby ascertained and determ­
10 per cent of the amount of the bid. ined the actual cost of such improve­
When such bids are received, and the ment including a sum not to exceed
amount of the lowest responsible bid 10 per cent of such construction price
for each kind of improvement has been for engineering expenses, acquiring
ascertained, the Council shall, by re­ descriptions of property, publishing
solution, determine the kind of im­ of notices, superintendence and other
provement to be made, and the lowest special expenses connected with the
responsible bid. When the Common making of such improvement, the
Council shall have determined the kind Council shall apportion the cost of
of improvement to be made and the such improvement upon each tract,
lowest responsible bid submitted lot or part thereof liable therefor.
therefor, the Recorder shall return to Such apportionment for any improve­
the respective bidders whose bids have ment, except the construction or re­
been rejected the checks submitted pair of a sidewalk or of a drain or
with their bids, and shall retain the sewer, shall be made in the following
check accompanying the bid accepted manner; Each lot or part thereof, or
and adopted for the improvement by tract where the property is not divid­
the Common Council. Such check shall ed into lots, within the limits of the
be held until such time as a remon­ improvement district abutting or ad­
strance is filed sufficient to defeat jacent to any street improved, shall
said improvement, the contract and be liable for the full cost, in the pro­
bond executed as required by the pro­ portion thereof hereinafter mention­
visions of the Charter of Tillamook ed, of making said improvement upon
City, or other applicable law, or ord­ half of the street in front of and a-
ered returned by the Common Council, butting upon or adjacent to said lot,
and shall be forfeited to Tillamook tract or part thereof, and for a pro­
City if the successful bidder shall fail portionate part of the cost of improv,
to enter into contract with approved ing the street intersections in the im­
bond for the carrying out of his bid provement district, to be determin­
if required so to do, provided that no ed by dividing the improvement dis­
bids shall be called for, for the esta­ trict on each side of the street im­
blishment or change of a street proved into zones. Each zone to con­
grade, and the expense of any such tain one-third in depth of the improve­
establishment or change of grade ment district on that side of the
shall be paid out of the general fund street being improved. The property
of the City, but such establishment lying in the first zone next to the
or change of grade shall be made aft­ street being improved, shall be ass­
er notice as prescribed for other im­ essed with 55 per cent of the cost of
said improvement. The property ly­
Section 6: When the Common ing in the second zone with 30 per
Council shall have determined the kind cent of the cost, and the property ly­
of improvement to be made and the ing in the third zone, or zone farth­
lowest responsible bid submitted est from the street improved, with 15
therefor, it shall direct the Recorder to per cent of the cost.
give notice by publication in not less ' The entire cost of construction or
than two successive weekly issues of repair of sidewalks shall be charged
the amount bid, the same to be made
against the lot or tract lying immed­
Shall A Measure entitled “A Mea­ payable to Tillamook county.
iately adjacent to the line of the
street where such sidewalk is being
The court reserves the right to re­
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Article
constructed or repaired.
ject any and all bids.
The cost of construction of sewers
Oregon, and referred to the People
Homer Mason, Cot
County Clerk.
and drains shall be assessed upon the I
of Tilamook City, Oregon,” for adop- First publication July 10, 1919.
property directly benefitted thereby
tion or rejection by resolution adopted Last publication July 2 24,
‘ 1919.
in proportion to the benefits derived
by said Common Council on the------j
_ ___________ _L
by said property therefrom, and each
lot, or part thereof, or tract of land
This Measure proposes to amend Notice of Hearing Administrator's
benefitted by such drain or sewer,
Final Account.
3 to 14 inclusive of Article
shall be assessed separately with its
VII of the Charter of Tillamook City I
proportionate part of such cost. Pro­
Notice is hereby given that Thomas
so as to permit the Council to receive
vided further, that in making any of
bids for several kinds of street im-1 McGlinchy, the administrator of the
the assessments herein provided for,
provement before determining the ex- estate -•
---- ---------------------------
of Edward
McGlinchy, deceas­
there shall be added as a part of the
act improvement to by ordered made, ed, has filed his final account with
cost of such improvement such sum
and so’that the assessment for street the county court of Tillamook county
as found necessary to defray the cost
improvements may be levied as soon
of advertising, engineering, superin­
as contract therefor is let; providing Oregon, and that said court has fixed
tendence and other incidental expenses
that the Common Council may con­ Monday, August 18, 1919, at ten
connected with the carrying out and
struct or repair sidewalks notwith­ o’clock a.m., as the time, and in the
construction of said improvement, but
standing remonstrances thereto; pro­ office of the county judge of Tilla­
such incidental expenses shall not in
viding that the City shall not be liable mook County as the place for hear­
any case exceed ten per cent of the
for damages caused by defective side­ ing said final account.. Notice is
contract price for the making of said
walks after notice of the unsafe con­ further given that all persons are
improvements. Provided further, that
dition thereof is given; providing for hereby required to appear at said
the Council may order such part of
interest on street assessments specifi­
the cost of any street improvement
cally, and providing for the making time and place and show cause, if
paid out of the general fund of the
of such assessments and ordering any, they can, why said final account
City as the Council may deem just
street improvements by resolution in­ should not be allowed and said ad­
and proper.
stead of by ordinance.
ministrator discharged.
Section 11: After such apportion­
Mark X between the number and
Dated July 12, 1919.
ment shall have been made of the cost
answer voted for.
Thomas McGlinchy, Ad­
of such improvement, the Council
shall cause notice to be given by the
ministrator of the Estate
Said election will be held at Eight 1 Dated this 12 day of July, 1919.
City Recorder of the time and place o’clock in the morning and will con. (
Frances B. Stranahan,
of Edward McGlinchy
which it shall set for hearing object­ tinue until 6 o’clock in the evening of City Recorder of Tillamook City. Ore-'
ions thereto. Such notice shall be said August 4th, 1919.
Johnson & Handley, Attorneys.
given by publication for two consecut­
— I
----- ——~
ive issues in a weekly newspaper
published in Tillamook City, and the Notice of Intention to Improve Street South to the South line of Third Notice of Saleof Real Property by
time set shall not be less than 10 days
Street; thence East to the place of
In Tillamook City. Oregon.
nor more than 30 days from the date
of the first publication of such notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all
Tract beginning at point 60 feet
Notice is hereby given, that the
At the time and place set in said no­
West of the Northwest corner of
tice, or at such other time as the mat­ whom it may concern, that the Com­ Block 9, of Stillwell’s Addition to undersigned, as Executrix of the last
ter may be adjourned to, the Council mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore­ the Town of Tillamook (now Tilla­ will and testament of W. J. Clemens,
shall hear and determine all object­ gon, deeming it expedient to improve mook City), and running thence deceased, in pursuance of an order
ions to the apportionment of such the street hereinafter described, did, West to the West boundary of Tilla­ of the Circuit Court of the State of
costs, and upon such hearing may on the 16th day of June, 1919, adopt mook City; thence South 105 feet; Oregon, for the County of Multnom­
make such changes therein as shall a resolution of said improvement,
East to a point due South of ah sitting in Probate, which order
be necessary to make such apportion­ which said resolution is in words and thénce
the place of beginning; thence North was made and entered on the 20th
ment equitable and just and in con­ figures as follows, to-wlt:
the place of-beginning.
day of June, 1919, will, on Friday,
formity to.the provisions of the Chart­ Resolution and Notice of Intention to to Be
it further resolved, that the
25th day of July, 1919, at the
er of Tillamook City.
Improve a Certain Street in Till­ City Recorder, be and she is hereby the
hour of ten (10:00) o’clock a.m. of
Section 12: After the hearing pro- |
vided for in the foregoing Section,
said day, at the office of Clemens,
BE IT RESOLVED that the Com­ and notice to be published for three White & Colman, in room No. 200
and after making such changes in the
apportionment as are therein provid­
in the Stevens building in the City
ed for and when the same have been gon. deem it expedient and hereby official newspaper; that the City of Portland, Multnomah County,
fully determined, the Common Coun­ declares its intention to Improve the Engineer is directed to caline to be
cil shall declare and assess the costs following street in said city, to-wit- conspicuously posted at each end of Oregon, and thereafter until said
All that portion of Third Street < x- the line of the proposed improvement property be sold, offer for sale at
as so determined, by resolution, upon
the property benefitted, which shall tending from the West side of Still­ a copy of this resolution and notice private sale the following described
be described therein, and each lot or well Avenue to the Western ijjiuid- within three days from the date of real pioperty belonging to said es­
part thereof, or separate tract of land ary of Tillamook City, by establish­ the first publication of such notice, tate, viz:
shallbe assessed with its proportion­ ing the grade of said street; by roll­ and that all persons conserned be
All of Lots numbered Twenty-
ate share of such cost so determin­ ing rhe roadway thereof for a width thereby notified of the date of the
ed, and said assessment shall be final of 36 feet; by laying thereon a con­ first publication of said notice, and nine (29) and Sixty-Eight (68), and
and conclusive, and said resolution crete loadway covering the whole of that objections and remonstrances to the North Half (N*4) of Lots num­
shall further direct the Recorder to said 36 feet, with the exception of the proposed improvements may be bered Twenty-eight (28) and Sixty-
enter a statement of the assessed eight feet in the" center thereof, filed with the City Recorder within nine (69), in Block
costs in the- docket of the city liens which portion shall not be paved out 20 days from said date.
thirty-r.ine (39) in Bayocean Park,
as provided for by the Charter of Till­ finished according to plansand speci­
All persons concerned are hereby Tillamook County, Oregon.
amook City.
fications of the city engineer there­ notified that said resolution was duly
Said sale to be for cash, one-fourth
Section 13: Payments may be for, intersections to be paved solid, adopted on the date aforesaid; that (%) of the purchase price to be
made from time to time to the con­ by building curbs, catch basins and the first publication of this notice is paid at the time of sale, and the re­
tractor for any improvement work laying drain pipes, together with in­ June 19th, 1919, and that objections
as may be provided in the contract lets and constructing laterals for and remonstrances to the proposed mainder upon the confirmation of
therefor, but such payments shall not sewer connections and making pro­ improvement may be filed with the the sale by the Circuit Court.
exceed seventy-five per cent of the a- visions for the necessary surface undersigned City Recorder within
This notice is publishehd by order
mount owing for work then done and drainage for sal dstreet and all appur­ 20 days from said date.
of Hon. George Tazwell, Circuit
material actually consumed and em­ tenances thereto, and by laying and
Judge sitting in Probate Department
braced in the work under said con­ constructing concrete headers.
Council of Tillamook City. Oregon.
on the 20th day of June, 1919.
tract, as computed and estimated by
All of said improvements to be
Mary M. Clemens, Ex-
Frances B. Stranahan. I
the City Engineer, until the complet­ made in accordance with the charter,
ecutrix of the last will
ion of the contract and the acceptance resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ City Recorder of Tillamook City. Ore. I
and testament of W. J.
and approval of the work covered mook City and in accordance with
thereby by the City as herein provid­ the plans and specifications, and
Clemens, deceased.
ed. Payments either partial or com­ estimate of work therefore made and
First publication June 26, 1919.
plete, shall be made by warrants prepared by the City Engineer of
Last publication July 24t 1919.
drawn on the fund which shall be es­ Tillamook City, Oregon, filed in the
tablished for the purpose of paying office of the City Recorder of said NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That
for said improvements, except as to Tillamook City. All of said improve­ Tillamook City, Oregon, invites pro­
such portion of the cost as the Coun­ ments to be made at the expense of posals for the improvements of that
-■ — o—
cil shall order paid out of the general the property, and all thereof, adjac­ portion of Third Street extending from
In the County Court of the State of
funds of the City, and all moneys re­ ent thereto and specially benefltted the West side of Stillwell Avenue to Oregon for Tillamook County.
ceived on account of assessments lev­ by said Improvements within the the Western Boundary of Tillamook
In the matter of the last will and
by paving the same, together
ied as herein provided, shall be placed
of the district established and City,
with provisions for curbs, surface testament of Henry Lederer, deceas-
to the credit of such fund and used limits
drainage and other appurtenances,
for no other purpose than paying the
------ . ’ ed.
Be it further resolved, that the all
cost of such improvements together plans,
in accordance with plans and spec­
Notice is hereby given to all whom
with any interest which may secure for the proposed improvements so ifications therefor on file in the office it may concern, that the County
on account thereof. Whenever any made and prepared by the City En­ of the City Recorder. Bids will be re­ Court by its order and decree made
street improvement is completed to gineer as aforesaid, the estimate of ceived up to the 31 day of July, 1919, and entered therein on the 12th day
the satisfaction of the City Engineer,
at 8 o’clock P. M. All proposals or
he shall file a certificate to that effect the probable total cost thereof being bids must be accompanied by certified of July, 1919, the undersigned was
with the City Recorder, who shall
check for 5 per cent of the amount duly appointed the executor of the
thereupon pulish notice thereof for same are hereby approved.
of the bid, payable to Tillamook City, last will and testament of the abov>s
That the boundaries of the assess­ as a guaranty that the successful bid­ named deceased, and all persons are
not less than ’two publications in some
newspaper published in Tillamook ment district to be benefltted by der will enter into contract and fur­ hereby
having claims
and assessed nish approved bond for the construct­
City, stating therein the time when said improvements
against said estate to present them
the acceptance of such work will be therefore are hereby established as ion of said improvement within a rea­ to the undersigned at his office in
considered by the Common Council, follows:
sonable time after contract is award­
Beginning at a point on the West ed. The right is reserved to reject the county court house in Tillamook
which time shall not be less than ten
the proper
days from the date of the first public­ side of Stillwell Avenue in Tillamook any and all bids. Bids should be ad­ City, Oregon, with
ation of said notice, and which shall City, Oregon. 105 feet North of th« dressed to the undersigned at Tilla­ vouchers thereto within six (6)
be at the first regular meeting of the North side of Third Street, and run­ mook City, Oregon.
months from the date of this notice.
Common Council occuring after the ning thence West parallel with the
Frances B. Stranahan,,
Dated this 16th day of July, 1919.
City Recorder.
expiration of said ten day period, un­ North line of Third Street to the
G. B. Lamb, Executor of
less the Council shall fix an earlier West boundary of Tillamook City;
the last Will and Testa­
time than such regular meeting there­ thence South along the West bound­
ment of Henry Lederer,
for; at the time so fixed any person ary of Tillamook City to a point 105
affected by such improvement may feet South of the South line of Third
appear and make objection to the ac­ Street in Tillamook City; thence NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That,
ceptance of said work, or may file such East parallel with the South line of Tillamook City, Oregon, invites pro­
objection prior to said time, and any Third Street to a point in the West posals for the improvement of that
such objection shall be considered and side of Stillwell Avenue 105 feet portion of Seventh Street extending
In the Circuit Court of the State
the merits thereof determined by the South of the South line of Third from the East side of Stillwell Ave
Common Council, and if it appears Street, and thence North along the to the West side of Miller Ave., by ol Oregon for Tillamook County.
that said work has not been complet­ West side of Stillwell Avenue to the paving the same, together with pro­ Harry J. Foster, Plaintiff
ed in accordance with the contract place of beginning.
visions for curbs, surface drainage
therefor, the Council shall require the
That said assessment district «hall and other appurtenances, all in ac­ Dorothy Foster, Defendant.
same to be completed before it shall be and is hereby designated as Local cordance with plans and specifications
To Dorothy Foster, the above
be accepted. When any such work is Improvement District No. 10, and the therefor on file in the office of the City named defendant.
accepted the Recorder shall - endorse property, and all thereof included Recorder. Bids will be received up to
In the name of the State of Ore­
the approval of the Council thereof witljin said district, is described as the 31 day of July, 1919, at 8 o'clock
on the certificate of the City Engineer follows:
P. M. All proposals or bids must be gon:
You are hereby required to appear
and the same shall remain on file as
accompanied by certified check for 5
Lots 5, 6, 7. and 8, in Block 1.
a part of the records of the City. ,
Lots 3. 4, 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10, 11, 12. per cent of the amount of the bid, pay­ and answer tlie complaint fil"d
able to Tillamook City, as a guaranty against you In the above entitled
Section 14: All assessments made 13, and 14, in Block 2;
that the successful bidder will enter cause from and after six weeks from
for street improvements, and every
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 3;
into contract and furnish approved the date of the first publication
part thereof, shall bear interest at the
Lots 1. 2, 3, and 4. Block 4.
rate of six per cent annum from the
All in Maple Grove Addition to bond for the construction of said im­ hereof, to-wlt; July 24, 1919, tbj
provement within a reasonable time
expiration of the time allowed the Tillamook City.
after contract is awarded. The right last publication being the 4tli day of
owner of the land to apply said asses-
Lots 5, 6. 7, and 8, In Block 4;
is reserved to reject any and all bids. September, 1919, and If you fall so
ment in installements, until paid or
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 5;
Bids should be addressed to the under­ to answer for want thereof, ti e
collected. .
Lots 1, 2, 3. and 4, 1 n Block 6;
signed at Tillamook City, Oregon.
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
Any street improvement which may
Ixits 1, 2. 3, and 4, 111 Block 7;
Frances B. Stranahan,
the relief prayed for in the com­
be under way at the time of the adop­
Lots 1, 2. 3, and 4, in Block 8.
City Recorder. plaint, to-wit: That the contract of
tion of this measure shall be carried
Lots 1, 2. 3, and 4, in Block >;
to completion under the provisions of
matrimony existing
between the
Lots 5. 6, 7, and 8, in Block 10.
Notice to Contractori.
this measure, so far as the same are
Lots 5, 6, 7. and 8, in Block 11.
plaintiff and the defendant be annull­
applicable, but in respects in which
All in Stillwell’s Addition to Tilla­
Notice Is hereby given that the ed and dissolved t»y the Court and
the provisions of this measure are not mook, or Tillamook City.
an absolute dl-
appliciable the former charter provis­
Tract beginning at the intersection County Court of Tillamook County that plaintiff have
ions relating thereto shall be follow­ of the West side of Stillwell Avenue will, until 10 o’clock a.m. of July 25. vorce from the defendant and such
ed and they are declared as kept in with the North line of Third Street, 1919, receive proposals for the other and further relief as the
force for that purpose until such mat­ and running thence North 105 feet; graveling of the Grant Dawson Co. Court may deem J uki and equitable,
ters shall be fully completed.
thence West 125 feet; thence South road from the end of the plank road
Ths summons is published by order
That each legal voter who votes for to North line of Third Street; thence near th- Union schoolhouse to the of Hon. Geo. R Bagley, Judge of the
the adoption or rejection of said mea­ East to place of beginning.
above named court, said order being
sure shall vote “Yes” or “No” in ans­
Tract beginning at the intersection North end of the draw bridge over dated the 21st day of July, 1919.
wer to the affirmative or negative of of the West side of Stillwell Avenue
Johnson & Handley
the question propounded upon the bal­ with South line of Third Street, and of approximately 8000 ft. according
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
lot for the adoption or rejection of running thence South 105 feet, to the specifications on file with the
such measure.
I thence West 210 feet; thence North County Clerk of Tillamook county.
That the ballot title to be used at , 105 feet; thence East to point of be­
Each bid shall be in a sealed en­
said election for voting upon said mea­ ginning.
------ o-----
velope plainly marked on the outside
Tract beginning at the Intersection "Proposal for the graveling of the i The Newcomb cottages now open.
sure shall read as follows:
Proposed by the Common Council.
of thé West side of Seventh Avenue
Fully furnished, with 1 or 2 beds. By
The number and form in which the West with the North line of Third Grant Dawson county road and the week or month. For terms, ad-
printed on the official ballot is as fol Street; and running thence North
Dallot title for said measure will be 105 feet; thence West to the West fled cheque or bidders bond equal In , dress, Mrs. Bertha Newcomb, Rock'
boundary of Tillamook City; thence umount to 5 per cent of the total of away. Ore,
1 Chi
388 ariti
Calli», i
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