1LLAMOOK HEADLIGHT.5 JULY 17, 1919 postulation, in plea, in protest and in I menace, have we found one single What the Editors Say' ------- o------- • word of repetance, of realization of The abolition of the death penalty | wrong done, of resolution to reform in various states a few years ago is ¡the nation's ways. There is nothing not proving the panacea for correct but sullen resentment and determin­ living that sentimental admirers of ation to persist in the old course. The German government of Ebert the movement had expected and some of the states are now repealing the and Bauer and Erzberger would if it abolition law. The latest state to do had the chance and the power be just so is Missouri which did away with as rsady to violate treaties, to burn the death penalty in 1917. Washing­ cities, to ravish women, to murder ton has also returned to capital pun­ a omen and children, and to commit ishment. The Portland Journal and every conceivable crime and abom­ Salem Statesman will now arise in ination, as was the German govern­ their indignation and declare that ment of WiMiam Holienzollern, and the people of those states are filled Bethmann-Hollweg. It is the same with lust for blood and will want to old Hun with which civilization has create a few more abattoirs to sup­ to deal. We beat him at war. It re­ ply the sustaining fluid.—Sheridan mains to be seen if we shall succeed Sun. in keeping him beaten in peace.— ------- o— - Harvey's Weekly. Governor Olcott seems to be sore because the state highway commis­ Great Friendship. sion’s engineer and the U.S. govern­ ment’s engineer insist that the For­ Probably few men who know the est Grove paving is oked. He has a close friendship that exists between right to be. When a governor who Lord French and Sir Douglas Haig is not an ingineer, takes his provlte have heard the story that largely secretary and a few other appointees accounts for it. out in the dark of night and discov­ It was on that historic day when ers a mare's nest, and the said ap­ Cronje’s white flag of surrender flut­ pointees all agree with him that it tered over the lines of Paardeberg is a real genuine mare's nest, it is that Major Haig—as he then was— highly disturbing to have the high- was about to cross the Modder river. way commission and their expert His horse reared aud he was flung and the government’s expert come into the swift running waters. In along and classify the discovery as an instant another officer who had not a mare's nest at all, but a horse witnessed the accident spurred his chestnut. After all, why should the horse into the river and after a long governor worry about it to the extent struggle, in which the rescuer also that he takes a pocket flash light was unhorsed, the two men reached and a jimmy and goes out in the the bank. night digging up pavement to inspect The officer whose gallantry thus when he expects to travel henceforth saved Haig’s life was General by airplane anyway.—Gazette French. Times.. u Holstein Cow Produces 51.93 lbs. distiller's dry grains, one and one- fourth parts of oil meal and cotton Butter in 7 Days. 200 tbs. in 20 seed meal, and one-half parts of Days. hominy and gluten. The oats con­ tained 10 per cent of peas; each Rolo Mercena DeKil 30313 (C. H. feed being mixed separately in the B.,) a 5-year old Holsteln-Friestein above proportion. Toward the end of cow, owned by J. B. Hanmer of Nor­ the test Mr. Hanmer fed as high as wich, Ontario, Canada, has just made two parts of oil meal and 1*4 parts the sterling record of 51.93 lbs. but­ of cotton seed meal in the ration, ter in an official 7-day test, and cutting off the gluten and hominy. 200.34 lbs. butter in tv 30-day test. This great Canadian cow is not one Her milk production for the 7 and of the large specimens of the breed, 30 day period was 738.90 tbs. and her weight being about 1300 Ibs. 2,920.50 tbs.. In 60 days she showed She is nearly all black and. as can be a production of 337.49 lbs butter seen from the above illustration, she With an income tax in preparation from 5,795.10 ibs. milk. These rec­ has a beautiful head and splendid top for submission to Oregon voters it is i ords were made in a test conducted line, with a wonderfully fine square said that another attempt will be under the direction of Prof. H. H. udder. Her sire is Sir Rolo Banks made at the same election to pass Dean, of the Ontario Agricultural Mercena 14953 (C.H.B.) and her the single tax amendment which has College, and retests were made by of­ dam. Flora DeKoi Pietertje 9163 (C. appeared in various forms and been ficials of the Holstein-Frlesian As- H. B.) the latter having five other soundly beaten at past elections. The sociation of Canada. daughters in the Canadian Record of income tax is advanced as a means Here are the milk and butter rec- Merit list. Sir Rolo Banks Mercena of saving land from virtual confisca­ ords made by this wonderful pro, was born on the same farm as bis tion, for it pays the bulk of the ducer from one to 60 days'inclusive, wonderful daughter and was used yearly increase in taxes, while single mostly in a grade herd, having but tax will add the tax now imposed on lbs. 1 day butter 8.57 two pure bred daughters. personal property and Improvements 1 day milk . 125.8 Rolo Mercena DeKpl has had to the land—a cheerful prospect and 7 day butter 51.93 three calves, all heifers, Her first improvements on the land— a cheer­ 7 day milk . 738.7 and last daughters are owned by Mr. ful prospect to the owner who has Average test . . 5.62 pct. Hanmer, who also owns her dam, seen his tax double and treble as the 30 day butter . 200.34 the latter, together with "Rolo” and years go by. It is probable, therefore 30 day milk . . 2,920.5 some other members of the family, that while income taxes have never Average test . . 5.47 pct. having been purchased by Mr. Han­ been received with enthusiasm the 60 days butter 337.49 mer at his father’s sale. He paid $320 people will favor it as the lessor of 60 days milk . . 5,795.1 for the cow which has now made the two evils and it will be adopted, for The recorcFof milk and fat produc­ world’s butter record for both seven the burden of taxation can be more evenly distributed if applied to what tion for the Beven days in which the and thirty days. a man earns than it applied to what 51.93 lbs. butter was made is as Mr. Hanmer, who has fed "Rolo" he earns with it.—Independent. follows: since she was a calf, is a young man ■ ■ o------- Milk Fat of only 23 years. He has been in the National prohibition is working March. 31 (1 milking) 26.7 l.tioi •Holstein dairy business on his own out in a peculiar manner and will April 1.............................. 99.4 5.392 i account for a little over a year. His April 2}........................... 108.3 .6.344 ¡extraordinary success in the devel­ create a problem or two that will be hard to solve. Instead of running the April 3.............................. 92.5 4.961 oping of a world’s champion augurs wine grape growers of California the April 4 .............................. 97.3 .5.578 well for the future of this Canacflan new law has created a demand for April 5.............................. 112.2 6.232 breeder. Perserverance, hard work these grapes that far exceed the sup­ April 6 ............................. 105.4 .6.409 and an unbounded enthusiasm in the ply, it is claimed, and which promis­ April 7 (3 milkings . . 90.9 5.027 breed have thus brought fame to this es to send the price of grapes ■young farmer, whose facilities for higher than at any time in the 738.7 41.544 the making of large records were of 'past years. In the big cities of the Total the same kind that exist on practic ­ Butter 51.93 least and middle west people are ally all the small dairy farms in Can­ Rolo Mercena DeKoi made this placing orders for grapes, and put­ ada and the United StateH. great record under ordinary condl- ting up real money to bind the bar­ Rolo Mercena DeKol’s 7-day butter tK>*. in the same stable as the rest gain, on the theory that the govern­ record displaces the one made by ‘»he herd, and suffered no ill ef- ment will not interfere with the man Segis Fayne Johanna (50.68) and her owner stating that she 'who merely makes wine for his own gained in weight. Her abil- her 30-day record eclipses that of 1 household. The outcome of all this is (185.37), Actual 25c.>nsume and digest a large Fairview Korndyke Mata uncertain. The national government former 30-day champion by 15 tbs. has not made a ruling. When the rul­ Scriuis in Whii concentrates had much to Canadian Holsteins now hold the ing is forthcoming it will interest assorted color!« f‘ne Performance. Dur­ production thousands and even millions of peo­ st four days of her test world’s record for milk yard . . as high as 34 lbs grain from one to 100 days for 7 and 30. ple, many of whom believe that while the days butter production, through home manufacturing they • .ally, together with 34 120 lbs. of mangels and red beets and 16 lbs. of world's record price of 1106,000 for will be able to stave off bone dry ensilage. Twice a day she was given a dairy bull was secured last year at prohibition indefinitely. But the Milwaukee, on a Canadian bred 6- wine grape growers, who believed light feeds of hay. The ration con­ months-old calf. they feared ruin with national pro­ sisted of equal parts of bran, oats, hibition, are pleased beyond measure for the time, and hope that their t prosperity will continue indefinitely. —Observer. The Same Hun. ------- o------- “As it was in the beginning, is i now. and”—must we add—" pay for it. Learn how easy it is to build one. Notice of Hearing Administrator’s Final Account. ------ o Notice is hereby given that Thomas McGlinchy, the administrator of the estate of Edward McGlinchy. deceas­ ed, has filed his final account with the county court of Tillamook county Oregon, and that said court has fixed Monday, August 18, 1919, at ten o'clock a.m., as the time, and in the office of the county judge of Tilla­ mook County as the place for hear­ ing said final account.. Notice is further given that all persons are hereby required to appear at said time and place and show cause, If any, they can, why said final accotwU should not be allowed and said ad­ ministrator discharged. Dated July 12, 1919. Thomas McGlinchy, Ad­ ministrator of the Estate of Edward McGlinchy. deceased. Johnson & Handley, Attorneys. Call for your free copy of descriptive plans. LAMB-SCHRADER CO Cement, Coal and Building Material Notice of Sale of Real Property by Executrix. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, as Executrix of the last will and testament of W. J. Clemens, deceased, in pursuance of an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnom­ ah sitting in Probate, which order was made and entered on the 20th day of June, 1919, will, on Friday, the 25th day of July, 1919, at the hour of ten (10:00) o'clock a.m. of said day, at the office of Clemens, White & Colman, in room No. 200 in the Steveift building in the-City of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, and thereafter until said property be sold, offer for sale at private sale the following described real pioperty belonging to said es­ tate, viz: All of Lots numbered Twenty- nine (29) and Sixty-Eight (68), and the North Half (N%) of Lots num­ bered Twenty-eight (28) and Sixty- nine (69), in Block Numbered thirty-nine (39) in Bayocean Park, Tillamook County, Oregon. Said sale to be for cash, one-fourth (»4 ) of the purchase price to be paid at the time of sale, and the re­ mainder upon the confirmation of the sale by the Circuit Court. This notice is publishehd by order of Hon. George Tazwell, Circuit Judge sitting in Probate Department on the 20th day of June, 1919. Mary M. Clemens, Ex­ ecutrix of the last will and testament of W. J. Clemens, deceased. First publication June 26. 1919. Last publication Jqly 24, 1919. Have you seen the Model 90 Overland Car ? Like the one that broke the world’s record at Oklahoma, going 7 days without a stop. CHAS. F. PANKOW, Star Garage, Tillamook. ✓ The Tillamook Transfer Co., has contracted the wood output of the Coats Lumber Co., Mill. If the wood supply’ from this plant is not suf­ ficient for the local demand we will fill orders from other sources. Place your orders for wood with us. TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO., Administrator's Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given, that the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook county, has appointed the undersigned administrator of the estate of Fritz Buhrow, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, to­ gether with the proper vouchers therefore, to the administrator at the office of the Sheriff of Tilla- mook County, at Tilli::nook City. Ore­ gon, on or before six months from the date of this notice. Dated June 12, 1919. W. L. Campbell, admin­ istrator of the Estate of Fritz Buhrow, deceased. Dairymen Attention. ------- o Eighty six acres of fine river bot­ tom land with house barn and other buildings, two miles front city of Co­ quille. half mile from cheese factory, close to school house. You can send your milk to the cheese factory or creamery or condensary. Come aud see mh or write to Peter Biases. Ara­ go, Coos County. Oregon. LIBERTY T laai^aßßfaaaiöfaaa^^ t AÜEX. MeHAIR & CO. GEflERRU HRRDCUflRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating .Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere