TILLAMOOK, OREGON. JULY 17, 1919. Mrs. Elsie Vidito’s mother arrived Church service^' at the Christian Schilling, I. G. Willis Cowles. The re­ diff who prepared and cooked such TWO S. P. CARS JUMP TRACK Wednesday to be with her daughter, Church, Sunday School 10 a.nt. port of the financial officers show ------- o ■ ■ royal meals for us,, and to the many ------ o------ who was seriously ill as a result of preaching, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. the lodge to be in good ■ financial One Standard Oil and one Flat Car other Tillamook hustlers who met us Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew are an operation. Mrs. Vidito’s father ar­ at every turn with a royal welcome.” Lucia and Muriel Wiley, daughters condition .A class of fifteen received . Leave Rails North of Bay City. visiting their parents. rived Thursday. of Frances Wiley, are i« for a- visit i the page rank. After installation ice udge A. M. Hare returned from a Two cars on the freight train com­ A. M. Myers and Miss Ollie Miner with their mother before going to cream and cake were served. ROAD BOOSTERS HOPEFUL trip to Portland Friday. left Tuesday for The Dalles and Bend Minneapolis for the winter, where The list of prize winners for the ing from Portland were wrecked last Thursday evening about eleven P. J. Worrall went to Portland on a to visit relatives and friends. They they will study art. Some pretty Fourth of July floa s as announced will go from Bend to Crater Lake for water colors they have painted are last Saturday is as follows: Best o clock, when they jumped the track Oregon Expect» to Share in Future business trip Monday morning. a few days. Appropriations. on exhibition at the store where floats, Moose Lodge, 1st, and Coast as they were rounding the bend just Coming in for a visit, was Oscar Mrs. Wiley works. Power Co. 2nd; Best decorated car; north of Bay City. One car was a flat Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew have Confident that if any road appro­ Aschim, who arrived Tuesday. car, and the other was a gas car ot gone up the salmonberry where he Henry C. Viereck, M. D_ has re­ Win. eoburn, 1st; Jess Earl, 2nd. priation bill is going to Btand a E. E.Koch and family arrived home will work on the new fish hatchery. turned to Tillamook after studying Mr. Coburn’s car was acknowledged the Standard Oil Co. They slid down the grade on their chance in Congress Oregon won’t Thursday after a trip to the valley. They will stay there until school the eye. ear, and throat in London by all to be one of the loveliest cars sides, one falling on top of the other. lose out, the three men comprising imaginable. It was decorated with and New York hospitals, and surgi­ Mrs. L. A. Berick went to Salem opens up in the fall. purple fox-glove, while Mr. Earl's The morning train from Portland the Roosevelt highway delegation Sunday to visit a couple of weeks. Mrs. M. W. Harrison left Tillamook cal clinics, and is setting up an of­ car was a mass of huckleberry bushes was delayed until three o’clock, returned last night from Washing­ fice here to practice. He graduated C. G. Lyon, of Portland, visited XV. Wednesday morning for Santa Rosa, from the University of Pennsylvania with a tiny elf sitting at the top of it while the wrecker cleared the track. ton, D. C. where they had a hearing . no one was injured, and the track with the congressional committee on B. Sutton over Saturday and Sunday. California. Mr. Harrison has preced­ in 1916. all. was not damaged. The afternoon roads. Two of the members, L. J. ed her, and they will make their Henry Hill, of the Cape Mears home on a farm near Santa Rosa. J. W. Hatfield vs Olive fc. Hatfield train came in on time. Simpson, of North Bend, and Charles An Oakland runabout shipped in • Light Station, was in town last Fri­ is a divorce suit filed in the circuit Hall, of Marshfield, went on direct here with three others last Satur ­ The baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl court. These parties were married day. .to their homes, but B. F. Jones, of day was badly damaged when remov ­ TILLAMOOK BEATS NEHALEM Newport, the third, remained in the Dawson, Earl Foland Dawson, born Mrs. H. C. Boone and child left for January 27, 1919, died of pneumonia ed from the freight car. The steering June 7, 1912, and two children were •------o------ Los Angeles this morning for a vaca­ on July 13, after a few hours illness. wheel was a quarter broken off, the born to the union. It is alleged that Base Ball Game Last Sunday Results city, passing the night at the Im­ while living at Perrydale, Polk coun ­ perial. hood scratched and broken in, and a tion. The funeral was held Monday. ty, the defendant abandoned her In Win for Home Team. "Last Friday we had our hearing”, thick oily tar like glue ran over the Mrs. K. P. Loop and children left husband on the Sth of August, 1917, he said,' and gave the committee full Because of the death of their back of the poor machine. In the return game played Nehalem data. The members seemed much im­ for Bar View this morning to spend mother, Mrs. Jacob Erdt, Carl Erdt and they have not lived together E. F. Schultz and wife, and Wesley since that date. Plaintiff is willing last Sunday, Tillamook walked off pressed and after the session threo the day. and his wife left for Portland Fri­ I with the long end of the score, and A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. day. Mrs. Erdt had been ill for a Sutton and wife and J. L. Wilson that the children remain in possess- with a more decisive victory than openly told us they would vote for a went out on Wilson river fishing last also ready ion of the defendant and favorable t eport and would endeavor Gustav Erickson of Bay City, last long time, and under a doctor’s care. Nehalem had here the Fourth. Sunday and report a fine catch. The to support them. to convert others. night. Robert Carlson was in the city limit was caught by Mr. and Mrs. The game was well attended and "The special session of Congress is Last Sunday a party of the frienus exciting at times with some of the 18Sve Martiny went to Portland Tuesday on business. Bob says every­ Schultz, who made some of their trimming appropriations and it is and families of 0. A. Schultz, C. H. Thursday and returned to Tillamook thing is progressing nicely at Wheel­ Portland friends like Tillamook bet­ close plays. The lineup for Tillamook is hard to get things like this tie- er, but somehow the business men ter, by sending them some of the Schytltz. Mrs. F. B. Stranahan, and was as follows: McClenny, P.; Heisel through. However,a favorable report Friday. C. F. Beltz, and. Frank McGuire, c; Cowles, 1. f.; Himes, r. f.; Umph- will give the measure a fighting Mrs. Webster Holmes went to Port­ don’t pull together as nicely as they trout. numbering over thirty drove to the land today to visit her mother and should. Boy Scout corps, No. 1, of Astoria hatchery for a picnic. They all en­ let, 2nd and p, Gabriel, s.s.; Wallace chance. The Oregon delegation is do- sisters. Eva Drake left for Portland Wed­ are planning to hike down here dur­ joyed the day very much, but com­ I 2nd; Travis, 1st; and Crimmens, 3rd. ! ing hard work for it and, compared nesday morinig. Her father K. W. ing the county fair, and they expeot ing back had an accident on the | Nehalem had the following men on with other states, we are well repre­ Bruce Wade returned home last Drake will accompany her to Port­ to camp on the fair grounds. A num­ Shrantz bridge. Mr. McGuire's car. a I their team. Atwood, F. Tubbesing, H. sented by a stiong. wideawake bunch Thursday, after being in the service land and is then going to Wyoming. ber of them came down two years ago Willys-Knight, laden with nine pas­ : Tubbesing, Tohl, Gresham, S. Sul- of men.” of Uncle Sam. Mr. Jones explained that every­ She expects to be gone about a during the fair, and this year they sengers went through the bridge. No I livan, H. Sullivan, Peregoy, and Mrs. Pearl Lamb arrived last night month. thing must now rest until congress I will come with a drum corps, and one was injured and the machine Jones. Jones was the pitcher. here Another game will be played acts one way or the other. Oregon and will stay here for a while with Fred Maurer, who went over the play here. It is thought about thirty was lifted out without injury also. * Sunday. voted $2,500,000 for the June elec­ her relatives. will come. cliff last week near the Grand Ronde Frank Armstrong, while under the tion and Representative W. C. Haw­ Boyd Mendenhall left for ifhn Fran­ reservation in his Ford, sent the For i Walter Williams, with his wife influence of liquor, caused quite a TRAIN WRECK IMMINENT ley on June 25 introduced a bill to cisco Sunday morning to take a two over again last Saturday, and this and mother-in-law, and Mrs. David commotion for a little while, for he have the government match this. weeks vacation. time it was smashed. Mr. Maurer Kuratli and daughter, spent last will have to plunk up about $100. Young Men Leave Handcar in Tunnel The three men from the coast coun­ Friday on the beach at Rockaway. For being drunk he was fined $25 Miss Teresa Hass returned front a again escaped uninjured. ties arrived the following day to aid With no Room For Cars to Pass. visit with her parents at Oregon city in the fight and were in the national The committee in charge of ar­ They dined at the New Elmore Hotel, and for assaulting Mrs. Frisby he Four young men who were work­ capital 17 days.—Oregonian. last Wednesday. rangements for the Fourth, met last and were delighted withh the ap­ was fined $50 and costs. Armstrong pointments. The Elmore has been was in a fighting mood when arrest­ ing at the logging camp at' Cochran Thursday night and after going over Hiram Perry’s little girl is very ill, thoroughly renovated by J. J. Krebs ed and used considerable profane when turned off last week because and was brought in from near Bux­ the bills and funds, discovered a its new proprietor. language while being taken to the they were not yet 18 years old, start­ Interstate Realty Association Meeta small surplus. This will be given to ton for treatment. At Victoria July 17-19. some local charitable organization. William Harris returned Thursday county jail. After being locked up ed to walkto Wheeler, but when -—o—- there he commenced destroying they saw a handcar at the side of Albert Bramwell and Mrs. Bram­ after driving to Portland to get hit W. D. Stillwell is quite seriously The Inter-state Realty Dealers As­ things in the cell. In addition to the the railroad, they broke the lock on well came in Tuesday to visit friends wife on the train for Seattle to see sick, having suffered a stroke of above fines he will have to make it, and started down the grade that sociation will meet at V atli’s father and mother, also of Fire Threatens Farmhouse last Night | their summer vacation. Saturday town is expected to get up and nfa ago. Astoria. Kuratli’s brother The application of Errold Haltom, Hillsboro. Mr. Joseph F. Duncan and Miss Lizzie Last night the fire siren attracted 'morning they were tried, plead a five minute boosters talk nf hiV town. Mr. Everson has done this at Reed Woods were married at the of Tillamook, to attend Hill Military brought with him as his guest. Prof. many into the streets for a fire, and guilay and fined $30 altogether. every meeting of the association Christian parsonage by Rev. Harry Academy as a cadet this fall has William C. Laube, of Dubuque Col­ i then they caught rides in automo- since the organization was founded. been received and accepted and his lege, Iowa. They returned to Hills­ I biles if they were lucky, and speeded E. Tucker. What Other People Think of Us. boro Friday. : and Tillamook can feel assured tha1 name enrolled. It Is understood that ¡out the Bay City road a couple ot ------ o Beatrice Gaylord arrived home she is well spoken of and that imst several other boys from Tillamook Jess Kennedy’s farm house on his miles to the Church home, where the Edward G. Barger, of Portland who excellently. Saturday after being ill in Portland district are contemplating attending. place between Cloverdale and Woods roof had Btarted to burn. It was visited Tillamook with the D. O. K. with scarlet fever. She will spend the Albert* Bramwell and wife, and burned Tuesday morning. The house- ¡thought that the wiring must havo K.’s writes: - summer here. Season of Gaiety Opens at Bayocean. babies left for Portland today after is one of the old landmarks of that ¡started the fire as it began under ------ o------ Mr. L. W. Turnbull, Tillamook’s visiting their uncles and aunts, the part of the county, and was occupied the roof, quite a ways from the I "It was my great pleasure to be to I The summer visitors are beginning one ot the visiting D. new superintendent of schools, ar­ Nelsons and Hanrienkratts, and Mr. at the time it burned by Geo. Ethel. ‘ chimney. rived in town Friday for a short Nelson’s mother. They will go from Five hundred dollars worth of in- I Not much damage was done ex­ Tillamook on June 28, and 1 cannot to throng the beach at Bayocean, where the call of sea and bay drir week-end visit. __ ____ water thrown on,and help but speak in the very highest many to contentment for u w! Portland to Clint, Texas, where they surance was carried on the place and cept by the • up-and-doing terms of the spirit of covers most the loss, as the furniture j about ten square feet of shingles T. E. Hyden and family arrived will make their home. ¡The cottages are rapidly flllfnt. ■ was nearly all saved. j were torn off the roof. The fire was that Tillamook people are showing. and it promises to be a busy Friday afternoon to stay on the farm "Of course, as Knights of Pythias Returning Friday from a trip to I fortunately discovered in time, and of their mother, Mrs. W. A. Clark, Corvallis, were Marie Geinger and Five ladies have agreed to keep I The natatorium is in fin e< .,/(■ fought well. In the strong wind we fully expected that the people if who lives near Netarts. her sister, Dellow Smith, Gladys flowers in the five urns that hav¿ blowing there would have been ¡Tillamook would give us a royal wel­ tion for swimming and bntnfng For the purpose of visiting their Kllnehan and Evelyn Glad, who won been placed in the business portion nothing to stop it, if it had got a come and we really expeqted a grand i while Saturday nights dances a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. O. V prizes at the county and state fair of the city.The one at Lamar’s. Mrs. 1 start on the roof. The fire company I time. However, I speak of the new , Hotel Bayocean will be attrac.'. White left Wednesday for Hillsboro for the best exhibits of canned fruits. Jennie McGhee will have charge of; had been practicing in Sunnymead | spirit that seems to be a part ot the features of the summer. This y«.»i and Portland for a week. The trip was the prize awarded them. at the First National Bank, Mrs. C. and so were in for a long run to get Tillamook people as a body. They the changing point on the railroad is 8. Barnes; at the Tillamook County greet all comers and are not afraid at Bay City Instead of Garibaldi, as Carmen O’Dell and Frank Loop Mr. and Mrs. Let» Partridge and Bank, MrB. Billings; at the City Hall there with the chemicals. to show visitors that the city of Til­ in former years. However, with the came to town for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Smith left for Mrs. Stranahan; at the Tillamook lamook Is on the map and forging approaching completion of the Gari­ Mr. O’Dell will leave soon, while Mr. Seattle Sunday, driving out. They Hotel, Mrs. Anderson. baldi dock, the changing point for GEM THEATRE PROGRAM ahead. « O’Dell will stay a month. expect to be gone for about ten days. -•—o------ "When I spoke of this to several of the Bayocean ferry will be back at Tillamook county has bought two Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Maloney and Mr. Partridge will attend the screen condemnation suits against Isaac H. Friday, July IS- John Barrymore in the leading boosters, they called my the old*place. the “Man From Mexico” attention to the fact that they were Mr. Maloney’s father, mother and ball of the northwest exhibitors that Moore and Margaret J. Moore and brother, of Portland, are spending will be held at Seattle while they Mortgage Company Holland-America Saturday, July.19 -Viola Dana in boosting for all Oregon, Oregon pro­ SOCIETY. ar a. there. in “TheParisian Tigress” ------ o------ ducts and Oregon payrolls.. their vacation at Rockaway. of Ultrecht, Holland these suits Harold Lloyd in 'Crack Your Heels’ "I really believe that the caravan The Shakespeare Club met at the George Christensen returned Sun­ growing out of the state high- Mrs. J. B. McCloud, who has been Sunday, July 20.—Alice Brady in we made up on this trip must have home of Mrs. J. Groat last Friday. A visiting her brother. Mr. Briscoe, day from a trip to the valley, driving way surveying through the defend- "At the Mercy of Men.” appeared to the coast folks as a most enjoyable afternoon was spent and Mrs. Burton, left on her way to !a new machine, for which he got the ant's land south of this city, the Pathe News. starving delegation for sure. We had in the reading of the 2nd act from ¡agency while out there. He has been county and the defendants having her home in the east Wednesday. I taking many of his friends for a ride, failed to agree upon a price on the Monday,July 21st—Enid Bennett in four meals served to us of the finest the “Merry Wives of Windsor,” The "Fuss and Feathers.” Tuesday night the patrons of the which they enjoy greatly. The ma­ land taken. cheese and the most delicious salmon guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Lyons and Moran comedy. Palm candy shop were entertained chine is a dull greyish-red. "Pan- and crabs that man ever ate. And did McNair, Mrs. Koch, Mrs. Gruber and Walter Severance got a call Mon- Tuesday, July 22nd—"The Hun we eat? I don't believe that a person Mrs. Haltom. with the playing of a jazz orchestra j American.” day to go to Portland, where his Within" An Artcraft Special. whose members came from Portland. who sat down to those tables ever ate The minutes of the first meeting | m T hs Jessie Gibson, who has been daughter was ill. Miss Severance was Pathe News. so much or had so much to eat at one of the club, held in 1904 were read, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. VanDutu, of 'teaching at the North Central running an elevator there, and was and made a novel entertainment. The Portland, and B. E. Haney, .the state High School at Spokane. Washington in the basement of the building just Wednesday, July 24th.-—Ethel Clay­ time in all his life. ton in "Women’s Weapons.” “One reason for this was that the house was beautifully decorated by prosecuting attorney were in Tilla­ arrived home Saturday. John Gibson, starting up, when a metre reader mook over the week-end on a fishing a non of Rev. C. E. Gibson Is expect­ started to run and jumped for the Thursday, July 24th—Gladys Brock­ salmon were caught fresh from the the hostess with fragrant, sweet­ well in "The Pitfalls of a Big salt water and the providers knew smelling flowers, and a dainty lunch trip.' ed home this week on. a furlough elevator. She couldn't stop it in time City. how to cook them without losing the was served. from Camp Funstan. He is a captain and though no fault of her own, the George Peters wife and baby, of Also a two reel comedy, ------ o------- color and flavor. It took Tillamook man was cut to pieces. Miss Sever- South Bend. Wash., caine in last in the army. men to arrange the feasts, and they The marriage of Albert Neilson Thursday to visit a month. Mr. Pct surely know how to handle affairs ot and Miss Floa Axtell was solomoniz- The second wreck in 3 days on the | ance fainted, and had to be removed Announcement. era is the brother of Mrs. Leo Mor­ railroad between Portland and Tilla­ to the hospital. this kind. ed lust Thursday, at five o’clock by rison. Marathon Lodge No. 89, K of P., I have purchaseda Twentieth Cen- ”1 was requested by a number of Rev. C. E. Gibson, at his home. mook occurred last Saturday, when following officers tury wood saw and will be ready for those who made up the D. O. K. K ------- o------ Marriage licenses were issued to J. three freight cars of the S. P. com­ installed the The marriage of George A. A. caravan to send In an expression of Albert Neilson and Floa Axtell; pany jumped the track near Scofield. Monday night: C. C. Stanley, G. i business in a few days. All calls promptly attended to. Call appreciation to Chanii lUi Command­ Jones and Miss Leah Wright of Bar George A. A. Jones and Leah L. The Saturday special, supposed to Clark; V. C. William Coburn; Pre­ Wright; Joseph F. Ducham and Liz- arrive at 8:45, did not get in until late, Ralph R. Edwards; M. of W., ‘ Bell phone 6F2, or leave orders at er Oathout who had charge of the View was solemnized by Reverend W. T. Oathout; Master at Arms, Ed. ¡Star Grocery, Karl Wilhelms Tillamook reception, to "Toots” Car- Gibson on Saturday last. one the next morning. zie Reed Woods. Tillamook Jottings.