9 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JULY I 10, 1919 BARGAIN TABLE. BARGAIN TABLE. BARGAIN TABLE. BARGAIN TABLE. Remnants of Ribbons, Laces, embroideries and odds and ends in Buttons notions and novelty articles in values up to 25c. Crochet Threads, sewing needs, notions of all kinds, remnants of Lacés etn- broideries and ribbotia and actual values to 50c. novelty articles. seful and novelty arti- cles, Remnants of Piece Goods, Towels, Handker- chiefs, and various other wanted merchandise in ¡values up to 75c. in value. wonderful selection of Bargains in Women’s Dresses, Skirts, ___ Buggy Robes, Waste Paper Bas­ kets, Japanese Serving Trays, etc., up to $3.50 in value. ** CLEARAWAY Begins at 10 A.M. Saturday, July 12th rPHE BARGAIN EVENT of the season—our Semi-Annual Clearaway of Broken selections in all kinds of sized I merchandise for Men, Women and Children, Odds and Ends in separate pieces in a great variety of novelty and ■ useful articles, short lengths and Remnants of all kinds of yard-goods, and good, reliable merchandise being closed out because of our inability to again secure the same lines to complete our selections. In addition to the Bargains mentioned there are scores of others of which there are only limited quantities for which reason they could not be advertised. Come to the Store and see them—you’ll appreciate the wonderful savings possible in this July Clearaway. Liberty Bonds of any denomination taken at face value in lieu of Cash. JULY CLEARAWAY OF July Clearaway! of JULY CLEARAWAY OF Laces-Insertions 5c. Yard Actual values to 10c. in Cluny, Filet, Handkerchief and Vai edges and insertions for per yd .... 5c. Embroi deri es, 9c. Yard. Splendid edgings and insertions in plain scalloped and novelty de­ signs in values to 15c. for only 9c. JULY CLEARAWAY OF Ladies’ Dresses Entire Stock of Ladies' and Misses’ Silk Dresses Priced for a complete Clearaway. To $30.00 Dresses only $22.90 To $38.00 Dresses only $29.85 To $40.00 Dresses only $34.95 JULY CLEARAWAY OF Laces and Braids 9c. Yard. Actual values to 35c ? in Valen. -cienne Aid Shadow laces and silk and metalic braids for only per yard ............................................ gc Embroideries, 13c. Yard Actual values to 23c. in Edges, Insertions, Beadings and Galloons for only per yard...................... J3C , JULY CLEARAWAY OF JULY CLEARAWAY OF Girls ' S tockings, 15c. Pair. Girl.’ good wearing, good looking 25c. White Ribbed Hose in nixes 6 tQ 9 H for per pair only .... 15c. Men's Wash Ties, 2 for 35c. Men’s actual 40c. values mercer­ ized white wash Tigs with novelty stripes in a Clearaway at only each............. lle.rg for 35c. July Clearaway of Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Suits Every Suit in stock priced quick and complete disposal. for a JULY CLEARAWAY OF JULY CLEARAWAY OF Good Ginghams, 19c. Yard Boys' Straw Hats, 19c. Eash. 27 and 32 inch wide Apron and Dress Ginghams in plain colors, checks, stripes and plaids for only »«r y»nl ................................... 19c. Tailored Odds and ends in various shapes for Boys and children. Fine for Summer play wear. Your choice on*’’ ............................................ 19c. and Novelty styles in up-to-the-minute MÏ CLEARAWAY OF JULY CLEARAWAY OF Curtain Scrims, 19c. Yard. Actual 25c. values in Bordered Scrims in White and cream grounds assorted colored borders for only yard .......................................... 19c. coloringe and first class finishes. Dress Ginghams 25c. Yard Actual 55c. yaiues in Dress Ging­ hams and Romper Cloth in good patterns and colorings for only pec. yard .......................................... 25c. JULY CLEARAWAY OF Silk Mulls— Georgettes, 59c. Yard. Men's Union Suits, 65c. Each. Men’s Athletic Union Suits and Separate garments—No sleeves and knee length in actual $1.25 values per suit........................... 65c. House Aprons, $1.69 Each. Petticoats, $1.57 Each. Heatherbloom Petticoats in var­ ious pluln colors and pretty figur­ ed effects in actual $2.00 values for only ........... $1.57 $17 85 $23.35 $23.65 $26.45 $39.85 159.50 Men's—Boys' Hats, 49c. Each. Men 's—Boys ' Caps, 49c. Each. All sizes in hats for summer wear. Some are of Washable fabrics, others have silk crowns. Values to $1.50 for only ............... 49c. Men’s and Boys’ Summer Caps In Silk and mixed goods—light and dark colors—all sizes and values to $1.50 for orfly...................... 4gc Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes. An extraordinary disposal of Summer Footwear in I’timps, Sandals, Emmy Lous and Canvas and Ntibuck Shoes at prices only a fraction of their actual worth. Women’s, Misses’ and Children’*» Sandals. Actual values $1.00 to $3.00 for only . •.. Misses' White Canvas Pumps with Rubber and Neoliti soles. $1.75 values for only Women’s Emmy Lou white and black Canvas Pumps. Sizes 21 to 7. Reg. to $2.00 for................. ;................................. Misses' and Children's $2.48 values in Lace and Button Shoes. Size 8i to 2 for.. Actual $2.25 values in well made, good looking, roomy House Aprons of splendid wearing fabrics for only ....................................... $1.69 JULY CLEARAWAY OF JULY CLEARAWAY OF Dress Silks, $1.39 Yard. Dress Goods, 69c. Yard Actual 83c. to 93c. Dress Goods in plain colors and shepherd checks etc. for only per yard........... 69c. 49c. JULY CLEARAWAY OF JULY CLEARAWAY OF Suits only Suits only Suits only Suits only Suiis^only Suits only July! Clearaway of JULY CLEARAWAY OF Actual 7 5c. values in 36 inch Mercerized Georgettes and Mulls in pretty plain colors only .......................................... Actual $25.00 ' Actual $31.65 Actual $32.50 Actual $35.85 Actual $47.50 Actual $68.50 JULY CLEARAWAY OF JULY CLEARAWAY OF 36 inch plain color Poplins and pretty plaid silks and all silk mes­ saline.-; in a wide selection of col- ors on>y ................................. $1.39 JULY CLEARAWAY OF « JULY CLEARAWAY OF 95c. d»l OO Silk Blouses, $2.98 Each $3.15 Each. $1.65 Crepe de Chine Blouses in colors White. Black and Copenhagen Blue in values to $6.45 for only each .. .V......... ..................... $2.98 Actual $4.50 good strong fibre Suit Cases with leather capped corners and good strong locks in sixe 24 inch for only......... $3.15 Women's Canvas anti Nubuck Shoes with military and Louis Cuban Heels in fn OF values to $7.00 for per pair only ........ Suit Cases, if A Madlaine Traverse Coming in New Photoplay. the broker to financial ruin, and to a point where his son faces a term in the penitentiary. But while Marcia is smiling over the success of her work she learns that her daughter has sec­ retly married the broker’s son. She is thus placed in a terrible position, but one that works out satisfactorily. - o Local lovers of good motion pic­ tures are to have the pleasure of see­ ing Madlaine Traverse, the beautiful William Fox star at the Gem Theatre next Thursday. July 17 in a play called “Gambling in Souls” This is a ■lory in whoch a woman returns to Pott-office Clerical Examination to a ntan the same kind of brutal treat­ Be Held July 26. ment he had accorded her family. -------o------- This man, a broker, gets Robert Dun­ The U. S. Civil Service commission ning to invest his fortune in oil stocks that are worthless. Dunning, announces that an examination will ruined, kills himself. Dunning's wid­ be hold at Tillamook, Oregon. Post ow (Miss Traverse) finally brings I Office, for post office clerk, on July 26. 1919. to establish an eligible ' Notice to Contractor!. o----- register from which selection may be Notice is hereby given that the made to fill vacancies as they may occur in the position ot post office County Court of Tillamook County clerk at the Tillamook. Oregon. Post will, until 10 o'clock a.m. of July 25. Office. The age limit is 18 to 45 1919. receive proposals for the years on the date of the examination graveling of the Grant Dawson Co. When appointed the entrance salary road from the end of the plank road near tho Union schoolhouse to the is $10V0.00 per annum. Application blanks and Informa­ North end of the draw bridge over tion may be obtained by applying to the Little Nestucca river, a distance W. C. Foster, local secretary, board of approximately 8000 ft. according of U. S. Civil Service Examiner». Til­ i to the specifications on tile with the lamook. Oregon, postoffice, or to the ¡County Clerk of Tillamook county. Each bid shall be in a sealed en­ Secretary. Eleventh U. S. Civil Ser­ vice District. J03 Poet Office Bldg . velope plainly marked on the outside "Proposal for the graveling of the Seattle. Wash. I Grant Dawson county road and shall be accompanied by caab. certi­ fied cheque or bidders bond equal in amount to 5 per cent of the total of | the amount bld. the same to be made payable to Tillamook county. The court reserves the right to re­ ject any and all bids. Homer Mason, County Clerk. First publication July 10, 1919. Last publication July 24. 1919. Notice to Hunten. —o------ For sale Pedigreed Irish Spike Tall Water Spannel pups. Enquire A. E. I Williams. Tillamook. For Sale or Trade. ----- o Have about 40 acres of land, south of Trask river six miles from town. Plenty of wood on place. Wood will more than pay fof place. Will take auto in trade. Inquire of 3. L. Childers, near the land. HENRY C. VIERECK. M. D. SPECIALIST. Diieaic of The EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT Only For Appointment - -Call 159J Tillamook - - - - Oregon.