9 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JULY ATTORNEY ALLOWED $4250. I Morris Bros, Portland Or. . 2155.92 i Lumberman’s Trust Co. Port­ Ralph Duniway Win* in Action land, .Oregon..........'....' 2043.60 \ Clark Kendall & Co., Port­ Against C. E. Hadley. land, Oregon ................... 1810.80 —' o------ Attorney Ralph R. Duniway wa$ Freeman Smith & Camp Co. Portland, Oregon............ 1677.50 awarded a fee of »4250 by a jury in the court of Circuit Judge Gatens in G. E. Miller & Co. Portland 1504.00 Oregon .............................. Portland for serveces rendered C. E. 901.80 Hadley In litigation during 1912 to Keeler Bros., Portland Or. 1914. He asked »7500. The defend­ Brown-Crummer Co. Wich­ 800.0D ita, Kan............................... ant maintained he had paid $7 50, that »400 *of a contract price re­ Seattle National Bank, Seat­ 794.00 tle, Wash............................. mained to be paid but that he had i First National Bank, Tilla­ offered »500 more. 624.00 mook, Oregon.................. Duniway represented Hadley in the The following bids were received suit of Otelia Hadley against C. E. Hadley, in which the stepmother of by mail too late for consideration by the defendant endeavored to show the court at the time advertised for that the business operated by C. E. opening bids. _ U’Jdley was not the son’s but in Seasongood & Mayer, Cincin­ nati, Ohio............................... » 473.00 partnership with his father, C. B. Hadley, deceased. There was »250,- Carstens ----------- & Earles, Seattle, , 000 involved but the case was set. I Wash, .................................... 1692.60 The County Court expects to offer tied for »7000 after going to the su­ for sale next February or March an preme court. additional amount in the neighbor­ hood of »150,000 of these bonds. o------- -■ 10, 1919 CELEBRATED ENTER­ PRESENT-DAY PROB­ TAINER AT CHAUTAUQUA LEMS DISCUSSED Joel Eastman Lectures on “Victory Day.“ Joel W. Eastman of Boston, humor­ ist, philosopher and lecturer, brings to Chautauqua on the afternoon of “Vic­ tory Day” a sound, constructive lec­ ture on present day problems. A suc­ cessful lawyer und business man, a B cm Gearhart Morrison Comes on th. Fourth Day. Dairymen Attention. Eighty six acres of fine river bo:- tom land with house barn and other buildings, two miles from city of Co­ quille, half mile from cheese factory, close to school house. You can send your milk to the cheese factory or creamery or condensary. Come and see me or write to Peter Biasca. Ara­ go, Coos County, Oregon. BANK COUNTY At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of bushiest», June 30th, 1919, as rendered to the State Banking Department of Oregon. »500,050.99' 2,919.29 37.305.07 2,500.00 i 7,500.00 1,158.66 2,903.58 38,508.19 792.33 2,905.17 26,648.90 8,000.00 1,500.00 721.57 *633,413.75 Total LIABILITIES. * 40,000,00 10,000.00 8,192.37 ,12.00 971.52 355.02 314,794.55 1,833.51 10,629.17 34.70 196,590.91 50,000.00 Capital stock paid in ............................ ..................... Surplus fund ................................................................. Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid Dividends unpaid ...................................................... Due to Banks and Bankers ................ .................... Postal savjngs bank deposits ............ .................... Individual deposits subject to check,...................... Demand certificates of deposit ........ .................... Cashier checks outstanding .'................................ Certified checks ........................................................... Time and savings deposits.................. .................... Bills payable for money borrowed........................ Bayocean Highway Need Felt. ------ o------ H. L. King returned July 2 from a ten days’ trip to Portland. On the trip he met many people interested in Bayocean. Everyone is very anx­ ious to improve their property as soon as there is assurance of the com- ! pletion of a road to that part of the county. In Eastern Oregon he met many people who were eager to come to Bayocean, but were disappointed in not being able to drive in, in their machines. Mr. King says, “Many of them ex­ pressed themselves as being really very anxious to get over here, but were deterred by the lack of an adequate road to Bayocean.” • TILLAMOOK Bess Gearhart Morrison, one of the RESOURCES. country’s greatest readers and enter- talners, is to be at Chautauqua this year. She comes on Band Day, with Loans and discounts................................................ two of the most thoroughly enjoyable | Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ................... Bonds and warrants ............ e>................. Stock, securities, judgments, etc. ..................... Furniture and fixtures .......................................... Other real estate owned .................... ................ Due from banks (not reserve banks).............. Due from approved reserved banks................ Checks and other cash items............................... Exchanges for clearing house .......... ................ Cash on hand ........................................ ................ Int. earned but not collected (approximate) Stock Federal Reserve Bank............................. Other resources ...................................................... County Court Sells Bonds. ------ o------ The County Court on Saturday had 1:|. blds for the »78,000, 5 >6 percent road bonds, and the bid of Morris Bios., of Portland, was accepted at a pr Regular Monthly Visits to Conover & Csndit. Tillamook and Cloverdale. Geo. R. Edmnnds, WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. Tillamook. Oregon A. Anderson, Wheeler. Ore. $10 Reward. W. A. Rowe, Brighton, Oregon. - ■■ o Strayed from Kilchis River, four Wilson & Co., Beaver. yearlings, steers and heifers, may Mohler Supply Co., Mohler. work over onto Wilson river. Chas H. Jones. Bay City, Ore.., John W. Jennings, All coffees will be higher in price. Bay City, R. F. D. 1,