miT T 4wnnz HRADT.IC t HT JULY 10, 1919, TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JULY 10, 1919,-. - ----------- - - - '*■' " ~ - GEM THEATRE. * TUESDAY, July 15, Mary Pickford in STELLA MASIS Most Pleasing Pickford Production Full of Fun and Intense Moments PATHE NEWS 44 * I THURSDAY, July 17, It GAMBLING IN SOULS.” William Fox picture featuring MADLAINE TRAVEJRSE. A story of Wall ja. Street high finance, gambling in society., love’s triumph over hatred. Beware of Boarders,” 2 reel Sennett Come Xuike your plans to > see both of these features. LXou’t forget the nights. $1650 of Salvation Aimj Quota Raised. With the reports from Cloverdale .and Nehalem not all in, and one or two solicitors in Tillamook still to send in their results, the Salvation Army Quota of $1750 set for Tilla­ mook County, is all raised except about $100. The largest donor in the county was the estate and heirs of Anna S. Burton, .who gave $400. One hundred and twelve dollars collected at the D. O. K. K. dance was the next largest sum raised, and the other contributors of $5 or over were. First National Bank . . . $20.00 ... 20.00 K. of P. Lodge......... . .. 20.00 A. G. Beals ............. Conover & Condit . . . ... 10.00 Tillamook Hotel Co. , . . . 10.00 ... 10.00 Chas. I. Clough , . . . ... 10.00 E. T. Hal tom.......... ... 10.00 J. F. Carrol............. ... 10.00 W. J. Stephens .... Ira C. Smith........... Tillamook rug Co. . I. E. Keldson......... R. T. Boals . ........... C. J. Edwards .... C.- A. Vogler ...... Tom Hamilton .... Adolph Neilson . . . J. S. Lamar........... John Plasker......... Louis Labowitch .. King H. Crenshaw . Henry Woolfe .... Tillamook Garage . Mrs. W. J. Reichers Jeff Harris......... E? V. Stanley .. . Mrs. Vida Millis Mr. Gerardy . . . Robt. H. McGrath Rose Clough ... Dr. C. J. Ramsey Morris Schnal H. T. Botts . . T. H. Goyne . Johnson & Handley Alex Cigar Store S. A. Moulton .'. F. C. Baker .... Mr. York........... Clark Lowery . . R.- B. Hays......... 10.00 Boyd Mendenhall 10.00 P. J. Sharp......... 5.00 C. W. Elliott . . . 10.00 Mrs. H. S. Hawkins 5.00 J. D. Edwards .... 5.00 Lem Parker ........... 5.00 Mrs. Jean Simpson 5.00 Mrs. Bozarth ......... 7.50 Hays & Blanchard . 5.00 Nelson & Co............ 5.00 P. W. Lingley .... HE carTwith two or three or four different ^brands of tires reflectslon the owner’s, ability to buy judiciously; T People who try Firestone Gray Sidewall Tires are no longer in the . ranks of the tire doubters. William Jennings Bryan, who will speak at ithe Tillamook Chautauqua on “Foreign and Domestic Problems.” making Bayocean accessable is com­ pleted as speedily as possible so more of our people can enjoy it with us. Many will come from our part of the state when they can reach Bayocean by automobile. Also there is no doubt that some will acquire property and build cottages as soon as the place’ is made more accessable. "Hoping that by next summer sea­ son we will be able to reach Bay­ ocean by automobile and with the best of good wishes for the people of Tillamook county. The Fourth of July Celebration. rolling, $25; Benny Hathaway and Davis pony, $4 each; Edwin Glad, pony race, $5; O. E. Gulstrom, pony race, $10; Fairview team, tug-of-war $25; Wm. Campbell, bicycle race, $2; McKinley, bicycle race, fl, Crane $5 and McKinley $2 in’ greased pole contest; Fat man’s race, Henry Plasker, $5; Viva Owens,-ladies race, $3; and Erma Austin, $2; Boy’s race, Harold Mattoon, $3; Howard Matthews, $2; Girl’s race, Helen Newland, $3, Freves McKune, $2; Stocking race, Verne Abplanalp, $2, Irvin Crawford, $3; Ladies egg race, Auli Green, $4, and Flo Innes, $3; Pillow fight, Joe Mills, $5. The complete list of prize winners can not be given out as some of the prize "winners have not turned in their vouchers to Mr. Crenshaw, who has charge of them, and the payment of the prizes. They know that at .least one make of tires has more miles of wear. They know that the name Firestone carries assur ance and that the tires are uni fbrmly good, / With fine clear weather for the Fourth, the people of Tillamook cele­ brated all day long with riotous joy, the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Judge R. R. Butler, who Tillamook was for­ tunate enough to secure for its speaker. made an oration that will .Think Loganberries are Sure Money linger long in the minds of his ap­ Makers. preciative hearers; the merry crowds Bayocean Property Owners Meet. on the streets battling with confetti A W. Bunn, Dan Murphy, C. S. ------ o— There was a meeting in Portland delighted themselves, and the -dance Barnes and W. G. Dwight returned on Monday of Bayocean property after the day grew old was amusing, Tuesday evening from a trip through owners and others interested in hav­ and all, all of the above went to the valley during which they inspect­ ing the rqad to Bayocean completed make Tillamook’s celebration one of ed many loganberry patches at happiest, and jolliest homecom­ , Sheridan, Salem, Newberg and Wood­ as soon as possible. Attorney H. T. the ings ever rendered a returning army. burn. Loganberries are a fruit es- Botts,, president of the Bayocean The morning parade was constant- | pectelly adapted to the north-west est. Miss Clark makes the character Road Association attended. There June, 7, 1910, Bay City Lbr. Co 18.84 Notice. part of the of "Wildflower” a genuine delight, would have been considerable build- ly applauded, eight Civil War vet- I coast and no other ------ O------ I June 7, 1911, Ben Shirer .... 2.25 erans marched, quite a number of country grows loganberries exten ­ an elfish, untutored whimsical little ing operations at Bayocean this year 2.50 The following list of warrants is- July 5, 1911, B. Powell n^ntph who learns the ways of civil­ Iftucd by the County of Tillamook Aug. 1, 1911, C. W. Blown . . . if the road had been completed, Spanish-American war veterans and sively, according to Mr- Dwight. .70 of the nearly a hundred soldiers Land that grows healthy fern is arrange- but it is hoped that some ization and who is made a victim of [more than seven years prior to July 'Oct. 4, 1911, M. B. Wilson ... 2.25 The K. of P. Band play ­ World War. best suited to growing loganberries, ments can be consumated so that its delicate tortures in the learning. 1. 1919, have not been paid and no­ May 1, 1912, Len Wilson .... 1.50 work can be started this winter and ed for the procession, and many Mr. Dwight said lie was told by the But in the, end she masters the cul­ tice Is hereby given by order of the I Juno 5, 1912, Wm. Wallace .. 27.50 floats and people of the valley. Wonderful re- ture of the city, and incidentally the the road completed for next sum­ beautifully decorated County Court that if said warrants (June 5, 1912, L. Wilson .... 1.25 mer’s travel. It would have added automobiles lengthened the parade j turns for the money invested are heart and soul of a devoted and are not presented for payment with­ five blocks into a procession nearly shown by the people who grow much to the enjoyment of the recent faithful lover. in sixty days from July 1, 1919 they Kerosene a Most Convenient and I loganberries extensively, and who visit of the K. of P.’s to this city had long. The K. of P. should be praised for take proper care and cultist Ion Coming ‘‘The Man From Funeral will be cancelled, and payment there­ Economical Fuel. the road been completed, and as the of will be refused. large local lodge la going to make a their arrangements of the day, and of them, Mr. Dwight was told by the - —°— Range. ” Erwin Harrison, Co Clerk. Tn« mnw hnj dirt of a ml or strenuous effort to have the Grand for making it such a success for the enthusiasts in the valley, and some ------- o — — - * i I wood cook-stove add to the burden of General Fund Warrants Series E Lodge meet In Tillamook City next crowds. At noon nearly a hundred of their enthusiasm for loganberries Mark Brenton, a mining man of I Aug. 3, 1910, John BJorklund $1.50 f the house wife. Coal dust seem- to year, the early completion of the and fifty were served by the commit­ he has brought back with him. tee at the luncheon at the Guild road should be insisted upott One of the big canning companies somewhat shady reputation wan shot Aug. 8. 1910, Lloyd Angell* . 1 50 I get everywhere and it means [at Salem has spent nearly $400,000 and killed at the hotel yesterduy Sept. 7, 1910, Louis Irish . . . 1.70 ual work to keep a kitchen »«"M One of the visitors to Bayocean HtUl. Saturday afternoon a ball game advertising their product throughout and the affair is veiled in mystery. Nov. 2, 1910, James Johnson 7 90 when coal Is used In the stove this year. Mrs. Lilly Foster, gave a Tillamook and the east, he says Loganberries are There were two people present when Dec. 7, All this trouble is done away with L. Heckman .. . 3.00 pretty good idea of what people was played between the shooting occurred. One was Har­ Jan. 4, Ed Reeves......... 1 2 5 I when kerosene Is used as fuel It Ju think of Tillamook county as » sum­ Nehalem. Nehalem winning with a used- for canning, for juice, and B J. Mills......... 1.50 clean and convenient and make fwr mer resort and Bayocean in part leu- score of » to 3. The lineup was as could be dried, but little has beeu ry Webb, a prospector, who is accus­ Jan. 4 ed of the crime and the other, Janice Jan. 4, follows: Nehalem—F Tubbesing, 1. done in the latter line yet. Dr. F McKnight 2 40 less work for the housewife li irt Mr. She said: Williams, a beautiful cabaret girl, Apr. 5, f.; H. Tubbesing, 1st; Gresham, c f.; C R. Johnson . . 1.50 dition to this, It is more economical “We are from Island Cltfc Union Atwood, c.; Blanchard, p.; Peregoy, who disappeared before she could be Apr. 5. F Downing . . . 1.50 i than either coal or wood. county. In the extreme eastern part 3rd; Harris 2nd; Sullivan, is. Marguerite Clark At The Gent detained and W»bli will probably June 7, G H Hancock 3.00 i A good kerosene like the Stand r« of Oregon. For a number of year» Davidson, r. 2. ------ — pay the penalty. - - ■ W. O Dofelson X 7J2 VII Company’s Pear Qll make . some of my relatives have spent con- Marguerite Clark Paramount star, Tillamook’s tesm had on it the fol­ You’ve doubtless rend stories like W. 0. Donelson 4 33 tlnct saving, not only In th, b av considerable time at Bayocean, and lowing members: Cowles, l.f.; Gab­ will appear In "Wildflower" at the this in the newspapers, time and 1 00 hold but also In the time and et C. C. Todd . . . this is my second season. Every year riel. B.S.; King, c. f and 2nd; Crim- Gem Theatre next Friday The pho­ again.. This however, is merely the H. F Holden , . 1 50 I of the housewife. Pearl oil give x when we-are considering our vaca­ mlns, 3rd; Armbruster, c; Travis, toplay is a delightful tale of sweet start of a new Paramount picture, Thos H. Clark 4 50 . cellent results as fur as good cooimg tion trips it seems the Tillamook 1st; Bliss, 2nd; Himes, f.f. and Mc- innocence and eternal youth, ad­ which will be shown at the Gem 1911. W. C. Franklin.. 2.90 Is concerned and when it is used in county and the Bayocean peninsula Clenny, p. Arthur Wallace was the mirably exemplified in the person­ iTheatre Wednesday, July 14. Wal­ 1911. John Mather, ... 2 90 kitchen never becomes overheate become first choice. However, it is score keeper. F. Tubbesing, Gresham, ality of Miss Clark. lace Reid is the star and Ann Little 1911, L. Armstrong .. . 2.90 good cookstove with l’earl Oil lit quite a disappointment to those who Peregoy, Sullivan, Davis and Harris "Wlldflowar” Is a refreshing note Is his leading woman. Miss Little is 1911, Chas. Koffman . 2.20 bake, broil, roast, and toast econ come on account of the inconven­ scored for Nehalem, while Armbrus­ n the regular routine of film pro­ the girl, Reid plays Webb. You’ll I 1911, Bert Ray ....... 2.20 ically. ience of reaching Bayocean after ar­ ter. Travis and Bliss scored for Tilla­ duction. It transports the spectator want to know how it comes out, won’t 1911, M. Adamson . . . 1.50 Having been refined by a spe<-r>< riving at Tillamook bay; especially into far green fields, out into the you? Then your only chance is to see 1911, C. W. Stone .... 1.50 I process, the Impuritle.- are remove, as this condition is the cause of some mook. Tillamook got four hits off BJ»n- open spaces, where the guile of the the picture. 1911, Robt. Moore ,. . 7.50 from Pearl Oil so that it burns ; of our relatives and friends not com­ chard, and Blanchard struck out city does not penetrate. Yet we catch 1911, Joe Brown .... 7.50 | I clean and produces no odor. ing, as they cannot bring their auto­ nineteen. Blanchard and McClenny a glimpse of the city too with Its yel­ Announcement. 1911, i Bennie Barber . . 7.50 mobiles to Bayocean with them. both walked two men. Nine hits were low lighttaand yellow hearts, and its 1911, Robt, Moore ... 1.70 Christian Church. ‘‘We have grown to love Bayocean secured off McClenny, who struck numerous infamies. But always the Mrs. Holden, -after spending 1912, N. H. Alexander 1.70 and vicinity and anxiously look for' I wholesomeness of the great outdoors months in extensive study in technic nine men. 1912, Mrs. F. Silvey .. 1.70 Sunday School and Bible class 10 ward to the time it will be made ac­ out The list of prize winners in the dominates the plot and the action, and interpretation with Mrs. Carrie 1912, Ole Jorgensen .. 1.50 a.m.. cessable by automobile highway. M e races, best decorated . automobile, and the final victory over villainy Louise Dunning, of New York, will 1912, Mrs. Totcauer ., 1.75 Preaching, 11 a.m. were all enthusiastic supporters of and other events during the two days and deceit brings us back again to return to Tillamook and open her 1912, H. G. Duchelm . 3.00 Christian Endeavor,, 7 p m. the Roosevelt Highway project to t the forest and its purities. ■studio September 1. Applications for as follows: Preaching, 8 p.m. Fund Warrant! ___________ Scries “F" help make the beautiful Tillamook is ' Wm. The action in "Wildflower” is admittance to the classes of the Dun- Foster, 100 yd. $5; A. K. 1910, Thos Augustin . 3.00 Mid-week prayer meeting at 4 coast more accessable to the public. Stanley, log-rolling. $15, Ebbesen, closely knit, and the pleasing tale is'nlng — ...n or for pr|Vll(e lessons system 1911, E. O. Newell . . 1.25 o'clock, Wednesday. We hope the people of Tillamook i log-rolling. »10; Henry Sa use, log- unfolded with ever increasing Inter- will be received after August 1st. 1910, Chas. Lundquist 1.00 Harry E. Tucker Minister. county will see to it that the road I TIRES Most Miles per-Dollar