TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 10, 1919. trial resources today than she was at the beginning of the war, and is able to resume her competition for Fred C. Baker, Editor. the mastery of the world with far greater advantage over her rivals SUBSCRIPTION per year . $2.00 than she ever before enjoyed. Tillamook Ijeaòlight __ Advertising Rate». Display Advti, per inch............ 20c. THE MUMBLING RAVINGS OF A CRACKED BRAINED PREACHER. . .half page 17l/2c. ... full page 15c. (From Nestucca Valley Enterprise edited by Rev. R. Y. Blalock). Locals .... per line 7c. In Baker's paper, the "Headlight” Rcadere, with reading matter of last week, he quotes a sentence per line ................................. 7c. from an editorial in the "Enterprise” Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. where I stated "there ought to be a MICKIE SAYS (UOICE) PLEKSE OUT TH4Í “ROR SALE" AO OF MINI aiOHf AWAV. I 6OUO T he R.EFa.icrb.n.A'roa. atFoat THE PAPER HAO BEtN Out < TLMO HOURS, nul PEOPLE KEEP CALLING UP OH THE T elephone on ringing T he door bell ano \ mulsh TO GOODNESS I KMEVU SONIE MU AM ING'£ML of place to have a round up of moles. never said I wanted to send any citi­ Caruso is the most eminent exponent. ------- o------- zens to the peitentiary. He perverts It is safe to say that some of the ( everything I say. There ought to be war lords of Germany are sweating a law to punish anyone for crime. If drops of blood now that it is known I I or the Headlight editor is guilty of that the allies are going to hang | any crime, if It is white slavery, we Both Phones. some of the women murderers and ought to be punished. There ought baby killers. to be a law to punish an edijor that ------- o------- lies and misrepresents the truth. If I A number of used sewing machines Barnum said that the American were a liar and misrepresented the in first class running order at $15 people liked to be humbugged, and truth, people would talk about "that each. Singer Sewing Machine the Willard-Dempsey fight last week hypocritic Blalock” like they do Agency. Opp. P. 0. was another illustration of how eas­ about the Headlight editor. He likes ily the humbug trick can be worked. to pull people down to’liis own level. Lost, dark blue hat, in front of P. 0. We believe It was nothing but a He talks as though he had told a Chauffeurs badge No. 1223 on it. frame tip to obtain the gate money. Leave at Tillamook Transfer. Suit­ falsehood in the editorial and says ■ ■ - o------- able reward. "Well, it Is hard to make some peo­ It is a little remarkable that where ple’s Christianity jibe with genuine county bond measures were an Issue Christianity, when they want to If you are contemplating buying a One cent a word per issue. drag saw see the Tillamook Feed at the special election last month, send their fellow citizens to the pen­ Co and get prices. o they all carried, Klamath and Wheel­ itentiary.” If 1 am guilty of a crime any man who is determined to get ahead in er counties for the second time. That Worthy of the place 1 make no claim the financial world —the splendid facilities of For Sale — Motor Boat. Port Orford To exchange — 160 acres wheat land is a pretty good indication how peo­ to go free. But 1 am not a criminal cedar. In good condition—Phone for Tillamook residence property. the FIRST NATIONAL BANK are immediately ple feel about good roads. There or liar to excuse others, to go free 8F13 J-25 O. M. Cook at Singer Agency oppo­ appreciated. Why, in addition to the safety and were 18 counties that voted on myself. But the patron saint of Til­ site P. O. convenience provided—think of the liberal INTER­ bonds. lamook County, the editor of the For Sale. Three teams (two horses EST Nve pay on Savings. ------- o------- and one mules), six dump wagons, Wanted — to buy repeating shot gun. Tillamook Headlight, is a good truth­ Douglas county, called the “mean- ful man, his Christianity is above re­ seven scrapers, three fresnos, and Must be in good condition.—R. B. May we have YOUR account next ? est county - In Oregon”, could have proach, so I dare not say anything to one 15 horse power gas engine. En­ Miller, Tillamook Garage. DIRECTORS : saved the $5,000,000 bond ameud- reflect on him, even if he did pervert quire of Adolph Erickson, north of A. W. Bunn, Farmer. P. Heisel. Farmer. Let B-K be your disinfectant. It is ment, for the state gave it a major- what I said and try to make it ap­ Tillamook City. C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. safe, ,clean and powerful. For sale B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. outside of Douglas. pear that the County Court was guil­ ity of 93 votes ' at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. IV. J. Riechers. Cashier. The vote 1 for that county was 646 ty of a penitentiary crime. He owes For Sale—Ford Truck, and scale. Apply at the Tillamook Hide & for and 2,189 against, What's the an apology for such an accusa- Let your co-worker on the farm be Junk Co. J-ll matter with Douglas county anyway, tion the Cleveland Tractor. On display against them. There may be a that it had such a grouchy spirit the few who lead the Headlight who do For Sale—a horse 1250 pounds. 8 at Kuppenbender warehouse. day of election? years old. Good work horse all not take the Enterprise and they TILLAMOOK- OREGON around. ' Apply at Headlight of­ See Williams, .of the Tillamook Feed will not know any better as the Co. and get prices on the hand­ _ It is just as well to make up oui Headlight man is noted for truth fice J-ll some 19 series Studebaker cars, be­ •'—Inds that. Osrmany will embroil the and veracity. As to the religious side fore buying your new car. world In another war at the first of the matter, 1 have said nothing For Sale—Typewriter, in good con­ opportunity, that is if the military about the Court’s religion or my dition. Inquire at the Headlight Auto Tires—investigate the Republic and junker class continue to rule own. neither can they nor 1 compare office. Standard, five thousand miles that country, who will tear up the with the Headlight man, for he is guarantee, price right, at Tilla­ treaty of peace as a “scrap of paper”. the religious critic of the Archangel Alfalfa Hay, quality quaranteed at mook Feed Co. lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. She will work, plot, scheme and and patron sainj of Lucifer. In his See Williams about the Republic, the connive to that end, with probably position as critic he claims that yellow chasis truck that serves so For Sale—My entire crop of 2 to 3 some of the Balkan states lined up Wayne Jackson was killed by his well and honestly, a truck at an ton» of loganberries. For particu­ with her, for there is no telling how speeding, when the evidence Indicat­ honest price. Tillamook Feed Co. lars write or phone Fred Skomp. long the league of nations will hold ed that he was not running more Tillamook. together, even if that is adopted. Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ than ten or twelve miles an hour. mook office across the street from ------- o—- •• But this patron saint, this omniscent For Sale—Team 6 & 7 years old 2800 lbs. Harness and wagon 3% In. the court house, Mondays, Tues­ The province of Shantung, China, Headlight snap shooter goes off at —a man was foolish to buy isfying Gravely taste. It with gravel bed and wood rack. days and Wednesdays until further comprising something like 10,000 half cock and virtually accuses these Also team logging outfit if wanted. plug of the Gravely class lasted so long, you can’t notice. square miles of territory, was taken witnesses of lying and perjuring Call R. W. Mills, Mutual Phone -17 when he could get a big tell him nowadays that it from China by the peace conference themselves also the six jurymen of H. F. Cook has, in recent months and handed over to Japan. Unless perjuring themselves. plug of ordinary tobacco But their For Sale—Absolutely the best 40 costs him anything extra tuned and repaired, more than 80 this crime against the Republic of Christianity and veracity are noth­ for the same money. But to chew Real Gravely. acre tract of alfalfa on the Her- pianos in this county. He handles China is eliminated from the peace ing compared with this emmaculate miston Project, now beiug offered the best pianos for tius climate. On one day Bill gave him a • • • * treaty, due to pressure that is being patron saint the ’eadliglit man. All for sale for the first time. A fine exhibition at Singer Sewing Ma­ chew of Gravely — just two It goes further—that'» whs sou brought to bear to get the Peace bow in holy reverence to him. home, less than 2 miles from Her­ chine Agency. Opp. P. O. Liberty or three small squares. can get the good taste of this clast Conference to change its action miston Bank. Write for price and bonds taken. Then Ike got the pure, sat- touching Shantung, the peace treaty of tobacco without extra cost full details, 8. D. L. Ross, Hermis­ We simply reprint the above ed- will be submitted to the United Wanted — Boy to work. Inquire Crys ton, Oregon. J-24 I Enterprise States Senate for approval with this itorial from last week's i tai Laundry Company. Christian outrage against China incorporated to show what a “punk” to the snap For Sale.—Two fine registered Hol­ Found—on the corner of Sixth Ave. sermon was preached stein bulls, one ready for service in it. It it is so submitted, will the shot man. and by a person ordained and Seventh St. a man’s dress coat. and from Toby De Koi 2nd Johan­ Senate accept the treaty? to the ministry and a professed fol­ Please call and describe same and na Duke, 7 5 per cent same breed­ lower of the Nazarine. ing as Lady De Koi. 36.59 butter ; pay for this ad at my home near \\ IIBaui Jennings Bryan, after a In discussing , editorially the la­ said corner. Coat has a. gold star at 3 years, world’s record when trip through Europe, on ills return mentable auto accident at Meda, the service pin and a fifth loan liberty made. Also one 6 weeks old, well to the United States, addressed a Enterprise said “There ought to be a badge on it.—O. T. Tabler. bred—Chas Macpherson, Grand meeting in New York advocating law to punish officers who criminal­ Ronde, Or. government ownership of railroads, ly neglect their duty.” There is only BEFORE OR AFTER k making it one of the issues, of the one construction that cat» be placed Nazarene Church Services. Democratic party. The present Demo­ upon that sentence, which refers Miscellaneous Advertisements INFLUENZA ' cratic administration is now in con­ to the county officials of this county Rev. James W. Short, pastor of the trol of the railroads, with the result and to nobody else. County Judge Bic D r . M. C ook Dr. Wise—Dentist. Nazarene Cliurch at Nampa,, Idaho, that there is poor service, higher Hare and the two commissioners 1 who is- spending his vacation at The cool fighter always wins and so passenger and freight rates, with construed it that wag. If the rev. Live Stock Ins- See Watson. | Rockaway beach, will preach both here is no need to become panic- the country plunged into debt sever­ gentleman said something that he al billion dollars. Mr. Bryan is to did not mean and meant something Dr.'s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. | morning and evening in the church stricken. Avoid fear and crowds. Ex­ I in Tillamook next Suday. July 13. National Building speak at the Chautauqua in this that lie did not say and does not ercise in the fresh air and practise the Rev. Short is a noted minister from city, but It is safe to say It will not know what his own writing means, It Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist. I. 0. 0. F. Ohio, formerly, and the local church hree C’s: a Clean Mouth, a Clean Skin be government ownerslihip of rail­ is up to him to explain wluit he does Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon. is congratulating itself on this op­ ’.nd Clean Bowels. To carry off the roads niter the big muddle the Dem­ mean. If he is a Christian gentleman, 1 portunity. Rev. Ingler will favor thq oisons that accumulate within the body ocratic party made In operating the lie will apologize to the county offi­ Singer Sewing Machine Agency congregation with special solos. Rev. ■nd to ward off an attack of the influ­ opposite P. O. Both Phones. railroad«. cials. and If he Is not a Christian W. ?. Keebaugh. pastor of the High- enza bacill-.:^ take a good liver regulator •----- «7------ gentleman he will not do so. —Ed Wanted—young man dishwasher. tan . I k Nazarene Church, Port­ to move t c bowels, such as Castor Oil The Germans art) going to be just Hotel Tillamook. land. -..ho is here visiting with >r a pill made up of May-apple,-leaves as treachetous. and even more sb. SOCIETY. friends, will be present Sunday and •f fi'oe and root of jalap, to be had at than before, scheming to get into Buy your crabs of Hays & Blanchard, take part in the meetings. any drug store, and called Dr. Pierce’s Bay City. Phone 162. ' • the good graces of the allied powers Pleasant Pellets. O. Plummer entertained the mem­ Sunday School at 10 a.m. with the purpose In view of gaining bers of the Tillamook County Cheese The system should be built up bv the Preaching by Rev Short, at 11 a.m. Electricity’s latest gift to Why not place your feed orders for h point here and there until she is in Association at a banquet at the Till­ of ? ROO<* ,ron ,onie. »«ch as "Iron- and 8:30 p.m. the future with Kuppenbender. the housewife greatest tic” tab.ets, to be obtained at some drug u position to renew the war. The amook Hotel Monday noon. Praise service led by Mrs. LaLond. since the electric iron stores, or that well known blood-maker people of the United State« should Invitations have been sent out to Dr. Ramsey. Osteopath. Room 4 at 7:30 p.m and herbal tonic made from roots and •nd electric vacuum not allow themselves to be hood­ Masonic Building. . Mid-week meeting on Thursday at barks of forest trees—sold everywhere about 70 alumni of the Tillamook cleaner — the winked by Germany's trickery and of 8 p.m., led by Rev. Keebaugh, as Dr. Pierce s Gelden Medical Dis- High School for a banquet to be held plotting, and the efforts of pro-Ger- Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. Portland All welcome. eorery. at the Tillamook Hotel Friday night, Wise. . man*. it may not be out of place to For • tonic that will freshen up the if prenant plans hold out. Miss Nell * % quote here an interview of General blood, clean the digewiv* tract and put Gaylord Is on the committee working We handle Troian Powder. Best for Purse Lost. Mangin, commander of ths French P ortable new force and vim into you, I know of t stumping Tillamook Feed Co. for the banquet, and with John army of occupation tn Germany, who nothin» better shan Dr. Pierce’s Golden S ewing M achine Aschim. president of the alumni as­ paid) “You Americana are not in­ post, a purse, containing about ITS Medical Discovery—and h contains no Buy your hay at Kuppenbender's alumni who can sociation ask« aR alcohol or narcotic so is perfectly safe formed regarding the real situation In bills and silver. Purse bad admis­ warehouse. No more tiresome to come. in Germany. You aro too much in­ sion card signed P. Thomas, in it. to take treadle pushing - no afternoon, .Mrs On Wednesday See the Tillamook Feed Co. about Finder leave same at the Headlight clined to trust Germany and con­ more backache—a little Republic tires and save money. Aitaria, Oregon —“After having had the clude, now that peace Is assured, George Hanslmair and Mrs. Charles office and receive reward • electric motor does the Grippe 1 could not regain my strength; that she Is ready to wash her hnnda Stevens delightfully entertained the Wanted — ffirl to do house work. Ap ­ hard work. members of the J. U. G. club and a my blood was poor, 1 was nervous and also nd eevw live hereafter an honest, straight tlliM ply.—Mrs. A. T. Dolan. _ — — - - • ... 1 — | a <4 ’j'ilP few guests at the home of the former, had rheumatism. I tried everything but forward life. Do not be misled. A foot control gives any the occasion beinR the annual busi­ Obtain your wood from the Tillamook just could not get any relief. Finally I Germans have no intention of doing speed desired. ness meeting of the club. The follow ­ trust the Transfer Co. Liberty Temple. Ths complete Electric Light and decided to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi­ that. * • • We do not ing officers were elected: President, Power Pleat cal Di.'X'ovcry and it cured me. I flunk it The entire machine in inch. We know German« VIVI inn • »» — a single -- vw ,, _ Feed Co. buys hides. Come Plenty of bright, safe clean is simply great. I use the 'Pleasant Pel­ them and we do not trust them. Jt Mrs. Clarence Stanley; vice-president Tillamook its case can be carried in and investigate their prices. electric light. No more hot, lets’, too, for constipation. must be remembered that of all ,m‘ Mrs. Fred Christensen; secretary­ anywhere—it’s no larger smoky lamps. “I always recommend Dr. Pieroe’s reme­ portant continental countries Ger­ treasurer, Mrs. Elmer Allen. Mrs. For vulcanizing and tire repaire «ee than a typewriter. Carrol was elected to membership in dies and am glad to do so at this time many is th® one that has suffered J. C Holden at City Vulcanizing the club. At the close of the busines« G. R. Spicer, 373 ¿xcAangc SI. Ask for a demonstra­ and Tire Shop, opposite P. O. least ftom the war. Indeed, in some tion. of the moat important respect« she meeting the hostesses served a de­ JOHN LELAND »HENDERSON. has not suffered at all Her agricul­ licious luncheon to the following Will exchange city property for acreage near Portland—F. M alien, tural lands have not been ravaged, guests and members. Mrs. Conover, COAS! POWER CO ATTORNEY Tillamook. Ore. J-ll her orchards and forests have not Mrs. Groves of Wheeler. Mrs Thom­ as. Miss Smith, of Portland. Mrs. the ; and ; been cut down, her factories have ACKLEY A MILLER Used tires bought and sold—City not been destroyed, her machinery Fred Christensen. Mrs. Fred Small. ELECTRIC STORE (COUNSELLOR AT-LAW, Vulcanizing and Tire Shop, oppo­ Tillamook Garage. and goods have not been stolen. Sh< Mrs. Clarence Stanley. Mrs. Elmer Tillamook Tillamook Oieqau site P. O. u immeasurably richer in her indus- Allen. Mrs. Winslow and Mrs. Foster. Editorial Snap Shots Residence Phone, McGhee’s Apts., 5th Ave. and 7th St Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. The Salvation of Saving PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug _ fce packed in 3 pouch T he . L atest ! ? I Wes tent Electric DELCO-LiGHT *