TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JULY 10, 1919, would be able to reckon on success COAXING YOU TO SMILE. In the webt. "As a soldier," the field ------ o------ marshal is quoted, "I must prefer an “A scientist declares that meat The Newberg Graphic aptly re­ honorable fall to an ignominious eaters are more active than vege­ marks that while automobilists prob­ peace.” ' tarians.” "They’ve got to be to get ably need protection from inexperi­ The unpleasant truth must be fac­ meat to eat.” I enced mechanics, its observation is ed that the dangers thus confronting ------o------ that what a large number of drivers the allies would not vanish with the “Does it take much pull to get a need most is protection from them­ mere perfunctory signihg of the birth under the government?" selves.—Telephone Register. peace treaty by the present tottering "Some. Do you want a sleeping-car German government. Dangerous and reservation or a job?” The Tillamook County officials powerful elements are scheming to ------ o have employed a speed cop to look overthrow the makeshift govern­ "I should hate to have a huaband after the speed fiends using the ment and repudiate the peace treaty. who argued. I shall try to marry a highways in that county to the Must the allies fight a second war lawyer,” "Why lawyers are the very danger of themselves and the public with a half-whipped and treacherous men who argue,” "But not without generally, It hardly seems necessary Germany? The answer rests with the a fee.” to keep a watchful eye over auto German people. If driven to that or­ ------ o------ drivers but experience has taught to deal the next job must be made a i Mr. Styles—So you have changed the contrary and some act must be finished one, with the Germans them­ your mind? Mrs. Styles—Yes, I have. taken to protect the public from selves begging for unconditional sur- Mr. Styles—When did you change it? those who have no regard for the render. Mrs. Styles—While I was changing rights and lives of others.—Sheridan To thdt end the allies need not and my dress. Mr. Styles—But it doesn’t Sun. will not go beyond the rules and usually take as long as that, dear. practices of civilized warfare. They It was said that Roy Graves, of should route the German armies and Park Orator—An’ I tell yer that all Sheridan, was awfully sore when he take prisoners of war of every re­ them millionaires' money is tainted was defeated for state senator a few maining soldier—high degree, low —all on It! Unconvinced person— years ago, but after all we believe degree or intermediate. They would Ow d’ye mean, ’’tainted’’?. Park or­ there is more glory for him in being be entirely justified In depriving ator—Well, ’taint yours, an’ ’taint able to head the parade of his nattily Germany of her last cannon, her last mine, Is it? uniformed ludies’ cornet band machine gun, her last army rifle and ------ o through the streets of neighboring the last vistage of her once mighty , Mrs. Flatbush—What’s the matter towns than there would be in trying navy. with you and Bensonhurst? Mr. Flat­ to shine under the dome at the state ‘ That accomplished they could bush—Oh, he Insulted me. Mrs. capital, and we are sure the air he punish every German officer and Flatbush—What did he say? Mr. breathes is much purer and the as­ private known to have violated the Flatbush—Called me an old grouch. sociations less contaminating that he laws of war on land and sea or in the Mrs. Flatbush—Don’t mind him. would find at Salem.—Newberg air or beneath the water. You’re not so old -dear. Graphic. From that high and humane task, ------ o------ ------ o------ if Germany drives us to it, there A doughboy, after receiving a par­ ”Oi don’t like to indaycintly ex­ must beno flinching the next time— cel from home, made a mad rush to pose me ignoration, but fwhat’s this Spokesman Review. the company street where he gather­ Rosenfel Military Highway anyway?’ ed his cronies about him. “It’s from says Bucksaw Ryan at the Bow Wow the old man,” he cried. “See that’s The Badgers. Club. writing. There’s sure to be a lot of ------ o------- ‘‘It’s opening up that half barbar­ The trial of the case of.Mrs.Tyler smokes and something to eat, and be­ ous country bechune th’ portals ov against Attorneys Hall and Sievers, tween you and me it wouldn’t be like th’ land av forchun on the north now decided in favor of the aged hint to omit a bottle or two.” He where ye can pick up Rubies on the plaintiff, is not of impersonal inter­ chuckled as he undid the outer road and take them and pneumonia est to the public. Here are lawyers wrapper, but inside was another ad­ to the Goolden Gate av the Goolden charged in a civil suit with conspir­ dressed in a feminine hand. “Hell,” West on th’ south too late to get the acy by means of which $20„000 was he exclaimed in disappointment. Goolden Juice that cures ye of that badgered from an aged and feeble “The party’s off. Its from my aunt New Years morning afther feeling woman. It will be a sad reflectir* and there won’t be nothing in it but ye’d a had if th’ highway had been in upon the bar association if the facts socks and prayer books.” runnin’ ordher last Cliuesda.”—J. are not subjected to its own inquiry, _____ ------ o - Hennessy Murphy in Oregon Voter. and there is ample material for an Not Stone Deaf. ------ o------ investigation by the grand jury. ■ Tom—"Are you deaf to my plead­ Do you think the war is oVer? Do The Hendersons, alleged man and ings?” you think there will be world peace wife, are now fugitives from justice. Eva—"I am.” forever? Do you think the Huns have The grand jury has investigated Tom—“But what if I were to offer been crushed and humanized and too their part of the transaction and has you a diamond ring?” severely dealt with for their crime acted. It can properly go no further. Eva—"Oh, I’m not stone deaf.” against the world? Forget it-. Read Attorney Hall first was counsel for ------ o what one of the Hun leaders have to Ethel Henderson in a suit against One Source of Comfort. say, which voices the hatred of the Mrs. Tyler’s son for $3000 as com­ “My dear” moaned the patient Huns: "Dr, Gustav Bauer, premier, pensation for services as housekeep­ said that a "defeated nation was be­ er. The suit was settled for $1500 as he tossed restlessly on his bed. ing violated body and soul to the and Tyler signed a document indicat­ "It’s the doctor I'm thinking of what horror of the world.” "Let us sign,” ing that he had lived with the wom­ a bill this will be!” "Never mind Joseph" said his wife. he continued, ‘but it is our hope that an as her husband. "You know there is the Insurance the last breath that this attempt The next day Hall went with Har­ money.” against our honor may one day recoil ry Henderson to the district attorney against its authors.” Does that doc- to obtain the arrest of his own client, trine sound good to you? Not L— Ethel Henderson, for criminal rela­ A Disheartened Surprise. Banks Herald. They had been engaged for full tion with Tyler. Shortly thereafter he appeared as attorney for Hender­ thirty minutes by the cuckoo clock. Congress is to pass a measure pro- son in a suit demanding $100,000 of “I have a surprise in store for you, with Mrs. Tyler for alienation of Binder- Alfred, dear,” she replied. “I can viding discharged soldiers farms, but the complaint is becoming son’s wife Ethel. Yet they were not cook as well as I can play the piano.” general that the soldiers, or at least alienated, for the Henderson’s fled “That being the case, darling,” he a large number of them, don’t appear together, after the alienation BUlt replied, “we had better live in a to want the farms, but prefer to re­ was compromised for >20,000 and boarding house.” main in the cities. Perhaps they be­ evidences indicates that Hall knew it ------ o------ come scared at the movement sug­ and accompanied them as far as Why They Scrambled. gested by well meaning but unin­ Vancouver. As another bright light A traveler in the dining car of a formed people to settle soldiers on on his interesting activities it western logged off lands, for if they is disclosed that he even "Bhort Georgia railroad and ordered fried did what the promoters apparently changed” his client out of nearly eggs for breakfast. "Can’t give you fried eggs, boss,” did not do—found out just what a $300 in dividing the spoils. Seivers, large proportion of logged off west­ if the Tylers’ testimony is to be be­ the negro waiter informed him, "les­ ern lands really are—they would lieved, is blacker than Hall. That son you wait till we stop.” "Why how’s that?” feel that they were being penalized testimony is that he frightened his “Well de cook saye de road’s so and not rewarded for their service own client, an unworldly woman, to the nation. This of course does not eighty-six years old, with visions of rough dat every time he tries to fry mean that these lands will not be put a penitentiary sentence and did it aigs dey scramble. ------o — to use some day. but settling on them when she was*on her sick bed. On with the intention of making a liv­ his own tdestimony he let Mrs. Ty­ I His Memory Good. ing’would mean the hardest kind of ler’s son take the settlement of suit A widly known humorist was be- pioneering and the prospect was not out of his hands and yet attempted to ing shaved by a very talkative bar_ inviting to the man just released withhold $5000 of the badger spoils her and was forced to listen to many from hard service.—Independent. in payment for his services in per­ of his anecdotes. ------ o----- •' mitting his clients to be swindled. 1 The barber had to strop his razor, The logan berry growers, follow­ If there has not been enough ad­ and when he was ready brush in ing the lead of the wool growers, mitted by these two lawyers to war­ hand, to commence again, he asked: have organized a pool on their pro­ rant their disbarment, then the cher­ “Shall I go over it again?" duct with the result that they suc­ ished ethics of the bar are but a “No thanks,” drawled the custo­ ceeded in Marion and Polk counties sham. If the testimony of Mrs. Tyler mer “Its hardly necessary. I think I in getting 9 cents a pound for the and her son is true, the lawyers can remember every word.” crop. There were forty farmers in the ought to be in the penitentiary.— pool and they controlled 200 tons of Oregoniari. ___ I When you recall that one person In berries. The fartners will average about $200 net per acre for their Optimistic railroad owners are con­ thirty votes in Mississippi you can crop. The local cannery is ready to gratulating themselves that it wasn’t understand the tremendous enthu­ write contracts with farmers who Burleson who managed their prop­ siasm Senator John Sharp Williams has for extending the boon of de­ have the right kind of ground,, guar­ erties during the war. mocracy to the rest of the world anteeing for a number of years, a ■---- o------ return of $100 per acre for berries. The President had a hard job try­ through the vindication of the Four­ That beats .raising wheat or any ing to keep the lid on the treaty, and teen points. If this is not the expla­ other grain crop. A man with a forty didn't succeed. Perhaps this is a new nation of the Senator’s enthusiasm acre farm can get his living off the day, when the people don’t want for the Smuts covenant it must be his declaration on the floor of the farm from the cows, chickens and any more secret diplomacy. i Senate some months ago; "We are garden and get an income better ------ o------ than the average business orprofes- Major General C. C. Williams, all free-born Englishmen.” ------ o2----- sional man’s besides if he will get in­ chief of ordinance of the United to the berry business. The.local can­ States army, states that the money Years ago Mr. William Allen nery manager says he can see no expended by the United States on or­ White attracted some attention by limit to demand for the canned pro­ dnance during the war would re­ publicly asking and answering the question, “What is the Matter with duct.—Gazet te-Times. build New York City twice. ------ o------ Kansas?” It might be profitable at Out of 416,809 enlisted men 329,- the time to ask, and it would Must There be a Second War in 716 left Australia for overseas up to not present be difficult to answer, Wha^ is Germany? the conclusion of the war. Their to­ the matter with Germany’ Why Is ------ o------ Germany’s defiant acceptance of tal battle casualties (In all theatres, it that she makes so monstrous a to- the peace terms, its procrastination were just under 220,000 of which do over the terms of peace prescribed in signing, the apparent weakness of about 68,060 were killed or died of by the Allies; tearfully, passionately, truculently protesting against them the present government, the sinking wounds. ' as something the like of which was ------ o------ of the interned German ships in We dreamed that we were at a min­ never known before? The reason is, Scapa flow, the burning of French battle standards and renewed rioting strel show, and that one endman that Germany has never yet been in Berlin and Hamburg—are omin­ asked. “Why did de New Freedom made to realize that she is beaten in ous. Bad faith is rampant and the a-1 cut down de duties on Florida fruit the war. She thinks that terms ought lied statesmen are apprehensive of a and take good care of de Texas An­ to be granted to her as the victor, coup d’etat by the militaristic ele­ gora goats?” "Because, sah,” replied not as the vanquished; or at any rate the other endman "Angora goats that the war ought to be regarded as ment that brought on the war. Declarations attributed to Hinden­ am gen’lly property of Southern a drawn game, to be followed, as burg are disquieting. He is reported gentlemen, sah, and right smart of President Wilson said, by "peace I in a Berlin newspaper to have said de Florida fruit growers is Republi­ without victory.” That is the feeling that In an event of resumption of cans, sah.” What queer notions pass that prtvallB in Germany, and it is a hostilities theGermans would be able through our heads while we are in bad thing for the Germans them- to reconquer Posen and maintain the dreamland. Can that have been the 1 selves as well as for the rest of the ’world.—Harvey’s Weekly. frontiers to the east, but hardly reason? What the Editors Say HIS is a Service branch of the Hartford Com­ pany. Through this agency, active Fire Pre­ vention is applied to the homes and property of every Hartford policy-holder hereabouts. T Let us explain this Service to help relieve you • of the fear of fire, and the danger of loss. ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man We write ALL KINDS of Insurance and give YOU SERVICE. All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. 34 J and Mutual. Tillamook City, Oregon. Nat®®ci;Bid. 0R. O..’L. H. HOHLFELD VETERINARIAN. Bell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phon» Tillamook Oregon. AVID ROBINSON, M.D , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON VHE UNIVERSAL CAR NATIONAL BUILDINC», TILLAMOOK OREGON The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may in a minute be chaged to a most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered Equipped with electric starting and lighting system. A real family car. Anybody can safely drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car with the economy which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation and maintenance. Won’t yo» come in and see us about it. • T..BOALS.LM.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook Oregon TDOBERT H. McGRATH, ”*■ C ounsellor - at L aw , ODDFELLOWS’ Bl' I LDIN7 TILLAMOOK, OREGON. PoRTIAND OFFICE 1110 W ilcox B li >. TILLAMOOK GARAGE Tillamook - ARL X HABERI.ACH Oregon. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B ixkk ìli Oregon Tillamook III *> 1ll J EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, OREGON C I K PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON K K « S T illamook B lock , I QR. l . l . hoy , Oregt n. K Tillamook, GOYNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite [C ourt F jure Tillamook K ■ ft K B ft ft K CLOUGH9 S CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disinfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND ha power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO. RELIABLE ; DRUGGISTS. O‘ ,Kon25HS25HSZS2SZ5Z5H5B5Z5Z5ES25Z5ZS2S2525E52S252SZS2525Z52525i