TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 10. 1919. FIRST BANK of BAY CITY We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of Bay City and tributary country. We invite your further patron­ age. and full co-operation so we may be able to give you still better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate. h BAY CITY NEWS Scraps of Paper. ------- o------- Democratic senators complain that the Senate committees are ■•picked" in favor of the Republicans. Well, the people "packed” Congress with Republicans didn’t they? ------- o That Senate can't put anything over on President Wilson. As soon as he found they had a copy of the treaty as It stood, he had it written over again. ■ vote for any member of Congress or | the electoral college whose seat is based upon black men's votes, it can readily be understood that he is awfully in earnest about self deter­ mination of peoples and all the other fourteen points! Poor Stealing Gear Causes Automo­ bile Accident. I Suffering a broken arm is Miss Katie Zerfleuh, who was out driving ¡last Saturday night with Clare Pro- I 1 The City on Tillamook Bay. ' voost, of Bay City, and Trevor Hare. I 1 Mrs. S. S. Provoost has been sick i his Portland visitors, including A. E. It developed that during the pro. ! The steering gear on the machine I Sanderson and John Nlelly. The visi- ceedings at Paris that the American had been bothering for a long time, the past week. Mrs. Lem Parker has been ill for I tors departed for Portland delighted | mission has been carrying 1400 men and the accident octurred that night with their trip and loud in their on the payroll. No wonder the Demo­ on the road where it is quite smooth nearly two weeks. I Mrs. T. A. Gillen has been confin­ cheery praise of the hospitaity of cratic politicians consider the Paris and straight. Bay City. peace conference such a success: The scene of the affair was just a ed to bed for several days. j little past Boquist’s house. The ma­ A large delegation of Portland J. B. Morris, of Bay City has gone President Wilson signed the Ver­ chine ran down into the ditch which visitors dropped off the Fourth of Into business at Bayocean. sailles treaty "The Honorable Wood- - is little more than a foot deep and Professor P. H. Wyman is camping July special train and inspected the row Wilson, acting in his own name tipped over, throwing the occupants new Garibaldi plant and the paving on the Trask river with his family. improvements of Bay City. They and by his own proper authority.” out against the fence. Miss Zerflueh Charles H. Jones went to Tillamook were afterward entertained by May­ This seems to settle the question was the only injured member of the Tuesday to buy produce for his store. or Girard at his residence on 5th St. of whether or not the American peo­ party, the others getting scarcely a scratch. The windschild on the Ford Mrs. Lee Nelson has gone to Greer, The visitors were much impressed ple were represented at Paris. ------- o------- , i was broken, and excepting for that, Idaho, to spend the summer with her with the improvements made on 5th The senators are told they should it was all right. Miss Zerflueh was parents. St., made by the new county road wait to see the treaty before discuss­ rushed to the Tillamook hospital Mrs. Romaine and son, Richard going up It. ing It. Then if they ever do get a where she was treated and the arm lett Bay City to join her husband in The mill at Bay City is being look at it the same administration set. Portland. thoroughly gone over, new convey­ claquers will be told that If senators Edwin E. Smith and wife and ors, shafts and sorting tables going then stop to discuss It they will be ! Japanese Fountain Pens Imported to Floyd McCurrey and wife, spent the up, and a new life is being infused "delaying peace.” Sell for Five Cents Each. into the mill as a result. Since June Fourth at Manzanita. ------- o------- ------- o------- 15, shifts have been working both F. W. Smith will have his new mo­ Fountain pens "Made in Japan “It was the violation of Belgium i tor boat, with its speed and all, in night and day for eight hours. The that awakened the world to their ■ are now being cleared through the the water by the end of the week, he output of the mill will be greatly In­ realization of the character of the ■ customs In large quantities at prices creased, nearly doubled in fact. This struggle,” said President Wilson in . so low that with the tariff rate in- says. The cousin of Mrs. George Wil- will cause a much larger number of his Brussels speech, But It didn't eluded, these articles can be retailed liams, Mrs. Darling, of Mackinaw, laborers to be employed, and Bay awaken Mr. Wilson until after the at the amazing figure of five cents Mich., and an aunt. Mrs. Seaman City’s population must grow rapidly. "he kept us out of war’’ campaign apiece, The complete article includes Last Sunday a merry party left for had been safely negotiated. a fountain pen, a glass ink dropper from Winlock, Wash, visited her a day at Bayocean in Mr. F. S. and a card-board box in which the Monday. ------- o------- The Peace Conference in handing pen and dropper are enclosed with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Stroud re- Boussie’s boat. The day was spent In turned Monday after a two months walking along the beach, and play­ out the jucy rewards gives Great printed instructions for use. While it visit in Washington, where her ing games, then when evening came, Britlan a billion square miles of new may be charged that these articles brothers and some of his relatives the party gathered aroundt a bonfire territory, and Uncle Sam gets what ' are little more than toys, the cus­ and toasted marshmallows, and the little boy shot at—nothing. This toms officers are passing them as were met. weinies. They returned at a very rather looks like Wilson made the , “fountain pens” and, Although Mr. John Neilly, of Portland, rep­ late hour. Those who attended the world safe for England instead of cheaply constructed, they are really resenting a syndicate of capitalists enjoyable affair were Mr. and Mrs. I servicable pens. the Democrats. of Portland, was a visitor here Mon­ F. W. Smith and family, Mr. and ------- o------- This is only one instance of many day, looking for prospective sites for Mrs. Boussie, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert that could be cited, where foreigners You can always depend business openings along the proposed Butler, Miss Jessie Warren, Mr. and ocratic office holder doing something are sending cheap good» here, re­ Roosevelt Military Highway. ,Mrs. Roy Brock, Mr. and Mrs. in an emergency. After an anarchist markably made for the price asked, George James and daughters, Gen­ Homer Flagg, Miss Bessie Lance, and blew himself up on Atterney Generali to compete with American made pro­ evieve and Gertrude, drove in the Mrs. Bel nice Dromness. Palmer’s doorstep. Mr. Palmer went products. Pencile are being entered Fourth by way of Grand Ronde and On July Fourth Professor Wyman’s right up to Congress and asked for here from Japan at the almost unbe­ left Sunday by the Seaside route, for camp on the Trask river was the another appropriation of a half mil­ lievable figure of 20 cents per gross. Portland. They reported good roads With duty included, these pei.jils scene of a jolly picnic of the T. T. T. lion dollars. or the return trip, and made ft in can be retailed for about two for club ladies with their husbands and nine hours. Senator Thomas, of Colorado, ar­ one cent. friends. The party played croquet, If one of these peseils or pens The T. T. T. club meets with Mrs. fished, pitched quoits and altogether, gues that it is improper for the Shelly this Thursday afternoon. Last had a very enjoyable time. Excellent Senate to adopt or reject the Ver- could be shown to every free trader Thursday it met at the home of Mrs. refreshments were served, two real sailles treaty in advance. Io> the in the country It would- serve to F. W. Smith. They played 500 for a mentis were eaten» with all the pic- opinion of any administration euc- bring home the point now being used while, and then had delicious re­ nic variety, and just to make it one koo in Congress it is wrong for the by those who have the interest of freshments. A surprise salad, dainty of the best times, five gallons of ice senate t,o discuss a treaty proposed American industry at heart, and that is, that the Japanese and rather for­ (Cakes and demi tasse were served. cream were taken along, and a num- by the administration at all. -------o------- eign producers at» turning; out goods , Miss Margaret Chapman from O. A. ber of watermelon. Those present In­ Germans at Versailles who wail for sale 1« the United States at pric­ ■C. and Miss Ivanetta Chapman, of cluded besides Professor Wyman and are “treating’ em es the American manufacture could Sheridan, were visiting Mrs. George family, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Boussie, that the allies ought to look up the ac- never hop« to touch». Williams this week. Mr. Williams is Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, Mr. and rough” Busch of how .away cruising timber. When he re­ Mrs. Hubert Butler, Mr. Henry But­ count written by Dr. Count Bismarck, be- his employer, Notice of Final Account. turns he will take a position as fire ler, Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson, ------ o------- haved to the Thiers and other warden on the coast from Mohler to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Flag, Mrs. T. E. Notice is hereby given to alt whom French diplomats in 1871. If they Ashley and Mrs. O. E. Shelly, Mr. Garibaldi. did they would have to admit that ltt may concern, that the undersigned Mrs. W. J. Black, of Butte, Mont., and Mrs. F. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. even Dr. Clemenceau Is as mild as has filed in the County Court of Til­ J. C. McClure and Mrs. Ray Warner, lamook County, Oregon, her final ac­ •with her mother, Mrs. Constance milk by comparison. Tillman, of Portland, and Mr. and and Miss Jessie Warren. count as administratrix, and that ------ o----- Mrs. Al Hyland, of Portland came to It would be a hard jolt if Great said court has appointed Monday, the visit at Bay City the Fourth, with Tillamook-Bay City Road to be Britlan were to reply to the Ameri­ 21st day of July, 1919, at the Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Provoost. After can demand for Irish freedom with a County Court room in the Court Hard-Surfaced. a few ,days here, they rented a cot­ govern- House in Tillamook City,. Tillamook The Headlight Is advocating the recommendation that free tage at Rockaway for two months. extension of the hard-surfaced road ment be established in the old slave County Oregon, at the hour of 10 A scarcity of houses lor rent or to Bay City immediately, as it will states where a majority of the na­ o'clock, a.m. as the time and place sale IS caiwln« a feeling of uneasi­ undoubtedly help both Tillamook and tional citizenship is excluded from for hearing objections to said final ness in th*- city. Inquiries are com­ Bay City and bind them together all participation in government by account and the settlement thereof. 19th, 1919. ing in ally for resldental and busi- more closely, and break up some of Mr. Wilson’s party associates. I Dated June Mary A. Johnson, ------- o------- lti-s sites, but owing to the fact that the past rivalry that has existed be- | Administratrix of Champ Clajk says he Is "sick” of every house and business block is oc­ tween the two cities on the bay. the Estate of George cupied, there is difficulty in placing The county court went out this the criticisms of administration ex­ Johnson, deceased. prospective citizens in new locations. week to meet with the state high­ travagance and waste. And the peo­ H. T. Botts. A. E. Sanderson, representing the way commission and go over the ple are so sick of the waste that if Roosevelt Military Highway Asso­ plans of the road, and we^all hope Champ Clark doesn't quit sticking up Attorney for Administratrix, ciation of Portland, is a guest of that the work can be started this for it he will find his own popularity • We Pay Mayor C. F. Girard this week. Mr. summer. Mayor Girard, of Bay City, in Missouri in need of a doctor or ------ -o— Sanderson says that the county will is very optimistic about the road two before the end of the next cam­ In. the application of Matual reap wonderful prosperity upon the movement, and says that he hopes paign. Insurance Co., of New 'York, is completion of the National High­ some day the road will be a street, It has never been explained why following: way through Tillamook. and that, one in the city that will “I have paid. 4— In eash to McAdoo and Hines have lost a couple The Girard Grill was the scene on grow up along the bay with the de­ of billion dollars running the rail­ subsending soliciting agent and velopment that must come to this Friday evening of a farewell dinner, roads when they had right at hand ceived. a conditional receipt therefor, given by the Mayor, Mr. Girard, to fertile part of the coast. as one of the main props and pillars signed by the secretary of the com­ of the administration. Justice Bran- pany, making insurance in force I dels, who wrote a lot of articles a from, this date, providing application few years ago telling how he could shall be approved, and policy duly save the railways all kinds of money issued. ’ So if an applicant die or be killed if he had the chance. accidently before policy is received ------- o----- — The New York Times says the by him or in good health, we pay United States Senate must ratify the We also pay dividends at end of 1st CHARLES H. JONES, Manager. Phone Main 73. Versailles treaty as it stands, anil in policy year. Agents of Mutual Life are instruct­ so stating talks like most of the rest of President Wilson claquers. If the ed to advise all returned soldiers » representatives of the people must keep their government insurance, ratify what is handed them from changing to the ordinary life, JO Paris, whether they want to or not. payment life or endowment form, maybe it’s all a mistake about our with the government as it is cheaper ----------- 0 ■ - whipping Germany and we. perhaps, and just as good as we can write. Permenence In all things is th*» mot­ EDWIN E. SMITH. were whipped ourselves, to of Mutual Life. ------ o------- Georgia A. Hoss, Agent, It Is evident from the revelation Box 103, Rockaway, Oregon*. made by Senator Pumerene that there are 72 men in connection with the railway administration who are Phone 72. drawing salaries ranging from $10,- Mutual Phones. 000 to »50,000, that what Director IF MIMCTIM. General McAdoo was complaining PERFECTLY about when he mentioned the big salaries paid the railway higher ups, SIMPLE was not the size of the salaries, but the fact that they were being drawn SIMPLY by experienced railway men rather than by needy-and deserving demo­ PERFECT. crats. Phone 32. Needles. Oil. Belta and all kinds of Sewing ------- o------- JONES’ GENERAL STORE,, h BAY CITY, OREGON. Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies & CO., BAY CITY \ NELSON General Merchandise, MARKET, Bay City, Oregon. Square Deal and Fresh and Cured Good Goods Meats. Our Motto. • BAY CITY DRUG CO. » Confections, Soft Drinks and Patent Medicines. Bay City Barber Shop- V New Samples of Fall Suits. W. c. HAWK. physician ano surgeon Cleaning and Pressing. F. W. SMITH. Hay City Oregon Senator John Sharp Williams re­ fers to the opponents of the British- Wilson plan for a league of nations as an "infernal gang.” When it is recalled that Senator Williams' state conscripted more black men than white to fight in a W to save the world for democracy, and not one of the black men is permuted to cast a • Machino-aupplies. Repairing a specialty. • New Home Users are quality chosers. For Sale By SHARFF lb DUBIVER 172 3rd Street 1 NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE I COMPANY. San Francisco California. AND ALL KINDS OF TRADE V u L c A N I z All Work GUARANTEED. We carry a Full Line of United States Tires, Also Used Tires and Tubes We take your Tires in Exchange. R E p A I R I N 1 N W est C oast R ubber C o . G / G Todd Hotel Building, TILLAMOOK, OREGON erhaps you wish to do bu»ne8s P with a bank whose activities are gov­ erned by a spirit of community service —an institution prepared by matured thought, on close-at-hand knowledge, to be much more to a customer than merely the custodian of money and securities. If this^should be the case, then the interest we take in the success of our customer» will interest you. Our membership in the Federal Reserve System complete* our equipment to serve broadly and safely the proper requirements of every interest and indi­ vidual in this section. We will welcome your account regardles» of its Tillamook County Bank Tillamook, Oregon A Product of the Resources, Experience and Equipment of the StandardOil Company Zerolene, correctly refined from Selected Cali­ fornia crude oil, keeps its lubricating body at cylinder heat, holds compression, gives perfect protection to the moving parts and deposits least carbon. Its use will mean batter perform­ ance and longer life for your can The Standard Oil Company Board of Lubri­ cation Engineers has determined the correct consistency of Zerolene for your make of auto­ mobile. Their recommendations are available for you in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Charts. There is a chart for each make of car. Get one for your car. At your dealer’s or our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Agrade for eac/i type or engine H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Ore.