¡Headlight TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Jl LY 10, 1919. A. M. Commons vs. Frank ■“ and ¡county having offered the defendants to include the Southern Pacific depot 15 MILES HARDSURFACED ROAD town dry goods "Emporium” into Flora Carver Is a suit filed i_ in the the sum of $600, which they refused and grounds was discussed, and the the management of which he is seek­ ------ o------ circuit court to recover $200.00 on a to take, hence the condemnation matter held over. Condemnation pro­ Route in North Part of County Still ing to interject metropolitan ideas, Read the want ads in the Headlight promissory note. - suit. ceedings against property owners and thereby causes a commotion. He Unsettled. trade mart. - ---- o------ employs a corset model and then the i Homer Mason succeeded Erwin i Mr. Wm. Briscoe of this city is who blocked streets with their build­ County Judge A. M. Hare and trouble begins. Just what happened Charles A. Vogler went to Portland Harrison as county clerk on Monday. enjoying a visit from his sister Mrs. ings or land was discussed, where ' Mrs. Millis will remain in the office J. B. McCloud, of Pleasant Hill, Mo. the owner wanted an exorbitant Commissioners H. V. Alley and H. after that, it would be unfair to re­ Wednesday. M. Farmer left on Wednesday to in advance of the presentation This is the first time they have seen price for his holdings. A list of meet the State Highway Commission veal E. E. Koch drove out to Portland as his deputy. of the picture. claims were allowed. to spend a few days. The home of Edward Davis, on each other since Mr. Briscoe came Mr. Ray is finely supported by west 46 years ago. A petition has been filed in the in regard to the road work in this county. The commission started to many competent screen players, Dan Oliver’s cousin, of Portland, is Bewley Creek, was totally destroyed county court that A. O. Jackson be by fire July 4th. A small amount of On another page in the story of the visit Tillamook a few weeks ago, • chief among them being Jane Novak, visiting him here. • appointed administrator of the estate insurance was carried. automobile accident, the name of but owing to the rain at that time Otto Hoffman and Dorcas Matthews. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil­ J Trevor Hare was erroneously used, of Olen Wayne Jackson. It is alleged turned back. It is the intention of Miss Olive Ingler left for Portland in the petition that the deceased died liams this morning, a boy. Monday to attend business college. instead of Don Hare, who was in the on account of an autoiftobile accident the county court to persuade the NEW HIGHWAY NOT ASSURED I. Labowitch arrived Sunday to Miss Ingler graduated froni high machine. The machine was Hare’s which was caused by a defective and commission to look over the situation and Clare Provoost was driving it. visit his brother L. Labowitch. school the week before. dangerous county road in Tillamook here and then determine what per­ Oregon Must Amend Roosevelt Road Mrs. A. T. Stam left for Portland County, and the claim by the estate manent work is to be undertaken W. A. Clark, a resident of Netarts, Mrs. J .N. Liisberg returned Tues­ Measure by Providing Maintenance this year. is sick with pneumonia. , day after spendiug the Fourth at C. to see her son Ben, Wednesday. Ben of said deceased against the county ------ o ------ Clause, Says McArthur. is on his way from Eugene, where his and others who were responsible for ------ o------ The commission has already agreed The Oddfellows and Rebekahs had J. Nelson’s, at Portland. Her son, wife is, to his post in Georgia. Mrs. the dangerous and defective condi­ Theodore, visited his father. Washington, July 8.—Oregon must a joint installation last night. Stam will go from Portland to Eu­ tion of said county road consists of to pave 10 miles south of Tillamook city and 5 miles north, the latter amend the Roosevelt highway law Coming to visit her friend Miss gene, to visit her daughter-in-law, the assets of said estate. E. M. Oliver spent Tuesday at Ne­ unit on a 50-50 basis with the coun­ before congress will appropriate Wealths Lance, of Riverview Farm, and see her two weeks old grand­ halem visiting W. N. Walker. ty. Commissioner Thompson inform­ money to aid in its construction. The was Miss Marie Smith, of Portland, daughter. V. D. Jennings came in over the who arrived Tuesday. GEM THEATRE PROGRAM. ed the Tillamook delegation on Tues­ United States does not and will not After receiving a telegram Wednes­ Astoria road last Thursday. day that the sooner its starts grading maintain military or other highways, ------ o------- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wade returned day from his daughter at Seattle, E. T. Haltom, and son, Errold, to their home in Portland July 7, Wash, that she was very sick Wm. Friday, July 11—‘‘Wildflower’’ Par­ the sooner it will have paving, and though it has aided in construction. amount picture featuring Marguer­ the commission urged the county Even without the maintenance clause "went to Portland Sunday. after spending the Fourth at the Harris and wife drove to Portland to court to take advantage of the pres­ in the new Oregon law, there is n ite Clark. catch an afternoon train. He will D. C. Craig, of Rockaway, came to Rollie Watson home. ent season to make the grade, so hard road ahead of the Roosevelt ‘‘Burton Holmes Travelogue.” leave his wife in Portland to con ­ town on business Monday. Mrs. w. Strom and children went Saturday, July 12—"The Way of the that it can settle during the winter highway law, as is shown in tbo tinue the trip to Seattle, and he will Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence home to Nehalem after spending return to Tillamook. Strong” Metro picture featuring and be ready for paving next year. statement of Congressman McArthur, several days with her sister here, The same policy of rushing grading in which he says: "During the past Olds, of Cloverdale, a daughter. Anna Q. Nilsson. during the Fourth. south of Tillamook also was recom­ few days my office has been bom­ Supreme instructor of deputies, W. "Lloyd Comedy.” Joe Schnal went to Portland Sun­ mended. barded with telegrams from citizens H. Harris and wife, Mrs. Ida Harris, Arriving Tuesday for a couple of Sunday, July 13 — “ By Right of Pur ­ day for a short pleasure trip. It was the desire of the Tillamook of Oregon urging me to use every months stay was Kirk Loop and supreme deputy, are here writing up chase” Select picture featuring people that the commission locate possible effort to obtain a congres­ A marriage license was issued to family, wno drove in over the Grand new members for the Tillamook As­ Norma Talmage. the coast road between Tillamook sional appropriation for the Roose­ sembly of United Artisans. They C. E. Mowery and Flora Axtell. Ronde route from McMinnville. "Pathe News.” and Wheeler along the beach. Mr. velt highway, and I wish to take this have been very successful here, and Mrs. Elsie Vidito underwent a ser­ Mrs. J. S. Howell and family arriv­ feel they will have a large class to be Monday, July 14—"Nine O’clock Benson said he favored the Miami opportunity to say that these mes­ ious operation Saturday, and is very ed the first pare ot the week to join initiated the last of July. Town” Paramount picture featur­ road, which is further inland, as it sages are altogether unnecessary, for ill. ing Charles Ray. Mr. Howell, engineer on the motor. will be five miles shorter and which i am heartily in favor of the project The summer special between Port­ "Lyons-Moran Comedy.” is recommended by the district en­ and will do everything possible to Coming to visit her folks for a few­ They will spend the summer here. land and Tillamook County beaches days is Miss Edith Anderson of Tal­ Edith Anderson and her cousin, was put on July 5th by the United Tuesday, July 15—"Stella Maris” gineer, C. L. Grutz, who said the aid in accomplishing the desired end. Artcraft picture featuring Mary beach road would "boost beach prop­ ent, Oregon. Erma Robinson, of Medford, came in Stages Railway administration of Familiar With Route. erty.” The delegation informed the Pickford. Monday to visit at the home of Miss "I am thoroughly familiar with the Mrs. Preston Williams chopped off the Southern Pacific. The train will commission that the only people to country through which the proposed “Pathe News.” the tips of two of her fingers Sat­ Anderson’s parents, Syd Anderson. leave Portland Saturday at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 16—"The Man be served were those along the beach. highway will run, having traveled urday. and arrive at Tillamook at 8:45, and Mrs. Kesselman left Tillamook to­ Mr. Booth declared that he would the entire distance between the Col­ from Funeral Range” Paramount Mrs. Vivian Walker was in town day for Portland and Seattle. She leave Tillamook Sunday at 4:05 p.m. not express an opinion until he has umbia Vind Coquille rivers on foot picture featuring Wallace Reid. last week-end, shopping and for the will not return, but will go into and reach Portland at 10:50. made a personal inspection of the some portions of it many times. “Bray Pictograph.” business at Portland probably. Nehalem Assembly, No. 469 United territory, and this was supplemented There Is no question that such a. Fourth. Thursday, July 17 — "Gambling in by Mr. Thompson, who moved that highway will prove a great benefit Leaving Tillamook after a year’s Artisans, has been benefited by the Dr. F. W. Brooke, of Portland, was Souls ” William Fox picture featur ­ complete reports be made, with es­ to the state and as part of our nation­ in Tuesday to see his land south of residence here, was I. N. Ferris, who visits of W. H. Harris, S. I. D„ and ing Madlaine Traverse. went to McMinnville Monday morn­ wife, Mrs. Id:t Harris, to the extent Tillamook. "Beware of Boarders” 2 reel Mack timated costs, on both routes. al military defense it would have an ing morning intending to reside of doubling the membership of their added value. Sennett vomedy. Mrs. Frank Bester Is recovering assembly. Another large initiation "There are, however, many diffi­ New Superintendent of Schools Do­ nicely from a major operation under­ there. will be held Friday evening, July 11, culties to be surmounted before the May Schultz returned to her home at the K. of P. hall, Nehalem. All Tillamook ing Post-Graduate Work. gone the 6th. Creamery Axzociation desired congressional appropriation at Idaville Monday morning after J. R. Hood, of Portland, arrived visiting with her sister in the moun­ Artisans are welcome? Holds Meeting Monday. L. W. Turnbull, the newly elected can be obtained. In the first place, ------ Tuesday to visit with Mr, McShane tains above Cloverdale for three There was a heavy rain early Sat­ superintendent of Tillamook City the house and senate are pledged to The regular monthly directors schools, is attending the University a program of rigid economy and will south of town. urday morning with occasional weeks. showers later in the evening and meeting of the Tillamook County of Oregon summer school, at Eugene, appropriate funds only where an Im­ Mrs. Leona Helsel has a Fourth of A subscription is being taken up Association was held on where he has taken a great deal of perative need is shown. July visitor, her brother, Ira Mann- to re-biuld the U. B. Church, which with more rainfall Sunday morning. Creamery Monday at the court house. Twelve post graduate work. He graduated The weather cleared up about noon "There is no warrant of law for ville, of Eugene. was burned last year. Out of the and since then it has been fine. The of the directors were present. The from the University of Minnesota in the proposed highway appropriation A. E. Bailey returned to Nehalem $2 500 required, $2,100 have been rain did a lot of good notwithstand­ minutes of the last meeting were 1909, where he took special training and consequently the heads of the Sunday after spending several days collected. ing that a good deal of grass is ripe read and approved. The report of for the teaching profession. appropriation committee are tied. County Agriculturist, R. C. Jones in Tillamook. Coming here from being the super­ This committee under the rules of G. M. Hiner, while loading a Tilla­ and ready to cut. and Dairy Inspector, D. R. Tinner- intendent of the Bandon schools for the house cannot appropriate money Mrs. R. E. Stanley and C. B. Jr., mook Transfer truck Monday morn­ Miss Theda Jones, Bozman, Mont., ^pent Monday with Mrs. E. M. Aider­ ing, dropped a barrel on his little is visiting her brother Roy, for a stet on Cloverdale Cheese Company’s four years, he is highly recommend­ for a specific project unless author­ finger, cutting the end off of it, and month or so. She arrived the 3rd. Be­ trip was accepted. They reported o.k. ed. Mr. Turnbull’s experience has ed to do so by existing law. The nec­ man at Midway Beach. Report of the County Agriculturist smashing it badly. fore coming here she had taken a showed that certain samples from been long and varied, both as a essary authority, however, will be The post office ran out ot lc. teacher In high school and principal. granted if Representative Hawley’s Among those going out on the trip through the Glacier National Cloverdale submitted to him showed His work lias been as follows: High bill becomes a law. This bill is now stamps for several days about the Park in Montana, going through it train Monday morning was Amanda first of the month. that the milk had been watered. school mathematics, Minneapolis in the hands of the committee on O’Dell, who has been visiting her on horseback. She was with the first The directors and those present Classical School, one year; High roads and highways, and a hearing There will be a baseball game be­ brother Hubert O'Dell and his wife party to cross one of the high passes accepted the invitation to have tween Nehalem and Tillamook at this year, the trail being blocked luncheon with O. M. Plummer at the school science, Grants Pass, two will be held in a few days. the last week. "It will be necessary for friends of Nehalem, Sunday. with snow much of the way. Tillamook Hotel. Mr. Plummer took Mrs. Charles Kennedy drove in the measure to prove that the pro­ N. Boyd and wife left Monday for from Willamina Sunday with Will Professor Carl Grissen and wife, up the matter of the Pacific Inter­ posed highway is necessary from a Westport to live. They have been in Kennedy to visit her mother-in-law, well known Portland musicians, are national Livestock Association and military standpoint, and that it is Tillamook about three months. Mrs. Jess Kennedy. She expects to spending the summer in Tillamook. other matters. It was decided not to not purely local in character. Efforts Mr. Grissen is at the head of the go ahead as an association and sub­ Dr. J. Earl Else returned to his stay until Wednesday. are being made to line up the dele­ violin department in the Oregon Ag­ scribe for Tillamook's allottment ot home in Portland Sunday after sev­ gations from Washington and Cali­ T. C. Percy went to Bend. Oregon, ricultural College school of music and $2,500, but a number of individual eral days at the beach. fornia and to arouse interest in the Monday to visit his mother and a member of the Portland Synjphony subscriptions were handed in and it project in those states. If our neigh­ Miss Nora Conquest, of Portland wife’s folks. He expects to be gone Orchestra. Mrs. Grissen recently re­ is expected that the amount will be boring states wiU show as much in­ came in Tuesday to visit Mrs. Helen about a week. Mrs. Percy will run turned from New York and main­ subscribed. itiative as Oregon has in this matter the shop during his absence. Barber for the summer. tains a studio of music in Portland. The secretary read several letters we will have firmer ground on which Louis Larson, who has resided in W. S. Randal left for Portland on to stand as we ask for congressional George F. Stratton, a special cor­ and reports bearing on cheese mar­ a business and pleasure trip Wednes­ Tillamook for 20 years, left this respondent of the Country Gentle­ ket. A good deal of other than Tilla­ aid. day morning. He expects to stay a morning for Fleming, Minn. He will man, was in the city for the purpose mook and other Oregon cheese is be­ Oregon Committee at Capitol. go to California in the fall where he of writing up an article of the dairy ing shipped into Portland, due to ths week. "A committee of Oregon citizens high quotations prevailing there, the expects to make his future home. industry of Tillamook county for Mrs. Blanche O’Neil came in on consisting of L. J. Simpson anut of place with an automobile. Town”, the latest starring vehicle June 21st will have my hearty sup­ left Sunday after visiting at the and moved to Sheridan Sunday. The Newcomb cottages now open. for Charles Ray, which will be shown port and assistance. J have had sev­ The city council met Monday night home of Mrs. Wallace’s daughter. eral talks with Congressman Hawley Tillamook County vs. Elmer D. to discuss the desirability of calling Fully furnished, with 1 or 2 beds. By at the Gem Theatre next Monday. Mr. Gray had been here about two about this bill and have offered ti the week or month. For terms, ad­ In this capital photo play, filled a special city election. A tentative weeks, while Mrs. Wallace came Hall. Edna M. Hall and Frank John co-operate in any way he deems ad­ dress, Mrs. Bertha Newcomb, Rock ­ with laughs and thrills, Mr. Ray ap ­ date of August 4 was agreed upon. down for the Fourth. She expects to son. et al, is a suit to condemn cer mu pears as the manager of a Little­ visable.” The need of extending the city limits away, Ore, tain land for road purposes, th» come back about July JO. Tillamook Jottings.