TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 3, 1919 ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY HAD MA- Roosevelt Highway enthusiasm and Soldiers' Aid: a local bond issue for $430.000 re­ Yes ,. . . JORITY OF 27,870 IN STATE. •4* >***ÍX**' X*" ' -, ■>••> C?*"* so th 4 f, A ■ ,f7O« _ '49.158 Ito one; Roosevelt Highway seventeen No____ 33,513 Tillamook Made Record for Unself­ to one; other road measures five to one; irrigation guarantee five to one Majority for 15.645 ishness and Progressiveness, Says i although Tillamook county can nev­ Oregon Voter. er hope to get any direct benefit Our Platform. from it; vote for irrigation guaran­ ------ o------ The Roosevelt Highway measure tee wa.s heavier than that cast for We have no apologies to make, was lhe most popular of all the meas­ same measures by any Eastern Ore­ neither have we done you any dis­ ures that were voted upon at the gon county; two-thirds majority for honest tricks to make good. If any­ special election last month. There reconstruction bonds and Portland thing you have bought from us have were 56,966 votes cast for it and industrial hospital for which latter not given satisfaction we will make 29,150 against, giving it a majority evidence of friendliness this city is good if you let us know. appreciative; Tillamook of 27,807 votes. Below we give the | warmly On this platform we are building I made a record for unselfishness and up a nice business. Call and see us In official figures: County Yes. No Pct progressiveness second to no other our new location. county considering the heavy vote. Tillamook Tire Co. Baker ........... . 1,138 917 55 We are somewhat inclined to credit E. F. Rogers, Mgr. Ben tor.......... 1,490 834 64 the Tillamook Headlight and Senator Clackamas .. 1,913 2,089 48 Handley for effective campaigning Clatsop......... 2,113 129 95 that made the creditable result pos­ Columbia ... 625 60 sible. The Headlight gave more space 418 Coos............. 4,180 346 92 to election issues than any other he Crook........... 293 150 66 newspaper in Oregon outside of Port- | Curry........... 960 32 97 land, and more space in proportion atest Deschutes ... 70 to its size than any newspaper ex­ 568 245 Douglas......... . 1,253 41 cept the Voter.” 1,760 Gillam........... 314 54 271 To make the above complete, and Grant ...... 392 259 60 to give credit where credit belongs, Harney......... 221 259 46 the names of H. H. Rosenberg and Hood River . . 82 W. G. Dwight should be added for 498 108 Jackson .... 933 808 54 these gentlemen did splendid work Jefferson .... 256 58 also to put the measure over the top. 358 395 Josephine . . . 497 55 Klamath .... 560 70 231 277 59 Official Figures in Special Election. Lake............. 403 63 6 per cent county road bond limit: Lane............. 2,855 1,683 49,728 Yes 79 96 Lincoln ......... 2,002 33,561 No 2,459 39 Linn............. 1,566 562 429 57 Malheur ... 1 16,167 Majority for 2,957 53 Marion ... 3,392 242 63 Roosevelt Highway Morrow .... 402 Electr'city s latest gift to 56,966 Yes ..................... 4,629 80 Multnomah . 17,021 the housewife—greatest 29,159 No ...................... 59 955 Polk............. 1,395 since the electric iron I 264 101 73 Sherman .... and electric vacuum Majority for . . . . 27,807 91 133 Tillamook. . . . 1.993 cleaner—the Market Road Millage tax: 41 723 1,020. Umatilla .. . 53,191 Yes .............................. 50 1,017 Union......... 1,034 28,039 No.............................. . 674 497 56 Wallowa .... 49 591 603 Wasco ......... P ortable Majority for................ 25,152 1,204 53 Washington . 1,350 Irrigation Interest Guarantee: S ewing M achine 52 210 228 Wheeler .... Yes ................................... 43,010 66 1.139 Yamhill .... 2.205 No..................................... 35,948 No more tiresome treadle pushing - no 66 Total .. 56,966 29,159 Majority for........... 7,062 more backache—a little ----- Q----- electric motor does the The Oregon Voter gave an inter- $5.000,000 Bond amendment; 39,130 Yes esting analysis of the voting in each hard work. 40,580 No. county, with some very pertinent re­ A foot control gives any marks about some counties, especial­ Majority against . .. 1,450 speed desired. ly as tc Douglas, which is character­ ized at the “meanest county in Ore­ $5,000 bonding bill: The entire machine in Yes ................................... 37,294 gon,” for that was the only county in its case can be carried 42,792 No ..................................... the state that gave an adverse vote anywhere—it’s no larger on all the measures. There is a mark­ Majority against .. . 5,498 than a typewriter. ed difference in regard to this county, for it is recorded that "Tillamook 'Locating Industrial Hospital Ask for a demonstre« Yes............. ..................... 38,204 made a record for unselfishness and tion. 40,707 No ..................................... progressiveness second to none other county considering the heavy vote Majority against . . . 2,503 COA SI POWER CO cast.” This is what the Voter says: ¡Lieutenant Governor: THE Headlight and Handley Commended Yes ................................... 32,653 "Tillamook—Heads the list for en­ No..................................... 46,861 tire state for proportion of registered voters getting to polls—70 per cent. Majority against ... 14,208 L Off/ Í HIS is a Service branch cf the Hartford Com pany. Through this agency, active Fire Pre vention is applied to the homes and property of every Hartford policy-holder hereabouts. T Let us explain this Service to help relieve you of the fear of fire, and the danger of loss ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man. We write ALL KINDS of Insurance and give YOU SERVICE. All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. 34 J T Western Electric Í : Mutual. Tillamook City, Oregon. Nat&ia. 0R. O.. L. H HOHLFELD JL I UT. bUDK, A 1 . y H GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Office: O pposite .C ourt E )U9h Mutual Phone Bell Phone—2F2 Office. Tillamook O. agon. Taxes I ’ aid for Non Residents Oregon. Tillamook T illamook B lock , JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. Tillamook .... Oregon AVID ROBINSON, M. D , I Both Phones. ATTORNEY AND PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON QR J. G. TURNER, COUNSELLOR AT-LAW NATIONAL BUILDING, i EYE SPECIALIST. T illamook B lock , Tillamook - - - • OiegUii OREGON PORTLAND - TILLAMOOK- OREGON ROOM NO. 261. VETERINARIAN. Regular Monthly Visits to Tillamook and Cloverdale. T. BOALS, M.D., P PHYSICIAN AN1) SURGEON. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. PUNCH, PEP AND PURPOSE Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. E. Bld».) Tillamook R I PROMINENT WRITER AND POET AT CHAUTAUQUA .... Oregon Herbsman’a Lecture Will Be Big Fea­ ture of Chautauqua Week. OBERT H. McGRATH COUNSELLOR-AT LAW, ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN i TILLAMOOK, OREGON. 1‘ orti and O ffice 1110 W ilcox B ld . 0ARL HABERLACH J. C. Herbsinan, who comes to Chau­ tauqua as one of the principal lectui* era of the week, will probably arouse more comment and stir more people to action thun any man you have heard in many a day. His lecture will deal I Marshall Louis Mertins Comes on the Sixth Day. Author, lecturer, humorist and staff poet of the Kansas City Star, Marshall Louis Mertins, who comes to Chautau­ qua on the last afternoon, has made a decided Impression in the lecture and literary fields of today. He discusses [7 A Triumph of Toughness And yet, the ‘Royal Cor'd’ pos sesses amazing buoyancy and life That’s the secret of this famous tire’s success. Hardihood that means many extra miles, combined with the luxury of easier riding. ‘Royal Cord' one of the five Let us put ‘Royal Cords’ on your car. They are the utmost in equip­ ment—the finest tires in the world. United States Tires ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. are Good Tires T illamook B i - ock Oiegoo Tillamook EBSTER HOLMES, •Nobtn1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING. FIRST STREET. TILLAMOOK OREGON QR.L. L. HOY, with a subject of tremendous im­ PHYSICIAN ANDSURGECN portance in these reconstruction days; T illamook B lock , Tillamook, Oregt n- C. HAWK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City Oregon the duty of lhe Individual and of the community to the country and to hu­ manity at this critical time. Ilerbsmun combines the fire and en­ ergy of a dozen men. He turns loose a machine gun fire on his audiences and every shot goes home. The earn­ estness of the man. the powerful con­ trol of his subject, the remarkable force of his expression, all combine to make his lecture on the fifth night one of the events of the week that no thinking citizen can afford to miss. hla subjects with the eagerness and optimism of youth, yet he la a deep student and a consistent thinker, and his addressee bear the stamp of the man who has mastered bls subject. Into his lecture. "Bricks Without Straw,” he weaves a world of hninor and brightens hla splendid inspira­ tional subject with poems from hla latest book. “The Wishing Gate and Other Poems." « We know United States Tires are Good Tires. That’s why we sell Star Garage, C. E. Pankow, Tillamook ; Nelson & Co., Bay City ; Kellow Bros., Hebo Anderson Bros^ Garage, Nehalem ; Wheeler Garage, M. J. Maddox, Wheeler. . ! into seek- deas, . He the sned