TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JULY 3, 1919. GEM THEATRE % % FRIDAY, July 4th.-Jane and Katherine Lee in Smiles Show open all day. A Klever Komedy that is full of Comedy. See It. TUESDAY, July 8th--Enid Bennett in “In Pursuit of of Polly.” Pathe News. THURSDAY, July 10th.-Tom Mix in “HELL ROAR ING REFORM.” “Once a Mason.” 1 hese three offerings are in a distinct class by themselves. Don’t tniss any one of them. We’ll expect to see yon on these date. TILLAMOOK HIGH GRADUATION fathers and mothers of -the present EIGHTY FOUR INITIATED EXERCISES ARE IMPRESSIVE. , class to see that their children do not INTO D. 0. K. K. SATURDAY I become work oxen, but go into the End of Four Years Study Marked by class of trained minds. No machine can ever be invented to take the Picnic, Dance, Eat and Have a Gen­ Simple, Dignified Ceremony. | place of trained brains of doctors eral Good Time. orchestra was, with a large canvas, stretched across the room, with tall waving palms in front. From a stand behind the palms, Mrs. Alice ihare Clark, a prominent Portland contralto, and a former Tillamook 1 lawkers, inventers, and editors, as ------- o ------- * Nineteen students of the Tillamook girl, sang during the late evening, at High School graduating class of |tile machines are taking the places iwo hundred guests there were to first a solo, then the dancers joined take care of. and Tillamook can well in at her signal and danced, singing 1919, received their diplomas with i or the toilers who are untrained. “Thirty out of 100 who start in the be proud of the way her D. O. K. K.’s the while. The people flocked in to fitting ceremonies at the Christian Church, last Friday night. The even­ ' first grade finish the grammar did it, for the Dramatic Order of the dance so that it was difficult to move ing was a thorough success in the 1 grades, 12 out of this thirty finish Knights of Korassan, of K. of P. kept around, but merriment reigned, smooth and quiet manner in which high school, and but two out of the the guests well fed, amused, and where dance suffered. the events followed one another, I twelve, or two percent of the 100 continually speaking of the fine time i Tom Handley, one of the Salvation quite aside from the interesting talk, ( finish a college course. Six cases out they were having. Every man or Army workers announced that the given by the principal speaker of the of ten, this deplorable dropping from woman interviewed liked the meals. drive was short, and $108 was ___ rais- evening, Dean John otraub, of the ' school is the i fault of parents, who piked the people and liked Tillamook,' ed then and there by contribution. discourage their children, when they -I which the others represented. University of Oregon. At 11 o’clock the dance closed with a or initiates, song, “Good Night Ladies.” What As the class marched into the desire to continue school,” said Dr. . | Eighty four tyros, church, the girls all in white, with Straub. “The parent who says, “I’ve i | were taken into the D. O. K. K. Sat­ I followed that is a part of the mystery gay bouquets on their arms, or pinn­ sent my boy through the grades, now- in day night, and with a celebration |Of th^ Dokeys, only Sunday they ed to their dresses, the audience let him send himself the rest of the fitting to one of Tillamook’s-strong­ ¡said. “If I had to go through another burst into applause, and then sat way thhrough school,” is doing gross est lodges, and the largest order of such night!” so something terrible silent, impressed by the dignity of injustice to a son only fourteen years K. of P. outside of Portland In the must have happened. etate. the young men and women, who had old.” he averred. Sunday five or six big trucks and "Parents too often let their chil­ Saturday afternoon at two o’clock a score of automobiles transferred completed one lap of their life’s dren inn the home, ” said Dean the special train, bearing the offi ­ course. the K. of P. and D. O. K. K., and 'Straub, quoting the following poem, cial» i nd delegates from Portland ar­ their friends and others to Netarts, The class salutatorian, Miss Hazel Klinehan, chose for her address, I "Many a boy might have left his rived at the depot and was met with where the morning and early after­ some sixty or seventy of Tillamook’s noon were spent on the beach by footprints. “The League of Nations,” explaining, i hospitable auto drivers with their over a thousand and in the dance Times eternal sands to grace, “I do not attempt to draw conclu­ machines. The wives of the visitors hall. Music by a three piece orches- Had he felt his mother ’ s slipper, sions, when our president and states­ were taken into the machines and tra was furnished for the fifty or At th« propc ' ■ time and place. ” men have not solved the problem, but The child is not capable of know­ driven up town, while the lodgemen sixty couples that chose to dance. merely lay the need and facts be­ paraded up the street to the Guild Many others lay out In the sands, fore you.” This statement showed a ing what he wants to do, yet is let Hail where an appetizing luncheon not the “burning sands”, and slept. do what it thinks it wants to do, and great deal of good judgment on the had been prepared, and was served to At a little after noon, lunch was young lady’s part, and is a compli­ may regret its earlier actions in after them. served, and then the Jollification was ment to her education, as many stu­ years, said Dean Straub, but then it This is a description of the lunch­ over. The special train was to leave dents would have attempted in a is too late. eon obtained from one of the lady at four, so the visitors left for the short speech to tell more thaji “God,” the speaker said, “made visitors "Oh, they had crabs, um— depot at Tillamook. statesmen with years of experience men with an intellect, the other an- and salad and cheese—real cheese; The programs read, "dance and could tell. Her thought was well ex­ Imais h< gave brute strength. God and pickles, olives, coffee and crack­ pressed in the oration, and her gave each animal its realm—the ers;-—Gee, I’m full, and let’s see— frolic,” but they did not need to say so. The merry D. O. K. K.’s _ and pleasant voice was good to listen to. birds the air, the fish the sea, ani- there was beans and cakes, such friends just naturally up and frolick. Music by the orchestra, a selection nials the earth, and then to man he cakes, home made, you know, and ed and danced, whether told to or by the Glee Club, a song by the gave a brain, and with it, the power Tillamook women sure can cook; not. The two days were a constant ladies’ quartette, and a solo by Mrs. to conquor each element, but the ' anyhow I don’t feel like I wanted to round of pleasure that will long be Curl Swenson, was woven into the power was in an embryo state, not I eat again for a week.” remembered by all. evening’s program in a way to vary to be discovered until man was cap­ And this impression of the good The visiting Portland officials the speeches. Mrs. Swenson in her able of using the power. Throughout ¡things at the banquet was expressed solo was charming, with her rich all th? ages, man has had the speed (everywhere. After the lunch the out­ present were: W. J. H. Clark, master contralto, and the clear high notes, of the horse, the wings of the bird, siders were assigned to their rooms of ceremonies; Frank Payne, royal she reached with seeming ease, and and the gilld of the fish waiting for and the hotels were full to the limit, vizier: Walter Gleqson, grand keep­ held so easily. The ladies’ quartett him to discover that he can invent four in a room being not at all un­ er of the records ai:J seal of the K. have voices that harmonize and something for himself that would usual. Beside the hotel rooms, private of P.; “Happy” Harry Hunter, drum major, and in charge of the parade; c|iord sweetly, and were listened to be an improvement over them.” houses were thrown open to the vis­ Theodore Freiborg, head of the Bri­ with more than ordinary interest. “Man at present is just at the be­ itors, and adequate quarters provid­ gands; Frank Maughan, leader of The orchestra, under the direction of ginning of his conquests,” Dr, ed for all. the band; Ed Mayer, ceremonies; C. A. McGhee, rhythmically played a Straub said, “and fathers and moth­ One of the big amusement features Martin C. Larsen, royal vizier of selection. ers, I appeal to you for that boy and : of Saturday afternoon was the big temple Abd-uhl-atef, number 117. Carl Anderson gave the class val­ girl in your home, make a sacrifice i auto truck labeled, “Tyros Defense edictory, speaking on the use of the to give them a chance, and that League.” This truck with some of the submarines in the war. The High D. 0. K. K.’s scurried Committee Promises Big Time the chance i is in part a college educa- would.be School Glee Club sung after the around, and gatherel in and arrested Fourth. tion. ” seniors marched in, and was heartily Supt. o. V. White spoke briefly in the members of long-standing. Gentle applauded. ant manner on the difficul- fights to general free-for-alls, took | Between the jollification at the D. Then the main speak.of the even-* Ills plea ties the class has encountered dur- place among the jailersand those to O. K. K.’s initiation and the Fourth ’ Ing, Dr. John Straub, dean of the ing their career at high school, and ' be jailed, leading to a great deal of of July celebration, Tillamook seems college of Liberal Ari.-, and Dean of said it gave him pleasure to recom­ ¡hooting and yelling. The city was, to be holding its breath, watching to Men at the University of Oregon, mend them for the diplomas about to ihowevei, in need of no yelling from ¡see what will happen next, or happen Dean Eugene, was introduced. be presented. The diplomas were then ' these, as yells, screams, horns and the loudest! Straub is said by the people who presented by a member of the board, i sirens kept up a constant hubbub The Merry-go-round is started up I know him to have a memory for the corner of Third St and Fourth i < J. Merrill Smith, to the following from twe in the afternoon till eleven ¡at names that would make an etficiency .Avenue, stores are filling with bunt­ at night. • expert feel ashamed of comparison. students: Later in theafternoon the D. O. K. ing, and, with a long whoop from Hazel Klinehan, Edna Anderson, No mattei where he goes, be greets K.’s captured the truck from the Ty­ saved up breath and expectation, Carl Anderson, Arthur Bester, Ella the student by first name, tells where ro gang, and repainted the legend on Tillamook and all America will cele­ he lived and when he went to col­ Glad, Beverly Daniels, Faye Harris, it to read, “Tyro Welcome League,— brate the signing of the peace treaty lege. This process has continued for Ozella Hart, W. G. Wilmot, Laura Bolsheviki.” And they proceeded to at the close of the greatest war ever forty-one years, causing Dean Leach. Glenr. Leach, James R. May, capture and jail Tyros to suit their known to the world. Straub to be one of the most widely Maude Miller, Joseph Schnal, Elaine pleasure. Up town at this timeVine Not only will the celebration be Todd. Eugenia Smith, Mayme La- I known and liked men in Oregon. discovered many of the visitors in the peppy, according to the committee, Follett, Bernice Ripley and Esther Dr. Straub layed special emphasis, drug stores buying, of course, sou- but just to make a real joy in the in his lecture, on the fact that a Heusser. hearts of somg, from other reasons venir post cards! The church was beautifully decor ­ college education was no longer a usually brings, "Latein the afternoon the D. O. K. than the Fourth luxury, but a necessity that should ated with white roses, and green ivy. prizes amounting to several hundred The ivy being twined around the pil­ K. band began playing on the street not be denied to young men and dollars will be given. Foot races, lars and walls in long streamers. So corner before the Tillamook Hotel, young women by their parents. horse races and log rollers, will all many bouquets were brought for the and dancing began and lasted for an Not only convincing put entertain be in on the money. Twenty five .graduates, that the altar of the hour, until the parade. A banquet ing as a speaker is Dr. Straub, and dollar prizes go to the winners of church looked like a carpet of roses was served the visitors at the Guild the audience laughed heartily at his several of the events, and many and carnations, and every graduate Itall tito. The food was so good, humorous tales, as it intently listen­ that sone of the Dokeys grabbed the prizes of five dollars will be given. was laden down with flowers. ed to his strong arguments for send­ For the amusement of the crowd, chef, Mr. Cardiff, took him to head­ fat men’s races, and ladies handi- ing the young men and women of the quarters and signed him up as a cap caces will be held, Prizes will state to a school of higher education, Tillamook Ccfnty Bank Now Under brother, to be initiated that night. also be given to the best decorated which he said was a duty a parent The evening parade could truly be New Management, owed his children. called r. “thing of beauty and a joy floats in the morning j parade, the “Neither human nor animal mus­ forever.” The drill team, The Bri­ Fourth. The parade should be one of The Tillamook County Bank elect­ cle, unless controlled by a human gands, of Portland, were clad in their the biggest ever, as Tillamook has mind,’ever amounts to anything in ed the following named officers, on gorgeous Oriental costumes, and enough automobiles to make a par­ a constructive way,” he said. “ 1 hese Monday evening last: Hon Ralph E. headed the procession. As a contrast ade a city twice its size could be intelligent minds are in the boys and Williams, president; David Kuratll, to their rich colors and striking ap­ proud of. Saturday the iiaseboll game with girls here, but they must be cultivat­ Vice President; Walter Williams, a pearance were the Tyros. They were ed, and colleges and universities are brother of the president, cashier; and garbed in all of the cast off dish Nehalem promises to be exciting, the places where the best cultivation Burr Beals, Jr., assistant Cashier. rags, mother hubbards, pajamas, the members of Tillaptook’s team, is given. Nature will give us other The rest of the directors remain the moth eaten skirts, and hopeless look­ promising Nehalem a run for their powers when we lose most of our same. This news will be of interest ing clothes that the well-intentioned money. Nehalem is bringing down faculties; better ears if we go blind, to the people of the county. brethern could gather together. And all ths good men they can find in When the Bank opened up for a little bird whispered 'that the the mills and campR of their neigh­ better memory if we go deaf, the strength of two arms in one, if we business Tuesday morning, it was Methodist minister from one our borhood and a real game is promised. lose one arm; but if the mind is dull­ under its new management, All of neighboring cities was that “ruf” Dancing Saturday night will be in ed, or impaired, nature stands back those officers named, are men of looking woman, who vamped your the armory, with catchy music by a long time banking experience in this husband, and danced so riotously in good orchestra. Friday street danc­ aghast and helpless.” ing will be a feature. For those from Three million trained minds earn state. the street dance after the parade. Mr. Ralph E. Williams the presi­ the valley any place where dancing three times the amount that 36,- The women with the red skirt, green u;.:. ,..>n..or.-.bl/ couly, will 000,000 physical workers earn in dent. Jias large interests in this waist, and peek-a-boo red gloves ...j pl . int. this country, according to govern­ county, other than the bank. He is you rerfiember! She also had red ment statistics, and of the three mil­ an officer and heavy stockholder in socks and fell down once, on the lion, one thousand control the gov­ the railroad now building this way pavement. The Allied Church. ernment of the country. Fermany had over the Wilson river route, and has After playing for the dance on the highly trained minds to run her af­ large timber holdings here as well. Presents for your consideration All of those mentioned are inter­ street for a while, the band became fairs during the war. and if it had not ambitious and started to march, fol­ subjects of 20th century interest at been fol the superior trained minds ested in the upbuilding of the re­ lowed by a throng of dancer«, danc­ both the 11 a m. and 8 p.ni. services. of Americans, Germany would prob­ sources of this county, and will un­ ing as they followed. Then the band Sunday School at 10 a.m.—Prof. dertake to see that the Tillamook ably have won the world wai. Dr. dspersed and the crowd flocked to Straub pointed out that there ate County Bank, does its share in every the armory, which was beautifully O. V. White, Supv Prayer service« will be held every way of encouraging and bound to be people that will be wore ilegitímate i where the Wednesday evening. oxen, and it was the duty o e | fostering every resource to that end. decorated at the end >rlum” into i he is seek- tlitan ideas, ‘motion. He ad then the t happened nfair to re* •resentation ported by n players, ane Novak, Matthews. ASSURED evelt Road aintenance III . It11 " More Pork With Less Corn Hogs get all the com when fed on a concrete feeding floor. Which gets your corn, tEte hogs or the mud? A Concrete Feeding Floor cheap and you cari very soon save enough on com alone to pay for it. Learn how easy it is to build one. Call for your free copy of descriptive plans. LAMB-SCHRAPER co . Cement, Coal and Building Material. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector BELL PHONE. MAIN 3 MUTUAL PHONE WHE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sedan ii the favorite family car. seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may in a minute be chaged to a most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car. dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered Equipped with electric starting and lighting system. A real family car. Anybody can safely drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car with the economy which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation and maintenance. Won’t you come in and see us about it. TILLAMOOK OARAGE' Tillamook • • - Oregon. egon must 'hway law Ppropriate ction. The 1 will not highways^ istruction. nee clause there is a Roosevelt I " in the “ McArthur, the past , eeu bom- o citizens use every congres- s Roose- take this •hese mes- Jssary, for ’‘e project ossible to '¡red end. with the proposed traveled the Col­ on foot, times, stteh a benefit W nation- 11 have an '1 y di ffl­ ore the triatlon place, Iged to od will an lm- aw for iation of the » tied, les of noney ithor- 5 nec- 1 be vley’s now -i on ‘ring . iB oí pro­ mt a It is