Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 03, 1919, Image 1

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Tillamook Jottings
ing by auto and will be
this city several weeks.
away from It it had not been for the thick un-
The remainder of the shots for this
Jer»ey Breeders Hold Their Regular
dergrowth of brush just above the
series oi scenes were made kt“*’► *
— —o-------
Manhattan Opera House, due to
Mrs Arthur Marolf returned from pool, the machine would have gone
------- o ■ -
Mrs. Mildred Finney went to Baker Portland Wednesday. She went out in and under the water, but as It Position Offered to Homer Mason.
fact that the stage of the Me<
Tuesday for a two weeks visit.
Who Accepts Clerkship.
itan was utilized for other pu,.
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Fred was it caught on the thicket, and a
met at the farm of F. Blackadore
chiefly the painting of scene
On June 26th a son was born to Nickolas who underwent an opera­ team of horseB drug it out of the
and Mr. McCormick, Thursday, June
next year’s production. About
Late on Wednesday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford Wheeler.
tion while there. Mrs. Nickolas is do­ dangerous place.
26th. The forenoon was spent look­
ing nicely.
Ornamental concrete urns have County Clerk Erwin Harrison ten­ ing over the farm and the splendid members of the Metropolitan <
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Rogers,
placed on the main intersec- dered his resigation to the county Jerseys. Mr. McCormick can be com­ took part in the scene from “I '
on Monday, a son.
Anyone desiring information about
of street traffic on Second Ave, court, to take effect at once, and the plimented on this splendid herd accl”, which was produced o
the University of Oregon, and the
stage at the Manhattan. The stj
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
court accepted the same. Mr. Har­
which holds the highest record of
courses it offers may get literature and at the corner of Third Ave and
John Stolz, on June 25th.
provided for Mr. Caruso is excepi
rison was serving his second term as
butter fat production in the county
from Attorney Robert McGrath, who Third street. These urns it is hoped,
ally fine, his leading woman b>
county clerk, and has given good
S. Nordland returned from Hob- Dr. Straub says, kindly consented to will last longer than the old signs,
over all pure bred herds. In looking
Carolina White, a famous opera si,,
satisfaction and conducted his office
sonville where he has been working.
over some of the young females they
take care of this at Tillamook.
them on the streets, and not to run in a businesslike manner. Previous would remind one of looking at er.
Carl Haberlach went to Portland
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Buel and sons into them. Flowers will be planted to the time of occupying the clerk’s
twins in the human family. They all
Friday morning on business, and left on Wednesday for their farm in in the bowls of the urns, and they office Mr. Harrison was cashier of
looked alike.
came back Sunday.
Yamhill county, to be gone several will improve the streets appearance, the Tillamook County Bank. M_. I
A big dinner was served at the
Holden, after spending
Harrison will devote his time to
Mrs. D. V. Jennings, of Astoria weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Buel have been it is thought.
noon hour. The tables were all load­ months in extensive study in technic
is visiting at the home of her sister
L. C. Wilton, ,who enlisted from his father’s farm and leased the ed to full capacity with the bu>t the and interpretation with Mrs. Carrie
school next fall.
Miss Mayme LaFallett.
world could produce, which
en­ Louise Dunning, of New York, will
Wheeler over a year ago arrived other part.
Mrs. F. M. Lamb, of Eugene, ar­ home last week. He was in the Ar-
I joyed by all present..
As there was. return to Tillamook and open her
Paul Edgar broke his leg above
After considering the matter the
the ankle Monday morning, when his rived Monday to visit her son, G. B. gonne drive and on the 9th day his County Court offered the position to over ninety persons present, it was studio September 1. Applications for
necessary for them all to proceed to admittance to the classes of the Dun­
horse fell on him near South Prairie.
Melvin Lamb, another son, came with knee by a high explosive shell, He Homer Mason, who accepted. Mr. t.ie barn after dinner, to ho hi their ning system or for private leeBons
Dave Bailey's son had his leg am­ her, and will take chharge of his was recently discharged from
the position, as well as that of county 'regular business meeting, which was will be received after August 1st.
putated Monday morning. He is father’s ranch later in the season.
hospital at Washington, D. C., and judge, and being well qualified and called to order by F. Blackadore,
resting easily now.
Lost a Wheel.
Dr. David Robinson returned Mon­ plans on attending a trade school experienced with county affairs, as 'president of the Tillamook County
------ o-— -
Rosie Plasker came back from a day from the Oregon State Medical this fall. He is visiting his brother well as the Clerk’s office, the court Jersey Club.
Owing to the fact that his front
week's visit with her sister at Port- Association meeting, where he went L. G. Wilton, who was also in the made a good selection.
Mr. W. H. Murphy, of Buena Vesta, wheel came off, Charley Kunes who
as a delegate of the Tillamook service.
I Oregon, wanting to dispose of his was driving his Ford in from Mc­
The Tillamook High School Alumni
Mrs. C. Pander, of Portland came County Medical Association, The
' herd of Jerseys in Tillamook. The Minnville last Thursday had to take
Association was formed Friday night
to Tillamook Thursday, to visit her meeting lasted three days.
— o-------
club appointed a committee of three it to be repaired. If it hadn’t been for
neice, Mrs. Morris Schnal.
w. G. Dwight, Dan Murphy and after the graduation ceremonies in Friday. July 4—"Smiles” William to investigate the health of the herd that, the mere mailer oL'Til’ -«*
the Christian Church, for the pur­
Fox production featuring Jane &. before they would be allowed to forty feet over the bluff, a mile ,
Oran Wallace and wife were in Mr. Barnes, of Tillamook, and Chas.
pose of building up and keeping alive
Katherine Lee. In this picture the ship them in, as the club hos gone Grand Ronde wouldn’t have fit
town from Cloverdale Wednesday on I Ray, of Cloverdale, motored out
through the valley Monday looking
Lee Kids have as an assistant, ou record wanting nothing but good him or the Ford. It just happened
a shopping trip.
at berries . They are expected back graduates. A banquet for the seniors
their playful dog. They try to give healthy cows to come intd Tillamook. like this—wheel came off, maclzine
Vivian Walker went ao Garibaldi by Thursday.
had been one of the things the
Prof. E. L. Weston of O. A. C. went over, and then they had to htul
him a bath as well as a set of new
last Saturday afternoon to spend the
alumni wished to do, but the organ­
teeth. Continuous show all day, gave an interesting talk along breed- it back up. The bushes alone the
Married at the home of the groom’s ization was formed too late to per­
starting as soon as the parade is 1 mg lines and also showed where a bank kept the car f om being injur 'd
brother, Howard Woolfe, on July 1st mit of that this year. John Aschim, a
Judge Webster Holmes and Mrs.
I trade bull had been sold for beef and Charley, being lucky, wasn’t in­
Mr. Floyd C. Woolfe and Rosetta graduate of a few years ago, was
Holmes left today to spend the 4th
May Hodgdon. Dr. Chas. E. Gibson chosen president, and Lowell Ed­ Saturday, July 5—"Blind Man’s for a tew cents per pound. Where if jured either.
at ,Astoria.
Hubert O’Dell, who was driving in
performing the ceremony. The young wards secretary.
Eyes.” Metro production featuring he had been kept until ^ome of his
daughters that did make a great but­ the same day said it took him 10
A marriage license was issued to couple will make their home in Tlll-
Bert Lytell.
The first closing of the school
L. K. Christian and Irene Hill,, both amook.
“Next Isle Over” Harold Lloyd ter fat record were noticed, the bull hours to come from McMinnville. 11«
year exercises ever held at Blaine,
would have sold for $1.00 or more thinks his machine knows every hill­
of Nehalem.
1st Class Private. Ralph McDaniel, Oregon, attracted most of the neigh-
side along the way, for he had to
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Woods left for son of Mrs. Charlotte McDaniel, who borliood last Friday, Blaine is a Sunday, July 6—“The Reason Why”
Mr. R. C. Jones, County Agricul- climb around and over all the bushy
Select production featuring Clara
the middle-west
Sunday. Their went overseas with the 111th En­ progressive little place about eight
turist, gave an illustration on feed- slopes there were, and,-" ford, the
Kimball Young.
children will remain here.
gineers, last July, is expected home miles above Beaver on the Nestucca
ing, as to ’ whether the feeding of streams as the road Is having ^very
“Pathe News.”
grain ration i with pasture would extensive improvements
Mrs. Kellow and Mrs. Sappington any day by his family. He got back river, and very enthusiastic over the
carried ».tut
were in town Tuesday from Beaver to'this country June 3, and is visit­ Roosevelt'Highway, and good roads. Monday, July 7—“My Cousin” Art- prove profitable, A chart was used along it.
An interesting program of songs and
to illustrate a period of years from
on a shopping trip.
Caruso. Caruso will need no in­ figures taken from the herd of Joe
Beatrice Gaylord is sick at St Vin­ recitations was held and greatly
We Pay
William Jennings Bryan will be
troduction, his name is one with Durrer, . that found without any
cent's Sauitorium, Portland, with pleased the audience, according to G
------- o-----
one of the speakers here during the
doubt that a grain ration along with
scarlet fever. She has been teaching B. Lamb, county superintendent. One
In the application of Mutual Life
music circles, but this is his debut pasture did prove very profitable.
at Monmouth, and has been in the girl in the school received her eighth
Insurance Co., of New York, is
in the screen world. In ‘My Cousin’
Art. Jackson and wife, and Mr. and hospital at Portland nearly three grade diploma, Mlsa Ruth Gould,
Mr. Ben Kuppenbender, President following:
he takes a dual role. Don’t fall to of the Tillamook County Creamery
Mrs. Herman Farmer, were town weeks. She will be under quarantine
”1 have paid *— in cash to
Fred Bodmer vs. F. L. Braden and
see this one.
visitors from Cloverdale Wednesday. for about three weeks longer.
Association, gave an interesting talk subsending soliciting agent and
A. A. Yager is a suit filed in the cir­
“Lyons-Moran Comedy.”
>n his trip to California in connec­ ceived a conditional receipt therefor,
Douglas Parks and Mrs. Parks
The case of Lloyd Kellow, charged cuit court to recover the sum of >140 Tuesday, July 8—"In Pursuit of Pol-
tion with the advertising campaign. signed by the secretary of the com­
were hired Friday to teach the school with speeding, was tried on Monday growing out of the sale of a cow. It
ly”, Paramount production featur-
Mrs. Rose Crawford who attended pany, making insurance in force
at Beaver for the coming year.
before Justice Stanley and Jury of is alleged that when a trade was be­
ing Billie Burke. A classy comedy the Jersey Jubilee ih the Willamette from this date, providing application
Stray hog at my place, owner can three, which failed to agree and was ing made for the cow defendants
valley, which lasted for five days, shall be approved, and policy duly
have same by paying for the feed of uischaiged. In all probability the falsely, wrongfully and fraudulently
"Pathe News.”
gave a brief discriptlve talk on the issued.”
same and this ad.—Gottleib Weiss,
Wednesday, July 9—“When Do We same. They saw some of the finest
So if an applicant die or be killed
six years old and was a good cow for
cop” is leaving the county.
Eat” Paramount production feat­ Jerseys in the world, Vive La France accidently before policy is received
Beverly Daniels, a Tillamook high
dairying purposes and in good health
Supt. of the Eugene schools, W. R.
the cow that holds the world record. by hint or in good health, we pay
school graduate of last Friday, re­
whereas the plaintiff claims the cow
Eat” 1 b just one long laugh, or M tb . Crawford told that she got near We also pay dividends at end of 1st
turned to his home at Foley, near Rutherford, a prominent educator of is 13 years of age, in poor health, un­
hundreds of short ones, Just as enough to the cow to place her hand policy year.
Oregon, came to Tillamook yester- fit for dairy purposes, and only
Nehalem, on Saturday.
you like about it. You’ll make a on her, saying “just think to get my
day with his wife, and her sister,
Agents of Mutual Life are instruct­
Mrs. M. E. Wallace and son, Ar- Mrs. Lloyd Edwards. They drove in
mistake if you miss It.
hand on the world’s record Jersey ed to advise all returned soldiers to
thur F., arrived from Portland to over the Astoria route from Port-
According to the City Recorder,
"Bray Pictograph.”
Cow." There were about 2000 people keep their government Insurance,
visit Mrs. Ralph Himes over the land.
Mrs. Frances B. Stranahan, a num­ Thursday, July 10—“Hell Roaring there to see Vive La France.
changing to the ordinary life, 20
ber of people in town have sidewalks
Reform" William Fox production
Pickard Bros., of Marion, that own payment life or endowment form,
G, G. Graves and family lefa for that are badly out of repair. Many of
Father Hildebrand, of the local Banks today to visit their daughter
with the government as it Is cheaper
“Once a Mason” Comedy.
moving to a new location. The Tilla­ and just as good as we can write.!
Catholic Church, went to Portland who^lives there. Later they will go these are on streets where the grade
mook Breeders have extended a hand Permenence in all tilings Is the ninW» ju«.
this week. The Catholic Church here to Newberg where Mr. Graves par­ has not yet been established, and the
people hate to build a new walk off-
of welcome to Pickard Bros, to locate to of Mutual Life.
is to have a permanent pastor soon.
ents live. After that they will visit
Sustained Broken Leg.
grade, and neglect their old walks,
in Tillamook. How fine we should
Georgia A. Hoss, Agent,
Hubert C^Q’Dell motored out to ai Salem, Oregon City and other val­ The owners of the poor sidewalks
------- o-------
feel to have such men as they are lo-
Box 103, Rockaway, Oregon.
McMinnville today, to get his wife ley points. They don’t expect to re­ are notifietd when complaints are
While on the way from McMinn­ cate in our midst.
who has been there a week with turn to Tillamook.
made, and also after tours of inspec­ ville to Tillamook F. E. Thomas and
This is what Mr. J. L. Siple has to
friends. He will come back the 4th.
Billy Burke At Gem.
Thad Robison, president of Tilla­ tion. Any property owner who has a family met with an auto accident say about Vive La France. Mr. Siple
E. D. Hamilton, of Butler City.
is famous
If you sow “Let’s Get a Divorce,” a
Pennsylvania, is visiting with F. L. tions with that institution on Tues­ i the city to fix it, is liable personally Thomas being thrown from the ma­ pure bred cows.
photoplay in
Buell. being a cousin of Mrs. F. L. day, and left the next day. with his to any party injured on his walk. A chine and sustained a broken leg.
“She is the most beautiful cow in which Billie Burke scored so aignol
wife and family for Portland, where fine of from $5 to $25 may be as­ The other members of the party were the world, she is absolute perfection,
a success, you will doubtless be «!< •
they will reside for a while. Mr. sessed anyone not repairing their not seriously injured. Miss Thomas except for an accident in being de­
'ill be an examination for
Robisoi will go immediately to Cal­ w'alk after notification of needed re­ was brought to the hospital at Sheri­ prived of green feed for several lighted to know that her late. ’’
post oitice clerks for the Tillamook
dan. The car was not badly damaged. weeks last year, she would now be photoproduction, "In Pursuit of Pol­
post office in thic city on the 26th of
Mr. Thomas resides in Tillamook holding the world's dairy record. 1 ly”, in which the elements of com­
Belle Bryden vs. William B._ Bry-
J. W. Browning, who lives up in the
and was on his way home when the predict that she will make a record edy and drama are happily blended,
hills about 8 miles above Blaine, don is a divorce suit filed in the
accident occurred. He stated that he better than 1200 lbs. this year and will be piesented at the Gem Theatre
Echo Thomas was brought home
sold about 2000 pounds of mountain circuit court. These parties were
had turned off the pavement when win the world’s record by more than next Tuesday, July 8.
from St. Vincent’s Hospital at Port­
honey this month. The climate there married in Tillamook the 3rd of July,
Miss Burke invariably Is delight­
coming into Sheridan and was turn­ 120 lbs., I also unhesitatingly pre­
land, Tuesday. A week before she
is ideal for bees, no cold north wind, 1918, and no children have been
ing back again when the throttle dict that if she goes to the Inter­ ful in any portrayal she attempts, lu
broke her leg in an automobile ucci-
and all the dead trees make the born to the union. The complaint al­
stuck and the car turned over, national Dairy Show at Chicago, this this excellent comedy she is seen in
dent at Sheridan.
ground rich for flowers. Last year leges cruel and inhuman treatment,
throwing the occupants out.- -Sheri­ fall she will easily carry off the the role of the daughter of a wealthy
O. C. Hartman, of Portland, and C. his bees produced
nearly 1600 and that last February the defendant
grand championship of* the world. cotton broker, who is loved by two
W. Hartman, his father came here pounds.
told the plaintiff that he was (¡olng
men, but neither of whom she la
is a sample of what can be done
Thursday to look over the county.
After being in the navy for two to Alaska and that she would never “When Do We Eat" Strong Photo- by way of breeding in Oregon, and able to choose for her husband,
They are road and bridge contrac­
When requested by her' father to
years and two months, Tom Keys see him again. Instead of doing so he
Oregon might to be proud of this
located in Tillamook, the threat to
make up her mind, she announces
came home Tuesday night. He was
she will marry the first man that
Eddie Irwin, Paul Anderson and on the U. S. S. South Carolina, leave the United States having been
Enid Bennett seems to have again
It will not be a great while until
made for the purpose of harrassing
D. M. Drugen and wife, all of Wheel­ which served as a convoy during the
scored in her newest Thomas H. Ince Tillamook County will have such catches her In an automobile race, in
and annoying the plaintiff. The de­
which she is to be given an hour’s
er, were in town Saturday and Sun­ war. He was discharged from Brem­
fendant never provided a home for Paramount picture, "When Do We cows as Vive La France. Why not start.
day for the initiation of the D. O. K. erton. Mrs. Keys, his mother, has
Eat?” which is to be shown at the make our Jersey cows more famous
And so It happens that Polly Is In­
many beautiful souvenirs of France I his wife, and since the 1st of Febru­ Gem next Wednesday,
. The men were all initiated.
July 9th than our Tillamook cheese? Several
ary paid only >80.00 towards her
volved in a series of adventures, as
Last Monday
support. The plaintiff wants her
calls upon all her powers of char­ county were present, they expect to unexpecting as they are diverting. In
twelve o'clock, u false fire alarm limo, and brought home ^yith him.
maiden name restored, which was
acterization. From the time she is show some cattle at the county fair. the course of her efforts to elude her
was blown. The fireman had left the
Ben Stam, a lieutenant in the ormy Belie Tauling.
cast adrift when the Uncle Tom show We now have several head signed up suiters she encounters Colby Mason,
boiler room a few minutes and some and instructor in Machine gunnery,
—------ w—-----
wherein she plays Little Eva is to exhibit. The club is offering a a millionaire Secret Service agent,
one blew it.
came to visit his parents on fur-
Salvation Army Drive Open Few
who is searching for German spies
seized by the sheriff, to the moment large sum of money for prizes.
The Salvation Army drive is only low of 28 days. Lieut. Stam’s wife
and observing her in the company
Days Longer.
she saves the young bank cashier
------ o
about 70 per cent raised. For a few came from Georgia with him, and is
and defeats the bank robbers, she club. There were also several Hol­ of Emile Kremer, a recognized Hun
Owing to the fact that only about gives, it Is declared, a performance
spy. he concludes that she is his con­
days longer the campaign will be at present confined to her parent's
stein breeders present.
federate and this ultimately prompts
open. The committee says you must home at Eugene, with her four day ■ 70 per cent of the Salvation Army that is not only artistic but charac­
old daughter. She will come over to quota has been raised, the campaign
give, for it is a meritorious cause.
terized by its sincerity and verisi­ on his trip to the Cary and Stuart him to place her under arrest on an
Tillamook soon. Lt. Stam will be will continue open, though little so­ militude. Miss BAnett I h a close
accusation of espionage. The absurd­
Editor Eckman. Of the Telephone sent lo Ft. Benning, Georgia when
liciting will take place. People who student and when she is entrusted sales.
ity of the charge Is dfrproved later,
The next meeting will be held at
Register, of McMinnville, was one of his furlough is over.
wish to have their names on the hon­ with a new role studies its every
when her two suitors appear and it
the boys who look in D. O. O. K.
or roll to be published in the Head­ phase anAosndeavors to mentally put
then developes that according to the
doings in this city on Saturday and
Thursday of July.
agreement. Mason was the first to
printing $2,.500,000 for the Roose, light next week, when every contri­ herself In the position of the charac­
capture her. is entitled to ber hand
ter—which results in a perfect ren­
velt highway in Oregon was Intro-
O. A. and Carl Schultz, and Arthur duced in the-House by Representa­ be given, may leave their money with
and greatly to the disgust of the
-- ---- o-------
Anderson drove out to McMinnville tive Hawley. This bill, which goes to 1. E. Keldson at the First National
Under the direction of Edward Jose suitors Polly agrees that this verdict
Saturday and eame back Sunday the committee on public roads, takes Bank. It is hoped that some of the
W. R. C. Attention.
Enrico Caruso and his company en­ Is ju*'t. Miss Burke Is splendidly
night with about 80 pounds of cber- the place of a similar bill which was people who can afford to will raise
------ o---
gaged in the filming of "My Cousin ”, supported in this unusual photoplay.
The following paragraph has been the great tenors first picture for Art­
referred to the committee on appro­ their contributions, as well as
Naearene Church Service«.
turned Into this office-for publica- craft which will be shown at the
second installment of the priations. The bill Introduced cures a subscriptions come In.
lion by one of your committee.
Gem Theatre next Monday, July 7,
Victory Loan bonds will have to be parliamentary situation whereby the
lb a.m. Sunday 8chool, Mrs. B. E.
$10 Reward.
'We want all the W. R. C. women went to the Metropolitan Opera
paid on the 15jh of July at the banks rlrst bill would have been subject to
------ o —
to come out and take part In the House for a number of interior King. Superintendent.
where they were bought, when 10 a point of order.
Strayed from Kilchls River,
11 a.m.. preaching by the pastor,
parade and help carry those dear scenes. About five hundred extras
per cent is due on that date.
A Ford automobile driven by Fred yearlings, steers
and heifers,
banners that have saved our country. were used in the making of scenes object. "A Model Minister.”
Ira C. Smith, wife and family ere Jailer hit the brush on the road V, rk over onio Wilson river.
7:30 p m. Praise servici and even_
iJnce more let us be loyal as our boys with the world fiimott-
car Tgank River, and was thrown
John W. Jenningfc,
making arrangements to leave in a
ing set mon. Special singing,
«re all back let u nil be at the K. hor shoe ' and balconl'
Bay City, K F. D. 1.
<ti.g scivice on 1
«ew d. ys lor a?trip to California, g’> .ver the bank, just above a big pool.
Jay at
H. Hall at 9:30 sharp."
8 p in. All welcome.