TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 2b, (Tiikitnnnk ìieaùltijbt Fred C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 Advertising Rates. Display Advts, per inch.......... 20c. . .half page 17 Vic. ... full page 15c. Locals .... per line 7c. Readers, with reading matter per line................................. 7c. Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. Resolutions................. per lihe 5c. Editorial Snap Shots ----- o-------- The cow­ population of Till; inook county is more than the citizen population. Wonder, whether the leagu of na­ tions is anything like the O.egon system, which was to cure all our political ills? Germany has decided to accept the terms of peace imposed by the allies, and it is expected that the treaty of peace will be signed on Friday after- noon. Wonder whether the Germans will consider it merely a "scrap of paper,” lor it seems to be the opln- ion that sue will violate it at the lust opportunity if the allies are not Insistent on the terms being carried o------- destruction of the German fleet at Scapa F; v by the German crews is only ai otii hr illustration ol the treachery of :.ie Geiman peo_ pie. It was a violatiin' of some of the conditions of the urmistice, but it again proves that the Germans treat treaties as scraps of paper. So it will be with the treaty of peace. They will treat that as a scrap of paper v> lien they feel they are able to start unother world war. ------- o------- The National Republican says: "If, as some of the pulpiteers claim, we are living in a world that has been legenerated by the war, then the warriors and the politicians have accomplished in four years wimt the Christian religion and its pieachers and teachers have failed to accomplish in nineteen centuries. But this theory about the world be- ing born anew all of a sudden is merely some of the big talk of the time that has a vely small element ol truth in it." 1 It the League ot Nations Is going to amount to anything we cannot see the necessity for the United States maintaining a "standing army of 400,000 men. One third ot that number is plenty. And then there are those that are harping on a big navy. It is the big army of non-pro- ducers especially at Washington, that is one cause of heavy taxation. When the allies confined Germany to an army ot 100,000 men in the treaty of gieace, it put a stop to a large in that amount of expenditure country and placed hundreds of thousands of men in productive occu­ pation. The same rule would apply to the United State.-,. One of our ex­ changes suggest that the United States needs a big army and navy to .enforce the payment of nearly ten billion dollars loaned to European count, :»». ------- o------- From the tone of aa editorial in the in- week's Nestucca Valley Enter- 11. ' Bro. Blalock see.as to think tliat seme of the county officials should be sent to the state peniten- tlary on account of tlie auto accident at Meda last week. This Is what he says: "There oug.it to be a law to punish officers who, criminally neg­ lect their duty^’ Let’s see. Brother Blalock is a preacher and supposed to be a Christian gentleman, yet Is wanting to send some of our citizens, who are equally as good citizens and probably better Christians than he is to the stale penitentiary for criminal negligence. A narrow minded preach­ er running a new.-paper is a misfit. True there are many roads in the county that are not in the condition most of us would like to see them, but that does not constitute criminal negligence on the part of the county officials. It Bro. Blalock had stated that It is criminal negligence for autos to be driven at furious speed over the county he would come near preaching the truth and not false­ hoods. Well, it is hard to make some people's Christianity jibe with gen­ uine Christianity when they want to send their fellow citizens to the state penitentiary. ------ o------ A committee of Stanley Clark, Ralph Warren and Attorney Jos. Mannix are in charge of the enter- Party—Hanison-Stam I tainment. ------- o ■ — • The Society News Junior Class Wedding—K. P. Picnic Saturday. The Junior Class of the High School gave a party to the seniors on (the evening of Saturday. June 21. I The hosts and their guests with the ¡faculty assembled at the High ¡School and then went tq , the Gem | Theatre, to see Alla Nazimova, in her picture, "Out of The Fog ”. After the show they went back to the High School where the young ladies had prepared a banquet in the domestic science rooms, which had been trans­ formed for lhe occn t iful room ot old ge pie, the class colors d by A most •-vyabie and all. »he a— .t *e< pl...... . d v . . r ciarv one to «wee a p Ab» u. io. :.- waives ten». u. Aud las .w.-s.es Ke.et Eari. lusie t. ;ck. A’hiie were on the aanaied the affair, goes io them for ■aagemeats. thoughtfulness in t ------ o- The wedding of Leslie Harrison and Miss Helen Stat.. •s .. Saturday at the home of the bride s parents Mr. and Mrs. A. T. S'.-;:. with liev. Harry Tucker, ol i he Christian Church, officiating. oride’s home was aecorated flowers for the ceremony, The is a popular young lady whe taught school in the county and the groom is returned from i he art: where he was in the Tenth Coas Coas. Ar­ tillery and was stationed at Ft. Columbia aud was in France only two days when the armistice was signed Only a fpw friends and members of »he family attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Doty acted as bes» man and bridesmaid. The other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Har­ rison, Rev. Tucker and Mrs. Tucker, »iej bei i Stani, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stum. Swastika Club Meets. School with th'« faculty. The pro­ gram was as toiiows: Invocation .... Rev. Harry Tucker Song ............................... Congregation Scripture Reading . . . Dr. Richards Music by Double Quartet •. . . . Mrs. Oscar Swenson, Mrs. Carl Swen­ son, Mrs. Cook, Miss Alice Todd, Miss Jones, Mrs, Rose Williams, Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Einbum. Introduction to speakei. O. V. White Sermon................. Dr. E. S. Richards Benediction . . . . A Rev. C. E. Gibson The pupils who will receive diplom­ as are: Hazel Klinehan, Edna Ander­ son. Carl Ande.soti, Arthur Bester, Ella Glad. Beverly Daniels, Faye Har Program for Saturday. July 5 ris, Ozella Hart, W. G. Wilmot, Laura Band c uwrt, 10:30 a.m. ii mila puny race, prizes $10 & $15 Leach, Glenn Leach, James R. May, ri mile shetland pony race $5 & $3 Maude Miller, Joseph Schnal, Elaine Todd, Eugenia Smith, Maytne La- Early afternoon. Baseball ¿ante, Tillamook v Nehalem Follett, Bernice Ripley und Esther Heusser. Evening dance. Dr. John Straub, dean of the school of Liberal Arts at the University of High School Seniors. Ready to be Oregon, will deliver the address at the exercises Friday,night. Graduated. 112 year old boys foot race.. $3 & $2 ¡12 year old girls foot race . . $3 Sr $ 2 I Ladies 50 yd race, free for all $3-$2 Ladles egg rpce, free for all . . $3-$2 Shoe and stocking race boys under 12 years........................... $3 and I $2 Fat man’s race, over 20.0 tbs. . . $5 Kids rollerskate race............. $3 Sr r $2 Pillow fight elimination. ..... $5 Greased Pole .................................... $5 Tug of war, five men teams ... $25 1 7:00 p.m. Band concert on the streets. Street dancing. 9:30 p.m. • Jitnev nance at armory. One ot the most delightful parties in the history of the Swastika Club was given Friday evening. June 13th at (be home of Mis. Thad Robison. The affair being in honor of Mrs. C. W. miler and Mrs. Robison, who will leave soon for their new homes. th? heuse was decorated through- oil with lovely roses which added a caar:.in>< note to the occasion. In a t-.w well chosen words, Mrs. Irwin H. t is. n presented the guests of ¡»v. -. with beautiful gifts in behalf jt he club members as a token of th ir esteem. After several hours »pent lu music and happy social con- veisairn. a well-appointed two ojui - j luncheon was served, which • . ■ .. tit. -g climax io a mo- en­ durable eve-.iag- .'hose present wt ■ Mesdames: id Lobisou. C. W. Miller, ri. T. The Tillamook High School grad- .. Irwin H.-.rrisou. Carl haber- ..iiiug class oi nineteen, will Qe "Under the Greenwood Tree” To be h. Emine Hays. V J. Hiil au,d _,iven their diplomas Friday evening, Shown at the Gem Monday June 30. rry E. Tucker. June 27, at the close of the exercises in the High School auditorium. The When Emil Chautard, director of latest Ap-tcraft Tillamook To Celebrate in Old Style seniors are having a merry time be­ Elsie Ferguson's fore their graduation, as many af­ starring vehicle? “l^ider the Green­ W ay on The Fourth. fairs are being given by their friends wood Tree” which will be shown at and classfmates for them before they the Gem Theatre next Monday be­ Pta’i- for Tillamook’s big Fourth leave school. gan the production of that photoplay »f July celebration are prac.i rally On Saturday night, they were he wus in urgent need of a bad of -omplete and the members oi the guests of the Junior class ai a party real gypsies. Mr. Chautard believes that have been w» king at the Gem Theatre, when at the in realism in picture producing and or so long preparing the way. met ¿lose of the show they returned to when he needs pirates, burglars or n Tu sday evening, outlining the ,ue high school, the domestic science bar-mai ls in a photoplay, he insists iinal piogram and the prizes to be rooms hud been transformed into a upon having the real thing every §1 VCR. lovely banquet ball with the aid of time. The prizes will amount to nearly many flowers and ribbons oi old gold So when the‘story of “Under the two hurdred dollars, and a feature of and royal purpie, the class colors. Greenwood Tree” called for a bunch th ard. will be the promptness Here they stayed and had mayiy of gypsies, he went out in search ot away, speeches and enjoyed the evening them. In the hills of Northern New VKS to the till Sunday neared. Jersey tribes of gypsies may be found various Sunday morning, Dr. E. S. Rich­ and Mr. Chautard started out in his places where lhe awards are to be ards, of Willamette University de­ motor car in search of them. In the made, and as soon as the winner is livered the biu.calaureate address at woods above Suffern, he encountered annoumed. a check will be made out the Christian Church. Supt. or a band of picturesque gypsies one of and given. ¿chqols, O. V. White presided. On whom approached him with extended One long halloo and hurrah are Thursday, the seniors will celebrate aamis. promised by the entertainment com­ senior day with a oig party and pro­ | It then developed that Mr. Chau- mittee. confetti will be thrown, gram in the evening. ;1ard had met this same gypsy in Hun­ peanuts, pop-corn and liot-dog stands Dr. Richards address was on "The gary tw6nty_fiva years ago and the and booths will spring up at every God in You”. You ought not to be latnar was proud, to introduce the di­ corner, and red. white and blu« selfish in regard to your self, he said, rector to his fellows, particularly Mr. will make the streets as gay as for man is created in the image and Chantard spoke their language. The streets can be. likeness of God, more than any other entiiw band was engaged imd alL ap­ The K. of P. Band will play most animal. A persons first duty was to pear in Miss Ferguson’s new photo- of the day. and at intervals will do oneself, in seei..g that one could ben­ "lay.. conceit work, Prizes for people of efit society. every size will be given at the races, The speaker eloqiumtly and con­ Call For Bids. fat men's prizes, ladies prizes, and vincingly cried that the self used as prizes tor the little tots. Of course a means of personal advancement, ' The 'Tillamook County Fair Board there will be water sports, and a was a poison in a community. This will reaeive bids for the right to Hell prize given tor the best log roller. was the greatest crime of selfishness, soft drinks, cigars, candy and ice The reading of the Declaration of he said, and should, be guarded cream, -luring the fair. Independence and lhe oration of the against at all times. Qne should de- Bids may be suhmitted for each day will also be Friday morning. vote themselves to m life of service item senarately, or all. The Board Every one should pack their lunch and to haYinony with the social reserves.the right to reject any or all aud ci me to the city early, unless group they are in, he-pointed'out. I blds. • they expect to eat hot dogs and sand­ At the opening ot the morning. Bids must be filed, with the Secre­ wiches, and drink the pink lemon­ Miss Eunice Swenson played a march tary on or before July 6, 1919. ade from the refreshment counters. as the class came intxi t.he church, Tillamook County Fair Board The war is ended, and jubiliation after marching from the High I By G. B. Launb. Secretary, for the return of many soldiers will gladden the hearts of the people. The contestant-' for the elimination aSE252S25a5E52535¿5H52SH5H52SH5Z5E5H5H525aS25H525a5a5a525a5a525H525cS5 in the tug-oi-war are urged by the committee to report to A. C. Everson chairman, of the sports committee, immediately, so as ot eliminate con­ fusion on. the Fourth in matching teams. This is also asked of the log rolling contestants, and those enter­ ing the pony races. The complete program of events and the time they will be as an­ One of Tillamook County’s best beach resorts. nounced. Tuesday: Store, Postoffice and bungalows now open. July 4.1 h. Sunrise. Anvil Salute. Flag raising. Hotel and Natatorium open July L 10 a.m. Parade. Forms at 5th and Stillwell, north Eveiy body welcome. We want you to enjoy such on StlllwelL to 1st. E on 1st to 2nd pleasures as we have to offer. The west room in the Ave., fnutli mi 2nd Ave to 5th St.. E Mitchell Building will be thrown open for the use of the on 5th Si. to Sth Ave., North on 5th general public, and a number of the leading daily news­ Ave. to 3rd St-, West on 3rd St to | 3rd Ave.. North on 3rd Ave to 1st St. I papers of the Northwest will be at your disposal. Come Disband. Prizes will be awarded to and m»ke yourself at home. the bes, floats. The untimely death of Wayne Jack- M. T. Chance and wife, who was son las’, week, the victim of an Mrs. Erma Buffum and a teacher automobile accident at Meda, is to be near Cloverdale, returned from a deplored, for the county lost an in­ short honeymoon trip to Portland dustrious young man. We do not co­ and will live on Mr. Chance’s'farm incide with those who are attempt­ near Beaver’. ing to throw the blame of the acci­ ------- o-— ■ dent upon county officials. The cause A picnic was given in honor of Mr. of so many auto accidents and deaths and Mrs. A. F. Coats, of Seattle and is because people forget the slogan Mrs. Gertrude Fredericks and son of "safety first.” The very fact that the Portland on Wednesday last. The county officials were forced to em­ party diove to Bester’s Ford where ploy a "speed cop" and a large num-, they spent the late afternoon fishing ber of arrests are being made go to and later had a picnic lunch, com­ It must be that the women of Tilla­ prove that the county officials are ing back about eleven o'clock. Those mook are not up to date in fashions. endeavoring to prevent accidents as who enjoyed the affair were Mr and A woman, just arrived in the city much as possible. Here is the whole Mrs. A. O. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. M. from Portland was wearing men’s trouble: There are not many roads A. Schultz and children, Mr. and duds with the exception of shoes in the county that are suitable to Mrs. C. H. Schultz and children, Mrs. which were high heeled. Last sum­ drive over ai the 30 mile speed limit, F. B. Stranahan and family. Mr. and mer a large number of the fair sex but it is an every day occurrence to Mrs. A. J. Anderson and family, F. breezed into Tillamook dressed in see persons traveling at fifty miles L. McGuire, C. F. Beltz and A. F. similar fashion. Wonder how the an hour, and the tin lizzies traveling Beltz, Mr. MacShane, Miss Laura snap shot man and some of the busi­ as fast as it is possible for them to Bays and Miss Eugenia Smith. ness men would look strutting about travel. Considering there are a thou­ the city dressed up in women’s duds. sand and one dangerous places in The marriage of Miss A. Johnson It might be a drawing card as an ad­ the county, the person who fails to and Elmer Bailey took place Tuesday vertising stunt. use proper precautions are the ones afternoon at the Methodist parson­ "------ ------- 0------- to blame, not the county officials, age. liev. Chas. Gibsotl officiating. ll is reported that the govern­ when an accident happens, It will ment has on hand 280.000.000 lbs. never be known how the accident The High School seniors celebrate of meat products, and is holding the happened to young Jackson. He may senior day at 8 o'clock, Thursday san..' so as to prevent the pulling have been using wise discretion, or night, June 26, with a program they down of high prices. It seems to us he may have been traveling too fast have teen working on for several that one of the planks in the Demo­ over a piece of road that was not weeks. O. V. While, superintendent, cratic platform promised to reduce suitable for fast driving. So it is has been encouraging them to make the high cost of living. Since then It just as well to take this into consid­ it a big affair since it is the last one has doubled, and r.ow that the gov­ eration before condemning anyone ior them, and they expect a fine ernment is holdin 280,000,000 lbs. for Jackson’s untimely death, tor it time. of meat product It is doing the is generally conceded there is too Th- program is in charge ot Miss opposite of reducii . the high cost much speeding and not enough pre­ Faye 1,arris and will be as follows of living. cautions taken by those who drive Introductory speech . . O. V. White ■ o------- lachlnes to prevent accidents, and Address by class Pres. . . Carl Ander- United Staten Senator Chamberlain ¡that is the reason why the taxpayers son. having antagonized President Wil­ have to employ and pay a "speed Reply by junior clasA Pres.. . Harry son. must be getting ready to run cop". It may not be generally known Elliott. another non-partisan campaign, with that the road where the accident Violin solo......................... Joe Schnel Parade. Order and Prizes. the hope of catching a lot of Repub­ happened is to be improved by mon­ Class History............... .. Bill Wilmot Officer of the Liay W. J. Campbell. lican suckers. Our George is pretty ey obtained by the sale of bonds Girls Quartette............. Ozella Hart, Drum and Fite Band. foxy. He knows that Wilson and the which the voters authorized at the Olive lngler, Ella Glad and Grand Army of Republic. Democratic party will go down to special election, consequently the Esther Heusser. Spanish American War Veterans. ignominious defeat on account of county officials were not disposed to Prophecy........................... Elaine Todd World Wai Vetrans. the wilful waste and spend I thrift expend much money upon it until it Reading...................... Eugenia omith Women’s Relief Corp. policy of the government in con- is permanently improved. Just to Solo......................... Maynie La K...,. Mayor and Orators and Speakers ' in a show how sudden auto accidents Class Will................. Hazel Kliheha.. dueling the war. and like a rat 1 . .mitt.ee. to happen, we have in mind several Ciass Song ..................................... Clas. sinking vessel, George don't want ' . dlamook City Common Council., The Dramatic Order of the Knights go do- n in the wrick. that happened recently. One was a County Court. so------- gentleman who was driving around of Khotassan, the Sunshine Order of K. 1 ..»ilitary Band. Two very important incidents oc­ the Hobsouville hill and went over the Knights of Pythias are promising Fraternal Orders. curred in the last stages of the peace the grade in a dangerous place. Ask­ to hold the biggest picnic, clam bake Boy Scouis. controversy with Germany. One ed how it happened, his reply was: and uance ever at Netarts, which School Girls, in white. hows distinctly that the old military "I don't know, The first thing I will be held Sunday, June 29. About Tillamook Hose Company. rulers and junkers are still in power knew I was over the grade.” The 200 people are expected down on a Decorated Floats, etc. m thin country, and that was the same remark was made where two special train from Portland Satur­ Shetland Ponies. : ea’on they strenuously opposed other accidents occurred in this day morning, and these with some Plug Uglies. Clowns, etc. that the ex-kaiser and those who are county recently. As auto accidents 250 Tillamook people will make up Decorated Autos. responsible for the war should be are every day occurrences, with the the crowd. Special Features. All the trucks in the town and turned over to the allies. There Is no death tale creeping up. it behooves Boy Scouts. $5.00; School Girls. $5 getting away from the fact that the people to be more careful In driving, available automobiles w ill be secured allies should have continued the war especially over roads that are not for the Sunday picnic. The jubilee is These amounts are for participation until Germany was badly licked and suitable for fast driving, and where part ot the celebration of the 75 only. Floats—1st $25.90; 2nd $10.00. brought to her knees. The German it is dangerous. That is the class of neophytes who will be initiated into Shetland Pontes—1st, $5; 2nd, overnment has become arrogant. people who should be admonished, the D. O. K. K.’s Saturday night. ;id li 1« our candid opinion that as not county officials, who are doing From the minute the visiting delega­ $2.50; 3rd, $1.09 Plug Ugly * Clowns—^st $5: 2nd on as Germany is in a position to their best, with a limited amount of tion arrives at noon, Saturday on $2.50. . new the war It is going to do so. money, to give as good roads, as pos their special, the time of the D. O. Decorated Autos— it. $10; 2nd $5 slble. One reason why the snap shot K. K.’s will be busy with a lunch at ------o ------- o------- noon. i been advocating a hard Clean up. paint up. and everybody 11 a.m.. Courthouse Lawn. banquet in the early evenig and a mnaveu roads through lhe county nice up. before the 4lii of July, Band concert by K. of P. concert Its beciu.se we know It will prevent parade, later followed by a dance at yway it will give the city a better ! fatal accidents similar to that which the armory. Then the initiation of Bar.d. ■ pp. nance If it had a good shaking Musical program. the D. O. K. K„ the fourth degree ot last »•in this direction every once in a ! happened to young Jockson Declaration of Independence... John ,he K. of P. will take place. idle. There is no reason why Tiila- | week. Leland Hendereo. the party will Sunday morning On Li»y should be lagging behind start to Netarts and dance in the Patriotic Address Judge R. R Butler The Allied Church. ‘ 12:80 i the < lean-up movement. As It is hall, bake clams on the beach and | Free lunch at Guild Hall for all d that charity should commence at ------ o------- have a general good time. Many nv it will make a wonderful im- P. as well as men in uniform. Representlijg the Presbyterian, the friends of the K. of 1:39 p. ni. — Lamb's Dock. uv«ment in the appearance of the I Methodist and the United Brethren strangers will be at the picnic at Ne­ Log rolling contest............ prize $35 ii there was a good clean up tarts which is open Jo all. All kinds prize $25 , the homes with ah new coat of I invite you to attend their wrviecs at of sea food will be featured for the Falling and bucking 11 a.m and 8 p m. Sunday June -9. $;15—Firemen’s exhibition. ¡nt. i i.d the weeds .cut. Somebody I valley people to enjoy. Members from Our Sunday School commences at 2:30—School grounds. h. ve the reputation of having Tillamook. Wheeler and Nehalem Prize l n :<.st lking home in the city 10 a in . Prof O. V. White, Supt. will be numbered among the tyros yd da’h. free for all ..7. $5.00 ikw. ise somebody muat have the j i Prayer meeting every Wednesday to be brought in. evening at 8 o’clock. unsanitary looking home. BAYOCÈAN If you have property at Bayocean, hang on to it. The future is very bright. The receivers have the situation well in hand, and when their duties are ended, the writer is confident that you will be proud of the great good they have done and can then truthfully say that Bayocean is a credit to the state and. I hope, a valuable asset to Tillamook County- F. DÍ MITCHELL. Red Crown"* qual­ ity iz proved by its performance. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Gasoline R. C. BOONE, Special Agent, Tillamook, Oregon.