TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 26, 1919, ACTION BETTER THAN WOROS i HAD HIS DESIRE 525ZS25Z5e525ZS2SZSE52S2S2S25252S25?52S252S2S2S2RS REALIZED Cl.menc.au Wanted to Come Into C o n tact With the Private Soldier, and He Did! How Lieutenant Colonel Whittlesey Answered the Boche Demand That He Surrender. i Lieut. Col. diaries W. Whittlesey, On one occasion .when Premier commander of the “Lost Baitallon." Clemenceau visited the French army and winner of the first congressional at tlie front,' says a contributor to medal of the war, has been dubbed Je Sals Tout, the general who was tils Go-to-Hell Whittlesey, because of his host suggested a sightseeing trip, but reputed pithy answer to the German the premier declined the invitation. demand to» surrender. Now comes “General," he said, “I did not come Lieut. Arthur McKeogh. adjutant of here as a tourist; I have only one the battalion, with the complete story purpose, amt that is to come into di­ which he tells In Everybody's. “As rect personal contact with the private a matter of fact." writes Lieutenant soldier. I wish to see him as he faces McKeogh. “the colonel sent hack no the enemy.” written answer whatever. To those “In tliis sector,” was the reply, “It nearest him he did suggest that the is easy to do that. At post 8 there Boches could take the well-known easy are only four meters between descent. But the most complete, prac­ pollu and his adversary.” tical and splendid answer that could “Very well," said Clemenceau, have been made to the German pro- wish to go to post 8.” PC*tU he made as he finished reading Complete silence reigned in •t». nota. trenches where the soldiers stood, “Qn the side of tlie hill our nlrplane in hand, ready to go “over the top." liaison agent had spread out tils panel * ' Their races were tired and deeply to Indicate the battalion’s position to i lined; In them were the traces of the divisional planes that had been try­ i I suffering and of anger. These men ing to drop message cylinders nnd even food within reach of the com­ asked no favors, but they forgave mand. That panel was an equilateral nothing. In their eyes shone a de­ cloth triangle, more than six feet long. termined resolution to win, and then Moreover, with the exception of a small to punish. When the party read, d black patch. It was white. The the covered passage leading to post 8. thought sprang Into the colonel's mind the guide told M. Clemenceau that for that.Inclined as It was on comparatively the remaining distance he would have open ground, the big signal device whs to crawl upon his stomach, and In probably visible in the Boche lines. that fashion the premier advanced And It was white. Messages and food until he met a sentry. There for an were essential enough. God knows, but Instant he forgot that he was not In suitpose the Germans mistook that the tribune of the senate and, speak­ ing loudly, said: panel for surrender! “Well, my friend, what----- " t “Whit ordered It taken In nt oh ce. A hard slap cut the sentence short, That was his answer. “What words could have been as “Shut up!" hissed the sentry. “Can’t you hear that Boche coughing?" magnificent I” The soldier never doubted that his had saved the man who was WILL NOT BE MADE RELIC blow destined to lead France to victory. i He hnd treated M. Clemenceau like a Clemenceau’s Coat to Be Missing From comrade. The premier had been near Collection of Mementoes of the i indeed to the private soldier; he hnd World's Famous. come Into direct personal contact with him H*; desire was realized.—Youth's I Apparently M. Clemenceau’s prac­ Companion. tical mind and hate of show are going Kind to the Pocketbook z irestone Gray side- F wall Tires cost more than the “bargain” cut- price tires that attract the ’‘tire shopper.” 1 The all-wool tailored suit costs more than the shoddy "hand-me-down,” too. to deprive his admirers of the right of gazing nt the fatuous perforated coat and waistcoat In one of the Paris museums, for tnls is not to fie in­ cluded among the reties of greatness for a future age. like Nelson’s coat and the Napoleon relics. There have IteeB some very curious souvenirs of the kind, apart from the half smoked cigars of royalties which are treasured by some. Most curious of all undoubted­ ly was Lord Ang'esey’s “leg." Lord Anglesey lost a leg at Waterloo, and It was buried in the garden of the villa to which he was taken. In after years he used to recall how parties of people visited the spot “to view the grave.” A relic of another kind was George Il’s famous coat, and it was a pleas­ ant trait In the fiery little king that he squeezed himself at Bettingen Into the coat be had worn years before at Owlemrde. Horace Walpole’s “re­ I Mineral That Can Be Molded. Most Miles per Dollar All Work Guaranteed. Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I cany a Stock of Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Your Patronage Solicited. J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. “I have found that you do not need hands and feet, but you do need cour­ age and character. You must play the game like a thoroughbred,” said Michael Dowling at the International conference on reconstruction. “You fellows know how It Is In a handicap race. A handicap ta put on the horse that has proved himself, so that he may not beat the others too easily. But the hors« with the handi­ cap is the one to bet on. “Yon fellows sre handicapped, but we know you can win th« fight, You have been handicapped by the Hun, who could not win the fight, For most of you It will prove to be God's greatest blessing, for few men begin to think until they find themselves np against a stone wall. “And you other folks—don’t treat these boy« like babies 1 Treat them like what they have proved them­ selves to be—men. Don't spoon-feed Don’t coddle them. They them, would rattier get llieir own faces down into the blueberry pie and ent it for themselves.' The Tillamook I ransfer Co., has contracted the wood output of the Coats Lumber Co., Mill. If the wood supply from this plant is not suf­ ficient for the local demand we will fill orders from other sources. Place your orders for wood with us. TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO LIBERTY TEMPLE. - • 1 3 I 1 Ï - Have you seen the Model 90 Overland Car ? Like the one that broke the world’s record at Oklahoma, going 7[days without a stop. CHAS.1 F. PANKOW, Tillamook. » 'Prestone TIRES I Li vc You a Niitional” Brink Account ? F voti liHve’nt then you do not renlise how fully and helpfully the FIRST NATIONAL BANK can serve you, Remember this institution is Government supervised and Inspected. That means a lot to the discriminating business man or woman or firm. We want your account because we can Serve vou BETTER. DIRECTORS; A. W. Bunn, Farmer. P. Heisel, Farmer. C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. B. C. I.amb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W. J. Riechers. Crehier. Bayocean, Ocean View and Tillamook Bay South Side Real Estate. RüEX. M c NAIR & co THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere America possesses some of rhe larg­ est chicken hatcheries In the world, a single establishment sometimes hav­ ing a capacity of 225,000 eggs. One room tn such a hatchery has 33.000 eggs In process of Incubntlon at one time. An Interesting by-product of the Industry are the shells which ac­ cumulate tn mountainous piles. They are not wasted, however, but ar« ground sod sold to chicken raisers for feed, principally »« hone builder, thus e«<>t >pletlng the eyrie to everyone's sat- left ctloti.-I'opular Mechanics Magu- . xina. 3 2SH5a5a5H5a5H5E5ZSa5?S2Sa.,ÏH5a52525asa525H5H5H52SH525HSaSÏ5H5H5B525?525as The United States Fish Crop. The total value of the American fish crop. Including that of Alaska and the fnsulnr possessions, is estimated now to be $150,000.000, allowing for the advances In value of the Inst year. The capital Invested In the fisher­ ies of the United States, Including ves­ sels and tlie land establishments for hnndllng the fish. Is estimated at ahont $75.000.000. and the number of per sons employed Is 220,000. The value of the sen products turned out by canneries Is $50.000,000. Food experts did well during war times to urge Americans to more fish, not only because this helped conserve the supplies of beef and pork product« hut also because eating some good fish frequently means a change In the average mnn’s diet which la to hla benefit, The same argument holds He Wear« a Necklace. true tn regard to vegetables and green Did you ever hear of a man wear, things, of which many people In cff- Ing a necklace? Well, that Is what les do not eat enough for their own the male Canadian warbler does, u hits good. on the female of this nttractlve bird * there Is only the slightest Indication Ghost Altogether Too Real. of a necklace, says the American For­ Otte of the most amusing mishaps estry association, Washington, which 1« conducting the nation-wide bird- that ever happened In any production IL L. KING, Tillamook and Bayocean, hot»« building contest among school of Str Henry Irving was In "Hamlet.” Poet Office Address, Tiliamook, Oregon. children. The warbler's necklace of during the first appearance of the black spots shows up very strikingly ghost. The actor Impersonating the on his olive green and yellowish throat dead king of Denmark was suddenly ii5252S2SasaS25HSt!5a52SZSESZ5H525ZSZSHSHSHS2Sa5aS2SBSaSa5Z52Sa>dSZSa5asa5 and breast. On the back the bird 1« seized with a violent fit of sneezing, of a stHte gray color with the tall more hut songtit valiantly to go on with his of an olive brown tone. This la a very lines, thereby giving a new and curl- lively bird. It Is very seldom still one rendering to the words: “Hnmlet for more than a few seconds before It j—action '—I am—action!—thy father's dashes out at some tempting hit to | —s<-hou !—spirit!” The house was tn eat. It 1« partial to the woodett an uproar, and when next the ghost banks of streams. It usually keeps appeared a chores of sneeze« resound- I e«l from the gallery and another epi- In underbrush near the ground. . node of the great tragedian went from the sublime to the rldlmlous. Shall« aa Feed. GENERAL HARDU1ARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. « Wounded Soldiers Not "Out" In the Battle of Life and Do Not Ask to Be Coddled. fight, and the «pur which King William stnrck into the flank of Sorrel's” are famous.—Westminster Guardian. Charles E. Sweet has discovered • preparation, of silver which may he made tn a plastic form like wax or clay, and also thinned down to the consistency of paint, according to the Little Journal, Cambridge. Mass. Cop­ t per, copper alloys and bronzes may be worked tn the same manner. By sim­ i ple technology, the preparation may i be reduced to the pure metal with­ out any change tn Its form or shape. A sculptor may work It in the rough or tn relief. Just as he does Ills usual materials, or in dilution It may he ap­ plied to a metallic surface with a brush. It greatly simplifies the prob­ lem of artistic work of a high order, although, of course. It Is more expen­ sive than stamped wares. Medallions and figures may thus be presented In the original without the need of cast­ ing. and such articles as silver seta may be made of which every member Is original and unique. It provides a ■ew medium for artists. The tnven- ¡H525ESa52Sa5HSaSZSa5aSB525H5ESH5B5HSï5BSB5H5252S2SH5Z5aSBSÏ5ES2S2SH52S? ttea has been patented. § S CB k CAN WIN DESPITE HANDICAP searches after