TILLAMOOK, OREGON. JUNE 26, 1919. Geo. McKimens has bought a small I There is a difference in the schedule for charging for carrying passengers work on the day of rest loading a GEM THEATRE PROGRAM place 2 *4 miles northeast of Corval­ from last year, as the motor leaves without first having procured a tractor on Hadley's truck, which be­ ------ o lis, where he will make his future this city at 8:00 a.m. and 3:05 p.m. license. gan to balk and finally took a tum­ Friday, June 27—"Zaza ”, Paramount home. Dr. Wise—Dentist. and arrives at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. production featuring Pauline Fred­ The official casualty list this week ble. Ben was on top as it went over erick. a story from one of the most Let B—K be your disinfectant. .It is Live Stock Ins.,—See Watson. For Sale, a 25-candle power acety­ contained the name of Louis N. Neil­ and jumped, and he now claims that famous music halls of Paris. safe, clean and powerful. For sale at lene gas plant, to be sold at a great son, of Tillamook, Ore., who is re­ lie sprained his ankle and requires a Hoofror Remedy at C. 1. Clough the Kuppenbender Warehouse. '"Burton Holmes Travelogue.” • sacrifice. Splendid opportunity to ported dead from accident. Young cane to help him navigate. Ben has learned his lesson. No one in future Co. ' • ' Let wour co-worker on the farm be procure gas plant for farm house at Nielson arrived home three weeks is going to to get him to violate his Saturday, June 28—"The Island of Intrigue”—Metro production Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. the Cleveland Tractor. On display at a small cost. C. B. Wileys north of ago last Wednesday. A brother, John, conscientious scruples and induce featuring May Allison. was reported missing in France and National Building. x * the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * Tillamook City. him to work on Sundays. "Harold Lloyd Comedy.” Jess Hutchens, who has been play- nothing more has been heard from Spend your evenings at the Gem For Sale—Phonograph and records, Sunday, June 29—“Code of the Yu­ The Knights of Pythias have leased him, while Lewis was wounded in Theatre. * guitar, viola harp, violin, also ten ing the orchestra at Barview since the shoulder. kon”, Select production featuring the jpstairs of the new Aiderman the beginning of the present season garage for five years, and when the i Mitchell Lewis. Mr. Lewis will be Don’t fail to see the farm tank at dozen fruit jars. Inquire at this of­ has enlisted in the army band corps Friday several of Tillamook's men remembered as taking the leading the KuPPeiy>ender Warehouse. • I fice. as a clairnetist and is going over­ are going to Portland to receive the building is completed they will fit i part in "The Barrier,” which was • the rooms out in a very sumptious Ed Dunn and wife, of Dallas, drove seas to tour France. shrine of the Masons. Sam Verick, Apartments for tent. Address Box played here recently. in ,Sunday to attend the funeral of 143. • deputy potentate for Tillamook way, making them one of the finest Pathe News. lodge homes in Oregon. The lodge is l Mrs. John Leland Henderson left Mrs. Dunn's mother, Mrs M. A. county will conduct the initiates. the Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. O. F. Poland. for Hood River to live, as she has ex­ Among those scheduled for the trip liia second .largest K. of P. organiza- i Monday June 30th—"Under Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon. • tensive business interests there that are Cloyd Dawson, Morris Schnal, tion in the state, that at Portland I Greejiwood Tree,” Paramount pro- Look! My % interest in acre tract duction featuring Elsie Ferguson. For Sale—Jersey cow. Apply at this and also lot 14 in Pacific Addition, l demand her presence. Mr. Hender­ Leslie Harrison, Rollie Watson, John only exceeding its membership hete. You’ll miss a great mix-up and a rhe Liberty Day Chorus is urged son will follow her and live there al- office. * all In Bay City, for sale for tax val­ Nelson, of Bay City, H. T. Bolts and great picture if you miss this one. tu meet at 8:30 Saturday evening by | so as soon as he can settle his busi_ E. M. Condit. Comedy. Singer Sewing Machine Agency uation. Write Gilbert Eyk, New ness affaire. .>lis. C. E. Gibson, to practice for the * opposite P. O.. Both phones. ♦ Auburn, Wis. The City Council met Monday ni ,ht songs to be sung the Fourth. Tlie Tuesday, July 1—“Old Wives For P. J. Worrall, manager of the Til-, New” Artcraft production, produc­ It is reported that the subscriptions lamook Hotel, went to Portland ’ and beard the reading ot an amend­ ,iiemb< rs ot the chorus have not been Why not place your feed orders for ed by Cecil B. DeMille. A picture ment to the city charter to be sub ­ turning out well, and the songs must for the Salvation Army drive is com ­ the future with Kuppenbender. * Tuesday to meet his daughter, who , mitted to the voters for their appiov- be rehearsed. The work is one that of exceptional merit, one which ing in slowly and that a new effort Born to Mr and Mrs. Thane Honey, will have to be made if the quota Is will spend the summer with him al at some special election, the date deserves praise and the people that everyone should see. here . She has never been in Tilla- I of which is not yet decided. The go to practice should l'eel that they "Pathe News.” on June 20, a son. to be leached by the closing date. mook before. Her two small sons amenument deals with street and are seiviug a good purpose when Wednesday, July 2—‘Good-Bye, Bill’ Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath, Room 4, came with her.. Paramount production featuring sidewulk construction, and changes they go. A chorus of about forty is | Men wanted to work on . coast high- _ Masonic Building. Shirley Mason and Ernest Truex. j way, Hemlock to Beaver. Wages $4 The reduction in the rates on first the law that limits the kind of bids wanted. After a trip to the valley. Miss per day. Board, in camp, 40c. per class mail matter will take effect to be submitted. "Bray Pictograph.” I Judge G. R. Bagley catne in on Esther Hinkie is visiting her brother. meal. Warren Construction Co. * July 1st, so it you are doubtful as to To try to coax Congress into match­ Friday for the purpose of passing Thursday, July 3 --- ‘ kX irl of the Gol­ den West”, Paramount production Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. ; ce Wiiliams, of tlie Tillamook whether to write that letter, wait ing Oregon's $2,5000,000 for the sentence upon Antonia Sovori and I featuring an all star cast. A story and save a cent. Post card rates will Wise. • Feed Roosevelt highway, Charles Hall, Joe Busch, the two Austrians who J Co., and get prices on the of the West in the old stage coach series Studebaker be one cent and letter postage two president of the State Chamber of robbed another Austrian of a large A son was born to Mrs. Flank Dye, handsome 19 days, with daring hold ups and cents then. Commerce; Ben. F. Jones, secretary cars, before buying your new car. • amount of money at the logging an June 20. • . thrills of the early settlers. of the Roosevelt Highway associa ­ The State Teacher’s Examinations camp of the Brighton Mill Co. and For Bale, 16 and one fourth acres "Sleuths” Mack Sennett comedy For Sale—Standing hay. Apply to at the Court House this week are tion, and Louis J. Simpson, president then took to the woods. As they at- featuring Ben Turpin (the cross­ Clarence Hannenkratt, Tillamook. * of dairy land, with nine cows. 1 M being taken by W. S. Buell, Mrs. of the defense committee, are now on tempted to make their escape they miles south of town. Enquire at the eyed favorite) Charles Lynn and I their x. ay to Washington. They de ­ Irina Sumerlin Embum, Cora Gay, W. the Clatsop county were arrested by A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Headlight office. * Marie Prevost. parted Monday and a meeting is ai- L. Bryan, Mrs. Lila W. Laidig, Ella officials but not before a little gun Carl Eidt, on June 20. Before buying your auto tires, in­ R. Sperry, O. T. Tabler, Harriet Gay­ ranged with the Oregon delegation play had taken place. They were Friday, July 4—“Smiles" William Fox feature presenting Jane & Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed-at vestigate the Republic Standard five lord, Lelia Doty and Cora Finch. in Washington on the 2 8th. brought back to Tillamook by Sheriff Katherine Lee, in the most clever lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. • thousand mile guarantee, price right Campbell, and having pleaded guilty For Sale—Two improved lots, full picture they have ever made. This W. S. Runkel and A. J. Sweeney Frank Klein, of Hillsboro, is visit­ at Tillamook Feed Co. • picture was secured for the 4th by will complete this week for the Mc- size, well located, in desirable part of the judge sentenced them to an in­ ing at the home of Jess Kennedy. • Lost—Tan advertising grip, be­ Gee Apartments, corner Fifth Ave. city, on one of the most prominent determinate sentence of from one day special arrangement with the ex­ We handle Trojan Powder. Best for tween Garibaldi 'and Bay City? Find­ East and Seventh St., a two party paved streets in town, concrete walks to two years in the state penitentiary change, so that we might offer a When the sheriff went to get them (tumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. ■* er please leave at this office.—Re­ bungalow of four rooms each, which house of seven rooms besides bath, pleasing comedy on this day. It will from the county jail to be taken to make you laugh until your face are for rent unfurnished. These pantry, washroom, hall, close's and Miss Esther Heusser expects to ward. Salem on Sunday, the men at first hurts. Guaranteed. It is our unhappy .task to report apartments are up to the minute in porches, modern plumbing, electric acted ugly, refusing to come out of leave Saturday to join her patents. wired, commodious woodshed and Continuous program all day from 10 design and construction. Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- the death, resulting from pneumonia barn. Price $2,650.00, $1,000 cash, the cells. They evidently did so when a.m. of the infant son of John Buercher, W. E. Buejl, from Falls City, was balance on terms to suit purchaser. I they saw that they had to, when •i Warehouse. * last week. elected principal of the Cloverdale Apply at F. R. Beals office. * they wire handcuffed and the sheriff More Names Added to List. W. R. Coats, of Seattle is here to accompanied by F. B. McKinley, Mrs. Ed. Lindsey, of Nehalem, who High School by the board. O. II. ---- o------ spend the summer. Howitt Commission Co. 135 Front took them to Salem in his auto. The has been in Portland under a doc- Tabler was elected principal of the The names of 22 more boys who oee rhe Tillamook Feed Co. about tor’s care for several weeks, return- WTteeler grade school last week, and St., Portland, Oregon, will pay the reason that the judge came in at were In the service of their country has moved into Tillamook with his following prices on shipments re­ this time was to save cost of keeping during the war have been reported Republic tires and Bave money. • ed Friday. family and will stay here a while be- ceived up to and Including June 5. these men in the county jail until ■ to the county superintendent’s office For tent—Piano, where there are See Willims about the Republic, fore going to Wheeler. Veal, 75 to 120. top ......... 19c. next October, and as the Democratic so children. Apply at the postoffice.* the yellow chasis truck that BerveB so Veal, 75 to 120, medium......... 18c. party tailed to keep its promise to from various districts. Some of the registered For Sale.—Two fine people seem to have misunderstood Obtain your wood from the Tilla­ well and honest, a truck at an Holstein bulls, one ready for service Veal, fair to good .................. 17c. reduce the high cost of living, tbiB is , what this list was for, and have mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* honeste price. Tillamook Feed Co. * and from Toby De Koi 2nd Johanna Veal, heavy........................ 12 to 17c. how the county officials prevented | been reluctant to give names, says G. After spending a few days at home. Duke, 75 per cent same breeding as HogB, 100 to 160 top . . 23 to 25 Vic. these criminals chewing at the tax­ , B. Lamb, county superintendent of Will take your used tires in trade Miss Helen Case returned to the U. Lady De Koi. 36.59 butter, at 3% Hogs, poor and heavy ... 20 to 23c. payers’ expense in this county. schools. for new.—City Vulcanizing and Tire prompt returns. of O., at Eugene, to attend summer years, world’s record when made. No commission, Shop opposite Postoffice. • The list Is one that is being com­ Write for shipping tags. school. piled through the schools and is sent Also one 6 weeks old well bred.— For Sale—L. C. Smith typewriter Receipti for Cheese for May to the state house at Salem, to be For Sale—My entire crop of 2 to Chas Macpherson, Grand Konde, Or.* Last night at a meeting of the lo­ in good condition. Inquire at the ——a£t bui. day. the federal as well a. state officials scruples and he found himself at | wi.l be received after Augu- t 1st. Wednesday evening. Tillamook Jottings