* •fi J 9 i f ▲ TILLAMOOK, OREGON. JUNE 26, 1919. Tillamook Jottings Geo. McKimens has bought a small place 2 Vi miles northeast of Corval­ lis, where he will make his future home. There is a difference in the schedule for charging for carrying passengers work on the day of rest loading a I GEM THEATRE PROGRAM from last year, as the motor leaves without first having procured a tractor on Hadley’B truck, which be­ ------ o—— this city at 8:00 a.m. and 3:05 p.m. license. gan to balk and finally took a tum­ Friday. June 27—"Zaza", Paramount and arrives at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. production featuring Pauline Fred, The official casualty list this week ble. Btn was on top as it went over • Let B—K be your disinfectant. .It is For Sale, a 25-candle power acety­ contained the name of Louis N. Neil­ und jumped, and he now claims that erick, a story from one of the most safe, clean and powerful. For sale at lene gas plant, to be sold at a great son, of Tillamook, Ore., who is re­ he sprained his ankle and requires a famous music halls of Paris. Hoofror Remedy at C. 1. Clough the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * ■ j sacrifice. Splendid opportunity to ported dead from accident. Young cane to help him navigate. Ben has "Burton Holmes Travelogue.” Co. ' • \ Let wour co-worker on the farm be |procure ga9 P»«®Vtrs. C. E. Gibson, to practice for the * opposite P. O.. Both phones. * Auburn, Wis. The City Council met Monday ni ,ht Tuesday, July 1—“Old Wives For P. J. Worrall, manager of the Til-. I and beard the reading of an amend­ songs to be sung the Fourth.1 The New" Artcraft production, produc­ It is reported that the subscriptions lamook Hotel, went to Portland 1 membi l's oi the chorus have not been Why not place your feed orders for ed by Cecil B. DeMille. A picture the future with Kuppenbender. • for the Salvation Army drive is com­ Tuesday to meet his daughter, who ment to the city charter to be sub­ turning out well, and the songs must of exceptional merit, one which ing in slowly and that a new effort will spend the summer wltii him mitted to the voters for their appiov- be rehearsed. The work is one that Born to Mr and Mrs. Thane Honey, will have to be made if the quota is al at some special election, the date everyone should see. here . She has never been in Tilla­ of which is not yet decided. The deserves praise and the people that on June 20, a son. "Pathe News.” to be reached by the closing date. mook before. Her two small sons amenument deals with street and go to practice should l'eel that they Wednesday, July 2—‘Good-Bye, Bill* Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath, Room 4, a good purpose when are setviug I Men wanted to work on coast high- came with her.. sidewalk construction, and changes they go. A chorus of about forty is Paramount production featuring Masonic Building. i way. Hemlock to Beaver. Wages <4 The reduction in the rates on first the law that limits the kind of bids wauled. Shirley Mason and Ernest Truex. After a trip to the valley, Miss per day. Board, in camp, 40c. per class mail matter will take effect to be submitted. “Bray Pictograph.” 1 Judge G. R. Bagley came in on Esther Hinkle is visiting her brother. meal. Warren Construction Co. ♦ July 1st, so if you are doubtful as to To try to coax Congress into match­ Friday for lite pu.pose of passing Thursday, July 3—‘ Girl of the Gol­ Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. i • den West”, Paramount production Williams, of the Tillamook whether to write that letter, wait ing Oregon’s *2,5000,000 for the sentence upon Antonia Sovorl and Wise. • Feed featuring an all star cast. A story Co., and get prices on the and save a cent. Post card rates will Roosevelt highway, Charles Hall, Joe Busch, the two Austrians who of the West in the old stage coach series Studebaker be one cent and letter postage two president of the State Chamber of robbed another Austrian of a large A son was born to Mrs. Frank Dye, handsome 19 days, with daring hold ups and cars, before buying your new car. * cents then. Commerce; Ben. F. Jones, secretary uxiount of money at the logging an June 20. > . thrills of the early settlers. of the Roosevelt Highway associa ­ The State Teacher ’ s Examinations camp of the Brighton Mill Co. and For sale, 16 and one fourth acres For Sale—Standing hay. Apply to “Sleuths” Mack Sennett comedy tion, and Louis J. Simpson, president Clarence Hannenkratt, Tillamook. * of dairy land, with nine cows. 1 % at the Court House this week are of the defense committee, are now on 1 lien took to the woods. As they at- featuring Ben ’"urpin (the cross­ l< mpted to make their escape they miles south of town. Enquire at the being taken by W. S. Buell, Mrs. eyed favorite) Charles Lynn and A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Headlight office. • Irma Sumerlin Embum, Cora Gay, W. their v.ay to Washington. They de­ were arrested by the Clatsop county I Marie Prevost. Carl Erdt, on June 20. L. Bryan, Mrs. Lila W. Laidig, Ella parted Monday and a meeting is ai- officials but not before a little gun Fl 'rlday, July 4—"Smiles” William Before buying your auto tires, in­ Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed-at vestigate the Republic Standard five R. Sperry, O. T. Tabler, Harriet Gay­ ranged with the Oregon delegation play hud taken place. They were Fox feature presenting Jane & in Washington on the 28th. brought back to Tillamook by Sheriff lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. • thousand mile guarantee, price right lord. Lelia Doty and Cora Finch. Katherine Lee, in the most clever Campbell, and having pleaded guilty For Sale—Two improved lots, full W. S. Runkel and 4. J. Sweeney Frank Klein, of Hillsboro, is visit­ at Tillamook Feed Co. picture they have ever made. This • will complete this week for the Mc- size, well located, in desirable part of the judge sentenced them to an in­ ing at the home of Jess Kennedy. picture was secured for the 4th by • Lost—Tan advertising grip, be­ Gee Apartments, corner Fif-th Ave. city, on one of the most prominent determinate sentence of from one day special arrangement with the ex­ We handle Trojan Powder. Best for tween Garibaldi ’and Bay Cityl Find­ East and Seventh St., a two party paved streets in town, concrete walks to two years in the state penitentiary change, so that we might offer a stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. ■* er please leave at this office.—Re­ bungalow of four rooms each, which house of seven rooms besides bath, When the sheriff went to get them pleasing comedy on this day. It will ward. from the county jail to be taken to are for rent unfurnished, These pantry, washroom, hall, cloee‘s and Miss Esther Heusser expects to make you laugh until your face leave Saturday to join her patents. It is our unhappy task to report apartments are up to the minute in porches, modern plumbing, electric Salem on Sunday, the men at first hurts. Guaranteed. wired, commodious woodshed and acted ugly, refusing to come out of Continuous program all day from 10 design and construction. Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- the death, resulting from pneumonia barn. Price *2,650.00, *1,000 cash, the cells. They evidently did so when I of the Infant son of John Buercher, a.m. W. E. Buejl, from Falls City, was •1 Warehouse. * they saw that they had to, when last week. elected principal of the Cloverdale balance on terms to suit purchaser. they wire handcuffed and the sheriff W. R. Coats, of Seattle is here to Apply at F. R. Beals office. * More Names Added to List. Mrs. Ed. Lindsey, of Nehalem, who High School by the board. O. H. accompanied by F. B. McKinley, spend the summer. Howitt Commission Co. 135 Front took them to Salem In his auto. The has been in Portland under a doc- Tabler was elected principal of the The names of 22 more boys who oee r he Tillamook Feed Co. about tor’s care for several weeks, return­ Wheeler grade school last week, and St., Portland, Oregon, will pay the reason that the judge came in at Republic tires and save money. * ed Friday. has moved into Tillamook with his following prices on shipments re­ thia time was to save cost of keeping j were In the service of their country family and will stay here a while be­ ceived up to and including June 5. these men in the county jail until during the war have been reported For tent—Piano, where there are See Willims about the Republic, fore going to Wheeler. Veal, 75 to 120, top ..,. ...... 19c. next October, and as the Democratic . to the county superintendent's office 00 children. Apply at the postoffice.* the yellow chasis truck that serves so from various districts. Some of the party failed to keep its promise to people seem to have misunderstood For Sale.—Two fine registered Veal, 75 to 120, medium......... 18c. Obtain your wood from the Tilla­ well and honest, a truck at an Veal, fair to good .................. 17c. reduce the high cost of living, this is mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* honeste price. Tillamook Feed Co. * Holstein bulls, one ready for service Veal, heavy........................ 12 to 17c. how the county officials prevented , what this list was for, and have and from Toby De Koi 2nd Johanna After spending a few days at home, Duke, 75 per cent same breeding as Hogs, 100 to 160 top . . 23 to 25%c. these criminals chewing at the tax­ | been reluctant to give names. Bays G. Will take your used tires In trade |B. Lamb, county superintendent of Miss Helen Case returned to the U. Lady De Koi. 36.59 butter, at 3ft Hoga, poor and heavy ... 20 to 23c. payers' expense in this county. for new.—City Vulcanizing and Tire I schools. No commission, prompt returns. of O., at Eugene, to attend summer Shop opposite Postoffice. * years, world's record when made. The list is one that is being com­ school. AI bo one 6 weeks old well bred.— Write for shipping tags. For Sale—L. C. Smith typewriter piled through the schools and is sent » Receipts for Cheese for May For Sale—My entire crop of 2 to Chas Macpherson, Grand Konde, Or.* in good condition. Inquire at the Last night at a meeting of the lo­ to the Btate house at Salem, to be ------ o------ 3 ton of loganberries. For particulars Headlight office. cal committee in charge of the Sal­ made into a permanent historical Kuppenbender has juBt received a Carl Haberlach reports that *302,- record of Oregon's service during write or phone Fred Skomp, Tilla­ vation Army drive, the Elks, who Mrs. Mae E. Talcott and Lewis mook. • carload of fruit and* berry sugart Get have charge of the drive throughout 641.33 was realized tor May cheese the war. your older in now while it lasts. You Stewart were married Tuesday at and whey cream. The names sent in since those pub­ For 8ale—Seven bead good grade can now buy all the sugar you want. America, appointed.an Elk to go In­ | 886,451 lbs. cheese produced. Most the Methodist parsonage. to each district of the county and lished last week are as follows: cows, all. fresh, at Oscar Tittle’s Buy your canning sugar now so you of the cheese sold for 34c. tor trip ­ Clair Finley, son of A. Finley has ranch on Wilson River. Call and see Diet. 38—Chas. E. Jennings, Cedric won t be disapplonted in not being see that the quota for his district lets und 35c. for Y. A's and Long­ returned home from service in the thorn. Jennings. * able to get it later. Call Kuppenben­ was raised. Ttye Elks since the begin­ horns. navy. • ning of the preBent war have been | 45 farmers received over »1,000.00 I Diet. 11—Basil Scovell, Herschel For Sale—20 acres of bottom der Warehouse, .both phone«. active in their work for the Salva- Scovell, Delmer Scovell. Tillamook Feed Company buys land one and one-half river -*— miles from Two of Tillamook's popular young tion Army, once during the war, the checks for May -nu milk. The highest I Dist. 28—Clare Finley, Don B. hides come in and investigate their Tillamook—Apply to Karl Kumerle, people, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swenson Army asked the Elks for a loan of WUB 12,195.28 for Beals and Berns McKimens. prices. Tillamook, Oregon. * left on Wednesday for a farm near *30,000 and they gave them 860,000 and the second was *2,178.00 for M. I Dist 39—Rudolph Burmestev, Geo. Mrs. Jess Kennedy and son Will, • Abplanalp. Washington. Harry instead. T. Bash, Frank Thompson, Franklin Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ Monterano, I 18 farmers received between *900 Knight, Oscar Klein, Walter Walker, went to Portland Monday to visit her mook office across the' street from Swenson, Oscar Swenson and Bill been arrested Eight persons have son Charlie for a few days. and *1000 checks. 23 received be­ Reuben Freeman, Albert Howard the court house, Mondays, Tuesdays Goeres bought the place, which since June 2nd for speeding on the For Sale—residence and some Wednesdays until further notice. * comprises 300 acres. Oscar Swenson public highways, their fines ranging tween *800 and *900 checks. 24 re­ Tilden. Thaddeus Eggleston, Alle ceived between *700 and *800. 35 Effenberger and Leo Batzner. is to run the place. household effects, good kitchen from *5 to *15 and costs. This how­ Miss Mayme LaFollett went to range.— -C. W. Miller. • * Astoria by auto and brought back .Something never before attempted ever, does not prove that these eight 'between *600 und *700, und 50 re­ f Dist 23- Lloyd Williams. J Dist 24 -2 Easom boys, Marion in Tillamook will be the paving of persons were the only ones who ex­ ceived between *500 und *600. Mrs. Mary Wade and daughter her sister, Peggy, who lives there. i Most of the June cheese has been 1 Hopkins. 1 Third street from Stillwell Avenue to ceeded the speed ’ limit. Some of the Grace went out to Portland Sunday For Sale—3 unit Sharpless milker, the city limits with a parking down latest speeders who have been round­ sold and it is expected that the iml- | Dist. 4 8 Paul Lindley. for a vacation. ' 1 ance will move off at 34c. Clieitp if sold at onde. Write P. O. the center where flowers and shrubs ed up are Harry Simmons, who The production of cheese is very For vulcanizing and tire repairs Box 466. will be planted. The street will be pleaded guilty and paid a fine of *15, I I heavy all over this country. Coos- j "Bill’ Smith Indicted for Causing see J. C. Holden "kt City Vulcanizing The divorce case of John L. Berry paved fourteen feet on each side, and C. 8. Stranahan. *5; Elmer Lucas, Forest Fire Last Year. and Tire Shop, opposite postoffice. • was tried before Judge Bagley on an unpaved stretch eight feet will be *10.00; and Lloyd Kellow who plead­ ' Curry advise that they have had no i cheese sold the last week, so they ■------- o------- - left down the center. ed not guilty and asked for a trial by 1 are consigning cheese to several One ton Ford truck for sale, or will Friday evening, when a decree was William B. Smith was indicted by trade for Ford suitable for light de­ granted markets. Brokers and government the grand jury on a charge of negli­ L. E. DeRock is running the ferry Jury. I livery,—At Case Garage. * For Sale—young registered Hol- to Bayocean this year, and instead of In the case of Arthur M. Churchill | reports show their sules to be as low gently allowing fire to escape from Mrs. Frank Freeman, after being ill stein bull, ready for service, in good Garibaldi being the landing piont, and F. R. Beals vs. Minnie A and T. las 31 He., Heattie and San Francisco. Ills land, which was the cause of the foY several days, is said to be im­ condition and good breeding. Bob launch will run from Bay City. The B. Meade, which was tried before | That means several cents per lb. un- destructive forest fire that caused ¡present schedule 1 b : Leave Bay City Judge Bagley in the circuit court and , der Tillamook prices and will be millions of dollars worth of damage proving. Stillwell. I bound to bring our price down If Dancing every Satudray night, at Returning Sunday from a years jat 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. and 3:30 p. a verdict given in behalf of the | continued. A number of Tillamook to timber last September In Tilla­ in. Leave Bayocean at 9:30 a.m. and Barview. Excellent music and floor stay in Portland, Leslie Gray came 2:30 and 4:15 p.m.. By this arrange- plaiptiff, was taken to the supreme 1 farmers have always been opposed to mook county. The Indictment alleges that on the like polished glass. to visit his aunt, Mrs. R. L. Himes meht the launch will meet all trains. court, and on Tuesday the verdict co-operating with Coos-Curry iu 26th of Heptember, 1918, Smith un­ was reversed, the supreme court rul- for the summer. Strayed—A Shetland pony, with closer relations lawfully and negligently allowed fire Drs. Wise and Lebow will be at ing that the demurrer to the com- marketing, but Mrs. A. B. McLeod, of Salem, who new halter around neck—Carl Wil- plaint cught to hdve been sustained, would be bound to help all concerned to escape from his own lands to Dr. Wise ’ s office and residence has been visiting her parents Mr. and helms, Bell phone 6F2. The decree of the circuit court Is, sh they are in tlie cheese business lands of other persons, by then and Mrs. Homer Mason for the past week across the street south of the court Will take town property in ex­ returned to her home in the valley, house Mondays, Tuesdays and Wed­ therefore reversed and the cause re- and will continue to stay in. Their there recklessly and carelessly and cheese will always find a market on negligently setting fire to stumps, change for acreage near Portland.— nesdays to do dental work. Thurs­ munded for further proceedings. The Wednesday. logs and chunks upon his own land -V. Wallen, Tillamook, Ore. * days at Cloverdale; Fridays at the opinion was written by Judge J. Bur­ this Coast. nett and covers twelve pages, and and allowing the said fire to con- Stock and lease for sale—55 head Judge W. W. Conder came in from ot cattle, 3 horses, harness and wa­ Nehalem Hotel and Saturdays until was concurred in by Justices Mc­ Public Sale. tinue to burn while a strong east * Corvallis to visit friends and for gon and whole dairy outfit. See Grap noon on Sundays at Wheeler. Bride. Benson and Harris. wind was blowing and while the business purposes on Wednesday. This is a snap, 160 acres on Sand­ On Saturday, June 28, at one p.m. weather was exceedingly dry and at A Blum at Sandpit Dairy Ranch, Ne­ Judge Bagley has handed down a there will be a public sale near the a time when there was great danger • lake. <25.00 per acre. Will make a Used tires bought and sold—City tarts Bay. Bell phone 9F13 decree in the case of Mary Cochran City Transfer office In Tillamook of such fire spreading to the lands ! good home. Vulcanizing and Tire Shop, opposite Wanted—Soldier wishing to locate For sale cheap, good 5 roomed Overton et al vs. Continental and City, of the following articles: Two of other persons adjoining such lands • • Poetoffice. in Western Oregon desires informa­ house, with 1 or 2 lots. Commercial Trust und Savings motor cycles, two phonographs, one and by then and there failing and Two New Home sewing machines tion about farms or farming land for Here is a fine home near town, Bank et al, it being decreed that un­ with 25 records and the other with neglecting to take or use any pre for sale cheap. Singer Sewing Ma- sale. Send full description and low­ Good five roomed house, with one der the fifth Item of the will of Jos­ 20 records, one viollne harp, one caution whatever to prevent the fire est cash termH to W. E. Flynn, A. P. acre, with all kinds of fruit. eph W. Cochran, deceased, a bequest guitar and music stand, one violin, from spreading from his lands to the chine Agency opposite P. O. O. 729, A. E. F. France. is left to Caroline Cochran Small in one gasoline lantern, two pair rub­ lands of other persons apjoining R R. No. 1, Box 200, Tillamook. • For Sale—A nice carpet loom, open the sum of *29,702.01, to Mary ber boots, one pair of new shoes, one such lends of his own, and said flie II, F. Cook has. In recent months wire harness, at L. J. Larsons, on Dr. E. S. Richards. Financial sec­ tuned and repaired more than 80 retary of Willamette University, who Cocbian Overton In the sum of *63,- rug, two new war books, and several was not set as a back fire to prevent Weston place.—Mary Weston. 411.63 and to Percival Max Cochran cooking utensils. These articles are tlie progress of a fire then burning, pianos in this county. He handles the Just received a car of mill feed at best piar.os for this climate. On ex­ delivered the Baccalaureate address in the sum of *97.55.47, and the be­ being sold because 1 am leaving the nor a campfire carefully Bet. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Pricea. hibition at Singer Sewing Muchine before the High School seniors on quests are under the will of said tes­ city.—C. A. Schrader. Smith gave bonds and the trial are lowest. • Agency. Opp. P. O. Liberty Bonds Sunday, addressed the school on tator 1» lien on the one-half interest will not take place until the October Monday at assembly. His talk wai on of the estate of certain real property * general efficiency and term oi the Circuit Court. » If you are contemplating buying a taken. Announcement. training situated In Tillamook, Washington, — o------ drag-saw see the Tillamook Feed Co., necessary for life, and the benefits Yamhill and Grant counties. Miss Harriett Gaylord, who has Mrs, Holden, after spending and get prices. • Card of Thanks. been teaching in the Franklin High of a college training. He left later in months in extensive study in technic Ben Kuppenbender is hobbling ISO acres wheat land to trade for 8chool in Portland, returned Sunday. the morning on the 10:30 train. We wish to express our heartfelt around pretending that he belongs and interpretation with Mrs. Carrie Tillamook residence property. O. M. Miss Nell Gaylord returned from the number of to the cripple brigade. This is what Louise Dunning, of New York, will thanks to the rnuny friends for their For the information of a Cook at Singer Agency Opp. P. O. • University of Oregon at Eugene on persons who own autos and make happened. Ben had conscientious I return to Tillamook and open her sympathy and kindners on account Thursday. They will spend the sum­ charges for carrying passengers oe- «Tuples about working on Sundays, I studio September 1. Applications for of the sickness and death of our be­ Another one of Tillamook's beaches mer at home here. ca.'k>i ally, v-c waat to Inform them ,ut he allowed someone to interfere 'admittance to the classop of the Dun- loved mother, Mrs. Mary A. Foland, started its dancing season, when The motor between Tillamook ■ li^l they arc liable to be a;rested by with the co....cic-iiloas cud of his Ì ning system or for pi ivate lecitone and for the beautiful flowers. Hippy Camp. Netarts, gave a dance and Mohler v.us pat ü - >axt bui.day. the federal as well a. state officials scruples and he found himself at I wi.l be received after August 1st. The Folin.<. J'.:ni:ly. Wednesday evening. ------ o Dr. Wise—Dentist. Live Stock Ins.,—See Watson.