TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JUNE 19, 1919. I Notice of intention to Improve Street improvement may be filed with the • Admuriltrator’» Notice to Creditor*. undersigned City Recorder within In Tillamook City, Oregon. HIS is a Service branch cf the Hartford Com­ pany. Through this agency, active Fire Pre­ vention is applied to the homes and property of every Hartford policy-holder hereabouts. Let us explain this Service to help relieve you of the fear of fire, and the danger of loss. ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man. We write ALL KINDS of Insurance and give YOU SERVICE. All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. 34 J and Mutual. Tillamook City, Oregon. n*t£SnM4. obtainable it shall be estimated on more than two hundred dollars the basis of 600 pounds per inch ($200), and upon a conviction of a width of tire. ■Second offense, shall be fined not The registration and license fee more than four hundred dollar.« imposed by this act upon motor ve­ ($400.00), and may, in the discre­ hicles, motorcycles, motor bicycles, tion of the trial court, and in addi­ motor trucks, trailers and other road tion to such fine, forfeit the license, vehicles, shall be in lieu of all other and such license shall not be renew­ taxes and licensee, except municipal able for a period of one year from Motor truck owners who have been licenses fees under regulatory the date of such conviction. hauling from ten to twelve tons over ordinances, to which vehicle Nothing in this section shall be the county roads will have to cut may be subject, and such motor ve­ construed to prevent the state high­ that out in the future, for the limit hicles, when so registered and licen­ way commission and, or, any county of weight that can now be carried is sed shall not be entered into the court or board of county commission­ five tons, on a basis of 600 pounds county tax rolls for taxation for per­ ers of this state, for further limit­ per inch of the width of wheels. sonal property; provided, that noth­ ing or reducing the maximum weight The penalty for violating the new ing herein Shall be considered as re­ of load that may be carried over road law is a fine of not to exceed lieving such vehicles from liability any of the highways of the state, 9200 or by Imprisonment in the for the payment of any taxes based and the state highway commission county jail not to exceed one year. or levied on an assesment thereof and the county courts of this state For the information of truck own­ for the year 1919, or any prior year. are hereby authorized and empower­ ers and others we give below the law i This shall not be construed to in- ed to fix and limit the maximum load in regard to the weight that can be . elude any such vehicle in process of that may be carried on any vehicle carried on auto trucks: , manufacture or held in storage for using the public highways of this Registration or license fees for commercial purposes, which are not state whenever, in the judgment 'of motor trucks and trailers. The an­ registered and licensed as in this act said commissioners or courts, it is to nual license fee in the schedule fol­ required. the best interests of the county or lowing shall be paid to the secretary Limiting capacity, load and width the state, but in no case shall the of state upon the registration or re­ of wheel of trucks and trailers. maximum load, so fixed and limited gistration of all motor trucks hav. by the highway commission or any No motor truck of over five tonB ing a carrying capacity of less than county court or board of county one ton; provided, that tor motor rated maximum load carrying ca- commissioners exceed the maximum | pacity shall be operated or driven trucks and trailers registered on or load provided for in this act; and after July 1st of any year, only one 'over or upon any road or highway of provided further, that- the state half of said fees shall be paid, and this state, and no truck shall be op- highway commission or any county for motor trucks and trailers regis­ i erated upon any of the roads or court or board of county commission­ tered on or after October first of any highways of this state carrying a ers of this state may. on account of year, only one fourth of said fees load in excess of its rated maximum weather conditions, or otherwise, load carrying capacity, and in no shall be paid. close any road for any or all travel case in excess of 600 pounds per inch or for any class of travel, for such One ton and not over 1 44 tons $32.00 of tire width. period or periods of tims as In the Over 144 tons, not over 2 tons 48.00 No trailer of over five tons maxi- judgment of such commission or Over 2 tone, not over. 2 44 tons 60.00 Over 2 44 tons, not over 3 tons 72.00 1 mum load carrying capacity shall court or board of county commlssion- Over 3 tons, not over 3 44 tons« 84.00 be operated or drawn over br upon ‘ers will be for the best interests of Over 3 44 tons, not over 4 tons #6 00 any road or highway of this state, i the state or county and for the pres­ Over 4 tons, not over 414 tons 108.00 carrying a load in excess of its rated ervation of such road or roads from Over 4 44 tons not over 5 tons 120.00 maximum load carrying capacity, ' undue damage. On all trailers as defined in this and in no case in excess of 600 act an annual license fee equal to pounds per inch of tire width. Our Platform. No truck drawing a trailer shall one half of the license fee charged ------- o------- be operated or drawn over or upon for motor trucks of like rate carry­ We have no apologies to make, any road or highway of this state, ing capacity shall be paid to the sec- neither have we done you any dis­ .etary of state at the same time and carrying a load In excess of the com­ honest tricks to make good. If any­ in the same manner as herein provid­ bined rated maximum load carrying thing you have bought from us have ed for motor trucks; provided, trail­ capacities of the truck and trailer, not given satisfaction we will make ers of less than one ton rated carry­ and in no case shall such load be in good if you let us know. ing capacity shall be exempt from ■ excess of 600 pounds per inch of tire On this platform we are building the payment of the license fee herein width. up a nice business. Call and see us in The provisions of this section shall our new location. imposed. Tillamook Tire Co. Weight of motor trucks; How de­ not apply to any incorporated city E. F. Rogers, Mgr. termined. The nianuafeturer’s rated or town in excess of 2.500 population I. . maximum load carrying capacity as shown by (he United States sen- shall be the basis on which the above ,sus of the year 1910. in which the ’ The New York World denounces registration and license fee upon weight of loads that may be carried Senator Reed’s argument against the trucks and trailers shall be determ­ on auto trucks has been, or may be, league of nations that it means | “negro nomination.” This is very in­ ined and charged, provided . that in governed by local ordinance. no case shall the rated load carrying Any person, firm, corporation o” considerate in the chief organ of a rapacity be determined to be In ex- association who shall violate any ot political party which wouldn’t have < ess of 600 pounds per inch of tire the provisions of this section shall be cairied a national election In the last width of wheels. When the manufac­ «toe:>icd guilty of a misdemeanor ai.d. sixty year* without the assistance of turer's load carrying capacity is not upon conviction, shall be fined ’u»t that slogan. FIVE TONS THE LIMIT FOE MO­ TOR TRUCKS. — o------ 000 Pound* Per Inch of Tire Width of Wheels to Determine Carrying Capacity. ------ o------ 20 days from said date. ------- o------- Notice is hereby given, that the Done by order of the Common NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all County Court of the State of Oregon, whom it may concern, that the Com­ Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, for Tillamook county, has appointed ated this June 16th, 1919. mon Couhcil of Tillamook City, Ore­ I the undersigned administrator of the Frances B. Stranahan. gon. deeming it expedient to improve the street hereinafter described, did, City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore. estate of Fritz Buhrow, deceased, and any and all persons having on the 16th day of June. 1919, adopt i claims against said estate are hereby a revolution of said improvement, Notice of Sale. required to present the same, to­ ------o------ which said resolution is in words and figures as follows, to-wit: i Notice is hereby given that the un- gether with the ] proper vouchers Resolution and Notice of Intention to 'dersigned administrator of the estate therefore, to the administrator at Improve a Certain Street in Till­ I ot A. J. Getchell, deceased, will on or the office of the Sheriff of Tilla- | after the 7th day of July, 1919, sell mook County, at Tillamook City, Ore­ amook City. Oregon. BE IT RESOLVED that the Com­ ! at private sale, the whole or any gon, on or before six months from mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore­ part thereof as may be necessary, of the date of this notice. Dated June 12, 1919. gon, deem it expedient and hereby the following described real property W. L. Campbell, admin­ declares its intention to improve the situated in Tillamook County, Ore­ following street in said city, to-wit: gon, to-wit: istrator of the Estate of All that portion of Third Street ex­ The South half of the Southeast Fritz Buhrow, deceased. tending from the West side of Still­ quarter of Section 17, and the North well Avenue to the Western bound­ half of the Northeast quarter of Sec­ Notice of Bond Sale. ary of Tillamook City, by establish­ ing the grade of said street; by roll­ tion 20, all in Township 4 South of ------ o------ ing the roadway thereof for a width range 9 West of the Willemette | Sealed bids will be received until of 36 feet; by laying thereon a con­ Meridian. w Said sale will be made in pursuance the hour of 4:30 o’clock p.m. the 5th crete roadway covering the whole of said 36 feet, with the exception cf of an order of the County Court of day of July, 1919, by the undersign­ eight feet in the center thereof, Tillamook County, Oregon, made on ed and immediately thereafter pub­ which portion shall not be paved nut tl. ' 23rd day of May, 1919, and said licly opened by the County Court of finished according to plansand speci­ sale will be made for cash or upon Tillamook County, Oregon, at the fications of the city engineer there- such terms as may be approved by office ot said court in the county fof. intersections to be paved solid, court house in Tillamook City, Ore­ by building curbs, catch basins and the County Court,, and bids will be gon, for the purchase ot bonds of laying drain pipes, together with In­ received by the undersigned at her said county issued for the build­ lets anu constructing laterals for residence at Hebo, Oregon, from and ing of permanent roads therein in sewer connections and making pre­ after the above date. ( the sum of $78,000, same . being in visions for the necessary surface Dated this 27th day of May, 1919. 'denominations of $1000 each, num­ drainage for sai dstreet and all appur­ Florence V. Getchell, tenances thereto, and by laying ar.d Administratrix of the bered from 1 upwards, dated July 1, constructing concrete headers. Estate of A. J. Getchell, 1919, and maturing serially in nuin- All of said improvements to be I lerical order as follows: 'deceased. made in accordance with the charter, I $26,000 five (5) years from date resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ Geo. P. Winslow A T. H. Goyne, of issue; Attorneys for the estate. mook City and in accordance with | $26,000 six (6) years from date of the plans and specifications, and issue; estimate of work therefore made and Notice of Sheriff's Sale. i $26,000 seven (7) years from date prepared by the City Engineer of ■ o------- Tillamook City, Oregon, filed in the Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ of issue; office of the City Recorder of said tue of an execution and order of sale said bonds to bear interest at five Tillamook City. All of said improve­ issued out of the Circuit Court of and one-half per cent (5 44 per cent) ments to be made at the expense of per annum, payable semi-annually the property, and all thereof, adjac­ the State of Oregon, on the 9th day on January and July first, principal ent thereto and specially benefitted of May, 1919, and to me directed, on by said improvements within tbe a judgment and decree of foreclosure and interest payable in United States limits of the district established and entered in said Court on the 5th day gold coin at the office of the County defined by this resolution. of May, 1919, in a suit wherein Treasurer or at the !• iscal Agency of Be it further resolved, that the Scandinavian-American Bank, a cor­ the State of Oregon in New York plans, specifications and estimates poration was plaintiff and G. E. City, at the option of the holder. for the proposed improvements so Walling and J. Louise Walling, his Said bids must be accompanied by made and prepared by the City Eli. wife; Walter R. Rossman; Meier & a certified check for 5 per cent of the gineer as aforesaid, the estimate of amount bid and must be uncondition­ the probable total cost thereof being Frank Co., a corporation; and E. L. al. the sum of $23,07, be and the Earnett were defendants, and in which the plaintiff recovered judg­ The approving legal opinion ot Mes­ same are hereby approved. That the boundaries of the assess­ ment against the defendants G. E. srs. Teal, Minor & Winfree, of Port­ ment district to be benefitted by Walling, and J. Louise Walling, his land, Oregon, will be furnished the said improvements and assessed wife; and each of them, for the sum 1 successful bidder. therefore are hereby established as of $4,425.00 with interest theraon at I The Court reserves the right to follows: 1 the rate of 8 per cent per annum reject any or all bids. Beginning at a point on the West Erwin Harrison, Clerk. frdm July 9, 1915, and for $400.00 side of Stillwell Avenue in Tillamook City, Oregon. 105 feet North of the attorney fees, with interest thereon North side of Third Street, and run­ at the rate of 6 per cent per annum Change of Location. ning thence West parallel with the from May 5, 1919, and for costs and ------- o------- North line of Third Street tq the disbursements of this suit, taxed at The building owned by F. R. Beals, West boundary of Tillamook City; $4 8.00, and commanding me to sell thence South along the West bound­ all the real property hereinafter de­ located on the corner of 2nd Ave. & ary of Tillamook City to a point 105 scribed, to satisfy the same, now 4th St., occupied by the Tillamook feet South of the South line of Third therefore by virtue thereof, I will on Tire Co. and Mrs. E. F. Rogers’ Mil­ Street In Tillamook City; thence linery Store, is being moved this East parallel with the South line of Saturday the 21st day of June, 1919, Third Street to a point in the West at 10 o'clock a.m., on said date, at week to the corner of 3rd Av*, and side of Stillwell Avenue 105 feet the Court House in Tillamook, said 3rd St., across the corner from the South of the South line of Third County and State, sell at public auc­ Tillamook Hotel. The old building Street, and thence North along the tion, to the highest bidder for cash will undergo a thorough repairing West side of Stillwell Avenue to the In hand, all the right, title and in­ and painting, and the same business place of beginning. terest of the said defendants, and all lines will be carried on, only In a i That said assessment district shall of them In and to the following de­ more extensive way. be and is hereby designated as Local scribed real property, situated in Til­ The same plan of square dealing Improvement District No. 10, and the property, and all thereof included lamook County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots and abiding by the Oolden Rule will within said district, is described as No. 10, 11 and 12 in Block 14, and go forward that has built up these Lots No. 10 and 11 in Block 15, Lake businesses to its present magnitude, follows: and, in fact, only time will tell of Lots 5, 6, 7. and 8, in Block 1. Lytle, Tillamook County, Oregon. Lots 3, 4, 5. 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Dated May 21. 1919. the development of these businesses 13, and 14, in Block 2; I W. L. Campbell in Tillamook. We certainly appre­ Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 3; i Sheriff of Tillamook ciate our patrons and will try to do Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 4. County, Oregon. all within our power to satisfy them, All in Maple Grove Addition to First publication May 22, 1919. i We will be glad to meet all of our Tillamook City. Last publication June 19, 1919. customers in our new location and Lots 6. 6, 7, and 8. in Block 4; ‘ many new ones. We are here to stay, Lots 5, 6. 7, and 8 in Block 5; Lots 1. 2 3, and 6, la Block 6; and will 8ave you money in your Notice of Sheriff* Sale. Lots 1, », 3, and 4, in Block 7; purchases. Both phones will be In­ Lots 1, 2. 3, and 4, in Block,’*. Notlce is hereby given, that by vir- stalled again as soon as possible. Lots 1, », 3, and 4, in Block 9 ; ture of an execution and order of sale Yours for business. • Lo(s 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 10. issued out of the Circuit Court of the Tillamook Tire Co. Lots S. «, 7. and •», in Block 11. State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­ E. F. Rogers, Mgr. All in Stillwell’s Addition to Tilla- ty, on the 19th day of May, 1919, Mrs. E. F*. Rogers, Milli­ mook, or Tillamook City. ner and Artist. Tract beginning at the intersection on a decree oZ said Court made and of the West side of Stillwell Avenue entered on the 5th day of May, 1919, with the North line of Third Street, in a hu 1> to fordone a mortgage, Final Account. and running thence North 105 feet; wherein Edward Kleist was plaintiff thence West 125 feet; thence South and Irma M. Vose and R. H. Vose Notice is hereby given that the to North line of Third Street; thence and Rosanna Vose, his wife were de- East to place of beginning. fendants, wherein the plaintiff re- undersigned administrator of the Tract beginning at the intersection estate of Margaretha Schild, deceas­ of the West side of Stillwell Avenue covered a judgment against the de- ed, has filed in the County Court of with South line of Third Street, and fendant for the sum of $764.00 to- Tillamook County, Oregon, his final running thence South 105 feet; gether with $122.40 accumulated thence West 210 feet; thence North Interest all bearing interest at the account. Notice Is further given that 105 feet; thence East to point of be­ rate of 8 per cent per annum from the County Court has set July 5, ginning. the 5th day of May, 191-9, for the 1919, at 10 a.m., as the time and the Tract beginning al the intersection further sum of $7 5.00 attorney fees, office of the County Judge of Tilla­ of the West side of Seventh Avenue and the further sum of $22.00 costs mook County, as the place for the West with the North line of Third hearing of said final account and all Street; and running thence North and disbursements, the said execu­ persons having any objections there­ 105 feet; thence West to the West tion being to me directed and com­ to shall appear at said time and place boundary of Tillamook City; thence manding me to sell the property South to the South line of Third hereinafter described to satisfy said and show cause, If any there be, why Street; thence East to the place of judgment, accumulating interest, at­ the said final account should not be beginning. torney fee, costs and disbursements, allowed and the said administrator Tract beginning at point 60 feet together with the costs and expenses discharged. West of the Northwest corner of of sale. Now therefore, I will on Sat­ Dated this May 28, 1919. Block 9. of Stillwell's Addition to Adolph Schild, Adminis­ the Town of Tillamook (now Tilla­ urday the 21st day of June, 1919, at trator of the estate of mook City), and running thence the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on said Margaretha Schild, de­ West to the West boundary of Tilla­ date, «tell to the highest bidder for ceased. mook City; thence South 106 feet; cash in hand, at the Court-House thence East to a point due South of door in said county and state, all the Attorneys: Johnson A Handley. the place of beginning; thence North right, title and interest of the said 11 . -U to the place of beginning. defendants, and each and all of them, Notice of Final Account. Be It further resolved, that the had at the date of said decree, in and City Recorder, be and she is hereby to the following described property, Instructed to cause this resolution Notice Is hereby given to all whom and notice to be published for three situated in said Tillamook County, it may concern, that the undersigned to-wlt: All of the South half of the consecutive publications in the city has filed In the County Court of Til­ official newspaper. that the City Northwest quarter of the North­ Engineer is directed to cause to be west quarter of Section 18 in Town­ lamook County, Oregon, her final ac­ conspicuously posted at each end of ship 2 South of Range 9, West of the count as administratrix, and that the line of tbe proposed Improvement Willamette Meridian, containing said court has appointed Monday, the 21st day of July, 1919, at the a copy of this resolution and notice 20 acres. within three days from the date of Dated this 20th day of May, 1919. County Court room In the Court the first publication of such notice, I House In Tillamook City, Tillamook W. L. Campbell, and that all persons concerned be County Oregon, at the hour of 10 Sheriff of Tillamook thereby notified of the date of the I o’clock a.m. as the time and place County.Oregon. first publication of said notice, and for ho ring objections to said final ■ ............ * that objections and remonstrances to account and the settlement thereof. the proposed Improvements may be For Sale or Trad*. Dated June 19th, 1919 filed with the City Recorder within Mary A. Johnson, 20 days from said date. $ Have about 40 acres of land, south Ail persons concerned are hereby of Trask river six miles from town. Administratrix of the notified that said resolution was duly Plenty of wood on place. Wood will the Estate of George N. adopted on the date aforesaid; that more than pay for place. Will take Johnson, deceased. the first publication of this notice Is H T. Botts. June 19th. 1919, and that objections auto In trade. Inquire of J. L. Attorney for Administratrix. and remonstrances to the proposed Childers, near the land.