7 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FATAL AUTO ACCIDENT ------ o------- Caused by Loose Plank in County Road. A fatal auto uccident happened on Wednesday at Meda, when Wayue Jackson was smothered to death, when his auto left the road and roll­ ed over into the tide land, where the uufortunate young man was pinned down beneath his car in the mud. The evidence taken at the inquest was as follows; Mary Heaton says the deceased was lying right on his stomach, face down. She could see one foot, the car being on top of him. He moved his leg once a little bit after she got there. She could not tell whether it was moved purposely or not. Could not see anything but one limb. She did not see him go down there with the car nor did she hear the car running. Mrs Mary Weiss said Wayne came to get a mowing sythe and asked if one was there. She told him no. He asked if there was one over at the dock and she told him there was. He said he wanted to mow some grass and went over to get it. He went to the barn and got in his machine and went across. I waited for the mail and then went into the house. My lit­ tle boy was standing out there and he saw him go over and called to me saying "Mamma, Wayne’s gone over in the dyke." I ran and called Mrs. Heaton. When 1 arrived there he was covered all over but one arm, I the hind wheel was on his hip. The JUNE 19. 191». Protect Your Feet and Legs With Sturdy Comfortable Rubber Boots little boy said he saw him and look­ fall. William A. Gage said ed like he was smothering. Witness believed he was dead when she got dangerous place. When passing over there. She saw him when he left und it the previous Friday the planks ¡caused the wheel to be jerked loose he was not going fast. Ruth Benson said she was out at from his bands. He believed the ac- her aunts and she heard the little cideut was caused by the defects in boy calling for help. She went along .the road. Wayne Franklin said he had help­ and helped push the car over, but saw no sign of life. Asked as to the ed replace the planks and considered condition of the road, witness said I the road dangerous. He had been do­ there was a plank sticking up which ing a little repair work on the road. I He said Mr. Ayer instructed him to must have turned the car off. Dr. J T. LeFevere said when he do as little work as possible until arrived the body was lying on the latter election. They had furnished bank covered with mud and life was him with a half keg of nails to fix extinct. Some blood had come from the plunk. He had asked for more the nose. This was caused by pres­ 'nails but had not received them. The jury brought in a verdict as sure on the lungs. There was no signs of violence. There were two follows: "We the undersigned Jurymen call- small bruses on the back. The cause of death he thought was the smoth­ | ed to hold an inquest over the body ering in the mud. He thought If one of Wayne Jackson, who was killed could have been there and undertook I June 18. 1919, find that the im­ to clean out the mud from the mediate cause of his death was mouth and nostrils it might have ' smothering in the mud, caused by an been possible of restoration, The I uccident, which occurred by a defect loose boards in the road were very in the county road, upsetting his 'automobile and throwing him in the evident. Miss Helen Miller said she called mud and rolling over on him.” The deceased was the son of 0. A. for help. When she arrived at the scene of the accident they had the Jackson, of Hebo, and was about 19 car oft the deceased but did not have ■ years of age. him out of the mud. The mail carrier If, as is claimed, there are sixteen came along and helped pull the de­ ceased to the bank. The planks in the wars raging in Europe now, it is road were in a disarranged condition easy to understand Colonel Bryan's and she thought that was what support of the Versallies world con­ stitution, for that is sixteen wars to threw him off the road. J. M Weiss Jr., said the road had one peace covenant, the divine been in bad condition since last portion. REPORT OF TILLAMOOK COW TESTING ASSN’. From Tillamook County Farm Bureau News. 9. N. Gilmore, Sec; H. J. Olson, H. Bochsler, testers. John Schild, No 16 . RII Feb 1593 Amos Vaughn, Lilly . . GJ Mar 1318 Josi Bros. Mule........... Jr. Mar 1674 L. Daniels. Spraddles . . GJ Feb 1187 , Neilson Bros, June Apr 1163 A. Divine, Brighto ... Jr. Mar 1100 Amos Vaughn, Marion. .GJ Mar 1283 Amos Vaughn, Gypsy . . GJ Mar 1231 L. McCormack, Nig .... GJ Mar 1398 John Schild, No 1. ...GH Mar 1984 A Krake, Annie .... Mar 1494 Joe Durrer, Jumbo ... Jr. Mar 1330 P. Fitzpatrick, Midget GJ May 1296 Amos Vaughn, May ... GJ Mar 1194 A. F. Smith, Susie ... G. S May 1482 J. Honey, 11. Heng 11. RH Mar 1956 Geo. Olson, Alpha .... GJ Mar 1407 E. J. Geinger, Hart . . . N Apr 1407 J. J. Rupp, Big............. N Apr 1497 W. 'Maxwell, Pld........... GJ Feb 1507 A. L. Thomas, Sally..........Jr. Apr 1435 3.9 4.7 3.7 5.2 5.3 5.6 4.8 5.0 4.4 3.1 4.1 4.6 4.7 5.1 4.1 3.1 4.3 4.3 4.1 4.0 4.2 When you’re afloat in all sorts of weather, it’s sound sense to give your feet and legs the best protection possible. Protected’’ rubber boots provide exactly that. They keep your feet and legs warm, dry and comfortable under the hardest conditions. They’re specially designed for heavy service aboard ship or on dock. Fishermen need these rugged, double-duty rubber boots, just like the boys did in the navy. The Government probably used more U. S. “Protected” rubber boots during the war than of all other makes combined. There’s economy as well as reliability in U. S. “Protected’’ rubber boots. Reinforced where the wear is greatest, they stand the gaff of hard usage. Longer wear means money saved. Your dealer has exactly the kind of “U. S.” you want, or can get it quickly. Remember, every pair bears the “U. S. Seal” trade mark of the largest ru bber man ufacturer in the world. Look for this seal. It means protection for your feet, health and pocketbook. 62.13 61.95 61.94 61.72 61.64 61.60 61.58 61.55 61.51 61.50 61.25 61.18 60.91 60.89 60.76 60.64 60.50 60.40 60.38 60.28 60.27 The high pure bred cow is a registered Holstein Isaura of Tillamook belonging to Adolph Schjld, and ■tade 1938 tbs. milk and 1'4.96 tbs fat at the age of four years. Joe Durrer»’ Cow Dot, a grade Jersey, leads the As­ sociation with 2210 lbs. milk and 103.87 lbs. fat at Sev­ ern years old. Mr. Durrer also had the highest average production throughout the herd. 9 per cent of all cows tested produced over 60 lbs fat which we believe will compare favorably with any asso- elation In the United States. The following giveH the names and record of the cows in the association which have produced more than 69 pounds of butter fat during the period of 30 days ending May 31st, 1919. lbs Pct. When Fat •wner & name of cow Breed Fresh Milk J«« Durrer, Dot .........Jr. May 2210 103.87 Frank Blaser, Reddle.. GJ Apr 1572 59.80 94.96 Adolph Schild, No. 2 . . RH Apr 1938 NESTUCCA ASSOCIATION. 91.20 A. 0. Jackson, Secretary A. Johnson, Nigger, N. Mar 1900 Helen Miller, Testerette, B. L. Robertson. Molly. GJ May 86.29 1761 554 cows were tested during the month, giving, on 86.26 Josl Bros,, Chance .... Jr. Apr 2006 81.12 the average, 371 lbs fat from 920 lb milk. 201 cows Frank Blaser. Queen . GJ 1690 81.10 produced over 40 lbs of fat during the month and 60 L>. A. McCormack, Pal. GJ Mar 1655 Feb 79.00 over 50 tbs. of fat. A. Johnson, Lady......... RJ 1386 77.52 The high herds areas follows : F. R. Beals, No. 20 .. . 1314 77.14 Name of owner Josl Bros., Matty .... Jr. Mar 1677 No. cows Ibss Milk lbs. Fat 76.50 foe Schreiber F. R. Beals, No. 6 . . . GJ Feb 1696 20 1173 53.33 75.46 Frank Kum . Mar. 1337 J. Donaldson, No. 33 . 10 1209 45.65 75.02 J. C. Dunn .. 4.4 Berns Bros. Holstein.. H Apr 1705 24 1093 44.90 74.87 Leo Blaser . Theresa Ross, Beauty . . GJ Nov 6.9 1085 24 1013 42.30 74.59 A. W. Hess . 1587 4.7 F. R. Beals, No, 31 . . . 22 804 40.00 74.21 Mai- 1953 3.8 Adolph Sehlld, No. 4 . GH The highest* pure bred cow is a Jersey, Goldie, owned 1302 72.91 Amos Vaughn, Edith . . GJ Mar 5.6 1321 72.66 by H. S. Davidson and njade 50 lbs fat from 961 lbs milk Mar 5.5 HooverA Tilden, Lola • GJ The highest producing cow in the Association is Nel­ Feb W. S. Hare, Beauty . . . GJ 1420 5.1 .72.47 72.32 lie, a grade Jersey owned by Jos Schreiber and made 4.9 1476 Joe Durrer, Beauty , . . GJ. Jan 71.98 94.1 lbs fat from 1882 lbs. milk. Mar 1330 Josl Bros, Brindle,... Jr. 71.79 Apr J. B. Honey, Sadie Queen 11 2393 14 unprofitable cows were sold and 3 cows purchased 71.40 One pure bred bull was bought. Two members started to 1190 W. Maxwell, P. L. of Alder RJ Mar 71.11 keep dally milk records. 1147 M. L. Robertson, Minnie GJ Jan 71.04 1652 J. J. Rupp, Deer..................N Mar Roll of Honor Cows. 70.62 Mai- 1358 Josl Bros. , Mabie .... GJ lbs. Pct. When lbs. 70.53 1603 Mar F. Blaser, Dixie........... GJ milk fat B. F. 70.40 I Owner & name of cow, breed fresh 1280 Hoover & Tilden. Charlltte GJ May 1882 5.0 94.1 70.38 I Joe Schrlber, Nellie... GJ 1497 T. M. Ross, Grace.......... GJ Feb Mar 1169 6.0 71 2 70.20 I D. J. Dunn. Beauty ... GJ Mar 1755 Joe Durrer, Ludy......... GJ Mai- 1277 5.5 69.92 I Joe Schreiber,.. Gentle GJ 70.6 Mai- 884 J. J. Rupp. Reddy . . . GH May 1701 4.1 69.7 69.85 I Joe Schreiber, Brownie . GJ Mar 1318 J. Donaldson, No. 20 Mar 1314 5.0 65.7 69.58 I F. Von Euw, No. 25 .... GJ Albert Johnson, Flossy, .GJ Apr 1320 Apr. 1321 4.8 63.4 69.56 I roe Schreiber, Ruth ... GJ Apr 2108 J. J. Rupp. Butler King. . II Mar 1572 3.9 61.3 3.4 69.56 I J. C. Dunn, Ford........... GJ Apr 2046 John Schild. No 18 ... . H Mar 1212 5.0 60.6 69.30 I Joe Schreiber, Blackie . GJ 1575 4.4 Joe Durrer. Bess......... Jr. Mar Apr 1138 5.3 69.26 I loe Schreiber, Weava . . . GJ 60.3 1776 Apr 3.9 A. Johnson, Queen . . . GH Mar 986 6.1 60.2 69.26 I A. W. Hess, Brownie . . . GJ 14 69 4.5 Joel Bros., Pansy .. G Mar Mar 1426 4.2 60.0 69.23 I I. C. Dunn, Violet......... GJ 1978 3.5 Apr Neilson Bros, Julia, . . . .11 Mar 1150 5.2 69.02 I Mark Bays, Millie........... GJ 59.8 1972 3.5 C. 'M. Gilmore, Star . . . ... . H [ Apr 1386 4.3 59.6 68.53 I Joe Schreiber, Blanche. . GJ 1246 5.5 J. Williams. Bob......... Jr. Apr Mar 1203 68.20 I I F. Von Euw, No 25 ... GJ 4.9 59.0 4.0 Mak 1705 B. L. Robertson, Madge Mar 1355 4.1 67.92 I I C. McKIllip, June......... GH 58.6 Apr 1445 4.7 Amos Vaughn, Edith . . JG Apr 1420 4.1 67.75 I I .co Blaser, Jenny......... GJ 58.2 1783 3.8 Apr J. Honey, Caro. 11 of C RH Mar 1138 5.1 5.6 67.71 I loe Schreiber, Star............ GJ 58.0 1231 Jan W. B. Vaughn. Erma .. . GJ Jan 1479 3.9 67.02 I I F. Von Euw, No. 1........... G11 57.7 3.3 Mar 2031 J. Honey. J. 8. DeKoi . RH 1131 5.1 5.0 66.65 I 11. J. Dunn, Rosie............. GJ 57.7 1333 H. Nelson. Lad's Marini e .RJ Feb Feb 1836 66.40 I Joe Schreiber, Bob .... GH 3.0 56.0 1302 5.1 Jan B. L. Robertson, Judy . .GJ 66.30 I A. O. Jackson, Bob .... GH Feb 1836 3.0 56.0 1700 3.9 F. R. Beals, No. 40 Feb 983 66.24 I I ¡1. B. McCluy. Lib........... GJ 5.7 56.0 Apr 1380 4.8 Jo« Durrer, Dame .... G. Mar 66.20 I Leo Blaser, June........... GJ 1184 47 55.7 3.4 1947 M. Abplanalp. No 6. . . . . N Apr Feb 66.20 I I Win Gilek, Diana ...... GJ 1271 4.3 54.7 1324 5.0 May L. McCormack, Ks. Bess I RJ 65.77 I Mark Bays. Low........... GJ 1429 3.8 4.2 54.3 1566 Mar G. Wyss. Cora............. Jr. Apr 1466 3.7 54.2 65.73 I I F. Von Euw, No. 24 ... RP 1643 4.0 Mar John Schild. No. 8 . .. GH < Apr 1079 5.0 65.67 I I). J. Dunn, Cropy......... GJ 1194 54.0 F. R. Beals, No. 34 . . . Apr 1073 5.1 65.35 I Leo Blaser, Flora............. GJ 53.7 Mar 1597 Jo« DonaldHon No. 51 Mar 1488 64.94 I E. Headlnger, Lizzie . . . GH 3.6 53.6 1665 G. Lamb .Cream........... . . Jr. Apr 64.94 I A. W. Hess, Jennie......... GJ Mar 911 5.5 53.6 Mar 1476 Jo« Durrer, Roxl« . . . . GJ 64.89 I J, L. Gay. Blossom......... GJ Feb 1296 4.4 53.1 1442 May K. L. Robertson. Betlhln RJ Feb 64.82 IL B. McClay, Jersey ... GJ 946 5.6 53.0 1581 Mar W. Maxwell. Pink . . . GJ 64.82 Geo. Ethel, Joe........... GG 1256 4.2 52.8 1271 Mar F. Blaser, Goldie.......... GJ Mar 1227 64.57 Frank Kumm. Pug .... GH 4.3 52.8 Apr 1151 W. S. Hare. Slim .... . GJ Apr 1748 64.24 A. Haedlnger, Beauty . . GH 3.0 52.4 1494 Mar Joal Bros, Flora......... Jr. Mar 64.08 F. Kumm Boozie Woozle GH 1249 4.2 52.4 Feb 1209 Albert Krake, Betsy Feb 63.86 Wm. Glick, Cream......... GJ 1308 4.0 52.3 Feb 1101 L. McCormack, Penny GJ 63.84 Leo Blaser. Daisy......... GJ Mai- 1107 4.7 1680 52.0 Mar G. Wyss, Per................ . Jr. Mar 1082 63.73 F. Von Euw, No. 27 .. . RF 4.8 51.9 1138 Jan Jas. Williams, Isablnda . .G Mar 63.71 I F. Von Euw, No. 31 ... GJ 1522 3.4 1919 51.8 Mar John Schild. No. 20 . . . GH May 63.70 Leo Blaser, Brownie .. . GG 1364 3.8 51.8 1274 Mar W. B. Vaughn. Patsy . . . N 63.69 Craven & Craven, Helen GH Apr 1361 3.8 51.7 1355 Apr Neilson Mros. Brownie 63.69 A. W. Hess, Trixie .... GG Har 1202 4.3 ' 51.7 1355 Mar Paul Werner, Brownie . GJ 63.50 I Joe Schrlber. Big Milker. GJ Apr 1396 3.7 51.5 1764 Mar Joel Bros, Josy........... Jr. 63.34 Wm. Glick, Heart............. GJ Feb 1256 4.1 51.5 1473 Feb Joe Durrer, Bob......... Jr. 63.18 Leo Blaser. Billy..............GJ Feb 1073 1404 4.8 51.5 F. R Beals. No. 25 . . . Feb 63.07 \ W. Hess. Pide.............. GJ 1051 49 1342 Apr 51.5 F. Blaser, Jersey .... GJ 6 4 ... GJ 63.05 A. W. Hess. 803 1401 51.4 Jan W. B. Vaughn, Toby . . . Ñ 63.00 J. C. Dunn, Tufty......... GH Mar 1553 1226 3.3 51.3 Apr Joel Bros. Floss........... Jr. 62.93 Mark Hays. Kate.............. GJ Apr 1116 4.6 51.3 1311 Feb W. Hare. Quen Rosarle GJ 63.51 I. J. C. Dunn, Dolly..............GJ Mar 1137 51 Î 1 1398 4.5 Apr Jr. Jo« Durrer. Nancy 63.88 I. Joe Schreiber. Buster ... GJ Apr 976 5T3 1965 50.8 Apr Joe Durrer. Spot.......... 63.78 < Geo. Ethel, Line Baek .. GH Apr 4.1 1457 1237 50.6 V R Real» No. 23 . . . 62.78 I Joe . Schreiber, Myrtle ... GJ Apr 1296 1395 3.9 50.5 Mar Jo« Durrer, May......... GJ 63.65 Leo Blaser, Brindle ....GD 1333 Apr 1290 3.9 50.0 Apr Paul Werner. Brant... GJ 6256 J. C. Dunn, Dina........... GJ ISSO Mar 1008 5.0 Apr 50.4 Neilson Bro«., Lady . . , • 62.35 Joe Schreiber, Cherry, .. GJ 949 Mar 1079 Apr 4.6 50.0 A. V«t«ch. No. 41. . . 62.30 I Mark Bays. Susan .'. GJ 1947 Mar Apr 924 5.4 50.0 J Honey, J. DeKol« . . RII • 2-54 1 J. c. Dunn. Brindi« .. . GJ 1333 Apr Mar 1039 4.8 50.0 Hoover A Tilden, Isni GJ Ap. 1334 •2.23 *H. 8. Davidson, Goldie . GJ Jan 961 5.2 50.0 Hoover A Tilden, Polly GJ United States Rubber Company New York Ml',- fell i li ¡i i|i¡ ¡iii'ij w¡ 1 ¡! |L i 1 ’ i' lllilll Ik li, CM J ft . 1 i n ^','8 Sr N ext T ime —B uy K isk 1 | ’IRES of Long Mileage ancL Low Cost— 1 and a quality look that you can’t mistake / Price of 33 x 4 FABRIC Non-Skid Casing CORD Non-Skid Casing TUBE Fits al! makes of casings $4.80 reduced proportionately on all sizes. Ackley & Miller, TILLAMOOK, OREGON.