TILLAMOOK I HEADLIQHT, JUNE City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop J Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. All Work Guaranteed. Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I cany a Stock ol Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Your Patronage Solicited. J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. Goodrich More Mileage Proclamation! Beit known to every Automob le Owner and Driver in the United States that Goodrich SAFETY TREADS stand ready to deliver ! 6,000 miles, and SILVERTOWN CORDS 8,000 under proper usage. That is, every Safety Treads in use, and in a Goodrich Dealer’s Store, is underwritten to be ad­ justed at 6,000 miles and every Silvertown Cord at 8,000 miles. The new adjustment is based upon what Good­ rich knows what its tires will do, and Goodrich knows from miles and miles of road testing that Goodrich Tires are the Strongest, the Best, the rubber industry has pro­ duced. They are so good that Goodrich increases its ad­ justment mileage to show its patrons they cannot afford not to share in their matchless Service and Security. Buy Goodrich Tires from a Dealer. Adjustment Fabrics 6,000 miles. Cords 8,000 miles. Buy Goodrich Tires from a Dealer SILVERTOWN CERO TIRES Havejyou seen the TVodel 90 Overland Car ? Like the one that broke the world’s record at Oklahoma, going 7[days without a stop. CHAS. F. PANKOW, Star Garage, Tillamook. Good oil is cheaper than parts 1«. 1910. Notice of Intention to Improve Street and other blocks lying west thereof,to the southwest corner of lot 4 in Block In Tilllamook City, Oregon. 2 of R. R. Hay’s Addition to Tillamook City; running thence North along the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to East side of Stillwell Avenue to the all whom it may concern, that the place of beginning. All of said Lots, Common Coun'il of Tillamook City, Blocks and additions being in Tilla­ Oregon, deeming it expedient to im­ mook City, Oregon. prove the street hereinafter described That said assessment district shall did, on the 16th day of Jane, l’JIb, be and is hereby designated as Local adopt a resolution for said improve­ Improvement District No. 9, and the ment, which said resolution is in wolds property, and all thereof, included and figures as follows, to-wit: | within said District is described as Resolution and Notice of lntenl!oii To follows: Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 Block 2, ..Improve a Certain Street in . Central Addition to Tillamook City: Tillamook City, Oregon Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block I, and Lots Be is resolved that the Common 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 2, R. R. Hays Add­ $ Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, ition to Tillamook City. Lots 3 and 4, deems it expedient and hereby de­ | in Block 11, Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block g clares its intention to improve the 12, Lots 1 and 2,in Block 13, Lots 1,2, A fter C louds comes S unsdinm . following street in said city, to-wit; 3 and 4, in Block 14, Lots 5, 6, 7 and A fter D espondency combs J ot . All that portion of Seventh .Street 8 in Block 20; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in A fter S ickness comes H ealth . extending from the East side of Still­ Block 21; Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block A fter W eakness comes S trength . [g well Avenue to the West side of Mill­ 38; Lots 6, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 39; In the spring when you’re “all er Avenue, by establishing the grade Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 40 and Lots of said street; by grading the same 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 41. in”—fagged out—blood thin, if to proper subgrade by rolling the All in Thayers Addition to the Town you will turn to Nature’s remedy, roadway thereof by laying thereon a of Lincoln) now Tillamook City), or a tonic made from wild roots and concrete roadway 24 feet in width and Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook City. 6 inches in thickness; by building Also all those portions of Lots 5 and barks, which has stood fifty years curbs, catch basins and laying drain 6, in Block 8, of A. A. Miller’s Addit­ as the best spring tonic—you will pipe, together with inlets and ei.ii- ion to the Town of Tillamook (now find strength regained. No need structing sewers anil laterals for sew­ Tillamook City) Oregon, lying North to tell you it’s Dr. Pierce’s Golden er connections, and making pro­ of the North line of Seventh Street Medical Discovery, put up in tablet vision for the necessary surface drain­ as established across said Lots. age of said street with all the appur­ Also Lots 7 and 8, in Block 8, and or liquid form, and sold by every tenances thereto, and by constructing Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 10 of said druggist in the land. After a hard concrete headers. A. A. Miller’s Addition to the Town i winter—shut up indoors,your blood All of said improvements to be of Tillamook (now Tillamook City) ! needs a temperance tonic, a tissue­ made in accordance with the charter, Also tract beginning at the southeast resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ corner of Block 2 Central Addition to builder and blood-makersuchanthia mook City and in accordance with the Tillamook • City and running thence “Medical Discovery” of Dr.Pierce’a. plans and specifications and estimates North 105 feet; thence East to the Send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids* of work therefor, made and prepared West side of Second Avenue East; Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package by the City Engineer of Tillamook thence South along the West side of of tablets. City, Oregon, filed in the office of the said Avenue 105 feet to the North line Seattle, R’nsA.—“I was in a general run­ City Recorder of said Tillamook City. of Seventh Street in Tillamook City, down condition. Had bad blood, dis­ All of said improvements to be made Oregon; thence W’est along the North ordered stomach, kidney trouble and at the expense of the property and line of said Seventh Street to the place nervousness I took three bottles of Dr. all thereof adjacent thereto and of beginning. Pierce’s Golden Modical Discovery and specially benefitted by said improve­ Be it further resolved, that the City five or six bottles of ‘Favorite Pnauirip- ments within the limits of the district Recorder be and she is hereby in­ tion’ and was completely cured. Ha vs established and defined by this resolu­ structed to cause this resolution and never been sick a day since.”— Airs. Marg tion. notice to be published for three con­ Haskins, 907 27(A -ive. Be it further resolved, that the secutive publications in the city ofllcal plans, specifications and estimates for newspaper; that the City Engineer the proposed improvements so made is directed to cause to be conspicuous­ Ornamental Fire Place» Built and prepared by the City Engineer as ly, posted at each end of the line of the of Brick and Stone, All Fire aforesaid, the estimates of the probab­ proposed improvement, a copy of this ly total cost thereof being the sum of resolution and notice within three Places absolutely guaranteed 517,986.62 be and the same are hereby days from the date of the first public­ not to smoke or money re­ approved. ation of such notice, and that all per­ funded. That the boundaries of the assess­ sons concerned be thereby notified of Brick work of all kind» done ment district to be benefited by said the date of f’e first publication of said on short notice. improvements and assessed therefore notice, and tnat objections and remon­ We make a specialty of re­ are hereby established as follows: strances to the proposed improve­ pairing smoking Fire Placaa. Beginning at the Northwest corner ments may be filed with the City Re­ of Lot 5, in block 2, of Central Addi­ corder within 20 days from the said tion of Tillamook City being on the date. East side of Stillwell Avenue in Till­ All persons concerned are hereby amook City, and running thence East notified that said resolution was duly TILLAMOOK. ORE. to the West Side of Block 8 of A. A. adopted on the date aforesaid; that Miller’s Addition to the town of Till­ the first publication of this notice is amook (now Tillamook City,) running made June 19,1919, and that objections After conducting political discus­ thence South to the center of the West and remonstrances to the proposed side of said Block 8; thence east along improvements may be filed with the sion for half a century exclusively on the center line of said block 8 to the undersigned City Recorder within 20 the issue of white supremacy, the East side thereof; thence South to the days from said date. southern sectional Democratic party Southeast corner of Lot 1 in Block 10 Done by order of the Common , Is found whooping it up for a gov­ of A. A. Miller’s Addition to the Town Council of Tillamook City, Oregon. of Tillamook (now Tillamook City) Dated this 16th day of June, 1919. ernment of the world of a parlia­ mentary body in which the yellow, Oregon, and running thence West a- Frances B. Stranahan, long the center line of said block; to City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore. black end red races predominate. the West side of said block; thence it was the only Democratic is­ For Sale -young registered Hol­ Well, North to the center of East side of sue left and the party leaders had to stein bull, ready for service. I d good Block 41 of Thayer’s Addition to what preserve their consistency conaist- in now Tillamook City; thence West condition and good breeding. Bob ancy by going back on it. along the center line of said Block 41, Stillwell. » RALPH E. WARREN, “A quart of oil”—any oil —is better than no lubrica­ tion. But why not ask for Zer- olene and know that you are getting Correct Lubri­ cation? Zerolene is correctly re­ fined from selected Califor­ nia crude oil. It keeps its lubricating body at cylin­ der heat, holds compres­ sion, gives perfect protec­ tion to the moving parts and deposits I.east " carbon. It is the product of the combined resources, expe­ rience and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. Get a Correct Lubrica­ tion Chart for your car. At yotir dealer’s or our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) A grade for each type of engine H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Ore. It's up to you says Sandy to JockMacPb&n “If it’s thick, heavy sweetening you want stick to your ordin­ ary plug. But for real tobacco satis­ faction, you’ve got to come to good old Gravely.’’ Good taste, smaller chew,longer life is what makes Genuine Grave­ ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Write to:— G enuine G ravely l.ANVILLE, VA. * fat booklet an chewiat flag Peyton Brand ’ REAL CHEWING PLUG The Real Thing Right Through Plug packed in pouch. Put United States Tires under your car and you’ll find them the real thing. They’re built to wear—to give you the kind of economical service you want. And that’s just what they do. Hundreds of thousands of regular users will vouch for that—lots of them right around here. TOWER’S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Practical as a plow, and just as necessary. Make every rainy day count. Waterproofs Absolute are Marked thus — A.JTOWTRCO BOSTON . Needles, Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing Î Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty.* New Home Users are quality choiers. For Sale By SHARFF lb DUBIVER 172 3rd Street ! NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. ; San Francisco California. There are five distinct types of United States Tires—one for every need of price or use. We have exactly the ones for your car. We know United States Tires are Good Tires. That’s why we sell them. Star Garace, C. E. Pankow, Tillamook ; Nelson & Co., Bay C{ty ; Koilow Bros., Hebo ; Anderson Bros., Garace, Nehalem ; Wheeler Garace, M. J. Maddox, Wheeler. . ■ j