TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JUNE I9, 1919, The GEM THEATRE. Thursday, June 26---“Luck and Pluck,” Tuesday, June 24--“Riddle Gawne,” Featuring George Walsh. Featuring William S. Hart. They called him “RIDDLE” because he had only one object in life—-to “get” a Can you use $1,000 ? This amount will be paid for the arrest of “VELVET,” the slickest crook that ever operated: “VELVET” is the man who stole a ring man. Had he nursed his hatred through a score of years ? Now, when they off the hand of LAURA WHITE in the photoplay “Luck and Pluck.” Oh, saw him face to face with his man they knew that hell had come ta earth. He yes, George Walsh plays the part of “VELVET” because he is the slickest was the man who had murdered “Riddle's” brother and defamed his only fellow ih pictures. Love. Don’t miss this scrap. “LADIES FIRST,” Mack Sennett Comedy. PATHE NEWS. ADULTS 20c. CHILDREN 10c. 1---------------------------- ------- —“------------------------- ber and was forced to listen to many, Blair traces the theft to Mrs. Durand COAXING YOU TO SMILE. of his enecdotes. and obtains her confession, paving ------ o------ The barber had to strop the razor, The Baccalaureate Sermon will be the way’for a settlement which ends Not Bothered. and when he was ready, brush In g delivered by Dr. Richards of Will- in Kemp's punishment and a happy Amos J. Cummings and Ernest Jar- g amette University, on Sunday, June 1 honeymoon for Elaine and her hus. rold were once in a pilot boat during hand, to commence again, he aBked “Shall I go over It again?’’ 22nd, at 10:30 In the Christian : band. fl.** ’■ ............................. a great storm. The former lay on a "No thanks,” drawled his customer g Church. *• THE bunk, intently reading. The boat | The Senior class night program New Photoplay of W. S. part Has gave a fearful lurch and careened “It’s hardly necessary. I think I can remember every word.” , will be given on Thursday, June 26, Strong Heart Appeal. until it seemed that she must turn at 8 p.m., in the High School. completely over. Commencement exercises will be In the wide range of fiction per- j "This is awful, Amos!” said Jer­ QR. O.. L. H. HOHLFELD, held in the Christian Church on Fri­ haps no stranger story than "Riddle rold. “I’m going to put on a life day, June 27th, at 8 p.m., the class preserver, for the boat can’t stand it VETERINARIAN. address being delivered by Dr. John Gawne” the new photoplay in which many minutes longer!” Straub, Dean of the University of William S. Hart, the famous Thos H. . "Oh, keep quiet and let me read, Bell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone Oregon. Music for the commencement Ince star in Artcraft pictures which ! Mickey!” said Cummings, never lift­ will be shown at the Gem Theatre, ' program will be— furnished by the Tillafnook • - Oregon, ing his eyes. "The men on this boat I High School Glee Club, directed by Tuesday, June 24 could have been draw a regular salary to keep her Mrs. Oscar Swenson, the ladies quar­ chosen as a vehicle for the display ( QAVID ROBINSON, M.D , tet, Mrs. Carl Swenson, the McGee of his remarkable talents in Western afloat.’’ ------ o------- portrayals. orchestra and Dr. E. E. Koch. The story was adopted from a ser- j Brought Up On a Bottle, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ial by Charles Allen Seltzer which ‘ While sea fishing with a friend a Outlook for Vetch Good. was published in Argosy last fall. It ] NATIONAL BUILDING, details the experiences of a man.' doctor lost his sinker. Rather than The outlook for a bumper vetch seeking the slayer of his brother and cut the day’s fishing short, he hit TILLAMOOK — . OREGON. and hay crop is reported by farmers who finds him at last as the boss of upon the happy idea of utilizing his in all sections of the county. Never a bad town in the West. Gawne pro­ flask. The bottle was filled with T. BO ALS, M.D., for years has the vetch and hay look­ ceeds to clean up the town and at the water, carefully corked, and sent If you have Wood to Cut, or wish to operate light machinery ed so good at this time of the year end of a life and death struggle with down on its mission. A tew minutes and in some localities the first crop his enemy learns that he is really the later the doctor was lucky enough to PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. around the farm, you need one of these machines. is now being cut. The clover crop murdeter he is seeking and his pull op a pair of whiting, one on Surgeon S.P. Co. Ask your dealer for information or write the will also be a "hummer” according vengeance is complete. each hook. to reports and the price of clover “ Ha, doctor! ” exclaimed the com ­ (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Ho-.v Gawne meets and loves a pure VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS, INC., I hay will be bigger than ever before, woman, regains her veneration of the panion; “twins this time!” Tillamook .... Oregon 'several large fields in the vicinity of good things of life of which he had "Yes” replied the doctor, .with a 475 East Main Street, Portland, Oregon. Broadmead were cut this week and been robbed when his brother was smile, "and brought up on the bottle "¿X52525252525252S2525252S252S25252S252S25252S25252S25252525252525252S25 the yield according to the growers slain, are told in a series of unusual too,” OBERT H. McGRATH, was far beyond their fondest dreams. scenes all ot which are filled with ------ o------ ■*" COUNSKLLON-AT LAW, Buyers front distant points have thrills and deep heart appeal. In the Squabi Left. 5X5X52S2525252S2S25252S2S25252525252S2S2S2525252525252525252S2S252S2S2S2 been in Dallas endeavoring to bup up supporting cast are Katherine Mac­ By way of providing a little exer­ ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN-?, the clover hay available, but ac- Donald,-his leading woman, who fill­ z IX 1 all cording to reports very few of the ed the sanie position in "Shark Mon­ cise for its hundred ot girls employees TILLAMOOK, OREGON. crops were disposed -of.—Polk Coun- roe," and Lon Chaney, who is the officers of the ordinance corps in P okti and O ffice Washington arranged laat summer a 'ty Observer. "heavy”. Mr. Heart himself directed series of dally military drills for the 1110 W ilcox B ld , the picture with excellent results. fair young war worker*. It was a ; “Luck and Pluck” at the Gem. J ------ o------ great.success until a girl, hadn't Dealers in High Grade Pianos Cord Wood For Sale. ] How many men, in running down £ arl haberlach left her dignity behind when she { enemy aliens, have won the love of a I have about 100 cords qf Hemlock said to a group of her mates that | charming girl during the operation? and Player Pianos. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. and alder for sale.. Phone 6F2 Bell. she hadn’t given all to the govern­ ] Very few probably. But Geo. Walsh ment when it needed her, Just to be Carl Wilhelms. | is one of them. He does the trick In T illamook B izic K For nearly 50 years this name has been insulted. | "Luck and Pluck” a remarkable Wil- "I’m a lady,” she said, "and I don't Tillamook familiar to people on the Pacific Coast. Otegon | liam Fox comedy production, which Want to Rent A Farm. "■ propose to stand In line out thefe and Operating a chain of stores from San Diego | will be shown on the screen at the ------ o------ have anybody—even if he is an of­ | Gem Theatre Thursday, June 26. —to—Seattle represents enormous buying I want to rent a farm. Cash rent. ficer and has a gold bar on his EBSTER HOLMES, | Walsh never is happy in his picture power and consequently a big saving to shoulder—call me fresh names. I’m work unless he is risking his life in Apply to Carl Wilhelms. Tillamook.* surprised that you girls stand it. ” buyer. Bear this in mind. There are no I stunts, which makes the spectator ATTORNEY-AT-LAW "Why, what’s the matter, Ethel?” gasp. And in his new photoplay he better instruments made than the folloyving: WOMEN GIVE OUT. one of her surprised friends demand ­ COMMERCIAL BUILDING, has enough haid-bneadth escapes to ed. ‘I was with you all afternoon and ---- o------ Mason & Hamlin, Hardman, Kingsbury, Conover, satisfy any seeker after the sensa­ FIRST STREET. Housework is hard enough when I didn’t see a thing out of the way. tional in dramatic incident. Ludwig & Milton Pianos. Apollo, Angelus, Solo- healthy. Every woman who is having Everything was perfectly lovely.” "Luck and Pluck” 1 b a work of TILLAMOOK, OREGON “Lovely!” Ethel cried. "Lovely!” Corola and Euphona Players. peril plotting, patriotism and presis- backache, blue and nervous spells, dizzy headaches and kidney or blad­ Didn’t you hear that lieutenant tence. Whether luck or pluck has the GUARANTEED FOR A LIFETIME. 'great I art in Walsh’s escapes and der trouble, should be glad to hear stand out there and yell ‘Squabs Q r . l . l . hoy , right’ and 'Squabs left!’ every few Sold on convenient monthly payments. final triumph over a gang of enemies Hillsboro woman’s experience: minutes? Nobody can call me a Mrs. S. A. England, 728 W. Oak is a question each spectator must de- Write for catalogs and terms. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'cide for himself or herself. But it is St., Hillsboro, Ore., says: “Two squab and get away with it!” certain that this athletic Fox star, years ago I had such a bad attack of ------ *------ -. T illamook B lock , fl never had a play better calculated lumbago I wasn't able to get up or Everything Lovely. down stairs. When I sat down on a “Howdy Gap!” saluted an acquaint-: Tillamook, I for display of his extraordinary agil­ chair I could hardly get up again. Oregt a. ity and nerve. A ance, upon meeting the well known I Sharp pains, like a knife sticking in Rumpus Ridge citizen on a shopping 252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525 my back nearly killed me. I could expedition in Tumllnvllle, Arkansas. — “The Burden of Proof.” c- HAWK. hardly drag myself around. I felt so "How's everything going with you?" "The Burden of Proof,” Marion completely played out. I had taken “Finer’n frog hair, Jurd!" trium­ 525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525: 52 ! Davies’ second Select Picture, in only a few doses of Doan's Kidney phantly replied Gap Johnson. "Of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' which she is directed by Julius Steg­ Pills when my back began to feel course my wife has been sort of puny er, will be shown at the Gem Theatre stronger and had used only one box of late, and several of the child)en Oregon Sunday, June 22nd. The story is to when I was able to get about aB well have got the measels and mumps and Bay City do with the plotting of a German as ever. Since then have never had one thing and another, and the secret service employe, whose work any trouble with my back or kid­ lightening struck the corner of the for a moment threatens to disrupt neys.” house tuther night and like to have J T LT. HOI it», the love of a newly married young Price 60c. at all dealers. Don’t tore the whole place to pieces, and ’ attorney - at - law . couple. Marion Davies is the young simply ask for a kidney remedy—get one of the kids fell out of a tree and married girl and her husband iti Robt Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that broke his arm, and a feller took a Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Ames, whose uncle is a member of Mrs. England had. Foster-Milburn shot at me day before yesterday and Office. the United States cabinet. Co. Mfgrs., Buffalo N. Y.—Pd. Adv. ventilated my ear, and such as that, Taxes Paid for Non Residents Miss Davies plays the part of but I swapped for a running horse T illamook B lock , BELI'PHONE. MAIN 3. MUTUAL PHONE. Eiane BrookB, who, with her mother, last week, and a couple of my hounds Oregon is prominent in Newport social cir­ have got six pups apiece. Aw, I tell Tillamook - cles. Before Elane becomes Arne's Both Phones. you, they can’t keep a good man wife a Mrs. Durand, the German sec­ down!’- ret service agent, tries to gain Ames’ ------- o------- dwards DR J. Q. TURNER, love for herself, Charles Kemp, the Busted. publisher of a society journal in EYE SPECIALIST. A captured German major was as­ Washington, who is also a member ot signed to an American soldier to be PORTLAND — the German secret service, has in­ OREGON taken to the prison camp upon reach­ formation that Ames is about to be Renn In r Monthly Visits to ing his destination the major made sent abroad with valuable papers. He a close observation and refused to enlists Mrs. Durand in the attempt Tillamook and Cloverdale. enter, indignantly remonstrating to secure them, and as her first step WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. that he would not associate with in the matter has Kemp pay Elaint's privates. In an instant the Yank mother liberally for furnishing so­ LDWflUOV ripped off the major's epaulets and ciety news for Kemp’s paper. Thus For disenfecting where Contagious or H GO Y NE, replied, "You're busted now get in becoming on friendly terms with there!" infectious diseases are prevailing. Elaine and her mother, Mrs. Durand ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Sold by has little difficulty in getting Elaine CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ Office: O pposite ,C oürt f jjbk TiH«n,cnk Fred Cownary. to write Kemp a letter, apologizing Had Twisted Their Bible. for not having invited him to her I c o. * c r. na-»o". ful Germicidal mixture and by its’.use A middle-aged man was examining Tillamook - O »gon. wedding. When the letter is finished Conover & Condit. a phonograph record catalogue In a will improve general stable conditions. it includes a peculiar phrase that en­ store recently. Geo. R. Edmunds, ables Mrs. Durand to throw the "Why is this opery called Samson JOHN !.ELAND HENDERSON. Tillamook, Oregon blame on Elaine for the loss of the et Dalila? he asked. "As 1 recollect papers, which Mrs. Durand succeeds ATTORNEY A. Andersen, Wheeler, Ore. the story, Dalila darn near et Sam­ in stealing from Ames’ desk, inclos­ W. A. Rowe. Brighton. Oregon. son." AND ing them in the envelope with the ------- o------- Wilson & Co., Beaver. •s COUNSELLOR AT-LAW letter which Elaine sends to Kemp. RELIABLE DRUGGISTS- 9 Mohler Supply Co., Mohler. Hit Memory Good. T illamook B lock , , Ames is first enclined to believe a £ A wldly known humorist was 1 Tillamook * Chas H. Jones. Bay City. Ore... that his young wife is guilty of aid­ - • • OiegiM, Ln ing the enemy, but his friend Oeo- All coffees will be higher in price. being shaved by a very talkative bar- , ROOM NO. Z)J1. 5X5252S25252525252S2S2525252525252525252S252S25252S25252S252S2525252S252 | KJ S I High School Notes. THE VAUCHAN, ORIGINAL DRAG SAW MACHINE Leland B. Erwin, Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector E CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO.