Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 19, 1919, Image 4

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was de­ therefore require other productive pose on her a policy that would sat,
lands. We need liberty of the seas, isfy us.
To obtain it we must have L„
___ I No mention of the United States
was made in the manifesto, for when
“The Oregon Journal, whose owner
was written, this country was still
is a dead ringer for Hearst, is the certain laws were > wanted. But if
.neutral. But the German general
only Oregon paper using the Hearst there was ever a time where a hand, and English sea, which Joins' up all
ful of people, whether in the legisla­ the British colonies with the mother staff had prepared plans several
service.”—Corvallis Gazette-Times.
ture or not, legislated for the entire country, which, as Bismarck said, is years earlier for an invasion, for oc­
cupation of the great Atlantic ports
Some people raved against the pro­ state more completely than was the the neck of the British empire."
The general scheme of indemnity and for exaction of a ransom so rich
posal to create the offico of lieuten­ the case at the recent election we
'as to pay the entire cost of the ex­
ant governor, which meant an ex­ would be glad to know it. It is pos­ showed no squeamishness about com­
pedition and to make good any de­
pense of only *400 a year"’ yet voted
ficiencies in the sums which could be
to bond the state for millions of dol­ the result would have been the same, war expenses, or about reducing the
extorted from the allies.
lars mainly in the interest of some even though as a rule the opposition loser to economic slavery, This is
The present German government
big corporation, just beeause the .an be counted upon to vote and what the learned professors and
pretends to have renounced these
word ‘soldier” was included in the
"We shall demand an indemnity purposes together with monarchy,
language of the measure.—Itemizer. poll» are indifferent. It is likely that
industrial conditions figured largely which as much as possible shall but evidence abounds that democracy
The Coos county grand jury has in the adverse vote that was cast, cover war expenditures, the repair of is only a mask behind which hide the
recommended that personal property for the measures were generally be­ damages, and pensions for disabled men who set out to conquer, kill and
been proposed as men, widows and orphans...................... plunder.
in that county be placed on the tax lieved to have
rolls. That is a recommendation that insurance against after-war depres­ Front England we can never demand supported the war so long as it
should go for all Oregon, yet the sion and to insure work for return­ enough money. . - It is our duty seemed to hold a chance of victory
sovereign squat exercising his inal­ ing soldiers. But farmers who aie un­ to crush the isatiable cupidity of for Germany, Hindenburg, Bernstorff
ienable right at the ballot two years able to secure help, even at prevail­ this nation. However, we shall prob­ and Erzberger still weild power, and
ago votcu down an assessment meas­ ing high prices, .were not likely to ably have to apply for a war indem­ the machinery of government un-
ure that would have brought millions believe an emergency existed and it nity to France in the first place, if changed. Germany has lost the pow-
of dollars worth of property under they voted at all it was against the not exclusively. We ought not to er, not the will, to do as this mant­
taxation that npw escapes without measures. However, even if we.ex­ hesitate to impose upon France as festo proposed. It is not suggested
° „ r ,
er or superintendent and they are Paying a cent. The total personal plain the result in this way, the fact much as possible out of false senti­ that the allies do to Germany as it
didn’t net TT"
Tilla,’look Clt? not up to snuff, they have to be kept property tax paid last year was *4.13 remains that but a,small fraction mentalism. As mitigation she might would have done to them, but they
didn t get a »how in in the "frame and paid for poor service. A great yet our banks show over two mil­ voted i t all, and th: .onclusion is be offered one of the sides of the would betray posterity if they should
very unaTnan ^reCrhre’ That, wa8 p«l of late has been said about lions on deposit.—Gazette-Times.
inevitable that people have tired of Suez canal while we occupy the oth- not render Germany powertess for
becoming iheir own legislators and er. Should France refuse that as well them. To that end the peace terms
men folk t
* teacher’s salaries and the state legis-
back srar
th®WO"len to a pure passed a law to that effect,
•Murder will out.” We now have were generally Indifferent as to the as the financial obligation that we are the least that should be asked.—
of ieatment
y°U n
khld »ut little is said about efficiency in
should ask her, we would have to im- Oregonian.
the secret peace treaty that a certain outcome.—Independent.
mnkXn ent ladi®H’ when women teachers. What the citizens demand Individual who has been pussyfoot­
men folk?
the is a good up-to-date school, and they ing about on foreign soil for the past
What Germany Would Have Done
■should get it for the large amount of six months, masquerading under the
In order that we may estimate at
money used.
guise of ‘open covenants # and peace ,
Germany must sign the treaty of
openly arrived at," and wlio has been ' their true value the lamentations of
peace on Monday, and although the
endeavoring to force his pact down Germany over the peace terms offer-
Brutally Frank on Recall.
baby killers will keep on whining up
the throats of the American people— 1 ed by the allies, and that we may
to the last minute, there is not much
with fourteen points on one end and judge whether the allies have been
doubt but what they will sign, for
For an open confession as to the
a boomerang on the other. Though too severe, it is well to consider
they know they have better terms real motive behind the Coos county
smuggled and placed in the hands of what terms Germany would have
than they deserve for their horrible, recall election, a recent editorial in
the United States senate after the made, if it had been the victor. A
blood thirsty methods of warfare the Marshfield Record is hard to
had been scattered to the good indication is contained in the
which placed Germany amongst the I beat:
of Germany, patriotic manifesto which was adopted at a
most barbarous nations of the world, I "There is a moral that all must
America feels that Woodrow’s "open meeting of 352 German professors,
although it was classed as one of I recognize—No man can _
go out open-
F von have’nt—then you do not realise how
covenants” had been badly rent as­ clergymen and other intellectuals on
the Christion nations.
I ly gunning for newspapers and ex- under.—Umpqua Valley News.
June 20, 1915, and was presented to
fully and helpfully the FIRST ^NATIONAL
Ipect to get away with the fight he
the chancellor in the form of a peti­
BANK can serve you, Retnetwber—this institution
There is a little army of 18,000 I inaugurates. Judge Watson under-
is Government supervised and Inspected. That
The Sob Squad is beginning to get tion, At that time Germany was win- *
employees at the Department of Ag- I took to punish the newspapers, and
means a lot to the discriminating business man or
busy in behalf of Germany. Were ning a succession of victories over
riculture in Washington, and as one I did hurt them, but when the final
Germany collecting Instead of pay­ Russia, was holding firm on the
woman wr firm.
senator has said “in many of the of- I accounting was registered it found
ing what do you suppose the size of western front, at which the allies
fices they are falling over each I him. once the strongest man polit-
the bill would be? Germany isn’t could only nibble, ,and was confident
other,” The present C democratic
_______ ___
ad- ically ir Coos County, hurled from paying half what she planned to of victory. Italy had Just declaTedi
ministration will go dowil — in
— history
-------- j Ian office of trust. The newspapers collect. Germany isn’t paying as war and was the particular object ot
A. W. Harm, Farmer.
P. Heisel, Farrntr.
the^most wasteful, spend thrift party I did not seek the quarrel; neither did
German vengeance, though no terms I
C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C.PowerLo. J. C. Holden, Vite Pres.
in the history of * the
.»- United States, I they forget when the chance came
downtrodden France in 18|1. The were named for that country.
B. C. Lamb Bui'ding Materials. John Morgan. Parmer.
for notwithstanding the liberty loan I to even up the score. Because he was
As to France, the professors said:
soldiers in Germany demand that the
IV. J. Riechers. Cashier.
drives and increased taxation, the | and is' an enemy .of this newspaper,
treaty terms be signed. The junkers
government is now figuring upon I the Record is immensely pleased at
and Prussian politicians are the ones
borrowing several billion dollars I the result. It deeply regrets that
opposing it. It is the same old Ger­ and must Improve our military and
from the financiers to
„ ____
meet current I Commissioner Philips also was re-
many still, even with a president. strategical position with regard to
expenses. There is something
—„----------- I called, but his was a case of being When the people over there really her. For this purpose it is necessary
ly wrong in Washington when the I in bad company.”—Oregon Voter,
control, things will be different.— radically to improve our whole wes­
government will allow i thousands
________ „ of I
tern front- from Belfort to the coast.
Telephone Register.
employees to remain, drawing big
Part of the. north channel coast we
------- o-------
salaries, with comparatively no work
Surplus Trucks for Road Work.
“F’r the lor» av hat foot baths an’ must acquire. If possible, in order to
to do.
------ o------
mustard plasters, .what's become of be strategically safer as regards Eng­
. More than *45,000,000 worth of U’Ren?” says Foly at the Bow Wow land and to secure better access to
1 he annual school meeting was I motor trucks are about to be dis- Club. “Don’t he know that th nachun the ocean. The. moat Important busi­
held on Monday, wben there was a I tributed by the secretary of agricul-
is turned into a reconstruction hos­ ness undertakings and estates must
large attendance at the school house I ture through the bureau
I______ of
_ __ public
pital an' that th’ country is praying be transferred, from antl-German
to participate in the election of two I roads, to the state highway depart­
fo( constitutchuchtnal carpenters?” ownership to Gexman hands, France
directors and a clerk. Mrs. Everson, _
....... These trucks have been de. "He's tending to his own business, taking over and. compensating
chairman of the board presided, who I dared surplus by the war depart-
like an experienced widow,” says former owner»;.
was not a candidate fo. re-election, I meat and are being distributed to Riley. "He has a siign over his desk
“Furthermore, Lt is necessary
being the first woman I ever elected the states under provision of section in his law office, ‘Hiven helps those impose a merciless high war indem­
on the school board of Tillamook 7 of the postoffice appropriation bill. who helps themselves first.” says he. nity upon France, had probably on
City, which position she held for six They must be used by the states on "Ivry night he reads a chapter of her rather than on. any other ‘of our
years. Merril Smith was nominated road constructed in whole or in part Solomon or Jerry Myer, ¿¿cording enemies.”
The Tillamook Transfer Co., has
for the three year term, when a mo­ by federal aid, for which *200,000,- to the State av his digestion, an’ thin
There is no compunction here
the wood ontput of the
tion was made to take i an informal 000 in addition to the former appro­ crawls inter bed and prills the clothes about reducing a nation, to slavery
vote and vote on the persons receiv­ priation was givefl to the states un­ over his head to banish the noise of for the payment of. indemnity, nor
Coats Lumber Co., Mill. If the wood
ing the three highest votes, which der the same bill. All that the states the peace conference and curls up to about disregarding its right to self-
supply from this plant is not suf­
resuited as follows Merril Smith, 74; must do to acquire the use of these sleep like a lunch-counter doughnut ' determination. Compare this with
H. H. Bosenberg, 25; Mrs. Groat 9,; 20,000 trucks, which range in capac­ —J Hennessy Murphy in the Oregon the scrupulous care taken by the
ficient for the local demand we will
Mrs. Everson 7; A. G. Beals 3; and ity frem two to five tons, is to pay Voter.
allies to respect . thte right of the
fill orders from other sources.
Rollin W. Watson 1. Mr. Smith was the loading and freight charges.
Germans in Rhineland, and the Staar
elected by acclamation, as was Mr.
Of the 200.000 motor vehicles to be
Why German-Americana?
Why valley to retain their, nationality and
Place your orders for wood with tis.
Rosenberg for one year to fill the acquired practically free by the Irish-Americans? Why anything but with the limitation of. indemnity to
vacancy caused by the resignation of states,, 11,000 are new and 9,000 straight Americans? If this country reparation for that which Germany
C. W. Miller. Erwin Harrison was are used, but all are declared to be in hasn’t a good enough name to adopt destroyed or stole.
Belgium was to pay dearly for
also elected by acclamation for school servicable condition. The motors will without a hyphen, it isn’t good
clerk. A resolution was adopted that be apportioned to states only upon enough to make a living Ln. Why fending Its Independence
all future elections for school officers request of the state highway depart­ do these Chicago hyphenated. Ameri­ standing in the gateway
will be by having a polling booth ments on the basis of the requests cans have the nerve to make this manifesto says:
"On Belgium we rn-ust keep firm
and vote the same as In counjy and received from tile respective state», absured appeal, when they must
city elections,
and in accordance with the appor- know that no possible terms that the hold, from the politicaL military and
r-—i —. ,,
------- o
tlonment provided in the federal aid allies could impose on Germany could economic standpoints. . . . Econ­
The only measure for which a real law approved in 1916. The require­ be one half severe enough properly omically, Belgium meausa .prodig­
campaign was started early and COll- ments of the law are such that the to punish her for her war crimes, ious increase of power to us. . . .
ducted vigorously was the Roosevelt bureau of public roads cannot dis­ These hyphenates are not the only We would lay special, stress on the
Highway bond issue. The enterpris­ tribute any trucks to counties or in- snakes that have come out of their inhabitants being, allowed no polit­
ing people of the coast counties fi­ divldvals.
hibernation. The Pacifists who went ical influence in the empire, and on
nanced the campaign and conducted
into eclipse while the strife was on the necessity for. transferring from
it so ably that they won the enthu­
are again going boldly up and down uon-German to German hands the
Teacher»’ Examinations.
siasm of all sections of the state in
the land telling the people Uv . to leading businesa. enterprises and
spite of early discouraging reports
run the country they so nearly rui..- properties to be ceded by France."
Russia was considered too poor and
thin nobody wanted the highway
Notice is hereby given that the ed.—Gazette-Times.
u.bt-ridden to pay a cash indemnity,
built except the coast boosters. If a County Superintendent of Tillamook
similar campaign had been organized County. Oregon, will hold the regu­
Comparison of numbers of Ameri­ but was not to escape on that ac­
In time in behalf of the *5.000,000 lar examination of applicants for can prisoners captured by Germans count. The manifesto reads
"Russia is sa rich, in territory that
measure it would have gone through. state certificates at the Court House with those of German captured by
—Oregon Voter.
In Tillamook City, as follows: Com­ Americans are eloquent. The Ger­ she will be ahle to pay an Indemnity
We disagree with,the Votpr in re- mencing Wednesday, June 25. 1919, mans held 4434 Americans when the in kind by giving lands, but lands
Agency of M. Paunties ’ Dye House,
gurd to the *5,000,000 measure. It nt 9:00 o’clock a m. and continuing' armistice was signed; our army held without landlords."
Butte, Montana.
was defeated becuuse it was “over­ until Saturday, June 28, 1919. at 5 48.449 of the enemy. Including 255
loaded”. and the campaign brought o’clock p.m.
taken at the outset at Cantigny on made clear by the manifesto of the
out that fact. There was not much
Wednesday forenoon—U. S. His_ May 28, 1918. Only ninety-three six great tdonoinic associations of. ;
sentiment against the measure until tory. Writing (Penmanship), Music. Germans died in American captivity. Germany, published about the same. '
the campaign was started, and it is Drawing.
Call 31 J,
Mail Order Dept. 3
17 36 had been released, 1193 had time, which proposed annexation qf.
our opinion it might have pulled
Wednesday afternoon—Physiology. repatriated and there were 45.427 the Baltlzr provinces and their settle.-- 2a5252S2.1ZSH52SB5252Sasa5E52Sc!S2ffi2E2Sa52Sasa5Z5asa5H525aS25a5aS2SH!^
through, had no campaign been Reading. Manual Training, Compo­ under guard when the statistics were
With, the channel coast in Ger­
started. That was the conclusion we sition, Domestic Science. Methods in compiled by the army general staff.
came to when visiting several parts Readihg. Course of study for Draw­ Since our army, especially at the out many's hands as a gun aimed at. Us
of the state boosting for the Roose­ ing, Methods in Arithmetic'.
set. was frequently, confronted by head, Britian was to lose both. Us
velt highway. It was unfortunate for
numbers of the enemy, and empire and its commerce, for Khls
the state institutions that the meas­ History of Education. Psychology, in the beginning was not so well was the program in regard to U.
"We must supp'.ant the world
ure was "overloaded", for they re­ Methods in Geography, Mechanical equipped as they, .the superiority of
. . . We
quire the money for necessary im­ Drawing. Domestic Art. Course of about eleven to one in our favor in trade of Great Bri; .in.
must immediate^.
ek to cxeate for
Study ."or Domestic Art.
------- o-------
afternoon— Grammar. to higher morale and better initiative ourselves, apart from the empire of
Tillamook City people are either Geography, Stenography. American on the part of the American fightlug the seas, a continental commercial
encetnre as extensive as possible. Oui
liot or cold. Some years they get ter- Literature. Physics,
Typewriting. men. No instance of Americans sur-
ibly < ¡»cited over the election of a Methods in Language, Thesis for rendeilng by companies is known, friends. Austra-Hungary and Turkey
whereas this frequently happened on will upen to us the Balkans and Asia
• eliool director. while in other years Primai y Certificates.
and the part of the Germans. The record Minor, and thus we shall assure our­
iiaiuly I'nougp piisous attend school
Friday afternoon - Theory
(Spelling). is inspiring from the American point selves of the Persian gulf against the
meetings to make a legal showing, Practice, Orthography
_ .
pretensions of Russia and Great Brit-
fills yiur was one of the hot years Physical Geography. English Litera­ of view .— Oregonian.
ian. we must also sign as speedily as
huge number of persons were ture.' Chemistry.
------ o------
possible commercial treaties with
m hr oi to bring about a change In
Friday afternoon Scho^ Law.
In view of the fact that but a frac­
|> isonui of the boaid. and they Geology. Algebra. Civil Gov^nment. tion of the registered vote both of bur close political friends.”
There was to be no limit to colon­
arrl.-d their point. But it won’t be
forenoon Geometry. the county and state at large was
ial expansion, for this was proposed:
.»any moons before the new board Botany.
cast at the last election
, ...
"In Africa we must reconstitute
III |.. s through the same criticism
Satin day afternoon -General His­ comment as to whether the result
th» dd board. The trouble with tory. Bookkeeping.
represented the sentiment of the peo­ our colontan empire. Central Africa
oi out citizeni ii they pay too
G. B. Lamb.
ple is out of place amt superfluous. is only a huge desert, which does pot
eh r.t tent Ion to street gossip. They
County School Supt.
We hail always supposed that the offer ehbUgh colonial wealth, We
h . e never taken the trouble to find
out whether the school is run right
or wrong. How many of those who
went to the school meeting with
blood in their eye on Monday have
gone to the school and seen for them-
/ $2.00 selves w hether the school was being
conducted properly or otherwise? If
they have not then they are poor
/.............. 20c. judges as to whether the school board
have acted wisely or unwisely. There
■tali page 17yac. are those who» differ with us, and the
... full page 15c. meeting did on Monday about a wom­
/..... per line 7c. an being on the board. We contend
that a woman should be a member of
•in reading matter
yer line................................... 7c. the board, but, as a woman’s name
did not happen to get on the “slate”
Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. or as we were informed, “the frame
Resolutions.................. per line 5c. up.” the women went down to defeat
I after keeping a woman on the board
I for six years. The part we are more
interested in than the election of
I directors, teachers and superlntend-
I -nt 1 > d
class school, and as the
OreKon wants the State district is paying a large amount to
SaIen‘ ‘° P°rt-
^hool going the sc^l
and because Marion county gave a should have the best teachers and
mefsu?«aJw tZHagainfc1 the lrrlgullon superintendent that art obtainable,
thi w °ader what the Salem I Here, however, is one difficulty
hog thinks about that?
When the gchool board hlreM a teac*
prevent important legisla-
What the Editors Say tion by " a handful
and to insure that
Editorial Snap Shots
Have You a “National" Bank Account ?
We want your account because we can
Serve you BETTER.
The Fiïsi National Bank, j
Have Your Garments Dry
The Pacific Cleaning & Tailoring Co. §
Kitchen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere