Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 19, 1919, Image 3

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1». 1919.
The Screen’s Most Distinguished Artist in a Play
Surrounded by the Mystery of the Sea and the Charm of
i wM
“Out of the Fog
From the stage success by
Austin Adams’ “Ception
Scenario by June Mathis. Distributed by METRO PICTURES CORPORATION.
See It
GEM THEATRE, Tillamook,
Friday-Saturday, June 20-21.
Children 15c.
Adults 25c.
r —1
BAYOCEAN PROPERTY OWNERS 1 the put pose unless we managed to caused the mortgage above referred ed to work hand in hand with the
pay in some tax money, and we have to be made to her self. She soon organization of which you speak. We
since been figuring on ways and afterwards caused foreclosure pro­ understand that the Tillamook peo­
means to pay up the taxes.
ceedings to be started. The mortgage ple have been good boosters for the
Crooked Methods Call for Grand Jury
The situation at Bayocean is this: covers all the personal property at Bayocean road and Bayocean in gen­
the arrangement of the T. B. Potter Bayocean and elsewhere and prac­ eral, and we believe they are still
Realty Company before the appoint­ tically all of the unsold lots—also willing to go the limit on it. Mr.
------ o------
There is no disputing the fact that ment of a receiver, exhausted the re­ some of the streets and the dock at Smith and the writer talked with Mr.
the promoters of the Bayocean enter­ sources of the company with expendi­ Bayocean. Mr. Vincent, our predeces- | Botts and several of the merchants
prise have not only “bled white” tures of one kind and another, many sor, failed to get the evidence and I at the time we visited Judge Hare,
those who bought property there at of which were foolish and produced facts in proper shape to put the case i and we found all of them very en-
exhorbitant prices but have dragged no practical results, particularly the- to trial, and the case has dragged. Ithusiastic about this road.
We have frankly stated the sltua
it down that today it is a bankrupt building of the Yacht Bayocean, We were appointed in his place the
cost $50,000.00 and had to be ¡latter part of May, last year, and, tlon as we see It with a view of get-
affairs. There are some 600 persons ¡which
there 1 abandoned after It made a few trips, until fall were kept busy operating ting any suggestions that.you may be
__________ ­ The yacht was ultimately soli foi 'the Hotel, etc., at Bayocean. We then able to give and at the same time let
in good faith, with the understand
$17,600.00. Many thousands of dol- ! went to work on the Potter mortgage. you know our conditions financially
ing that considerable improvements
were to be made, .who are left strend- l*rs were also invested in machinery, We found the bookkeeping and rec- so that you will see our limitations.
We feel as you do about the pur­
ed, defrauded and buncoed. It is I such as the dredger, rockcrusher, ords so complicated (and some of
time that those real estate dead beats donkey engines etc. the practical use 'the records missing) that it was dif- chasers in Bayocean having gotten a
were Investigated by a grand jury of which has not been at all com- flcult to ascertain the facts, and ! rotten deal, and we are doing all in
and sent to the penitentiary. There mensúrate with the investment, when we got the facts well worked 1 our power to correct the wrong. If
are a large number of Bayocean Many thousands of dollars were al- out we found that the answer as we succeed in beating the mortgage,
property owners who would build so expended on salaries, maintaining previously drafted was insufficient, there will be sufficient assets left so
there if they had a road, but as the expensive offices in Portland, and . We then drafted an ajnended answer that those who have obtained unde­
which is 53 pages In length, and sirable lots.can be transferred to bet­
T. B. Potter Realty Co is owing the other things.
ter lots, and those who have paid or
When Mr. Vincent was appointed 'filed the same today.
county about $10,000 for delinquent
With the answer we also filed an agreed to pay more than what is
taxes the county court is holding up receiver, it was hoped that the ex­
the building of the road, notwith- penses would be greatly cut down application .for leave to sell the dred­ right can have the price r<|luced ot
standing a large amount of money and a considerable sum saved from ger and other machinery which is obtain additional property or per­
have been expended upon it, and the money which was still coming not deeded and have the money ap­ haps a refund. The balance of the
which is doing nobody any good. in from investors; but the result of plied In payment of taxes. This ap- assets, as near as we can judge, will
When »he present receivers took over Mr. Vincent’s administration was I plication is set for hearing in the be consumed in making the promised
that over $54,000.00 was received by ¡Federal Court on Monday the 23rd ¡improvements; and in this connec-
the management of the 1 property
they had a white elephant on their him from investors, but he failed to'inst. If the Court acts favorably on I tian our first endeavor will to build
hands, and have it still, for the pro­ keep up the taxes. In the end he was ' this application we will immediately I the Bayocean end of the road, i e.
perty is tied up In litigation and unable to collect enough to pay his I advertise the dredger, etc, and apply 'connect up the present pavement in
_____ with
__ _________
the county _____
road when
this is where another big wad of own salary of $300.00 per month, | the money, as soon i as sale can be '__
money is wasted. Whether the pres­ and when he quit claimed arreas of made, to payment of taxes, This the county builds up to the Bayocean
ent receivers can pull the concern salary to approximately $2,500.00, should help out very materially upon i line near Mr. Biggs’ place.
As to the trial of the case relative
out of the hole is doubtful, with no and left only about $18.00 in cash the Bayocean road, for Judge Hare
gave us to understand that at least I to Mrs. Potter’s alleged mortgage,
money to pay taxes and with the on hand.
county court determined to foreclose- „„„
One year ago we _ were
----- appointed the road portion of any taxes paid this we are now practically ready for
on a large amount of the property receivers in his place without salary year would be applied at once on the trial as soon as the court will hear
for delinquent taxes. From present until such time as the affairs of Bayocean road. In that case suffi­ the case, but we doubt if a trial can
indications the county is liable to be­ Bayocean could be put in betler I cient work may be accomplished be obtained until after the summer
come owners of most of the property shape. We operated the hotel, nata- this year so that it could be complet­ vacation—sometime in September or
that Is delinquent, while private par­ torium, etc., last season and expect ed in time for next year. Mr. Coates, October. If however, we get the order
ties will bld on considerable of the to have the same open and in opera­ however, seemed to be of the view for selling the dredger, etc., we be­
tion this season, although repairs of that it would be doubtful whether lieve enough money will be obtained
best lots.
We have received a letter from the considerable extent have to bejnade. much or any work could be done to to squafe up the taxes and thus help
Call for your free copy of descriptive plans.
receivers, which will throw a little
You understand that Mrs. Potter advantage until money was available solve the road problem.
light on the subject and we hope in had the company make
the near future to publish some parts for over $173,000.00 to her shortly proper equipment to carry otit the under the influence of Mr. Vincent
of the contracts under which proper­ before the company went into the whole job. Thgt of course is an en­ gave us a great deal .of trouble, but
ty was sold, the conditions of which, hands of a receiver. This alleged gineering problem which will have we recently obtained an election of
Cement, Coal and Building Material
have not been carried out to prove mortgage is based upon money which to be solved in a practical manner. new directors who are now working
our contention that the Bayocean was sent from Kansas City .pursuant
property owners have been “bled to the promise of Mr. Potter to make more in detail with the engineer adopted a resolution providing for
white” by a lot of real estate sharks. the improvements at Bayocean. The than J was able to, and» since the the sale of a generator and boiler
------ o------
money was generally understood to Roosevelt Highway has carried, poh - which are not needed In the natator­
be money which the Potters were in­ sibly the county court would be able lum, and application of the proceeds
Fred C. Baker, Editor,
vesting in the project and was so to apply all of the money that we so tar as necessary to the payment
Tillamook. Headlight. Tillamook
Dear Sir—YoUrs of the 7th inst, entered upon the books of the com­ pay in and add some other money so of taxes which amount to something
inquiring about Bayocean, is at hand. pany. This was in 1910. T. B. Potter that a contract could be let this year near $2,000.00 against the natator.
linn imiipaio properly.
insane July 3, 1910, and re- for the whole Job.
We are certainly glad to know that i became
Mr. Coates kindly hunted up the
iiUi» ■yours,
an organization is being formed to mained insane up to the time of his
L. E. Latourette,
boost the Bayocean road. The writer death in 1916. Mrs. Potter assumed old estimates for the road and found
Of receivers.
was in Tillamook some time ago in entire control of the Bayocean_busi- that it was $21,420.00 to build from
company with Mr. Jay Smith and ness and other affairs of Mr. Potter the shipyard to station No. 255
Purie Lo»t.
tried to see you. but you were absent without having any guardian ap- which is the south end of the grade
from the city. We called upon Judge pointed and sent him to Japan. Peo- that was built several years ago
H. L. KING, Tillamook and Bay ocean,
Lost, a purs«, containing about $75
Hare and urged that some work be pie were generally In ignorance re­ near Mr. Biggs' place. He estimated
Office Address, Tiliamook, Oregon.
done on the Bayocean road this year lative to his condition. In the latter f
so that it could be completed in time part of 1914, she, seeing the insolv- mate would have to be increased at sion card signed P. Thomas, in it.
Finder leave same at the Headlight
for use next summer He did not ency of the company and the inevit-
inevlt- least 100 per cent.
The present receivers will be pleas- office and receive reward.
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think any nmney could be e used for able . appointment of a receiver,
------ oI—
More Pork
With Less Corn
Hogs get all the com when fed
on a concrete feeding floor.
Which gets your corn, the
hogs or the mud?
A Concrete Feeding Floor is
cheap and you can very soon
save enough on com alone to
pay for it
Learn how easy it is to build one.
Bayocean, Ocean View and
Tillamook Bay South
Side Real Estate.