TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Tillamook Jottings. ------ 0------ Dr. Wise—Dentist. Live Stock Ins.,—See Watson. • • Hoofror Remedy at C. 1. Clough Co. • Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. National Building. • Spend your evenings at the Gem Theatre. • Don’t fail to see the farm tank at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • Apartments for lent. Address Box 143. • Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. • Singer Sewing Machine Agency opposite P. O.. Both phones. •* Why not place your feed orders for the future with Kuppenbender. * Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath, Room 4, Masonic Building. Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. Wise. • For Sale—Standing hay. Apply to Clarence Hannenkratt, Tillamook. * Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. • Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ran­ dall on June 15th a daughter. We handle Trojan Powder. Best for ■tumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. * Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- ei Warehouse. • See The Tillamook Feed Co. about Republic tires and save money. • * Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hiner on June 13th a daughter. For lent—Piano, where there are no children. Apply at the postoffice.* Obtain your wood from the Tilla­ mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* Will take your used tires in trade for new.—City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop opposite Postoffice. * For Sale—L. C. Smith typewriter in good condition. Inquire at the Headlight office. Tillamook Feed Company buys bides come in and investigate their priceB. * For Sale—residence and some household effects, good kitchen range.—C. W. Miller. • For vulcanizing and tire repairs see J. C. llolden at City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop, opposite poetoffice. * One ton Ford truck for Bale, or will trade- ier Ford suitable for light de­ livery,—]$t Case Garage. *■ . Dancing every Satudray night, at Barview. Excellent music and floor like polished glass. * Strayed—A Shetland pony, with new halter around neck-—Carl Wil­ helms, Bell phone 6F2. Will take town property in ex­ change for acreage near Portland.— F. Wallen, Tillamook, Ore. * Used tires bought and sold—City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop, opposite Postoffice. * Two New Home sewing machines for sale cheap. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine Agency opposite P. O. For Sale—A nice carpet loom, open wire harness, at L. J. Larsons, on Weston place.—Mary Weston. Just received a car of mill feed at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices are lowest. * If you are contemplating buying a drag-saw see the Tillamook Feed Co., and get prices. * 160 acres wheat land to trade for Tillamook residence property. O. M. Cook at Singer Agency Opp. P. O. * Let B-K be your.disinfectant. It is safe, clean and powerful. For sale at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • Let wour co-workgr on the farm be the Cleveland Tractor. On display at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • Dr. Ramsey returned to her prac­ tice in Tillamook on Tuesday after being In Portland for the past two weeks. For.Sale—Phonograph and records, cuitar, viola harp, violin, also ten dozen fruit jars Inquire at this of­ fice. Geo. McKimens has bought a small place 2ft miles northeast of Corval­ lis, where he will make his future home. Look! My H Interest in acre tract and also lot 14 in Pacific Addition, all in Bay City, fo’r sale for tax val­ uation. Write Gilbert Eyk, New Auburn, Wis. * Men wanted to work on coast high­ way, Hemlock to Beaver. Wages $4 per day. Board in camp. 40c. per meal. Warren Construction Co. * See V. illiama, of the Tillamook Feed Co., and get prices on (he handsome 1» series Studebaker cars, before buying your new car. • For sale, 16 and she fourth acres of dairy land, with nine cows. 1% Miles south of town. Enquire at the Headlight office. • Before buying your auto tires, in­ vestigate the Republic Standard five thousand mile guarantee, price right at Tillamook Feed Co. • See Willims about the Republic, the yellow chasis truck that serves so well and honest, a truck at an honeste price. Tillamook Feed Co. • For Sale—Seven bead good grade cows, all fresh, at Oscar Tittle’s ranch on Wilson River. Call and see them. *‘ For Sale—20 acres of river bottom land one and one-half miles from Tillamook—Apply to Karl Kumerle, Tillamook, Oregon. . * Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ mook office across the street from the court house, Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays until further notice. • We have to announce the death of A. W. Fox and the funeral arrange­ ments are pet for Friday afternoon, obituai'y notice will be viven next week. Stock and lease for sale—55 head of cattle, 3 horses, harness and wa­ gon and whole dairy outfit. See Grap & Blum at Sandpit Dairy Ranch, Ne­ tarts Bay. Bell'phone 9F13 * Wanted—Soldier wishing to locate in Western Oregon desires informa­ tion about farms or farming land for sale. Send full description and low­ est cash terms to W. E. Flynn, A. P. O. 729, A. E. F. France. 11. F. Cook has. In recent months tuned and repaired more than RO pianos in this county. He handles the best pianos for this climate. On ex­ hibition at Singer Sewing Machine Agency. Opp. P. 0. Liberty Bonds taken. e * Tracy W. Byers, who graduated from the University of Oregon on Monday, and who had taken a course in school journalism at that institu­ tion, will become a member of the Headlight staff next week. Congressman Hawley introduced a bill on Monday in the house for $2,500,000 for the Roosevelt High­ way, to be used with the state ap­ propriation of $2,500,000 under the jurisdiction of the war department. For Sale, a 25-candle power acety­ lene gas plant, to be sold at a great sacrifice. Splendid opportunity to procure gas plant for farm house at a small cost. C. B. Wiley, north of Tillamook City. ♦ C. S. Chapman has been appointed fire warden to look after the inter­ ests of the timber owners. The gov­ ernment has consented to furnish threo fire wardens on account of the danger caused by so much brush and timber left in the woodB where rived spruce camps were operated. The coast country is due for some big developments. The wise investor will grab something In real estate, which, for some reason or other, can be secured cheap. King can put you wise to something interesting in the Bayocean district. For Sale.—Two fine registered Holstein bulls, one ready for service and from Toby De Koi 2nd Johanna Duke, 75 per cent same breeding as Lady De Koi. 36.59 butter, at years, world’s record when made. Also one 6 weeks old well bred.— Chas Macpherson, Grand Ronde, Or.* Drs. Wise and Lebow will be at Dr. Wise’s office and residence across the street south of the court house Mondays, Tuesdays and Wed­ nesdays to do dental work. Thurs­ days at Cloverdale; Fridays at the Nehalem Hotel and Saturdays until noon on Sundays at Wheeler. * This Is a snap, 160 acres on Sand, lake. $25.00 per acre. Will make a good home. For sale cheap, good 5 roomed house, with 1 or 2 lots. Here is a fine home near town. Good five roomed house, with one acre, with all kinds of fruit. R. R. No. 1. Box 200, Tillamook. • 1154 acre stock ranch, improved, and 225 acres in crop this year, sur­ rounded by open range and only 2 miles to summer range. Grows grain and alfalfa. And owing to bad health must sell or exchange for something on or near coast. Can give attractive time to right party. Address H. H. Davis, Portland, Ore, care Piedmont Car Banns.» For Sale—Two improved lots, full size, well located, in desirable part of city, on one of the most prominent paved streets in town, concrete walks house of seven rooms besides bath, pantry, washroom, hall, c’.orc’s and porches, modern plumbing, electric wired, commodious woodshed and barn. Price $2,650.00, $1,000 cash, balance on terms to suit purchaser. Apply at F. R. Beals office. Howitt Commission Co. 135 Front St.. Portland, Oregon, will pay the following prices on shipments re­ ceived up to and including June 6. Veal. 75 to 120. top................. 1 De­ Veal. 75 to 120, medium ...... 18c. Veal, fair to good .................. 17«. Veal, heavy.......................... 12 to 17«. Hogs, 100 to 160 top .. 23 to lUie. Hogs, poor and heavy ... 20 to 23e. No commission, prompt returns. Write for shipping tag». A marriage license was issued to Fire Losies in Tillamook County For Tillamook County Personal Service ton, and Harley W. Wingrove. Lewis V. Stewart and Mae E. Talcott. Diet. No. 60—Arthur Lewis Brown, 1918—$37,637.76. War Records. Fred Jackson Brown and Ralph ----- o------- For Sale—3 unit Sharpless milker. ------ o------ älum. Th« 2nd annual report, of the Cheap if sold at once. Write P. O. The State Council of Defense, Box 466. « State Fire Marshal’s Office, at hand, through the State Historian is en_ GEM THEATRE PROGRAM. showing that during the year 1918 P. E. Rogers who has been connect­ the number of losses sustained jn deavorlng to secure records as to ------ o ed with the Star Grocery Co. sold out Tillamook County amounted to 27, every man in Oregon who was in any Friday & Saturday. June 20 and 21- way in the government service dur ­ his interests in the company this classified as follows. Metro Super de Lux production ing the war. The effort is being made week. featuring Nazimova. This new star 12 dwellings and contents $8,127.60 to secure these reports through the is taking the entire photo-play Nehalem Telephone and Telegraph 4 farm dwellings and con­ schools. The State Historian is anx­ world by storm. Though she is a Co. vs. Pacific Telephone & Tele­ tents .......... 1,360,00 ious to complete the records, and the new actress on the screen, we do graph Co. is a suit filed in the cir­ 4 mercantile buildings and «County School Superintendent has not hesitate to say that her work contents .......................... 11,806.50 ¡forwarded all blanks sent to him. cuit court to compel the defendant is the best. She is appearing this to give an account of the money 3 mfg. building and wood­ I The following dlsiricts have report- present week at the Liberty Thea- ’ working plants............. 8,500.00 ¡as no boys havin . entered, and I am taken in under a contract between tre, Portland in "The Red Lantern’ 3 hotels, "apartments, room­ the two companies. [sure many boys hrve not been report­ which is her latest play. See the ing bouses, etc............. . . 2,843.C j J. J. Krebs, of Rockaway, bought 1 gen. storage warehouse , 5.000.00 ed. write ups in this week's papers j As a patriotic duty we owe it to the Hotel Elmore prope.rty, at El­ and make up your mind to see her The amount of Insurance at risks ¡every boy who enlisted to see that more Park, and he intends to run it involved amounted to $160,691.00. in "The Red Lantern" within a this season. The hotel will be open This shows a considerable loss ratio his name is on record at the court short time in Tillamook. house, and with the State Liberian, about the 4th of July, when every to premiums income for -the county. (Admission charged for all chil­ effort will be made for the accom­ The losses paid amounting to over at Salem, so that in the future all dren occupying seats) may know who entered the setwice of modation of visitors. Mr. Krebs will $3,000.00 a month. Adults 25c. Children 10c. the country while at war. make a specialty in Sunday dinners As the dry season is now approach­ for Tillamook people and Sunday ing it behoves every one of us to be • No boys have been reported from Sunday, June 22—’Burden of Proof’ the following districts: 1, 3, 10, 11, Select production featuring Marion visitors to the beach. exceedingly careful about fire—es- 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 23»24, 32. 34, 37, Davies. rubbish or pecially in the burning of "Pathe News.” 46, 49, 50, 54, 55, 57, and 61,. The school board met on Thursday brush close to exposures of build ­ Below- is given the list of names by Monday, June 23.—“Girl Who Came morning of last week at the court house when all the members were Ings—as one of our first fires occu- school districts which have been re­ Back” Paramount production feat­ present and elected teachers as fal­ sioned a loss last year by practically ported here. Anyone knowing of uring Ethel Clayton. of Beaver destroying the town boys in the service or who have been lows: L. W. Turnbull, Supt., of Ban­ "Kitchen Police”—a comedy with don; Mrs. Berge, Mrs. Frances M. which caused the heaviest part of the in the service and whose names are an appeal to all new recruits in the If proper loss in Tillamook County, not given below, kindly call up or Wiley. Miss Alice L. Bennett, John army. L. Ashton, Miss Belle Wilson, M. E. precautions are taken fire losses in write the County School Superin- Tuesday, Jun 24th—"Riddle Gawne” Tillamook County for this year tendent. who will furuish blanks on Johnson, Miss Maude Skitmore, Misc Artcraft production faturing Wm. Mauryce Curry, Mrs. Bertha Hanson, should become a minimum, A little which reports are to be made, S. Hart. carelessness may cause the loss of It is hoped that all will join in an L. N. Bennett and Addia Hickey. your property and possibly your life. effort that a proper record may be "Pathe News.” Jesse C. Remick, wealthy lumber­ made ot all men Who served in the Wednsday, June 25th—- Program to man who died April 7, 1919, left an war, and none omitted. be supplied. Y. M. C. A. Makes Explanation. estate valued at $138,598.79, accord­ ------ o---- G. B. Lamb Superintendent. i'hursday June 26 ’Luck and Pluck’ ing to the appraisal filed in the To the Editor of the Headlight. ------ o------ William Fox production featuring Multnomah Circuit Court Tuesday. Dear Sir-—£fy attentiop has been the screen idol Gerge Walsh. Dist. No. 2-—Roy O. Edgar, Herbert The chief item was 835 shares of the called to aneditorial in a recent "Ladies First” alack Sinnett Com­ Cummings Moberly Lumber company number of your paper requesting H. Edgar, Albert Crimmins, John edy. valued at $83,500. 'there were 379.12 that some explanation be made re­ Zurflueh, Jr. and Harvey P. Ebinger. Dist. No 5—Leonard Cain, Oliver shares in the Whitney company, val­ lative to the statement of the local Card of Thanks. ued at $41,205.54. The appraisers Y. M. C. A.’s having paid off their Monte Cristo. ------ o—— were John H. Burgard, George H. mortgage indebtedness from War Dist. No. 6—Harold Follett, Frank We wish to express our most sin­ Brodie and R. G. Jubitz. Work Funds. May 1 state that this is Follett, Gilbert Rock, Oscar Carver. cere thanks to our many kind friends Diet. No. 8—Lloyd Woods. Abra­ during the illness and death of our A meeting of tl>e representatives of absolutely untrue and the records of the Coast counties was held in Port­ any association in the country are ham Bays, Lindley Goldsworthy, beloved husband and father Henry land last week, w hen it was decided open to investigation. The matter of Chas. Oliver Woods and Orval Kel- Lederer. to send a delegation to Washington mortgages can be verified by exam­ low. Mrs. Lederer and daughters. Thomas at once, and the gentlemen selected ination of the records in the county Dist. No. 9—William were Chas. Hall, president of the offices. Coates, Kenneth Ira Drake, Otis Ed- Dairymen Attention. The story relative to the Portland wards, Carl Thomas Knight. Walter State Chamber of Commerce, L. J. ------ o------ Association probably came about in Simpson and B. F. Jones, to take up lleusser, Emil Heusser, Bruce Hare, this wuy. In the War Work drive In Eighty six acres (of fine river bot­ with the Oregon delegation the mat. Will Kennedy, Clifton Hall, Chas. P. ter of obtaining the money from the November 1917, which was for Y. M. Hall, Lee Doty, Leroy Church, Ern­ tom land with house barn and other government for the Roosevelt high­ C. A. work alone. It was agreed in est Church, Sidney Blanchard, Geo. buildings, two miles from city of Co­ way. The delegation will be in Wash­ Portland that any amount in excess Arthur Blanchard and Leslie Harri- quille, half mile from cheese factory, close to school house. You can »end ington on the 28th of this month, of Portland’s quota for the War son. your milk to the cheese factory or and it is expected that it will be Work might be applied to the local No. 12 — Alexander Walker, Dist. joined by two members of the Pacific work and to meeting certain current Charles Robitsch, Albert Robitsch, creamery or condensary. Come and see me or write to Peter Blasca, Ara­ Coast Delense League. The expenses expense indebtedness which was oc­ and Peter Perry Walker. go, Coos County, Oregon. of the coast delegation will be paid casioned by the war. On account of Dist. No. 16—Russell Miles, Frank large contributions being made for by the coast counties. the war work, the local association Dunn, and George A. Johnson. Ethel Clayton ii Seen at Thief in Her The Bayoceau Road Association is could not raise funds for their own Dist. No 17—Homer Wilks, Wil- New Picture. the name of an organization that current expenses and as they were liam H. Wilks. ------ o------ was formed on Tusday evening with giving privileges free to the soldierB Bari Dunn, Dist. No. 19—Rufus Beautiful Ethel Clayton will be Attorney H. T. Botts president, and which Involved considerable cost, it John I.yle Craven, Seba Asa Norton, County Assessor C. A. Johnson, sec­ seemed only fair that a small per­ Henry Earnest Welsn, Frank Fox, seen at the Gem Theatre, Monday, retary, which Is composed of proper­ centage of the funds raised should and Thomas Wilson. June 23rd next in her first Para­ mount photoplay, "The Girl Who ty owners and others who have prop­ be set aside for thlB purpose. This Dist. No. 20—Luther Eugene Huff­ erty on the South side of Tillamook was definitely understood by all men Came Bath," a picturizatlon of Leah man. bay. It Is the purpose if possible, to participating in the campaign and Kleschna, a famous stage play. Elliot Dist. No. 22—Anthony Jenck, Arba Dexter is leading' man and Thedore have the Bayocean road finished as was given proper publicity through- soon as possible There are indications out the city.-The Portland Associa- Stlverson, Phares Stiverson, Harry Roberts is in the cast. The play is that several industries will be lo­ tlon on this basis did realize about Paul Kramer, George Stiverson, Earl one of the strongest, it is suld, that cated on that side of the bay as $10,000 whicij was used to pay cer­ Cochran, Glen Cochran, John Imlah, has been here in a long time. There Boon as the road is completed. There tain current expense debts occasion­ Josepn Ducham, James William Hat­ are cmtional moments of the highest are also between 600 and 700 lot ed by the war. Absolutely no money field and Chalies Dolen Hatfield. type and yet the play has a decidedly DiBt. No. 22—Samuel Estabrook, uplifting tendency and is anything owners at Bayocean who are also in­ was paid on the mortgage indebted­ terested in the completion of the ness "of the building which has stood Webb McGinnis, NelB Haglund, Fred but morbid. road, for they are paying taxes with at $100,000 for several years, in fact Traxler, Robert Ray, Victor Learned, Miss Clayton has done much im­ ever Bince the building was first Hugh B. Antrim, Alva Learned. Daryl portant screen work but is declured no road out. erected. At the present time the Oscar Lamson, Oscar Cooper Antrim, that this represents the best she has Edward Hanson vs Rose Hanson is Board of Directors are making appli­ Samuel D. Ray, Frank D. Nelson, ever done. The role is suited to her a divorce suit filed in the circuit cation to the Equitable Life Insur­ Edwin Homer Stewart, Forrest M. splendid talents and she has an ex­ court. These parties were married at ance Co, for a renewal of the mort­ Gist, Harry A. Stewart, David Mer- cellent cast and production. Bend, Ore., on January 1, 1916, and gage of $100,000. I am enclosing ton Everest. George Dillon Sanders, one child was born to the union. It herewith a financial statement of Lloyd E. Todd and Roland McGinnis. J. U. G. Club. Is alleged that defendant exercised the Portland Association which has Dist. No. 25—Charles Eckloff. toward the plaintiff a course of cruel been «audited by the leading firm of Diets. 26 & 51— G. W. Wallace. and Inhuman treatment. She left public accountants in this city and Wednesday noon saw five automo­ plaintiff, March, 1919, and went to which shows a mortgage indebted- Fred Dunhain, Ernest Edgar Scliult- biles filled with jolly J. U. G. girls Garibaldi, where the defendant lived ness pi $105,000 and additional son, Charles Ottie Curl, Charles and every good thing to eat headed Wooley, Emil Wooley, Martin Lee for picnic grounds up into the Kil- and cohabited with one Charles Mit­ notes of $34,000. and Carl Luther chis river hills. The cars were man­ chell tor a period of two weeks. On The money raised in November Shultson, Alvis Curl the 15th of May last the defendant 1918, for United War Work was en­ Shultson. ned by feminine chauffeurs so that received from Mitchell and exhibited tirely separate from the regular Y. Diets. 27 and 59 Ed Slokls, Ed- all bumps on the road were lightly Gray, Albert to the plaintiff a letter containing M. C. A. organization so that it will ward Gray, Perry O. felt and auto riding was a thing of Alterburger, beauty and a Joy forever. evidences of affection on the part of not be possible to take funds from Alterburger, Joseph Mitchell for the defendant and more this source. We trust you will give and Earl Roy Woods. The weather was simply ideal for particularly certain crossings or the some publicity to the facts in the Diet. No 28— Ernest Arnold Kebbe, a picnic and the girls spent their markings intended to represent kisses case as you have to the accusation. Guy Loerpabel, James Harry Walk­ time skipping and throwing rocks, When the defendant left plaintiff Very sincerely yours, er, Gilbert Zuddach, Chas. Leroy and telling stories while reclining In she took liberty loan bonds valued at I. B. Rhodes Clark. the shade under the big green trees. $10o0, drew upon the plaintiff’s em­ Dist. No. 31—Clarence Provoose. Whei) the picnic lunch was announc­ ployers for the sum of $10.00 and Willis Strode and Donald Simmons. ed by the hostesses, Mrs. Lewis, then Notice of Meeting. appropriated $30.00 that was given —o—- Dist. No. 33—Herman Henry the real time began. Such coffee, her to pay a grocery bill. sandwiches, baked beans, new pota­ The Holstein Breeders’ Association Schlappi. Andrew Peterson vs. Charles F. called to an editorial in a recent Dist. No. 36—Edmund B. O’Neel. toes fried over a real camp fire, strawberries with whipped cream Blum and Minnie B. Blum. James will hold their annual picnic at the Diet. No. 38—Asa Haugen, Carl Pallin and F. R. Beals is a suit filed farm of J. J. Rupp 2% miles due Haugen, Andrew Haugen, Peter Hau­ and angel food cake that would rival any cake in the world, with other de­ in the circuit court. The plaintiff east of Tillamook City on June 25th. alleges that on the 8th of August, We urge everyone that is interested gen. William Thomas, Marion Darby, licacies. caused the girls to cry out 1916, and for a long period of time In th? great black and white cow to Robert Thomas, John W. Jennings, with delight and Mrs. Ix-wls was Hoyt Reese Snider, Trevor Hare, noted a supreme success as a picnic prior to that date, viz, from Septem­ come, bring a box of eats and we will and Gordon Hare. hostess. ber. 1915, was in aitual possession have a good time together. A special Dist. No. 39—Fritz A. W Hurmes The club girls present at the picnic and entitled to possession of cer­ invitation is extended to Editor Bak­ ter, Joseph Boyakln. Sidney Blanch­ were: Mrs. Geo. Hanslinalv, Mrs. tain real property, and owned and er and our county dairy officials. ard, Oscar W. Stub, William C. Henry Helsel, Mrs. Clent King, Mrs. held the legal title in fee simple in Christensen. Lawrence Cooper, and Clarence Stanley, Mrs. Bi?»ie Lewis, and to an undivided one-half Inter­ The Allied Church. Joseph Cooper. Mrs. Fred Small, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. est in the same; that on the Sth of Dist. No. 42—Clyde Hudson, Mow- Carl Swenson, Mrs. Elmer Allen, August, 1916, while the plaintiff Announces that no services except was In possession of the property, the Sunday School will be held at ard L. Sherwood, William T. Wersch- Mrs. Geo. Winslow, Mrs. Preston the defendants entered Into the pos­ the morning hour—this church unft- kull, Elma N. Johnson and Charles Williams and Mrs. Cloyd Dawson. The guests present were: Mrs. Gun. session of the property and ousted ing with the churches of the cltv In O. Johnson. Dist. No. 4 8—Bherman P. Reed. Case, Mrs. Sherman Conover, Miss the plaintiff, and took possession the Beccalaureate services at tfie under a claim of right and adversely Christian Church at 10:30 Dr. E. C. Edward J. Erwin, Paul R. Anderson. Helen Case and Mrs. McLeoud, of to plaintiff, and since then the de­ Richards, of Salem, delivering the Raymond McKillip, Johnethan Hack- Salem nee Allegra Mason. Two new members, Mrs. Oscar mann. Edward Patchell. Jasper V. fendants have unlawfully, wrongful, sermon. ly and without right and against the Dr. Richards wifi preach In the Alley, Horace L. Alley, Charles Sea- Swenson and Mrs. Savage have re­ cently been taken into the club. Next will of the plaintiff, withholds poss­ Alllid Church In the evening ar 8 ¡mon and Harvey Eglnger. I Dist. No. 56—George A. Jones» month the club will be entertained ession of said property to the damage p.m. oi the plaintiff In the sum of Prayer meeting every Wednesday Leslie N. Ross. Kenneth R. Ross, by Mrs. Clent King at the Holmes' Eugene Comstock, Horace Kapping- summer home at Hobsonville. $10,060. evening.