Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 12, 1919, Image 7

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Poor Excuse for Bobbery.
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Help! Save the Nation.
Willamette Meridian,
Change of Location.
•' "O
20 acres.
Some American newspapers i are
Hackensack, May 15.—At a meet­
The building owned by F. R. Beals,
Dated this 20th day of May, 191».
saying of China, despoiled at i the ing of the Bergan County Republican located on the corner of 2nd Ave. &
W. L. Campbell,
peace table, robbed in the house > of Committee last
night. President 4th St., occupied by the Tillamook
Sheriff of Tillamook
her friends, that it "serves her
Brennen of the State League of Re­ Tire Co. and Mrs. E. F. Rogers’ Mil­
right.”—because China has always publican Clubs exhibited a new three linery Store, is being moved this
been a pacifist nation. This is a cent stamp showing the flag of the week to the corner of 3rd Ave. and
Notice of Sale.
pretty poor excuse for joining other allies and protested against its issu­ 3rd St., across the corner from the
nations in dismembering the repub­ ance on the ground, that it was Dem­ Tillamook Hotel. The old building
Notice is hereby given that the un­
lic, China at least never claimed to ocratic propaganda in favor of the will undergo a thorough repairing
dersigned administrator of the estate
and painting, and the same business
F you have’nt--then you do not realise how
been too poor and .too weak to get
He said that no other flag but the lines will be carried on, only in a of A. J. Getchell, deceased, will on or
fully anti helpfully the FIRST NATIONAL
after the 7th day of July, 1919, sell
ready to fight, and has had a pathet­ Stars and Stripes should be placed more extensive way.
BANK enn serve you, Remember—this institution
at private sale, the whole or any
ic dependence in recent years in the on stamps of the United States Gov.
The same plan of square dealing
is Government supervised and Inspected.
disinterested friendship of the Unit­ ernment.—New York Evening World. and abiding by the Golden Rule will part thereof as may be necessary, of
the following described real property
means a lot to the discriminating business titan or
ed States, more than once invoked to
Our esteemed contemporary
is go forward that has built up these
woman or firm.
prevent wrongs upon China. Now, pleased to be facetious but, just the businesses to its present magnitude, situated in Tillamook County, Ore­
gon, to-wit:
however, China sees her old friends same; the «se of any but the Cnited and, in fact, only time will tell of
The South half of the Southeast
sitting in at a diplomatic poker table States flag oq postage stamps, or any the development of these businesses
I quarter of Section 17, and the North
other printed matter issued by this in Tillamook. We certainly appre­
cards and gets all the chips. This government, is absolutely improper ciate our patrons and will try to do naif of the Northeast quarter of Sec­
A. IF. Bunn, Farmer.
P, Heisel, Farmer.
tion 20, all in Township 4 South of
C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres.
cannot be blamed upon China’s lack and the parties guilty of such im­ all within our power to satisfy them.
range 9 Wegt of the Willemette
H. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer.
of military and naval power, except propriety should be removed from We will be glad to meet all of our
IF. J. Riechers. Cashier.
that if she were armed for the fray, the government service. Such a thing customers in our new location and
Said sale will be made in pursuance
there jnight be more hesitancy about could not have occurred except un­ many new ones. We are here to stay,
of an order of the County Court of
pulling off this piece of international der a Free-Trade administration, and will save you money in your
Tillamook County, Oregon, made on
grand larceny. China had no more with its usual disregard for thing. purchases. Both phones will be in-
the 23rd day of May, 1919, and said
right to expect such treatment than American and its tender solicitude ttr.lled again as soon as possible.
•sale will be made for cash or upon
the United States would have had to for and interest in other nations.—
Yours for business.,
» uch terms as may be approved by
suppose that her allies would take American Economist.
Tillamook Tire Co.
the County Court,, and bids will be
New England and annex it to Can­
received by the undersigned at her
ada. It is a sorry start on fhe millen­ I
Mrs. E. F. Rogers, Milli­ residence at Hebo, Oregon, from and
That "Plain People” Stuff.
ium that the phrase-makers say is
ner and Artist.
------ o*-------
after the above date.
right around the corner to justify
President Wilson continually talks
Dated this 27th day of May, 1919.
the dispoiling of China by mention­ about his special understanding anil Notice of Executor’s Final Account.
Florence V. Getchell,
ing China’s inability to defend her­ appreciation of the "workers" and
Administratrix of the
self against aggression. China may the "plain people”. Where did he
Estate of A. J. Getchell,
by this very act be made militaristic, learn so much about them? He was
and thus become a menace to the either a college student or professor John C. Sander, deceased, has filed Geo. P. Winslow & T. H. Goyne,
in the county court his final account
i continuously from 1874, when ha and that the said court has fixed Sat­
Attorneys for the estate.
entered Davidson College as a stu­ urday, the 31st day of May, 1919, at
League of Nations Not Constitutional dent, until he left Princeton Unlver-
10 a.m. as the time and the office of
• sity to become Governor of New
(Ry H. Brent Cooke.)
I Jersey, excepting two years he spent Uhy County Judge, of Tillamook
The great fundamental question in an unsuccessful effort to acquire County, Oregon as the place for hear­
soon to be brought before the senate a law practice at Atlantic Since 1902 ing of said account. All persons are
of the United States, whether or not he has been continuously a politician hereby required to appear at said
this gov.-rnment can be, or should and office holder. Before he became time and place and show cause, if
become a member of a league of na- a candidate for office he had pro­ any there be, why the said final ac­
tionq, is not and must not be made a nounced views about labor unions, count should not be allowed and the
political party question. Every sena­ and unprofitable servants, and ig- executor discharged.
Dated this April 28, 1919.
tor, when he takes an official oath norant “crews" from the south of
Herman Sander, Execu­
to support the constitution, certainly Europe, Which did not indicate that
of the estate of John
ought to understand that from that he was lying awake nights worrying
C. Sander, deceased.
moment his political party welfare over the welfare of the proletariat.
Johnson & Handley Attorneys.
becomes a question of altogether sec­ fHe has been surrounded by wealth
ondary importance. The support of j and social and educational excluslv-
the constitution by all means be­ ; ness all nis life. He is the most se-
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale.
comes the first and greatest of his I eluded and exclusive President the
solemn official duties.
Notice is hereby given, that by vir­
I American people have ever experienc-
As Senator Henry Clay, of Ken­ |ed. Yet Mr. Wilson continually turns tue of an execution and order of sale
tucky expressed it, "I am a Kentuck­ | patronizing phrases
about “the issued out of the Circuit Court of
ian, but I know no east, no .west, no ' humbler classes” and “the simple the State of Oregon, on the 9th day
If a woman is nervous or has dizzy
north, no south. I am au American | firesides” and the "plain jackets” as of May, 1919, and to me directed, on
spells, suffers from awful pains at regular
citizen. I would rather be right than if he had been a rail splitter or a judgment and decree of foreclosure
be the president of the United States. blacksmith or something all his life. entered in said Court on the 5th day or irregular intervals she should turn to a
If the members of the next senate , The truth is that the only way to of May, 1919, in a suit wherein tonic made up of herbs, and without al­
follow Senator Clay, we do not be­ - understand the common or garden Scandinavian-American Bank, a cor­ cohol, which makes weak women strong
lieve that one of them will vote to variety of folks is to be one of them poration was plaintiff and G. E. and Bick women well. It is Dr. Pierce’s
make the United States a member and to live with them. Mr. Wilson, Walling and J. Louise Walling, his Favorite Prescription. Druggists sell it in
of a league of nations.
with all his affection of undying wife; Walter R. Rossman; Meier & liquid or tablets. Send 10 cents to the
We ask Senator Hitchcock, of Ne­ love for the proletariat, knows only Frank Co., a corporation; and E. L. 1 Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., 1 r trial
braska, a Democrat, the question: •one thing about those he calls "the Barnett were defendants, and in package. Then, for the liver and bowels
"What is the legal meaning of the I plain people” and that is that in this which the plaintiff recovered judg- nothing is so good as Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant
second section of the second article country they have a lot of votes, ment against the defendants G. E. 1 Pellets. These are little, sugar-coated
of our great fundamental law? We i This is the plain, unvarnished truth Walling, and J. Louise Walling, his pills, composed of Mayapplc, leaves of
ask Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, I of the matter, and the country is wife; and each of them, for the sum aloe, root of jalap—thit gs that Nature
a Republican, to answer this same I really getting rather fatigued with of 34,425.00 with interest thereon at
grows in the ground.
j question. Call the roll in the Senate ! this continuous flow of college rhet- the rate of 8 per cent per unnum
Ogden, Utah— "During expectancy I Buffered a
1 and let every Senator
! oric about the "common people.— from July 9, 1915, and for $400.00
question. These words do not give , National Republican.
attorney fees, with interest thereon severe nervoue break-down. Became very weak,
tbe Senate with a unanimous vote
at the rate of 6 per cent per annum was nauseated and sick all the time. My mother
any more power to transfer this
from May 5, 1919, and for costs and advised me to take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip­
Agency of M. Paumies ’ Dye House,
tion. After the first few doses I could cat, some­
A Doughboy Witty.
disbursements of this suit, taxed at thing I had not done for some time. I kept on
Butte, Montana.
tj ■ power to a hody of foreigners or a
------ o------ -
' league of nations, than it does the
$48.00, and commanding me to sell taking it and had practically no suffering and a
Favorite song of the American
most humble American citizen in
! 4rmy of Occupation, somewhere in all the real property hereinafter de­ fine large baby, weighing eleven pounds. I would
private life. If we were a member of
scribed, to satisfy the same, now advise all prospective mothers to take ‘Favorite
I Germany. Composed by a soldier and
the senate we would not vote for the
therefore by virtue thereof, I will on Prescription.’ They could take nothing better."
Call 31 J
Mail Order Dept.
g transfer of this power, although , sung by all the rest of them.
Saturday the 21st day of June, 1919, —Mrs. John WeUan. 370 2b ¿if.
Air—"Silver Threads Among the at 10 o'clock a.m., on said date, at
every other senator in both parties
the Court House in Tillamook, said
The German» say the Versailles
voted for it. •
Darling, I am coming back
County and State, sell at public auc­ treaty I» a »ong of hate. Well, they
Silver threads among the black—- tion, to the highest bidder for cash didn't expect the concert of nations
Hello London, This is New York
Now that peace in Europe nears,
in hand, all the right, title and in­ to lead off with a love ditty, did
The Tillamook Transfer Co., has
1’11 be home in seven years,
terest of the said defendants, and all they?"
"Within three months, from your
1'11 drop in on you some night.
contracted the wood output of the
of them in and to the following de­
hotel room in London, you will be
With my whiskers long and white. scribed real property, situated in Til­
able to call any New Yolk telephone
Coats Lumber Co., Mill. If the wood
Yes, the war is over dear.
lamook County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots
number, get it inside of fifteen min-
we’re going home, 1 hear!
No. 10, 11 and 12 in Block 14, and |
supply from this plant is not suf­
| utes, and then talk for three minutes
Home again with you once more,
Ixrts No. 10 and 11 In Block 15, Lake
. for $5.”
ficient for the local demand we will
Say—by nineteen-twenty-four
Lytle, Tillamook County, Oregon.
I This is how Marconi expressed him­
Once I thought by now 1’11 be
fill orders from other sources.
Dated May 21. 1919.
self, according to the Scientific
Sailing back across the sea;
W. L. Campbell
American, in discussing the recent
Back to where you sit and pine,
Sheriff of Tillamook
successful culmination of many pre-
But we’re stuck here on the Rhine.
County, Oregon.
liminary experiments which had
You can hear the gang all curse— First publication May 22, 1919.
■ been made in long distance tele­
“War is hell but peace is worse!”
Last publication June 19, 1919.
phony and which had resulted in a
Watch on the Rhine (pub-
'conversation on March 19 between I The
by the American occupying
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
i Clifden,, Ireland, and Glace Bay, | lished
forces in France.)
Nova Scotia.
Notice is hereby given, that by vir-
Says the Scientific American:
ture of an execution and order of sale
The Hawkers.
when the Marconi engineer from his
------ o------
issued out of the Circuit Court of the
wireless hul in Ireland called Glace
The New York Herald says: "When State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­
Bay, instantly came the answer,
| "Glace Buy talking." From that mo- Harry Hawker, with Lieutenant ty, on the 19th day of May, 1919,
. ment Clifden communicated continu- Commander Grieve, start off at St. on a decree of said Court made and
jously with Nova Scotia, the voices Johns on his Atlantic flight, dropped entered on the 5th dav of May, 1919,
Electricity’s latest gift to
• carrying clear and strong all day. To I the under carriage of his airplane he in a sul' to forclose a mortgage,
the housewife-greatest
quote General Manager Bradfield, of was but living up to a tradition of wherein Edward Kleist was plaintiff
since the electnc iron
the English
company: his curiously interesting family. For and Irma M. Vose and R. H. Vose
"Transmission was absolutely Instan­ the Hawkers have always been strict­ and Rosanna Vose, his wife were de- I
and electric vacuum
cleaner- the
taneous. and the voices were as clear ly unconventional and careless of fendants, wherein the plaintiff re-
as over the telephone. After the first consequences. For example, Robert covered a judgment against the de-
messages were exchanged, conditions Stephen Hawker, the parson of Nor- fendant for the sum of $7$4.00 to-
were so perfect that our engineers wenstan in Devon—author of ’The gether with $122.40 accumulated
their conversation all day. Song of the Western Men.’ some­ interest all bearing interest at the
P ortable
■¿‘And remember it, too.
saving the delay of writing their times called 'Trelawney'—who ruled rate of 8 per cent per annum from
S ewing M achine ,
comments and recommendations re­ over a congregation of pious smug­ the Sth day of May, 1919, for the
glers and wreckers, used to walk further sum of $75.00 attorney fees,
garding Improvements.
The better the quality of your
"Though detailed information re­ i with nothing on in the early morn­ and the further sum of $22.00 costs
treadle pushing - no
chew, the more you’ll enjoy it.
garding wireless telephoning be­ ing from bis vicarage to the rocks and disbursements, the said execu­
more backache a little
tween Ireland and Canada. Is with­ for his dally plunge |n the sea. When tion being to me directed and com­
some of the inhabitants of the neigh­ manding me to sell the property
electric motor does the
You’ll get more out of your to­
hard work.
Company, the transatlantic wireless borhood protested against this Gar­ hereinafter described to satisfy said
bacco money, too—you’ll save
telephone promises to be an aston­ den of Eden costume of the Vicar he Judgment, accumulating Interest, at­
A foot control gives any
ishing success, as the first efforts to replied: “My maker brought me in­ torney fee, costs and disbursements,
part of it for something else.
speed deaired.
together with the coats and expenses
talk through the air were much more
of sale. Now therefore, I will on Sat- *
A small chew of this quality
successful than the first attempts at Let them complain to him! The
The entire machine in
Hawker» believe In going light” Robt urday the 21st day of June, 1919, at |
wireless telegraphing.
its case can be carried
tobacco tastes good — and it
"The establishment of a regular
anywhere—it’s no larger
date, sell to the highest bidder for 1
lasts and lasts.
system of commercial wireless tela­ ten as long as men read poetry writ­
than a typewriter.
cash In hand, at the Court-House j
phony from New York to London in ten in English. Harry Hawker may
door in said county and state, all the i
believed now to be merely a question be forgotten, but before he is there
Ask for a demonetra-
right, title and Interest of the said '
of time, and before long Sidney, Aus­ are twenty thousand Cornlshmen
defendants, and each and all of them, :
tralia. and the furthers! parts of the
had at the date of said decree. In and
fiat tif in two ityla
earth will be placed on the aerial thousands, all admirers of bravery,
to the following described property,
situated in said Tillamook County,
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
to-wit: All of the South half of the
No man can be a good American
For Sale—-3 unit Sharpless milker. Northwest quarter of the North­
and engage in * propaganda In the
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
United State» in behalf of any for­ Cheap if sold at once. Write P. O.
ship 2 South of Range 9. West of the
Box 46$.
eign nation.
Have You a National” Bank Account ?
We want your account because we can
Serve you BETTER.
The First National Bank
Have you seen the Model 90
Overland Car ?
Like the one that broke the world’s record
at Oklahoma, going 7 days without a stop.
Star Garage,
Have Your Garments Dry
The Pacific Cleaning & Tailoring Co. a
L atest !
says the Good Judge—
Western Electric