were the two five million reconstruc­ Pupils' Demonstration. tion, the hospital and the lieutenant - o—— If it's wet and you are traveling governor measures Miss Ethel White will pre.stent pu­ through dry territory on an inter­ pils in a demonstration of the Dun­ state trip, State Prohibition officers ning system of Improved Music Study The Market Roads Tax Bill. have no right to search for the pres­ Thursday, June 19th, at 8:30 p.m. o--------- ence of John Barleycorn. Patrons of and a pupils’ recital on Friday, June the United States railroad Adminis­ We have been asked to explain I 20th, at 8:3u p.m. at the Christian tration were so informed following a some of the provisions of the market church. decision by the Lulled Slates Su_ roads tax bill which received such an Thursday Evening. overwhelming majority at the spec­ preme Court of the United States. The decision delivered by Chief ial election. There i sa god explana­ Dunning Class Song Justice White that interstate passen­ tion of the bill in the affirmative ar­ Duet, The Sleigh Ridé. Katheryn and Margaret McKinley gers were entitled to pass through gument in the voters' pamphlet, purt Fly Away Birdling.................. Hudson a prohobition state, with liquor in of which we give below : Vesper Bells .............................. Borth their possession. This bill provides for a 1 mill tax, Helen Schultz. lluuroad officials say they have which will raise, approximately ,$1,- been embarrassed by complaints of OdO.OOV annually to be distributed to Memory Work and Solo passengers’ baggage being broken tne counties by the stale highway First Robin ................................ Rogers Floyd Rosenberg. into and searched tor liquor in cases commission. Multnomah county will where through trains have stopped will pay into this fund approximately . Rhythm Problems and Pictures. Robert Boals, Helen Schultz, and at stations in dry territory. 8365,000. Under the provision of the Katheryn McKinley. The policy of the railroad admin­ bill no county can receive to exceed istration is set forth by General 10 per cent of the amount annually Trio (two pianos) E. Z. Schottische —Lerman Counsel John Barton Payne as fol­ raised; therefore $265,000 of the Buster Boals, Robert Boule lows: amount to be raised by this bill in Vera Rosenberg, Elvon Smith "To protect passengers who are Multnomah county will be tor appor­ Helen Schultz, Floyd Rosenberg traveling in good faith interstate tionment in the various counties of and to prevent the search or seizure this state that take advantage of the Bed Time......................................... Orth Vera Rosenberg. of their baggage; and, to prevent the provisions of this act, . The Katydids ............................. Swift use of trains for bootlegging pur­ Any county desiring to take ad­ Under The Christmas Tree . During poses and to prevent definitely, as vantage of the provisiqns of this act Robert Boals. possible, the shipment oi whisky un­ must raise an amount equal to the der the guise of baggage on the amount appropriated to the county Sight Reading Contest—Boys vs. Girls. trains either in the drawing room or by the state highway commission. elsewhere, and to prevent any col­ Under the provisions of the bill no The Clock .................................. Maxim lusion between employees and boot­ county of the state can receive less Japanese Doll ............................. Swift , Buster Boals. leggers.” _________________ than the amount they pay into the Song— Got to Practice............. Carrie state market road appropriation, ex­ Jacobs Bond. Lighting Rules. cept Multnomah county, providing Babes in the Woods Florence Maxim the county takes advantage of the Caroline and Dorothy Haberlach Notice is herebygiven that by vir­ act. It will be a strong incentive to tue of authority of General Laws is Induce every outlaying county to The Rocking Horse.................. Schytte Elvon Smith. Oregon for 1919, Chapter 181, effec­ improve market roads It means the 'Five fingers positions—Major or tive May 29, 1919, entitled, expenditure of $2.000,000 each year Minor. To require owners, lessees and in audition to the amounts already Elvon Smith. operators of places of employment to provided for ,in improvement of Children’s Carnaval. provide emergency and general nat­ these various essentials of trade. Camille Haltom. ural and artificial lighting; defining In five years this act will raise how the minimum of light shall be more money for market roads than : Ear Training, Carolyn Haberlach. established; requiring the commis­ has been provided by the $10,000,- sioner of labor and inspector of fac­ 000 bond issue passed by the last Written and Piano transposition of Same. tories and workshops to enforce the legislature. Pearl Anderson. same; and providing a penalty for i he bill provides that all plans and Triad—Dominant Seventh ‘allure to comply with the provis­ specifications for market road con­ i Tonic Chord in any key. ions of this act. struction shall be provided by the Pearl Anderson. That to carry out the provisions of state highway commission. The ob­ the act; to establish certain mini­ ject of this is to secure uniform road Composers Quizz First and second year pupils. mum values for lighting, atjd to ar­ construction. The bill also provides rive at what values shall be used in that in counties taking advantage of Duet, (Two pianos) Gypsey Dance— —Mendelssohn. the schedules of minimum lighting, this act the improvement of the and such other rules as shall deter­ market roads shall be under the con­ Carolyn Haberlach Gwendolyn Harris mine definitely what shall constitute trol of the county courts. The coun­ .La Velle Baker. Pearl Anderson. compliance with the provisions of ty courts are in close touch with the Friday Evening. this act, a commission of three per­ people who pay the taxes and who sons has been appointed, namely, F. will be the chief users of the market Trio ....................................... Streabogg C. Knapp, President Peninsual Lum­ roads. Under this plan, the state , Elizabeth Coates Florence Stranahan Wanda Haltom. ber Co., representing the manufac­ engineer making the grades and turing interests, Vern H. Haybarker, specifications and the county.court The Giants................................ Rogers. Glenn Rosenberg. representing the operating electric doing the work, we will secure a workers, und F. H. Murphy, an dollar’s worth of work for every dol- The Cedar Brook Waltz .... Perry Gwendolyn Harris. electrical engineer, who will on the dar expended. 28th*day of June, 1919, at room 501 The taxes provided under this act Song of The Siren ...................... Lege Kathryn McKinley Court House, Portland, at 2 p.ni., will hardly be felt by the ordinary hold a public meeting to give hear­ taxpayer. If assessed by $10,000 by Anvil Chorus................................ Verdi Leonard Bales. ing to those interested und to be ad­ the county assessor, the amount to vised in order to establish, to rear­ be paid into the state market road Dollie’s Dream...................... . Oesten range or readjust the schedule of fund will only be $10, and an addi­ Boat Song........................... Max Franke Carolyn Haberlach. lighting values and rules. tional $10 to be levied by the county court. No one with $10,000 of tax­ Whisperings of Love. Florence Stranahan. able property should object to paying The Official Count. Duet, Metzi Katzchen ..-........ Behr $20 annually, in addition to what is ---------- o---------- Leonard Bales Miss White. now being paid, for the improvement The official count of the special of market roads in this state. Noth­ Moonlight Boat Song .......... Harker Jim Watson. election wus made on Saturday by ing will add more to the material im­ Justices Stanley and Blalock. It was provement of Portland and other Con Amore reported the day alter election that cities, as well as the entire state, Pearl Anderson. \\ il -on precinct had cast seven vote* than a comprehensive system of mar­ Le Secret .................................. Gautier against all the measures, ,but when ket roads. LaVelle Baker. tin count was made tor that precinct This appropriation will be continu­ Melody of Love ............... Englemann Vera Rogers. wa. mude lor that precinct it was ous from year to year. If there are iound only six in that precinct hud any defects discovered in the admin­ Twilight ............................................ Guy Blanche Harris. mail and one had voted for the lei ration of this act they can he ltoo eveli highway measure. The of- amended by the legislature in the Shadows of Stars......................... Lock Bertha Blanchard. lieial count is as follows. 1921 session. Six per cent county indebtedness We believe the main features are Narcissus.......................................... Nevin rhe Dying Poet ............... Gottschalk foi permanent roads amendment: correct, viz: Ramona Haltom. ,es............................................... 1432 The expenditure of tile funds (or No................................................... 375 market roads by tile various county Duet (Two pianos) Burlesca, Gurlitt Bertha Blanchard courts, as the work is so varied that Ramona Haltom Blanche Harris Majority for.................... 1057 it can as a rule be taken care of by Vera Rogers Everybody is welcome. Industrial and reconstruction hos­ the county courts in a more efficient pital amendment: manner than by the state highway les............................................... 1098 commission. The act will virtually Notice. o • No ............................................... 568 compel every county to improve its This is to give notice that persons market roads or be taxed annually Majority for................. 530 tor the benefit of counties that are are forbidden to trespass upon our State bond payment of irrigation w illing to make such needed Im­ premises, for hunting Is strictly pro­ mid uiuinage district bond interest: hibited. provements. Yes............................................ 143» H. F. Goodspeed, No ............................................ 329 F. M. Trout. Teacher«' Examinations. Is Your Baggage Wet or Dry! ------ o- HIS is a Service branch of the Hartford Com­ pany. Through this agency, active Fire Pre­ vention is applied to the homes and property of every Hartford policy-holder hereabouts. T Let us explain this Service to help relieve you of the fear of fire, and the danger of loss. ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man. We write ALL KINDS of Insurance and give YOU SERVICE. All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. 34jTandteai. w Nat&m. ' First We want to bring to your attention these facts about Firestone: — —o--------- Majority for................... 1110 Notice is hereby given that the Five million dollar reconstruction County Superintendent of 'I illamook bonding amendment: Vs.............................................. 1233 County, Oregon, will hold the regu- j No ..................................... 486 lar examination of applicants for state certificates at the Court House • Majority for................. 747 in Tillamook City, as follows: Com­ Lieutenant Governor constitutional mencing Wednesday. June 25. 1919, at 9:00 o’clock a.m. and continuing amendment: Yes................................................ 828 until Saturday, June 28, 1919, at 5 No ............................................... 833 o'clock p.m. Wednesday forenoon—U. 8. His­ Majority against .... 5 tory, Writing (Penmanship). Music, The Roosevelt Coast military high, Drawing. Wednesday afternoon—Physiology. way bill: Yas............................................... 1993 Reading. Manual Training. Compo­ No ............................................... 193 sition. Domestic Science, Methods tn Reading. Course of study for Draw­ Majority for.................... 1860 ing. Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday forenoon—Arithmetic, Reconstruction bonding bill: Yes............................................... 1134 History of Education, Psychology, No ............................................... 975 Methods in Geography, Mechanical Drawing. Domestic Art. Course of Majority for.................... 549 Study for Domestic Art. , Uun-day afternoon—Grammar, .Soldiers',, sailors’ and uiarlnea' cd Geography, Stenography. American ucallonal financial aid bill: Typewriting, eYs............................................... 1379 Literature, Physics. No ............................................. 449 Methods in language. Thesis for Primaly Certificates. Friday afternoon—Theory and Majority tor.................. 930 Practice, Orthography (Spelling). Market roads tax bill: Ye ............................................... »«I« Physical Geography. English Litera­ No ............................................... 345 ture, Chemistry. Friday afternoon School Law, Majority for..................... 1065 Geqlogy. Algebra, Civil Government. Saturday forenbon ■ Geometry, County bond meassire: Ye ............................................... 17»7 Botany. Satuiday afternoon - Oeneral HIs- j<(, ............................................... 26» ory. Bookkeeping. G. B. laimh. Majority for..................... 148k County School Supt. i the state the measures defeated Tillamook City, Oregon. I First to build truck tires— First to build the channel type of truck tires— First to build removable truck tires— First to build the cup cushion truck tire— First to build a complete line of tires for all commercial vehicles— First to build a successful giant truck tire— First with a practical, efficient giant cord tire equipment, includ­ ing demountable rims— First to establish 600 dealers with hydraulic press and service facilities in leading cities throughout the United States. The only manufacturer that makes the tire and rim complete. FISH BRAND RI7QITT T. Over half the truck Tonnage of K.E3UL i . America is carried on Firestone Tires. will . DEALERS EVERYWHERE A. J TOWER CO — — BOSTON H. T. Bitts. Pres. Attorney at-l.aw. John Leland» Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas.. Attorney-at- Jl.aw and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and (Abstract Co. Law Abstract». Real Relate ¡Inaura nee. Both Phones TILLAMOOK—OKBGON. Our truck-tire service—in completeness, speed and dependability —also ranks "FIRST.' We watch your truck tires, help you get the most miles of service, suggest the correct tire for your trucking when a change is required and make the change with least delay. See us. ACKLEY & MILLER Tillamook, Oregon. “Can the Senate be bought?" cries the New York World, in discus­ sing the Michigan senatorial case. What worries the World Is that the new Senate can neither be bought nor bullied. Henry Ford’s paper says that (Versallies treaty Is "Just” Just what? The price of dreadnaughts, as re­ vealed by recent bids, have gone up i 100 per cent. Proving two things; first, we have been kept out of war; second, the high cost of commodities has been eliminated by the repeal of the damnable Payne-Aldrich law. Thus ere democratic platform pled­ ges abundantly fulfilled.