TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JUNE 12. 1919, GEM THEATRE SPECIALS. Marguerite Clark, the dantiest, most charming and loveable of all screen stars, is to appear at the Gem, TUESDAY, June 17, WILLIAM FOX presents Virginia Pearson in “The Love Auction” at the Gem Theatre, THURSDAY, June 19. Adapted from the stage version of Granville Barker and Laurence Honsman, in ‘‘The Love Auction” proves that the things which really count for most in life can’t always be appreciated in advance. Sometimes matrimony is not the easiest way to accomplish reformrtions. See how Lea Vanderverr aiui Fate work out an interesting problem of your life. which she appeared on the stage for a few years. “The Sheriff,” Two Reel Fatty Arbuckle Comedy. in her newest PARAMOUNT photoplay “PRUNELLA,” ADULTS 20c. CHILDREN 10c. WILL TURN LIGHT ON EXPENSES country as yet knows nothing. It is to be wondered where they are kept CALLED FOR QUICK THINKING OF PEACE RETINUE. ------- o in hiding. If the Secretary of War President’s Entourage Reported as can do such a thing as that, he sure­ 8kipper of Burning Ship, With Cargo of High Explosive«, in No Posi­ ly deserves the President’s testimon­ Costing Public Many Millions. tion to Hesitate. ial as "one of the ablest public offi­ i FOILED BY NEW POSTAL RULING What prbmises to be one of the cials I have ever known.” most interesting and searching in­ The Cephalonla was deeply loaded So the President wants Congress to Dealers in High Grade Pianos vestigations of the new Congress, do something about it, right away, with shells', and her chill-rooms were will be the probe of the expenses of quick, before the law goes into effect filled with T. N. T. for the Italian 3 the commission that went to Paris on July 1. If Congress should vote army, writes R. E. Cropley in the At­ S and Player Pianos. 3 months ago to negotiate peace with She was well in the midst Postmasters Ordered Not to 3 Germany and is still comfortably liv­ upon it, he shrewdly reckons. It lantic. would be certain to get itself into of the convoy proceeding down the For nearly 50 years this name lias been 3 ing in the French capital. 3 Cash Brokered Savings 3 Immediately after the armistice was trouble; if it voted for repeal, it Thames, and had just passed beyond familiar to people on the Pacific Coast. 3 would incur the resentment and hos­ the submarine net, when a thin pencil 3 Certificates. 3 signed it was believed that the navy Operating a chain of stores from San Diego 3 would be ordered to place at the dis­ tility of the “dry” forces. “See!” all of smoke was seen to rise from the 3 —to—Seattle represents enormous buying 3 posal ot the party sufficient battle­ the Creels would cry, “The President corner of No. 1 hatch. It happened Speculators dealing in War Savings 3 to catch the third officer’s eye first, S ships and other craft speedily to fer­ had .a prohibition law enacted, and and power and consequently a big saving to Stamps are hit by the following orders S he called Sammy's attention to it. the wicked Republicans have repeal ­ 3 3 buyer. Bear this in mind. There are no 3 ry across the representatives neces­ ed and fnade the nation drunk In two shakes Sammy had sounded just issued by Secretary of the Treas­ sary to end the war, get the Ameri­ again.” If, on the other hand, Con­ four blasts on the siren, and a flag ury Carter Glass and by the Office of better instruments made than the following: can army home and leave in Europe gress should vote against repeal, it fluttered from the yard-arm, which the Postmaster General. 3 Mason & Hamlin, Hardman, Kingsbury, Conover, 3 I only enough secretaries and envoys would incur the displeasure of a very caused all other ships to give him a The following is quoted from a no­ to aid the permanent diplomatic corps large part of the general public, who wide berth, as the propeller of the tice issued by the Secretary of the Ludwig & Milton Pianos. Apollo, Angelus, Solo- tin handling the after the war de­ would have it creeled into their ears Cephnlonia churned up the sea In her Treasury: Corola and Euphona Players. 3 velopments. “My attention has been directed to that, the President wanted to have frantic effort to back and turn as if 3 But more than half a year after to return to London. A ship on fire numerous offers made by unscrupulous them relieved of the odious prohibi ­ 3 GUARANTEED FOR A LIFETIME. hostilities, America’s contingent is tion, but that Congress refused and 6hould return to port, but Sammy, with persons through advertisements and tn 3 S a eargo of T. N. T. wasn't the kind of other ways to buy war-savings certifi­ still in Paris. The ordinary taxpayer Sold on convenient monthly payments. £ S must, meet all expenses from the im­ thwarted him. a shipper to risk blowing cottages and cate stamps and, as a result of such of­ We do not think the trick will I Write for catalogs and terms. o provements of the George Washing­ work. The President is responsible kiddies Into the next world In an ef­ fense, I am Informed that owners of 3 ton down to the last penny for en­ securities have Buffered material for the law, and, despite the “advice” fort to save his own skin. No; he such 3 s losses which could have been avoided turned the Cephalonla till her stern tertainment during these hectic six he says he has received, has full pow­ 3 S months. Members of Congress are er to suspend or recall it if he wish­ was head to the breeze, and slowly by redemption of the war-savings cer­ 3 tificate stamps at post offices, as pro­ inclined to be liberal in the handling es. It is up to him to deal with it.— kept her backing seaward to restrain vided by law. S a the fire, if possible, from spreading I of the business end of the expedition Harvey’s Weekly. 3 aft to his chambers of T. N. T.; I ‘In order that the interests of e5asaS2SH5E5USe5H5H5H5H5HSE5Z52525Z525H5a5Z52SaSZ5252525aS2Sasa5Z5a5252S but they want an accounting. backed her away from port and other owners of war-savings certificate It has dawned upon the members who are back in their offices that BURLESON’S REAL ANGER FROM ships, so that, If she did blow up, th« stamps of either series may be military loss would be confined to the safeguarded, I hereby notify all per­ SaS2S25a5B5a525ES2S2S25E52S25H5aSZSa5252SaS2S252S2SaS25252SZS2Sa the expense of this contingent is no WITHIN HIS PARTY. Cephalonla alone. And all the while sons to refrain from offers to buy war­ ----- o small effort when an effort must be savings stamps or accept the name in made to cut down geheral appropri­ Democratic Leaders Planning to Un­ be was wondering what moment a U- trade. ” boat would pop up and send a torpedo ations that the expenses of this dele­ load the “Original Wilson Man.” | Following Is the order of A. M. Dock- Into him, or he would strike a drift ­ gation and Its retinue is no small In these times of storm and stress, sry, Third Assistant Postmaster Oen- matter. The President’s entourage, when the fates of nations are being ing mine. 1sral: formally and informally, runs Into settled, Washington finds time to the hundreds. With one very large wonder what is going to become of DUBLIN BOOTBLACKS IN 1780 1 "In pursuance of the foregoing, poet­ masters are directed not to pay war- All Work Guaranteed. and expensive hotel in Paris given | Postmaster General Albert Sidney tavlngs certificates on which the names up almost exclusively to the housing Burleson. Polish Used at That Time Was a Com­ >f the owners have not been entered of the commission, there Is an end­ bination of Lampblack and Will the president, when he re­ >r have been erased or changed, since, less chain of attaches spread over turns from abroad, invite Mr. Burle­ Rotten Eggs. . | ander the regulations, they are not the city, while emissaries have been son to return to Texas, naming a transferable and are payable only to Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I carry a Stock of Goodrich Among the populace of Dublin In :he original owners, except in case of sent into different countries of Eu­ new Postmaster General? rope to collect data. Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Though Mr. Burleson charges that 1780 the shoeblacks were a numerous leath or disability. Many rumors have been current it is the publishers, the express com­ and formidable body. The polish they “Postmasters are further instructed Your Patronace Solicited. as to the cost of the mission, Includ­ panies, Samuel Gompers and divers used was lampblack and eggs, for lot to pay any war savings certificates which they purchased all that were q ] J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. ing the fitting out and use of the other factors that are involving him iresented by persons or firms known to 525a5?525a5H5HS25Z52S?525E5a5H5B5aS2525asa5E5a525a5aS2S2Sasa52Sa5aSa5E5H rotten in the markets. Their imple­ is buying, or publicly offering to buy, aSH5a525H5H5H5E5HS2525RSi2SH5a5a525Z5HSa5H5H5BS2SaSZSESa5aS2SasasaSH5252S palatial ocean liner, George Wash, in trouble, the real source of his ington. It is common report that it troubles is elsewhere. Prominent dam ments consisted of a three-legged stool, ear-savings stamps or certificates from * ' ‘ - • ■ will run Into millions. Congress Is ocratlc politicians, some close to the a basket containing a blunt knife, .he owners, unless positive evidence Is not disposed to be parsimonious but administration, are the real menace called a spudd, a painter's brush and mbmltted that the certificates were »rlglnally issued to the persons or at the same time, there Is demand to Mr. Burleson. Among them are an old wig. A gentleman usually went out In the lrms presenting them for payment. for the vouchers and for the Infor­ persons of eminence on the Demo­ morning with dirty boots or shoes, “When consulted by owners of war- mation as to the authority for the cratic national committee. They sure to find a shoeblack sitting on his avlngB stamps in regard to offers to outlay. _______________ sense the fact that Mr. Burleson is stool at the corner of the street. The jurchase such stamps at less than cur­ a load on the party. They apprehehd gentleman put his foot In the lap of rent value postmasters should Invite Passing the Buck. that he will help to insure defeat for the shoeblack without ceremony, and heir attention to the fact that war- a H. L. KING, Tillamook and Bayocean, i;i ------ o — them in 1920. Hence they would the artist scraped it with his spudd, lavlnga certificates may be cashed at So the President “passes the buck" rudely throw him aside, with no feel­ wiped It with his wig and then laid on noney-order pest offices after 10 days’ 3 Post Office Address, Tiliamook, Oregon. 3 —or tries to; for we have little ex­ ing for the fact he was an original bls composition as thick as black paint rrltten notice, and that this is a prlvl- ^H5H5E5H5H525H5H5S5H52525B5H535a5aS-d52SaS2SaSa5B52Sa5aS25Z52!id5a525ESaS pectation that his political manoeu­ Wilson man, who helped do things with his painter’s brush. ege accorded by law. At the same vre will succeed. Having, with his to Champ Clark and William Jen­ The stuff dried with a rich polish, re­ lme it should be pointed out that the ________________________________ i own band-picked Congress, imposed nings Bryan and Oscar Underwood quiring no friction, and little Inferior teed of the Government for the pro­ upon the country "war-time prohi­ back in 1912 in Baltimore. to the elaborated modern fluids, save rods of the war savings stamp Issue bition," which is to go Into effect not These opponents of Mr. Burleson only the Intolerable odors exhaled from s great, and the holders should be in war time, but after the war is within his own political household eggs in a high state of putridity, and irged to retain their stamps until ma­ over, he now seeks to throw upon the are the ones he has to fear, accord­ which filled any house which was en­ turity as a patriotic act unless their new Congress responsibility for the ing to all the political wise men in tered before the composition win quite iccessttlee are urgent” embarrassment of their maintaining the capital. They are out to knife dry, and sometimes even tainted the or repealing It, and for the odium him under the fifth rib, deport him air of fashionable drawing rooms.— which seems sure to attach to which­ to San Marcos, Texas, or do any University Magazine. AMERICA’S DEBT ever course is adopted. other similar deed of political pio- Let the circumstances be well re­ lence. If they have their way, the Notice of Bond Sale. SMALLER THAN membered. The prohibition provision President will not wait until he re­ was driven through Congress under turns but will get rid of the Post­ Sealed blds will be received until whip and spur as something quite master General by cable. the hour of 4:30 o’clock p.m. the 5th OTHER POWERS’ necessary to the President’s success­ Some say that Col. House, also of day of July, 1919, by the undersign­ ful prosecution of the war— like Texas, will protect Mr. Burleson. ed and immediately thereafter pub­ In the light of the following offi­ woman suffrage; which, however, This U spoken, however, by those licly opened by the County Court of was denied him, and yet without who do not know their history. Col. Tillamook County, Oregon, at the cial figures, America's ability to which the war was won, after all. It House’s friends deny he was respon­ office ot said court in the county easily absorb the Victory Liberty was put through in the most odioili sible for Mr. Burleson’s appointment court house In Tillamook City, Ore­ Loan cannot be questioned TJie entire Indebtedness ot the and disingenuous of forms: as a in the first place. He does not regard gon, for the purchase of bonds of United States today Is less than 7 “rider” on an appropriation bill—a himself as Mr. Burleson’H mandatory said county Issued for the build­ per eent of the national wealth, or “legislative freebooter,” as Senator and he is understood to be leaving ing of permanent roads therein In about |170 per capita. Spooner would have called it. And it the Postmaster General’s fate to the sum of $78,000, same being in Rone of the national debts of was to remain In effect until the other powers.__________ denominations of $1000 each, num­ other great powers as compared to President should declare demobiliza­ bered front 1 upwards, dated July 1, national wealth are. tion of the army to have been ef­ 1919, and maturing serially in num­ Great Britain----------- 44.3 per cent Want to Rent A Farm. 24 JERSEYS. REGISTERED AND GRADES erical order as follows: fected. France , ... „ 41.25 per cent I want to rent a farm. Cash rent. The President now asks Congress $20,000 five (5) years from date Austria , 34.66 per cent * ot issue; Cow«, heifers, young stock and herd bull—13 registered. 11 grades. to repeal It. It was supposed- Con­ Apply st the Headlight office. Germany---------------- 36.7 per cent Entire dispersal. Most of the cattle to be sold are of similar blood linse to gress supposed when It passed the $26,000 six (6) years from date of Germany’s debt Is really greater Cord Wood For Sale. the well-known herd owned by G. G. Hewitt, as bulls from his farm have thing at his behest—that he could issue; as the above figure is exi lusive of ------- o ------- been used. The blood of Rinda Lad of S. B. (21 daughters in the Register himself end It by proclamation, $26,000 seven (7) years from date the ninth German war loan and any I have about 100 cords of Hemlock of issue; of Merit) Golden Fern Noble (12 daughters in Register of Merit) and Mis­ whenever demobilization was com­ Indemnities she may have to pay. tletoe Pogts (10 daughters in Register of Merit) is prominent In all of the pleted. But he says that he is ’ad­ and alder for sale.. Phone 6F2 Beil. said bonds to bear Interest at five Japan la the only Mg nation with Carl Wilhelms. vised” that he cannot do so without pedigrees. v- • , and one-half per cent (5*4 per cent) a lower per capita debt in relation legislative aid. The New York Times says that In per annum, payable semi-annually to Its wealth than the United 8tates. Apparently It is on his own au­ urging the Republicans of the sen­ on January and July first, principal The grades are all high grade Jerseys and from producing ancestry. thority that he declares demoboliza- ate to swallow the British-Wilson and Interest payable in United States Catalogue giving description and breeding of cattle to be sold will be tlon to have proceeded so far that it covenant whole, it Is “moved only by gold coin at the office of the County There are no Liberty Loans ahead published. Send reguest to either sale manager or owner and one will be would now be quite safe and proper consideration of the welfare of the Treasurer or at the Fiscal Agency of , f you after the Victory Loan, so tortgnge year future for Victory to unchain the Demon Rum. That nation." furnished. But it doesn't mention the State of Oregon in New York I londs. Thousands of our soldiers and statement will, we are sure, surprise which nation. City, at the option of the holder. Said blds must be accompanied by allors mortgaged their futures. Terms—Cash unless other arrangements are made with owner before the average citizen, who has no more "I can at«. las league of nations a certified check for 5 per cent of the knowledge than that which he gets bidding. from the papers, and who therefore vl h ;i.> 11...» v. C’arut amount bld and must be uncondition­ The “get-Trotzke” expedition signs one of the poets in a church Time—Lunch will be served at 12 o’clock (new time) and sale will imagines demobilization to be very paper. People with leas vision and al. I seems to have turned out, at the far from complete. Apparently there The approving legal opinion of Mes­ I finish, a good deal like the "get- start immediately thereafter. must have been a great holding back more eyesight can see the flag of Ja­ srs. Teal, Minor & Wlnfree. of Port­ i Villa” foray. Now that the Siberian of the news of arrivals and demobil­ pan floating over Shantung, and the Place—Sale will be held on the George B. Jones farm, which is reach­ ization of troops, as there was of the American people, under the Versail­ land, Oregon, will be furnished the expedition has been abandoned, ed from Monmouth by going about 3 miles south, then about 4 miles west news of casualties, and there must les covenant, pledged to coerce I successful bidder. someone ought to get up and tell us The Court reserves the right to for what reason American soldiers and one-half mile north. Free transportation will be furnished for those ■ have been hundreds of thousands of China Into letting it stay there as reject any or all bids. were asked to risk their Ilves In it. that come by train, by inquiring at Monmouth Hotel. soldiers returned home of which the long as Japan wants to keep It up. ErWin Harrison, Clerk. S 0 Leland B. Erwin, TST I § a City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. Bayocean, Ocean View and Tillamook Bay South Side Real Estate. S a Jerseys at Auction, June 20.