TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 12 1919. What the Editors Say o They do say as how ministers’ sons are always bad eggs, Well, there are some people, in view of the prohibi- tion stand of our president, that are of the opinion that he is running true to form.—Observer. one of its mainstays, is Professor £)R O L. H.HOHLFELD, George Herron, advocate of extreme socialism, free love and .allied doc­ VETERINARIAN. trines, who early this year was nam­ I ed by President Wilson official rep­ Bell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phon» resentative of the United States to a Tillamook conference that was to have taken Oregon. place with bolshevist envoys from Russia. The conference did not take place, though Herron and his col. AVID ROBINSON, M.D., leagues were present at the rendez­ vous. Apparently the bolshevlki were’ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON not as anxious to treat with us as as our president was to treat with NATIONAL BUILDING, them. Thus we see the type of man to T illamook whom the president was willing to OREGON. give the responsibility and prestige T-IBOALS, M.D., of an accredited diplomatic repre- sentative of the country, Leaving aside the question of Herron’s per­ physician and SURGEON sonal character and moral convic­ Surgeon S.P. Co. tions, which were widely aired at the time of his appointment, we see him (I. O. O. F. Bldg-.) now in the role of leader of an or­ ganization that undertakes to be in Tillamook Oregon the United States the mouthpiece of the Lenine government. What sort of statesmaiship is there in an appoint­ TD OBERT H. McGRATH, CoUNSELLOR-AT LAW, ment of that kind?—Spokesman Re- ■*" view. The United States is to retain the 700,,000 tons of German shipping seized in American ports when this country entered the war. Great Britian had proposed that this ton­ nage as well as German ships seized in other countries be placed in a common pool and allotted on the bas­ is of tonnage lost through action of enemy submarines. The United States has steadfastly refused to accede to this plan.—Telephone Register. ------ o------ Gov. Shoup, of Colorado, who is as democratic as an old shoe, seems to be a friend of the newspapers, He vetoed a drastic libel law put over by the legislature in an anti.free press crusade. It is a remarkable fact that the socialistic and souviet-inclined Wherever you go —city, country, mountains, reformer want to cripple a free press. seashore — there you will find Pearl Oil, the It is grat'tying to know that one ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING Standard Oil Company’s kerosene. Gives the con­ western governor is not afraid of « Ma and the Motor Car. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. the power of the press.—Sheridan venience of gas without the dust and dirt of coal ------ e------ P orti and O ffice Sun. or wood. Easy to handle. : Before we take a motor trip, Pa says 1110 W ilcox B ld . With a good oil cookstove you will cook in to Ma, "My dear. whole the experiment of On the Now just remember I don’t need as­ comfort all year ’round. Bakes, broils, roasts, government operation has been one sistance from the rear; toasts—economically. Lights at the touch of a of the mo«t fortunate chapters in the If you will just keep still back there QARL haberlach match. No waiting for fires to come up, no un­ economic history of the nation. It has and hold in check your fright. necessary work, no waste. Concentrates a steady tried an arrangement which former­ I’ll take you were you want to go heat on the cooking—leaving the kitchen cool and ly was an issue, and found it want­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. and get you back all right. ing. Government control of 240,944 Remember comfortable. that my hearing's good T illamook B ixjck miles of America’s railway system, Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special and also I'm not blind, according to official figures for the process which removes the impurities. It is clean And I can drive this car without sug­ Tillamook Otegon first three months of 1919, shows burning. gestion front behind.” i cost to taxpayers to be $176,116,065. Pearl Oil is for sale in bulk by dealers every­ The same period in 1918 showed a Ma promises that she'll keep still; ^^EBSTER HOLMES, then off we gladly start. where. It is the same high-quality kerosene as loss of $146,462,329. And this with But soon she notices ahead a peddler the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a increased rates and reduced service. I and his cart. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW saving by buying in bulk. Order by name—Pearl —Telephone Register. , "You ’d better toot your horn,” says ------ o------ OH. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, she, "to let him know we’re near A New York divine is advocating We recommend Ne w Perfection He might turn out, ” and Pa replies, Sunday baseball. That is nothing. FIRST STREET. “Just shriek at hint, my dear.” and Puritan Oil Cookstoves Every session of the Kansas legisla- I And then he adds: "Some day some TILLAMOOK, ture for years was invaded by cranks OREGON guy will make a lot of dough wanting to abolish Sunday baseball. * A Topeka minister was always on By putting horns on tonneau seats for women folks to blow.” JJR. L. L. HOY, deck opposing the scheme. He wrote ...... a brief in favor of Sunday baseball ,A Uttl® says He sig- | naled for a turn.” succeeded always in beating the j “Did he!” in a tone PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (KEROSENE) < and cranks on the bill. Of course,, we And Pa says: I that’s hot enough to burn. know that any body can prove any T illamook B lock , theory he has by citing scripture, but “Oh, there’s a boy on roller skates!” Ma cries; "now do go slow; we sincerely believe that if Jesus Tillamook, Oregon. himself were here running the I’m sure he doesn’t see our car.” And Pa 8ay8: “I dunno; churches that he would favor Sun- ■ day baseball, Sunday movies and I think I don’t need glasses yet, but C. HAWK, I every other clean form of Sunday t really it may be That I am blind an ’ cannot see what recreation. — Gazette Times. I ! is right in front of me." I •------ o------ (CALIFORNIA) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Kable “jaws” farmers and—"Why An’ keeps him posted on the roads the dangers of the street is it that no matter where you go • you refuse to get along with the If Pa should speed the car a bit, some Bay City Oregon rigs to hurry past, business man in your nearest city?” I asks George W. Kable,, county agent Ma says; “Now do be careful! You are driving much too fast.” | T [ T. Bun a, of Benton County, .Oregon» "Why do ! you object to working with him for An’ rill the time she’s pointing out ’ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. where street cars he will meet. the Interests of the entire county?” I Last night, when we got safely home And why do you permit farmer Smith Complete Set of Abstract Boi ks in Pa sighed and said: "My dear. to do his trading in some other city, | Office. thereby alienating him from his I'm sure we’ve all enjoyed the drive Taxes Paid for Non Residents you gave us from the rear.” own?” he inquires turning to the Offered by the New York Life insurance Company to Class A Risks T illamook B lock , nierchant. "The welfare of the coun­ --Edgar A. Gust, in Detroit Freo Tillamook .... Oregon try is not served by refusing to act ! Press. together, and so long as the farmer Both Phones. or business man carries a chip on his ' TAKE IT IN TIME. shoulder conditions will not change.” ; It’s a pull together spirit that moves as Scores of Tillamook People a -community and spells “progress” Have. I which improves conditions and in­ Waiting does not pay. creases the valuation of all property. If you neglect kidney backache. Urinary troubles often follow. It protects your old age. The cash value of your policy increases — Banks Herald. 1 IF YOU LIVE— Act in time by curing the kidneys. from year to year, and with the dividends left with the Com­ Doan’s Kidney Pills are especially It Might Have Happened. pany at interest, creates a rapidly compounding fund. Th? for weak kidneys. accumulated dividends can be used eventually to pay up the re­ "What you got to say for yourself, i Many people in this locality re­ them. maining premiums, leaving a pair! up insurance for life, or the young man? Guilty or not guilty?” commend Here’s one case: GOYNE, "Begging your pardon sir, or your cash value and accumulated dividends may be drawn out in cash James' C. Duncan, real estate Honor—I didn’t know I was break­ at the time of greatest need. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ing no law, just taking a social drink dealer, 315 8. Meridian St., Newberg, and I had a kind of cold anyway.” , Ore., says: "I used to be subject to Oflice: O pposite ¡ court I jjse Your heirs will receive $6,000 cash, plus all dividends you have 2. IF YOU DIE- kidney trouble. 1 had a too frequent “Didn’t know you were breaking left with the Company to accumulate. the law? Don’t you know what the desire to pass the secretions, espec­ Tillamook ■ O. egon. ially during the night and had to get Your heirs will receive $12,000 cash (double the face value of the prohibition law is? Don’t you know ’up 3. IF YOU DIE— several times. After taking a box is dry?—What's that you BY ACCIDENT— policy), plus all the dividends you have left with the company to Oregon hadn't noticed it. How long you lived of Doan’s Kidney Pills, my kidneys J^OHN J.El.AND HENDERSON, accumulate. here, whe£ve you been for the last ■ became normal. Just as soon as I (notice my kidneys are not acting just A ttorne V • 4. IF YOU BECOME You yourself will receive $600 per annum cash income for life- two years?” ¡right, I take Doan’s Kidney Pills a "Begging pardon sir — 'er Judge — AND All further premium payments, by you, will be waived, and WHOLLY AND 'er your honor—it’s this way: I’m a i few days «nd they never fail to re- COUNSELLOR AT-LAW PERMANENTLY whenever you die $6,000 cash will be paid to your heirs—(or stranger | lieve the trouble," I here, just come to Portland Price 60c, at ail dealers. Don’t T illamook B lo ' k , $12,000 if you die as the result of accident). DISABLED recently. I am a waiter sir by pro­ simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Tillamook • fession, used to wait in some of the After three years ’ premiums have been paid the Company will IF YOU NEED 5. R(X)M NO. hotels in New York, waited on some Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that make a loan on the policy promptly on request at the interest of MONEY the biggest men, sir, in the coun- i Mr. Duncan had. Foster Milburn Co. rate of 6 per cent- and [if then insurable] for a slight additional try. So I got a job at once at that I Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pr Adv. sum you can arrange terms of the policy for the loan to be can­ big hotel down the street.” "Weil, what’s that got to do with Administrator’i Notice to Creditors. celed in the event of death. your drinking alcoholic liquor?” ------ o Even then you come out ahead in money saved. Most of your "Begging pardon, sir, it’s this way. Notice is hereby given, that the 6. IF YOU QUIT I was Haying I waited on the table County Court of the State of Oregon, AFTER THREE premiums paid, after deduction of the cost of life insurance for the As a week ago Friday at a banquet that 'for Tillamook county, has appointed period in force, will be refunded. YEARS the lawyers of Portland, Oregon City the undersigned administrator of the and the rent of the state were giving estate of Fritz Buhrow, deceased, Annual Premium-~$182.76 to a lot of young lawyers what has and any and all persons having been lieuts., captain«, soldiers and claims against said estate are hereby You have the option of greatly reducing the amount of this premium by sailors in the war and there was a required to present the same, to­ lot of speeches and judges and I seen gether with the | proper vouchers instructing the Company to deduct the annual dividends. a lot of them—” therefore, to the administrator at tüWJWöC "That’ll do, that’ll do, case in dls- the office of the Sheriff of Tilla- fWTUND.OMûOH IN A NUTSHELL missed - bring on the next.”—Ore­ mook County, at Tillamook City, Ore­ If misfortune or accident befalls you this policy replaces your business activities and takes care gon Voter. gon, on or before six months from of your family and yourself. If none of these things happen, you have lost nothing. You have put the date of this notice. Sold by away every year a SMALL SUM, but you hove accumulated a LERGE SUM that guarantees the Dated June 12, 1919. Herron and hit Crowd. Tillamook Feed Company. bread and butter of your old age. This is absolute protection that no man who understands it will ------ o------ . W. L. Campbell, admin­ C. 0. & C. M. Dawson el that he can afford to be without. istrator of the Estate of effort Is being made through An Conover & Csndit. Fritz Buhrow, deceased. the courts to secure the use of the fFill in, clip and mail this coupon: Geo. R. Edmunds. United States mails for circulation of printed propaganda of the bolshe- R. A. LEONARD Tillamook. Oregon Otir Platform. C.F. Palmborg, special representative for the New . '. g.--.- rr i i- t t T.’t Cpeci.'ic- A. Anderson, Whec Ore Tillamook, Oregon .!'-•, -ba /•'>•'rr.tf'.n flint n p-n- We have no apologies to make, W. A. Rowe, Brig! Ongon. York Life Ins. Co. is here for a short time to help You may send me details regarding tht phiet by Nlxolai Lenine justifying neither have we done you any dls- Wilson & Co., Be new policy. This will not obligate me in his methods should be admitted to honest tricks to make good. If any­ me get startd. the mail. The organization conduct­ thing you have bought from us have Mohler Supply Co ihle any way. ing the litigation Is a radical institu­ not given satisfaction we will make Chas H. Jones. E City. Ore tion in New York called the Rand good if you let us know. Name_________________________________ All coffees will be mgner in pn« School of Social Science, which by its On this platform we are building newest enterprise definitely pro ­ TILLAMOOK, ORE. up a nice business. Call and see us in For Sale—young registered Hol­ A ddress____________ claims itself an active center of our new location. stein bull, ready for service, in good bolshevism in the United States, LOCAL AGENT Tillamook Tire Co. condition and good breeding. Bob Age_____ Occupation The founder of this school, and E. F. Rogers, Mgr. Stillwell. • PEARL OIL HEAT AND LIGHT < STANDARD OIL COMPANY ABSOLUTE PROTECTION Amount $6,000, Age 35, Plan Ordinary Life WHAT IT PROVIDES: R. A. LEONARD