Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 12, 1919, Image 2

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A Disheartened Surpriae.
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
They had been engaged for full
thirty minutes by the cuckoo clock.
"1 have a surprise in store for you,
Alfred dear,” she replied. “I can
cook as well as I can play the piano"
"That being the case, darling,” he
replied, “we had better live in a
boarding house.”
County Dairy Herd Inspector
His Fathers Chance.
The~teaeher was teaching
meaning of some new- words. Among
them was the word “monopoly." She
told of the monopolies of Elizabeth's
reign and then of some of the pres­
ent day. Then to make sure that
everyone understood it she decided
to make a more specific example.
“Jackie”—she turned to the son of
a pawnbroker—“supposing
there was a great snow on the
ground and that all the sleds this
town held belonged to you? father,
What would he then have?"
Jackie’s eyes grew bright and his
voice eager as he flashed back the
answer, A chance to make a lot of
For disinfecting where Contagious or
infectious diseases are prevailing.
ful Germicidal mixture and by its^use
will improve general stable conditions.
ALEX. MeNfllR & CO.
---------- O----------
Cabman was the Loser.
A cab halted at a street corner
a man alighted. The latter had
dently not the means at hand to
his fare by the manner in which he
dived first into one pocket and then
the other. He was relieved, however,
front his embarrassment by a man
tendering a treasury note to the
driver with the remark:
“Take your fare out of that; I
know this man.”
The change was given and the cab­
by was soon out of sight.
"To whom am I indebted for this
kindness”? asked the first man.
"Not me, sir. On the contrary,
that’s a bad note I’ve been wanting
to change all day.”
Implied Self Praise.
Kitehen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
Modest Young Lieutenant (report­
ing to C. O. after a thrilling raid in
No Man’s Land)—Captain, I wish to
report private Hicks conduct in the
highest terms of praise, He is the
bravest man in the world, He follow-
ed me every place 1 went.
A Muddled Moujik.
Mr. Tower, former American
bassador to Russia told this story of
a typical moujik entering a railroad
station and inquiring when a certain
train would leave. He received the
information and departed.
A little later, however, he was back
again, asking the same question.
“Why” exclaimed the agent, “I
told you that only a moment ago.”
“You did truly” the moujik ans­
wered, "but it isn’t myself that
wants to know this time,
mate outside.”
Dry, Comfortable Feet and Legs
Make The Day’s Hard Work Easier
It certainly makes a big difference to your health and pocketbook, when your
feet and legs are snug and warm in sturdy U. S. ‘ Protected’’ rubber boots.
Seas may rage, spray may pelt—but heavy service, double-duty “U. S.” is
reinforced for hard usage and wards off wet and chill.
There’s comfort, economy and thorough reliability in U. S. “Protected” rubber
boots. They outwear ordinary rubber boots because they are built staunch and
true by patented process. During the war the Government probably used more
U. S. “Protected” rubber boots than of all other makes combined.
The “U. S. Seal”—trade mark of the largest rubber manufacturer in the world
is on every pair of “U. S.” It is placed there for your guidance and protection.
Look for this seal. Wear the kind of U. S. “Protected” rubber boots that your
needs require. Your dealer has it or can get it quickly.
United States Rubber Company
There are Some.
Two little boys were overheard re­ to be telling the truth, the old man
cently discussing their respective agreed:
schools. “My teacher is a war bride,"
“Well young man it may rain.”
boasted the older one.
The little one thought a minute,
Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West, Tillarnoik Or. gj
then a look of relief spread over his Tillamook Lad Makes Good Record
At Hill Military Academy.
lace. "That’s nothing.” he retorted,
ZSZ525H5HS2S “ours is a Civil war veteran."
Errold Haltom, son of E. T. Hal-
------ o------
tom, prominent Tillamook merchant,
Gallantry Saved His Neck.
has been making good progress in
Musing over the thought that good studies, military work and athletics
manners are at all times a valuable at Hill Military Academy, according
. asset, there caiue to mind a pleasing to a news item from Portland.
little tale of a happy result to their
possession. In the Jucobite rising of
i ’4 5 a Roger Maculloch of Glastulllch
had been taken. He was a very tall
For years the Standard
man and, while being escorted to the
Tower, a woman remarked loudly:
Oil Company, through its
. “You tall rebel, you will soon be
Board of Lubrication En­
shorter by a head.”
gineers, has given valu­
"Does that give you pleasure?' in­
able service in lubrication
quired Mr. M.
—on land, on sea and in
"Yes, It does.”
the air. Thousands of
"Then," said Mr. M., removing his
motorists are availing
hat and bowing low, "I do not die in
themselves of this service.
This answer so moved the woman
By exhaustive study and
that she at once took an interest in
actual tests the Standard
the plight of the unfortunate Mr. M.
Oil Company Board of
and, mainly due to her exertions, the
Lubrication Engineers has
royal clemency was extended to him.
determined the correct
As proof of her pei tlnaclty, there is
consistency of Zerolene
still existent a document in the hand­
writing of George 11. which reads:
for your make of automo­
"Let Lady------ have access to her
bile. Their recommenda­
tall rebel, and be damned to her.”
tions are available for you
------ o . ,
in the Zerolene Correct
When the fighting was thickest-
When the suffering was greatest
Where was the Salvation
Army Lassie ?
Leave it to the
Lubrication Charts. There
is a chart for each make
of car.
Get a Correct Lubrica­
tion Chart for your car.
At your dealer’s or our
nearest station.
Ji grade for codi tvr* r
H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Ore.
Final Account.
------ o------
and show cause. If any there be. why
the said final account should not be
allowed and the said administrator
Dated this May 28. 1819.
Adolph Schild. Adminis­
trator of the estate of
Margaretha Schild, de-
Attorneys: Johnson A Handley.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
«state of Margaretha Schild, deceas­
ed. has filed in the County Court of
Tillamook County, Oregon, his final
account. Notice is further given that
the County Court has set July 5.
1919. at 10 a.m., as the time and the
office of the County Judge of Tilla­
For Sale— Registered Holsteins,
mook County, as the place tor the
hearing of said final account and all 6 cows, two 2-year old heifers; two
persons having any objections there- quality heifers; Bull calf.—L. J.
Io shall appear at raid time and place Lownds. Linnton R. 2 Box 90.
New Story from Vermont.
Representative Frank Green, of
Vermont has brought a new Vermont
story to town. It is based on the care
with which his fellow Vermonters
fake strangers into their arms. While
ambling around the state during the
recent recess Green visited a town
where several of his ancestors were
born. Finally he came up in front
of a village store and. encountering
one of the oldest inhabitants, he
tried to start a conversation.
| "Looks as though it might rain,"
Green suggested.
The oldest inhabitant'« response
was a quick glance.
"Oh" Green responded. "I’m young
Green. My grandfater used to run the
quarry out yonder. My grandmother
too. was born in these parts.”
"Is that so?"
I "Yea” Green continued. "1 had a
, lot of relatives born up here, too.
One of my uncles ran the livery sta­
ble for years; a cousin was in the
furniture business; one of my aunts
was the champion bread baker of the
county for six consecutive years, and
1 don’t know how many of my folks
took other high honors hereabouts.”
The resident was impressed Look­
ing Gicen over carefully and observ­
ing lust i I k juuug lellow applaud
He’ll say:
She was right on the job”
And now, back home—in the byways
and hidden places—where misery al­
ways lives, where a mother needs a
hottie, where men, women and child­
ren are on the downgrade, she’s still
Help Her to Carry On
The Salvation Army Home
Service Fund
He was appointed third corporal of
company B. tadet corps, and is'now-
on the road to advancement In mlll- I
tory work at the academy. Young
Haltom is a ball player, enjoying i
athletics and out door games. He
shared with the other cadets in the Mary Pickford A Mountain Girl in
school affairs planned for the school
Strong Picture.
------ o------
this term.
Among the early successes scored
The complete Electric Light aad
by Mary Pickford. "Caprice" was
Power Plant
one of the most brilliant. “This pic­
Plenty of bright, safe clean
ture has been re-issued by Para­
Seal’d blds will be received to mount in greatly improved form and
electric light. No more hot,
June 14, 1919, for the purchase of it wjll be shown at the Gem Theatre
smoky lamps.
the S. W.t4 of S. E. 14
Friday. June 13. It is said to be one
of S. W. H of Sec. 7. Tp. 2 S. R. 9 W. of the best pictures in which "Our
The bids will be considered for 'Mary” ever has been seen, and that
any forty acre subdivision sep­ la saying a great deal.
arately or for the full amount of
In this photoplay. Miss Pickford is
land to tn sold. Bids may be filed wooed and wn by a youth front the
with the county elerk. or the under­ city. His father opposes the match,
signed. The right is reserved to re­ but the youth marries the girl
Tillamook Garage,
ject any and all blds. ▲. M. Hara later realizes that his father was
Co. Judge. Trustee.
right « hen he said Mercy Baxter was
not the social equal of his son. The
bride Is taken home by her father
For Sole or Trade.
and later sent to a boarding school. I
Purge Lost.
------- o-------
Have about 40 acres of land, south where her chum proves to be her |
of Trask river six miles from town. sister-in-law; but the wife conceals ; Leet, a purse, containing about 875
------------------- tn bills and silver. Purse bad admia-
a commencement
Plenty of wood on place, Wood will her identity. At r
____ __
*L'_ wife, * but
—I sion card signed
P _____
Thomas, _ _ in
more than pay for place, Will take ball the husband meets his
auto In trade. Inquire of J. L. he fails to recognize her. All's well Finder leave same at the Headlight
that ends well as the sequel proves. ■ office and receive reward.
Chllder*. near the land.