illamouk Jleaöüobt * TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JUNE 12, 1919, Tillamook Jottings. ------- o Dr. Wise—Dentist. • Live Stock Ins.,—See Watson. Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Co. Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. National Building. Spend your evenings Theatre. • Clough * Dentists. at the Gem * Don’t fail to see the farm tank at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * Apartments for lent. Address Box 143. * Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. 0. F. • Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. Singer Sewing Machine Agency opposite P. O.. Both phones. For Sale—Sevpn head good grade cows, all . fresh, at Oscar Tittle’s ranch on Wilson River, Call and see them. For Sale—20 acres of river bottom land one and one-half miles from Tillamook—-Apply to Karl Kumerle. Tillamook, Oregon. » Dr. Wise can be foil nd at his Tilla­ mook office across the street from the court house, Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays until further notice. ♦ After several weeks of fine but cold weather, there being a slight frost most every night last week, the weather changed to rain Sunday night with showers all day Monday. We are offering our dairy farm fully equipped for sale. Will consider a small ranch near Tillamook in ex­ change. For particulars see Ben Kuppenbender, Tillamook, Ore. * The annual meeting of the school Why not place your feed orders tor tne future with Kuppenbender. • district will be held on Monday, at one o'clock at the high school build­ Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. ing, when the election of two direc­ Wise. * tors and school clerk will take place. Wanted—Heavy wagon, 3 ’A inch. There .is a plentiful growth of Address F. W. Allen, Tillamook. grass this spring, and it is reported Alfalfa ha/, quality guaranteed at that the cows are giving a large flow of milk. The rain the first part of lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. the week will insure a continuance We handle Trojan Powder. Best for of plenty of green feed. stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. * A letter was received from the Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- Astoria Chamber of Commerce stat­ er Warehouse. ‘ • ing that twenty business men of that See The Tillamook Feed Co. about city would visit this city next Mon­ day and Tuesday, should weather Republic tires and save money. • permit them to get through by auto. Obtain your wood from the Tilla­ Mrs. Jessie E. Jarvis, president of mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* the Rebekah Assembly, of Oregon,, Will take your used tires in trade who has been in Tillamook county the for new.—-City Vulcanizing and Tire past week on an official visit to the Shop opposite Postoffice. Rebekah lodges of the county, left Tillamook Feed Company buys for Poitland-on Thursday. For rent, four room modern fur­ hides come in and investigate _ their nished house. Want to sell ’’ heater, prices. eleotric lamp, wardrobe, leatherette and some For Sale-—residence rocker, dining chairs, dresser and household effects, good kitchen rosewood chair.-—Call 136 J Bell range.—C. W. Miller. Phone. J-12 For vulcanizing and tire repairs Wanted—Soldier wishing to locate see J. C. Holden at City Vulcanizing in Western Oregon desires informa­ and Tire Shop? opposite postoffice. * tion about farms or farming land for Dancing every Satudray night, at sale. Send full description and low­ Barview. Excellent music and floor est cash terms to W. E. Flynn, A. P. O. 729, A. E. F. France. like polished glass. Having lived in the county for Judge G. R. Bagley will be in on the 20th and will hold circuit court several years, and expecting to make my home here in the future, I would on the 21st. if my friends would con­ For sale or rent—50 acre dairy sult me personally in regard to in­ ranch 4 miles from Tillamook on surance,, R. A. Leonard, .local agent, main county road.—Call 56-J. New York Life Insurance. A marriage license ^ras issued to For Sale, a 25-candle power acety- Marion T. Chance and Irma Buffum; lene ¿;as plant, to be sold at a great Roy R. Wessels and Leila Bengon. sacrifice. Splendid opportunity to Used tires bought and sold—City procure gas plant for farm house at Vulcanizing and Tire Shop, opposite a small cost. C. B. Wiley, north of Postoffice. Tillamook City. For Sale.—Two fine registered Two New Home sewing machines for sale cheap. Singer Sewing Ma- Holstein bulls, one ready for service and from Toby De Koi 2nd Johanna chine Agency opposite P. O. Duke, 75 per cent same breeding as Just received a car of mill feed at Lady De Koi. 36.59 butter, at 3% the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices years, world’s record when made. are lowest. * Also one 6 weeks old well bred.— Regular services at the Christian Chas Macpherson, Grand Ronde, Or.* Church next Sunday. The public in- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Roberts, of vited. Portland, have recently purchased If you are contemplating buying a the Clemens cottage at Bayocean and drag-saw see the Tillamook Feed Co., are now domciled there with their and get prices. * family. This is one of the very fine beach homes of this resort, an unob- 160 acres wheat land to trade for structable view over both ocean and Tillamook residence property. O. M. bay from the house. Cook at Singer Agency Opp. P. O. * Drs. Wise and Lebow will be at Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is Dr. Wise’s Office and residence safe, clean and powerful. For sale at across the street south of the court the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * house Mondays, Tuesdays and Wed­ Let wour co-worker on the farm be nesdays to do dental work. Thurs­ the Cleveland Tractor. On display at days at Cloverdale; Fridays at the the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • * Nehalem Hotel and Saturdays until ♦ For Sale—Phonograph and records, noon on Sundays at Wheeler. guitar, viola harp, violin, also ten "This is a snap. 160 acres on Sand, dozen fruit jars. Inquire at this of­ lake. $25.00 per acre.’ Will make a fice. good home. For sale cheap, good 5 roomed Ruben Wilkins and Bernice Jacoby, house, with 1 or 2 lots. of Wilkin’s Jazz Orchestra, are Here is a fine home near town, spending the week in Portland, tak­ house, with one Good five roomed t ing in the Rose Festival. acre, with all kinds of fruit. Look! My % interest in acre tract R. R. No. 1, Box 200. Tillamook. * and also lot 14 in Pacific Addition, Henry Lederer, one of the early all in Bay City, for sale for tax val- settlers of Tillamook County, died at nation. Write Gilbert Eyk, New his home at Garibaldi, on June 4th. Auburn, Wis. The funeral services were conducted Men wanted to work on coast high­ at the Garibaldi Christian Church by way, Hemlock to Beaver. Wages $4 Rev. Tucker, and the services at the per day. Board in camp. 40c. per Bay City cemetery by the G. A. R. meal. Warren Construction Co. * Obituary notice will be published next week, as this could not be ob­ See Williams, of the Tillamook tained in time for publication this Feed . Co., and get prices on the week. handsome 19 series Studebaker 1154 acre stock ranch. Improved, cars, before buying your new car. * and 225 acres in crop this year, Bur- For sale, 16 and one fourth acres rounded by open range and only 2 of dairy land, with nine cows. 1H miles to summer range. Grows grain miles south of town. Enquire at the and alfalfa. And owing to bad health Headlight office. * must sell or exchange for something on or near coast. Can give attractive Before buying your auto tire«, in­ time to right party. Address H. H. vestigate the Republic Standard five Davis. Portland, Ore, care Piedmont thousand mile guarantee, price right at Tillamook Feed Co. • Car Barns. Those who have beds to spare on See Willlms about the Republic, the Fotfrth for the accommodation of the yellow chasis truck that serves so the boys who enlisted and will take well ar.d honest, a truck at an part in the two days’ celebration in lioneate price. Tillamook Feed Co. • this city should notify the entertain­ II. F. Cook has. in recent months ment committee, which is composed tuned and repaired more than' 80 of Attorney Jos. Mannlx. Jos Mc­ pianos in thia county. He handles the Ginnis. County Assessor C. A. John­ l'«ut pl nr. us for this climate. On cx- son. A. H. Harris and W. A. Lewis, 1 ibition at Ringer Sewing Machine for it is the intention to throw open . gency. Opp. P. O. Liberty Bonds >ur homes and city to the boys wc .ire going to honor on the Fourth. taken. * In the case of Frank Crane vs C. B. Sutton and wife, of Roseburg, BIG FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRA­ School District, No. 14,. in which the are in the county visiting their son, TION IN TILLAMOOK CITY plaintiff sued the school district un­ C. R. Sutton. They were the first ----- o----- der a contract to transport children white settlers on Nestucca bay, hav­ To Honor the Boys Who Answered to school, .and on account of the ing taken up a homestead there in The Country’s Call. school being closed on account of the 1875, where the Cannery now stands, — o------ flu, .the school board refused to pay where they lived five years. Mr. Sut­ Most every county in Oregon will for the same. Judge Bagley rendered ton can relate many interesting in­ an opinion a few weeks ago which cidents of the iife of the first white have a celebration this year to do honor to the boys of the country who was published in the Headlight and settlers in this county, when there enlisted in the army or navy, and he now renders a judgment in the were only trails between this city Tillamook county will do likewise. case in favor of plaintiff for $380. and the south part of the county, Never again will it be possible to get ¡consequently did not make many ■ For Sale—Two improved lots, full together as many men who partici­ visits here. He was instrumental in size, well located, in desirable part of i pated In the world war as it will be city, on one of the most prominent getting the first county road be- this year and as they never have paved streets in town, concrete walks tween Oretown and Dolph. been mustered together, this will be house of seven rooms besides bath, k Belle F. Cologne vs. School District 2,650.00, $1,000 cash, into a contract with the district to services. balance on terms to suit purchaser. teach there, and the contract has The celebration thisvyear is in the Apply at F. R. Beals office. ♦ never been cancelled. The plaint.ff hands of the K. of P. lodge, assisted oy the Chamber of Commerce, and Married, on Tuesday evening, ^>y I alleges that September last she w. Justice of Peace W. E. Stanley, at the ready, willing and able to perform every effort will be made to make it court house, Marion T. Chance and I her part of the contract, when the the greatest day in the history of Irma Buffum. The bride is a daugh­ defendant th^p and there broke its Tillamook County. Committees are at(.work making ter of Ed Doerge, of Beaver, and she contract and refused to allow the has taught school for several years. plaintiff to teach the school and un­ arrangements. A meeting of the The groom is well known in the lawfully and wrognfully ordered her committees was held Tuesday even­ county, and was engaged in dairying to keep away from the school. Fred ing at the court house, and another The happy couple left on the train Seeley, chairman of the board of meeting is to be held to_morrow on Wednesday morning to spend a directors wrote her: “As to you pre­ (Friday), .evening, .when it is ex­ short honeymoon in Portland, carry- seating yourself to the Wheeler pected that final arrangements will ig with them the best wishes of their school house on September 3 or 10, be decided upon. or any other date, let it be under- friends. The committees are: stood, ,once for all, you are forbidden Speakers—T. B. Handley, C. J. Ed- Howitt Commission Co. 135 Front to attempt any such intimidation of St., Portland, Oregon, will pay the the teachers that are selected by the wards, B. C. Lamb,, Jos Mannix. following prices on shipments re­ present directors of this district, but Music—Mrs. C. E. Gibson, Mrs. F. ceived up to and including June 5. if you attempt to carry your troubles D. Small. C. E. Trombley. Veal, 75 to 120, top.............. . . 19c. into the schools in the coming school Sports—A. C. Everson, Ralph War­ Veal, 75 to 120, medium ... . . 18c. year, you do so at your own peril.” ren, Ed Shilling, Wm. Oathout. Veal, fair to good ............... < . 17c. The plaintiff claims that she has | Entertainment—Jos Mannix, JOS. Veal, heavy . . . . .................... 12 to 17c. been wronged to the amount of $750 McGinnis, C. A. Johnson, A. H. Har­ Hogs, 100 to 160 top . . 23 to 25 V4c. and now sues for the same. ris, W. A. Lewis. Hogs, poor and heavy ... 20 to 23c.' ‘ Decoration, Seats and Stage—Bob No commission, prompt returns. Leonard, I. C. Smith, A. Byers. Holstein Breeders Meet. Write for shipping tags. * Parade—W. L. Campbell, C. 0. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jackson, of A crowd of about fifty enthusiastic Dawson, Ford Shaw. Portland, are at their cottage in Holstein boosters met at the home of Prizes-—L. V. Eberhart, A. H. Gay­ Bayocean. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson like Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Gilmore on Fri- lord, C. S. Barnes. to spend a great deal of their time day evening, June 6th. Fire Works—A. H. Harris, B. E. the year around at their beach home. The men spent the early part of However, they are prevented from the evening in looking over Mr. King, Albert Plank. doing so on account of the uncertain­ Gilmore’s fine herd of Holsteins, Program—Stanley Clark, H. C. ty of transportation after reaching which consist chiefly of purebreds, Boon, Mr. Cardiff. Tillamook bay. Mr. Jackson has while the women enjoyed a social Finance and Concessions—E. C. recently installed a very complete hour before all gathered together for Condit, W. G. Dwight, H. Creshaw. electric lighting system at his Bay- the business meeting. Publicity—Albert ByerB, Fred C. ocean residence. A keen interest in the coming Baker, C. E. Trombley. A meeting of delegates interested county fair was shown by the lively in the Roosevelt Highway from the discussions and the association voted California People Enthusiastic Over Coast counties will be held .1 at the $100.00 to be given in special prizes Tillamook Cheese. Imperial Hotel in Portland this lor Holstein exhibited there. ------- o------ “Tillamook on the Rind” and (Thursday) evening, when Tilla­ Ben Kuppenbender, president of other points of the advertising cam ­ mook will be represented by H. H. Rosenberg of this city. When paign were explained by Ben Kup­ the Tillamook Co. Creamery Asso­ the result of the election was known penbender, also the efforts of the ciation has just returned from a trip all the members of the Oregon dele- Cheese Makers’ Association to bring through California and reports that gation at Washington wired their about a greater uniformity in the Tillamook cheese has fully establish­ congratulations and promised their output of the various factories. This ed itself as the quality cheese there. was very instructive and the Hol­ As far as he knows Tillamook is the support. stein people were glad to know of the only arftertised trade marked cheese A delegation of the Clatsop County work being done to better Tillamook in the United States, and we are Dairymen’s League, numbering reaping the Benefit of the many about 25, with their wives, visited cheese and bring it before the eyes years of hard work which our dairy­ Tillamook. They came in by auto of the world. _ Ice cream and cake was served to men spent in perfecting our herds, Sunday, having been met at the the guests at a late hour, after introducing modern methods of man­ county line by a number of Tilla­ which all departed from this pleas­ ufacture and standardizing our pro­ mook people. On Monday morning duct and so placing our trade maik the party assembled at the Tillamook ant gathering to meet again on June “Tillamook” on every piece, and that Hotel, and headed by County Agri­ 25th for the all day annual picnic to the last piece is just like the first culturist Jones visited a large num­ be held at Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rupp’s. one. In San Francisco and LosAnge- bet of farms and the Maple Leaf, les he found Wisconsin cheese com­ Holstein and Red Clover cheese fac- Eighth Grade Exercises. peting strongly at 2 Vi and 3% cents tries. At noon a lunch was served at below Tillamook cheese. Some of the John Schild's farm and in the even­ The eighth grade exercises of the jobbers objected to our brand being ing the party was tendered a ban- pupils of the public school will be put on our cheese, but they were po­ quet at the Louvrie. Owing to the held this (Thursday) evening at the litely told that after all the hard wet weather several large machines high school which will commence ai work and effort we have put in to were left here, as it was thought 7:30. The program is as follows: create a reputation for Tillamook they would not be able to get Piano Dpet .... ‘Salute the Colors” cheese we feel justified in insisting through. Marion Robison. Mary Lamar. that it be sold as a Tillamook pro­ Congressman Hawley writes: “I Address ........................... Prof. White. duct. As a whole, all of the Jobbers have received a letter from Secretary Class History apd Prophesy. and retailers on the Pacific coast are Warren Foland. Daniels of the Navy Department to co-operating in a splendid way with the effect that there is on hand at Piano Solo............"Dancing Spirits.” us and express themselves as being Lillian Groat. the Navy Yard at Washington, D. C. strongly in favor of Tillamook be­ Vocal Trio ......................... "The Gypsies ” 1311 memorial tablets made from the cause it is a standardized cheese of Ramona Haltoni quality. Tillamook cheese will prob­ metal recovered from the wreck of Evelyn Stillwell, Violet Glaisyer. the old battleship Maine. These tab­ ably never again be really plentiful. lets are to be disposed of to munici­ Piano Solo,, ’Madvilena’ Mary Lamar The advertising Is establishing it de­ Presentation of Diplomas... Mrs. palities, military or naval associa­ finitely, and the sound business sense Et erson. tions or societies, and the former of­ of the Tillamook dairymen will Fifth Nocturne prompt them to constantly develop ficers and crew of the Maine or their Plano Solo................ Ramona Haltom. heirs or representatives. Secretary their pioduct. Thus a combination of Daniels says that the estimate cost Operetta ’Greeting the Gypsy Queen’ good dairying backed up by modern Rirected by Miss Hickey. of the ta’blets is about $5 to which methods of advertising and selling should be added the freight or ex­ Gypsey Queen .................... Lottie Orth are definitely solving for our section press charges from Washington to First Gypsy............ .. • Madge deFord at least the problem of co-operative destination. Blanks will be furnished First Chorus—Geòrgie Carlin, Ro­ selling to the end that the Individual berta Campbell, Lillian Groat. by the Navy Department with full farmer and dairyman may be protect­ Madge deFord, Violet Glaisyer, instructions to qualify purchasers ed and be in a position to promote Dorothy Gerardy. Marion Robison, who may desire to obtain relics." his business along sound prog lessive Mary Lamar. lines. The Clatsop County dairymen who Second Chorus- Ethel Anderson, came to Tillamook county to get an Bernice Clark, Nina Vetsch, Leia insight of dairying and the methods Artiitic Settings in Metro’s “Satan Smith. Pauline Gelnger, Margaret used in Tillamook county, were Junior.” Ross, Evelyn Stillwell. greatly surprised at what they saw. One of the most artistic settings in The dairy herds, the splendid blood­ the Metro play “Satan Junior," star­ ed stock and the cheese factories Big K. of P. Meeting. ring Viola Dana, is the studio of a were a revelation to them. The larg­ A special meeting of extraordinary young playwright, Paul Worden est dairy herd visited was that of Mike Abplanalp, who is milking 70 importance will be held at K of P. played by Milton Sills. This room cows. The herd Is milked by machine Hall, ,Tillamook, ,on next Saturday was designed especially for the pro­ which takes three persons two hours, evening, .June 14. at eight o'clock. duction by M. P. Stauicup, the noted and Mike’s monthly cheek runs up to A large class will be down from Ne­ art director, and is patterened after $2,000. He generates his own elec­ halem, and the third rank conferred. his own studio. It contains many rare objects of tricity and runs his mllkilg machine Several prominent members of Ivan­ and electric plant by a gravety water hoe Lodge of Portland will be with art, conspicuous among which Is a system close by. The Clatsop dairy­ us. The famous "Happy Hunter" of carved ebony pillpit originally be­ men are contemplating erecting a Ivanhoe Lodge will be on hand to longing to a Spanish monastery. cheese factory to take care of their lead the D. O. K. K. band, and form Many Chinese lanterns of exquislt surplus milk, and they did the wise a new class for the bog doings here beauty are seen, which, when lighted thing to come to Tillamook where on June 28. Big D. O. K. K. Cere­ produce a soft, mellow glow that they certainly obtained plenty of re­ monial here June 28. Something do­ greatly adds to the beauty of the pic­ liable as well as useful information, ing all the time by the "Live Ixxlge” ture. Heavy hangings in brocaded and probably they will do the same Big feed. Don’t fail to be with us velvet and satins give a tone of rich­ as Coos courty did. send here for | Remember the dat< Promptly at 8 ness and luxury to the artistic, scene “Satan Junior" will be shown at •heese makers to operate their fae |o clock p.m. Committee. the Gem Theatre, Saturday June 14. tories GEM THEATRE PROGRAM ------ o------ Friday. June 13—"Caprice” Para­ mount picture featuring Mary Pickford. "Burton Holmes Travelogue. Saturday, June 14—"Satan Junior’’ Metro production featuring Viola Dana. “A Sammy in Siberia” Harold Lloyd comedy. Sunday, June 15—“Scandal” Select production featuring Constance Talmage. Pathe News. Mopday, June 16—"Playing the Game” Paramount production feat- uring Charles Ray. Comedy. Tuesday, June 17—“Prunella” Art- craft production featuring Mar- guerite Clark. Pathe News. Wednesday, June 18—“Marriage Ring" Paramount production, feat­ uring Enid Bennett. “Bray Pictograph” Thursday, June 19—“Love Auction” William Fox production featuring Virginia Pearson. The Sheriff" Fatty Arbuckle Com­ edy.' High School Notes. ------- o------- The Baccalaureate sermon before the graduating class of the Tilla­ mook High Sshool will be delivered by Dr. Chas. E. Gibson., on Sunday, June 22, at 10:45 o’clock, in the Christian Church. Music for the oc­ casion will be furnished by the ladies quartet, and by Mrs. Carl Swensen. The graduating exercises of the High School will occur on Friday night June 27, at the Christian Church, at eight o’clock. The class march will be played by Miss Eunice ■Swensen. Other numbers of the pro­ gram will be furnished by the McGee orchestra,, by Dr. Cook and by the High School Glee Club. The entire program for commencement will be announced in full later on. The class program will be held on June 26, at 8 o’clock. ‘‘The Marriage Ring” at the Gem. ----- o------- Have you ever been in Hagai' and felt the exotic spell of the tiopic days and nights, the langorous beau­ ty of the heavy perfumes, the dulcet sweetness of the native music of the ukelele and guitar? Have you seen the warm skinned maidens dance the Hula or drink the insidious potions brewed by the native islanders; have you eaten poi with your fingers, watched the end of the world in miniature in the volcano of Kileaua? If you have done or seen' any of these things, you will undoubtedly appreciate even more fully the charm of “The Marriage Ring," in which Enid Bennett, the Thomas II. Inc star in Paramount Pictures will be seen at the Gem Theatre on Wednes- day, June 18th. This is a story laid principally in the Island possessions and Jack Holt is leading man. Fred Niblo, husband of the star, directed the production. The supporting cast includes, besides Mr. Holt, Robert McKim, Charles K, French, Maude George and Lydia Knott. Golden Wedding Celebration ------- o------- Mr. snip Mrs. Charles Sy, of Forest Grove, Oregon, celebrated their gol­ den wedding anniversary, Saturday, June 7th, at Happy Camp, Netarts, Oregon. 350 friends and well-wishers surprised the happy couple, when in a body they notified Mr. and Mrg. Sy they were about to celebrate In their honor. A banquet lunch was served and every one present was de. lighted when after leading the grand march Mr. and Mrs. Sy danced the first round as graceful as a pair of 20. The new management of Happy Camp turned the grounds over to the celebrators and with impressive cere­ monies rechristened Mr. and Mrs. Sy’s cottage, the Golden Wedding Inn . Chas Sy is 72 and his wife 66. They were married at Kull, Wis., There are three children, William on the old home place at Boyd. Wis., Mrs. Geo. Baertlein, of Lebanon, Or., and Mrs. O. G. Wilkes, of Tillamook, and eleven grand children. The Allied Church Invites you to be present for Its services on Sunday, June 15th. Sub­ jects of grave importance will be considered. For the 11 o'clock service: “To what extent has one the right to use the Sabbath for gain or pleasure?" For the 8 o’clock service: “The Christian attitude toward the League of Nations." Remember the Sunday School at 10 a.m., Prof. White, Supt. ------- o---- 4 Nazarene Church Services 10 a.m. Sunday School, W Fletcher Assistant Hupt. 11 a.m. Preaching by the pastor, Rev A. F„ Ingler, subject: “My Brother’s Keeper.” 7:30 pm.—Praise service and: evening sermon. All welcome. Midweek service on Thursdays at 8 p.m.