Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 05, 1919, Image 7

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the Nation, who has been whooping
Change of Location.
it up for Wilson for six years and
------- o-------
never found this out about him until
The building owned by F. R. Beals,
The United States has a delegation the terms of the treaty with Ger- located on the corner of 2nd Ave. &
of 10,00'1 at the Paris peace confer­ many were made public.
4th St., occupied by the Tillamook
ence. Mr. Wilson Is one and the other
Tire Co. and Mrs. E. F. Rogers’ Mil-
four are ciphers.
The institutions and instrumental, linery Store, is being moved this
------- o-------
ities, supposedly non-political, in this week to the corner of 3rd Ave. and
The fifteenth point is that the country which are being utilized at 3rd St., across the corner ____
from ____
Fourteen points, like the “he kept us this time for administration propa­ Tillamook Hotel, "fhe old building
out of wai slogan” were intended as ganda are going to do themselves will undergo a thorough repairing
a platform rather than as a program. more harm than they will do the ad­ and painting, .and the same business
ministration good. Thene is such a lines will be carried on, only In a
President Wilson says we are now thing as pushing propaganda to the more extensive way.
about to venture on unchartered seas. point where the people revolt against
The same plan of square dealing
It would be a good time, then, to it. Witness last November election and abiding by the Golden Rule will
begin sailing by the compass rather results.
go forward that has built up. these
thun the weather-vane.
------- o-------
businesses to Its present magnitude,
The Social Democratic League of and, in fact, only time will tell of
President Wilson, a Paris cable­ America, composed of the adminis­ the development of these businesses
gram announces, has prevented the tration Socialists headed by Charles in Tillamook. We certainly appre­
contemplated publication of the full Edw. Russell, Wm. F. Walling, J. G. ciate our patrons and will try to do
text of the peace treaty terms. “Open Phelps Stokes and Frank Bohn, has all within our power to satisfy them.
covenants openly arrived at.”
issued a statement commending the We will be glad to meet all of our
pending covenant for a league of na­ customers In our new location and
President Wilson told a Paris au­ tions as “good socialist policy”. At many new ones. We are here to stay,
dience that he “utters the thoughts any rat? there are some people in and will save you money in your
of the American people”. In evidence the country that are not being fool­ purchases. Both phones will be in-
we offer Mr. Wilson’s 1918 campaign ed.
stalled again as soon as possible.
letter as exhibit A.
------- o-------
Yours for business.
------- o-■ - ■
Vice President Marsrshall during
Tillamook Tire Co.
A Democratic exchange says Mr. the campaign of 1916 had a very pa­
E. F. Rogers, Mgr.
Burleson is the weakest man in Pres- thetic speech in which he showed
Mrs. E. F. Rogers, Milli­
ident Wilson’s cabinet, but, really, how many widows and orphans we
ner and Artist.
there couldn’t be any weakest man would’ have if we didn’t have Mr.
in that cabinet.
Wilson to keep us out of war. Now Notice of Executor’s Final Account.
------ o
- o-------
he wants to send an army to conquer
Notlco is hereby given that the un­
The Koreans and Chinese no w un­ Russia. Give some of these mild man­
derstand that the way to spell one of nered fellows a taste of blood and dersigned executor of the estate of
the fourteen points is * freedom of they get worse than Jack the Giant John C. Sander, deceased, has filed
in the county court his final account
the seize." and Japan is about to get Killer’s oigre.
and that the said court has fixed Sat­
a piece without victory.
------- o ■ -
The Springfield Republican, an ad­ urday, the 31st day of May, 1919, at
Samuel Gompers has telegraphed ministration organ, thinks that the 10 a.m. as the time and the office of
to Mexico his protest against certain overwhelming Republican victories the County Judge, of Tillamook
legislature now proposed by his old in St. Louis, Chicago and Baltimore County, Oregon as the place for hear­
friend Gen. Carranza. Arn’t we the give evidence of the existence of a ing of said account. All persons are
busy little international butters-in proletariat in our great cities. If the hereby required to appear at said
theée days?
misnamed Republican • will take an­ time and place and show cause, if
—-—o------ -
other good look it may be able to see any there be, why the said final ac­
There are those who have the sus- the funnel shaped cloud that indi­ count should not be allowed and the
picion that running this country is cates the approach of the Republican executor discharged.
Dated this April 28, 1919.
about as big a job as the American cyclone.
Herman Sander, Execu­
people want to tackle, and a bigger
tor of the estate of John
job than the present national admin­
Tlie world is afflicted at present
C. Sander, deceased.
istration knows how to handle.
with too many people uttering gran­
------- o-------
Johnson & Handley Attorneys.
diloquent phrases about the big pro­
Government ownership of railroads grams, and too few people devoting
in the United Kingdom has resulted themselves to the little details of in­
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale.
in increased rates, poorer service and ching the world along toward a bet­
an annual deficit of a half billion ter day as the job will finally have
Notice is hereby given, that by vir­
dollars. Socialism works the same to be done. In other words, we are
tue of an execution and order of sale
way in all languages.
long on architects and blue prints
issued out of the Circuit Court of
and short on carpenters and brick­
the State of Oregon, oh the 9th day
Senator Lewis says he was surpris­ layers.
'of May, 1919, and to me directed, on
ed by the sentiment adverse to the
------- o-------
a judgment and decree of foreclosure
British-Wilson covenant in the west.
The Berlin Tagllsche Rundschau
Senator Lewis is like a good many lets the cat out of the bag In bewail­ entered In said Court on the 5th day
other people,—he mistook propagan­ ing the unexpected attitude of Presi­ of May, 1919, In a suit wherein
Scandinavian-American Bank, a cor­
da for sentiment.
dent Wilson toward Germany at the
poration was plaintiff and G. E.
peace conference. It says: “This man
The reason Mr. Burleson hasn’t was reelected president, thanks to Walling and J. Louise Walling, his
been able to get by with his admin­ the German. Americans, with the wife; Walter R. Rossman; Meier &
istration of postal, telegraph and tel­ connivance of our foreign office.” Frank Co., a corporation; and E. L.
ephone affairs is that, unlike some Evidently the Germans, too, took Barnett were defendants, and in
other people, his flow of language that “he keeps us out war” stuff ser­ which the plaintiff recovered judg­
ment ajfhinst the defendants G. E.
isn’t free enough to make black look iously.
Walling, and J. Louise Walling, his
whiter than white.
------- o-------
wife; and each of them, for the sum
------- o-------
Happily, says President Wilson, of $4,425.00 with interest thereon at
Attorney General Palmer says that there is no secrecy or privacy about
the Democratic party deserves credit the proposed alliance with France the rate of 8 per cent per annum
for winning the war. The soldiers and England to defend France again­ from July 9, 1915, and for $400.00
attorney fees, with interest thereon
who did the fighting stand corrected. st Germany
without reciprocal
at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
The war was won, not
agreement to defend us against any­ from May 5, 1919, and for costs and
riors at the front, but by the poli- body. Happily the Constitution of the
disbursements of this suit, taxed at
ticians three thousand miles in the United States makes secrecy or pri­
$48.00, and commanding me to sell
vacy in the making of treaties lmpos_ all the real property hereinafter de­
------- o-------
sible because of the necessity of se­ scribed, to satisfy the same, now
Women voted in Michigan at the curing ratification by the senate.
therefore by virtue thereof, I will on
recent state election. As compared
------- o
Saturday the 21st day of June, 1919,
with 1916 the Democratic vote fell
“The workers demand”, says the at 10 o’clock a.m., on said date, at
from 283,993 to 221,831 and the Re­
I publican vote rose trom 337,962 to “Rev.” Irwin St. John Tucker, “that the Court House in Tillamook, said
our country be restored to us.” Like County and State, sell at public auc­
506,342. Evidently the women of a good many of the loose tongued per
tion, to the highest bidder for cash
the country have not forgotten that sons who talk thia way, the Rev.
in hand, all the right, title and in­
“he kept us out of war” slogan.
Tucker never worked. Moreover the terest of the said defendants, and all
------- o-------
people who work in this country con­ of them in and to the following de­
The Townley outfit turned against stitute an immense majority of the
scribed real property, situated in Til­
the Versailles treaty when they dis­ population, and do not need to have
lamook County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots
covered the size of the indemnity the country “restored" to them, be­
No. 10, 11 and 12 in Block 14, and
Germany was going to have to pay, cause they have the means of con­
Lots No. 10 and 11 in Block 15, Lake
and not while it was only known trolling It under our form of govern­
Lytle, rillamook County, Oregon.
that the United States was going to ment.
Dated May 21. 1919.
have to trade its own rights and in­
------- o-------
W. L. Campbell
I terests for the nothing we went to
At the instigation of general offi- |
Sheriff of Tillamook
Paris to get.
cials some of the organizations of
County, Otegon.
railway men are sending petitions to First publication May 22, 1919.
The people would like to see the Congress urging government owner­
Last publication June 19, 1919.
Senate begin at the beginning by ship of railroads, "all earnings be­
making inquiry as to the authority yond a fixed percentage of dividend
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
under which President Wilson pro­ to be divided equally between the
ceeded in undertaking to form a employes and
the government.”
| Notice is hereby given, that by vlr-
Judging by the results up to date
country having either assented to the division of the losses of the rail­ ture of an execution and order of sale
such a constitution or delegated him ways at freight and passenger rates issued out <jf the Circuit Court of the
to write it.
prevailing before they were McAdoo, State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­
------- o-------
ed would deprive the railroad em­ ty, on the 19th day of May, 1919,
on a decree of said Court made and
In a recent week the Washington ployes of all their pay.
entered on the 5th dav of May, 1919,
departments let out 1,084 employes
and added 1,500 new ones, The pro-
The effort to launch a distinct in a gult to forclose a mortgage,
gress of demobolizatlon of the job black man’s party, now being under­ wherein Edward Kleist was plaintiff
holders under a Democratic adminls- taken by administration politicians and Irma M. Vose and R. H. Vose
tration it like that of the famous as a means of diverting some of tbe and Rosanna Vose, his wife were
frog who got out of the well by mak- Republican vote and putting the fendants, wherein the plaintiff re-
ing one jump up and shipping two haters and the baiters of the negro covered a judgment against the
in power, la a scheme well calculated
gether with $122.40 accumulated
to still further segregate the negro
Henry Morgenthau couples com- and maze him the target of race per­ interest all bearing interest at the
' rate of 8 per cent per annum from
mendation of the league of nation» secution. However, the motive in­
(the 5th day of May, 1919, for the
with the statement that there are go­ spiring those who are fostering this
ing to be more European wars and movement is not to help the black 'further sum of $75.00 attorney fees,
*and the further sum of $22.00 costs
we must get ready for them. In man. but to save the public jobs for
’and disbursements, the said execu-
of nations Democracy.
other words the league
Ition being to me directed and com-
will not stop war, I but will make it
------- o-------
Imandtng me to sell the property
certain that when there is one we
Former secretary of state William
will be in it. •
J. Bryan, in an address before the I hereinafter described to satisfy said
'judgment, accumulating interest, at­
----- <>■
Presbyterian General Assembly as­
fee, costs and disbursements,
Secretary of the treasury Carter sured his audience that the league
Glass, in a public statement, refers to of nations would keep us out of war. I together with the costH and expenses
“the spirit of exaggerated import­ Four years ago Mr. Bryan was going 1 of sale. Now therefore, I will on Sat-
ance and insufferable personal van­ ¡about the country declaring that if | urday the 21st day of June, 1919, at
ity” which he says characterized the I tjjjB country failed to engage in pre­ the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on said
retiring head of the War Risk bu­ paredness that would keep us out of I date, sell to the highest bidder for
'cash In hand, at the Court-House
reau. These are characteristics which war. Yet the lack of preparedness
door In said county and state, all the
under the present national adminis­ not only did not keep us out of war,
right, title uud Interest of the said
tration, 'it is all right for a subordi­ but it cost us billions of dollars and
defendants, and each and all of them,
nate to admire, but not to imitate.
thousands of lives. Still Mr. Bryan
had at the date of said decree, in and
continues to get the applause of the
to the following described property,
Oswald Garrison Villard, of the sentimentalists, who are ready ‘for
situated in said Tillamook County,
Notion, has decided that President anything from sixteen-to-one to the
to-wit: Ail of the South half of the
Wilson is "an arrogant autocrat and Versailles covenant that is advocated
Northwest quarter of the North­
a compromising politician.” What, on the ground that it is going to
west quarter of Section 18 in Town­
then, shall be said of the editor of bring on the millenium.
ship 2 South of Range 9. West of the
Scraps ol Paper.
Have You a
National” Bank Account ?
F you have’nt—then you do not
realise how
fully and helpfully the FIRST NAT1ONAI
BANK can serve you, Remember—tFiis institution
is Government supervised and Inspected,
I hat
means a lot to the discriminating business man or
woman or firm.
We want your account because we can
Serve you BETTER.
A. W. Bunn, Farmer.
P. Heisel, Farmer.
C. J- Edwards. Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres.
B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan, Farmer.
W. J. Riechets. Cashier.
The First NationalBank
Have you seen the Model 90
Overland Car ?
Like the one that broke the world’s record
at Oklahoma, going 7;days without a stop.
Star Garage,
Have Your Garments Dry
Agency of M. Paumies ’ Dye House,
Butte, Montana.
The Pacific Cleaning & Tailoring Co.
Call 31 J
Mail Order Dept.
‘Maybe nobody ha« told you,’
says the Good Judge—
Why this good tobac­
co costs less to chew.
You get real tobacco
with a
small chew. It gives
you the good tobacco
taste. It lasts and lasts.
You don’t need a
fresh chew so often.
It saves you money.
put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
P s
Willamette Meridian,
20 acres.
Dated this 20th day of May, 1919.
W. L. Campbell,
Sheriff of Tillamook
Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned administrator of the estate
of A. J. Getchell, deceased, will on or
after the 7th day of July. 1919, sell
at private sale, the whole or any
part thereof as may be necessary, of
the following described real property
situated in Tillamook County, Ore­
gon, to-wit:
The South half of the Southeast
quarter of Section 17, and the North
naif of the Northeast quarter of Sec­
tion 20, all in Township 4 South of
range 9 West of the Willemette
Said sale will be made in pursuance
of an order of the County Court of
Tillamook County, Oregon, made on
the 23rd day of May, 1919, and said
sale will be made for cash or upon
such terms as may be approved by
the County Court,, and bids will be
received by the undersigned at her
residence at Hebo, Oregon, from and
after the above date.
Dated this 27th day of May, 1919.
Florence V. Getchell,
Administratrix of the
Estate of A. J. Getchell,
Geo. P. Winslow & T. H. Goyne,
Attorneys for the estate.
Gosh! How my back aches!’
After influenza or colds the ki
bladder are often affected—call
phritis,” or inflammation of the kidneys.
This is the red-flag of danger—better
be wise and check the further inroads of
kidney disease by obtaining that wonder­
ful new discovery of Dr. Pierce’s known as
“Anuric” (anti-uric), because “Anuric’l
expels the uric acid poison from the body
and cures those pains, such as backache:
rheumatism in muscles and joints.
' Naturally when the kidneys are de­
ranged the blood is filled with poisonous
waste matter, which settles in the feet,
ankles and wrists; or under tbe eyes in
bag-like formations.
Dr. Pierce’s Anuric is many times more
potent Ithan lithia and often eliminate«
uric acid as hot tea melts sugar.
Madera, Cal.— 'l recommend Dr. Pieroe’■ Anuria
very highly. I l^ve Buffered for the last three years
with catarrh of tbe bladder, having tried every
remedy I heard of but without relief. I saw ‘Anurio’.
advertised in the paper and like a drowning man
grabbing at a straw I thought I would try it also,
which I did with great success, as it relieved mo
almost immediately before I had taken all of tho
trial package, and having great confidence in tho
remedy I immediately sent to the drug store and
bought a package. I can say to nil suffering from
any disease of tho kidneys or uric acid troubles, try
this remedy and suffer no longer. I have great
faith in Dr. Ficrco’u remedies.”— I*. Hensley.
A Clutton Brock says: “The chief
obstacle to a league of nations are
the human mind.” So are the chief
obstacles to tyranny, slavery and In-
T he .
L atest !
Electricity’s latest gift to
the housewife—greatest
since the electric iron
and electric vacuum
cleaner— the
Western Electric
S ewing M achine
treadle pushing - no
more backache a little
electric motor does the
hard work.
foot control gives any
speed desired.
The entire machine in
its case can be carried
anywhere—it’s no larger
than a typewriter.
Ask for a demooFtra-