Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 05, 1919, Image 1

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Word was received in this city, I be arranged so that her brother can
that it is thought there is money stay in the west.
available at Washington which can
The Bayocean "Meadows”, Ocean­
be used for the Roosevelt Highway.
Dr. Wise—Dentist.
view and vicinity will develop rap­
Lost— Saturday May 31 in Tilla­ idly soon as completion of Bay­
Live Stock Ins.,—See Watson.
mook City string of garnet beads.
ocean road is under way. Good
Hoofroi Remedy at C. 1. Clough | Valued as gift. Phone 212 Bay City. time to get in on some of this
while it can be had for a "song.”
Attorney H. T. Botts and T. Man- Something may happen most any-
Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists.
time. Consult with Ring.
nix left on Tuesday to try a case.
National Building.
C. I. Clough went to Portland on a
Drs. Wise and LebOw will be at
Spend your evenings at the Gem business trip Wednesday.
Dr. Wise's office and residence
There will be Sweedish meeting at across the street south of the court
The W. R. C. will meet on Satur­
the Maple Leaf school house, Friday, house Mondays, Tuesdays and Wed­
at 8 p.m.. also Sunday services. Rev nesdays to do dental work. Thurs­
days at Cloverdale; Fridays at the
Don’t fail to see the farm tank at A. R. Anderson will preach.
Nehalem Hotel and Saturdays until
the Kuppenbender Warehouse.
cce V. iiliams, of the Tillamook noon on Sundays at Wheeler.
Apartments for rent. Address Box
• Co., and get prices
on the
handsome 19
series Studebaker
tle Club will hold their next meeting
There was a light frost early thiH
at the ranch of F. K. Blackadore on
Joe Durrer and Carl Haberlach the Trask river, June 26th. There
bought Henry Landolt’s dairy farm will be a basket lunch. All those in­
Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F.
• of 74 acres, paying 330,000 for the terested in the better development of
Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon.
Jerseys are cordially J invited to at-
Carl Haberlach left Wednesday on
For sale, 16 and one fourth acres tend.
a business trip to Portland.
of dairy land, with nine cows, 1%
Attorney Goyne and
Singer Sewing Machine Afeency miles south of town. Enquire at the Sheriff Campbell ran up against a
opposite P. O.. Both phones.
Headlight office.
snay when they endeavored to get the
Before buying your auto tires, in- grand jury together on Saturday.
Why not place your feed orders for
the future with Kuppenbender.
* vestigate the Republic Standard five One gentleman of the jury was a
thousand mile guarantee, price right strong Adventist, consequently had
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hud­ at Tillamook Feed Co.
• conscientious objections
to doing
son, on May 31st, a daughter.
jury work on that day.
See Willims about the Republic,
Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. the yellow chasis truck that serves so
This is a snap, 160 acres on Sand­
• well and honest, g. truck at an lake. 325.00 per acre. Will make a
Caddilac Bug for sale. Square Deal honeste price. Tillamook Feed Co. ♦ good home.
For sale cheap, good 5 roomed
Repair Shop.
For Sale—Seven head good grade
house, with 1 or 2 lots.
Wanted—Housekeeper, family of
Here is a fine home near town,
ranch on Wilson River. Call and see
two. Inquire at S. P. Depot.
Good five i roomed house, with one
acre, with all kinds of fruit.
A marriage license was issued to
For Sale—20 acres of river bottom
Emery Brandt and Jennie Glick.
R. R. No. 1, Box 200, Tillamook. *
land one and one-half miles from
Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at Tillamook—Apply to Karl Kumerle.
Bob Leonard, who 'clerked at Hal-
lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co.
Tillamook., Dregon,
* tom’s for a number of years, has ac­
cepted the position of local agent for
We handle Trojan Powder. Best for
Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ the New York Life Insurance Co.,
•tumping.—Tillamook Feed Co.
* mook office across the street from and in future will devote his time to
Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- the oourt house, Mondays, Tuesdays the life insurance business.. Bob is a
•i Warehouse.
* Wednesdays until further notice. * reliable and popular young man and
Mrs. A. L. Thomas and two young­ no doubt, will make good in -his new
See The Tillamook Feed Co. about
children left Tuesday morning line of business.
Republic tires and save money.
for an extended visit to Eastern
The Easoni car returning to Ne­
Obtain your wood from the Tilla­ Kansas with her mother and other
halem early Sunday morning from
mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* relativas.
the dance at Bar Vltw, went off the
•1(99» sjqj Ajp aq) ui sbm ••03 aauv
C. W. Miller, who is leaving the grade on the Miami and rolled over
- jusui ojn XJOA waM aqj Xupuasaj city, and who is a school director, several times. The occupants of the
-daa 'puniiJOj jo 'SjoqiuiBd
will resign that position, which will car were exceedingly fortunate in
For Sale—used 1918 Maxwell entail the election of two directors not being killed or seriously injured,
for only one young woman was
touring car, in good condition.—See at the school meeting on the 16th.
slightly injured.
Chas. F. Pankow, Star Garage.
For rent, four room modern fur­
1154 acre stock ranch. Improved,
For Sale—3 unit Sharpless milker, nished house. Want to sell heater,
Cheap if sold at once. Write P. O. electric lamp, wardrobe, leatherette and 225 acres in crop this year, sur­
rounded by open range and only 2
Box 466.
rocker, dining chairs, dresser and
miles to summer .range. Grows grain
Feed Company buys
and alfalla. And owing to bad health
hides come in and investigate their Phone.
must sell or exchange for something
For Sale, a 25-candle power acety­ on or near coast. Can give attractive
For Sale—Five room house in pav­ lene gas plant, to be sold at a great time to right party. Address H. H.
ed dls'rict, or will take automobile as sacrifice. Splendid opportunity to Davis, Portland, Ore, care Piedmont
part payment. —Sam Moulton.
* procure gas plant for farm house at Car Barns.
a small cost. C. B. Wiley, north of
For Sale—Two improved lots, full
Born, May 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Tillamook City.
size, well located, in desirable part of
Ray Warner, of Bay City, a daugh- (
A graduation program in the form ¡city, on one of the most prominent
'of an operetta entitled "Greeting paved streets in town, concrete walks
S. Graham vs. W. W. Ridehalgh is [the Gypsey Queen” will be given by house of seven reams besides bath,
a suit filed 1* the circuit court to re- I the eighth grade class of the Tllla- pantry, washroom, hall, close's and
cover 3500 on a promissory note.
school on Thursday evening, June 12 porches, modern plumbing, electric
wired, commodious woodshed and
For Sale—residence
and some at the high school building.
household effects,
good kitchen
William Wilhms,
a banker of barn. Price 32,650.00, 31,000 cash,
range.—C. W. Miller.
* Chigago, was in the city this week. balance on terms .to suit purchaser.
Apply at F. R. Beals office.
Dancing every Satudray night, at He was representing the truct com­
Barview. Excellent music and floor
burned last year, which it is the in­ St., Portland. Oregon, will pay the
like polished glass.
tention to log as soon as possible.
following prices on shipments re­
For sale, young Scotch Collies. Ap­
ceived up to and including June 5.
ply to Ei nest Gisler, Long Prairie,
Veal, 75 to 120, top .... .
tuned and repaired more than 80
Box 124 R. F. D. 1.
Veal, 75 to 120. medium
pianos in this county. He handles the
For sale or rent—50 acre dairy best piar.us for this climate. On ex­ Veal, fair to godd
ranch 4 miles from Tillamook on hibition at Singer SeWing Machine Veal. heavy................ . . . 12 to 17c.
23 to 25 %c.
main county road.—Call 56-J.
• Agency. Opp. P. O. Liberty Bonds Hogs, 100 to 160 top
Hogs, poor and heavy ... 20 to 23c.
Two New Home sewing machines taken.
No commission.
prompt returns,
for sale cheap. Singer Sewing Ma-
Wanted.—By student,, 20, work on Write for shipping tags.
chine Agency opposite P. O.
dairy. Expert milker.
Can run
We are looking for a woman at
Gem Theatre is now open every machine. Working for O. A. C. dairy.
Tillamook, past 30 years old as resi-
night. Don’t think there id no
Steady and reliable. Good salary ex­
dent manager, to take charge of col­
to go. Feature pictures every night.
pected. Honest work given. Refer­
lections, renewals, circulation of
Just received a car of mill feed at
most all magazines published. Must
the Kuppenbender Wa^eliause. Prices
have some salesmanship ability and
are lowest.
For Sale.—Two fine registered good references. Our new plan makes
Regular services at the Christian Holstein bulls, .one ready for service everybody a customer and saves the
Koi 2nd Johanna public much money. Poaition will
Church next Sunday. The public in­ and from Tujgy De
Dike,'7 5 peFcent same breeding as pay from 31,090 to >3.000 .a year.
Lady De Koi. 36.59 butter, at 3% E J. Hamilton, 311 Globe Bldg.
Four good milk cows for sale, been years, world’s record when made. Portland, Oregon.
fresh one month.—J. D. Johnson, Also one 6 weeks old well bred.—
Sandlake, Oregon.
Chas Macpherson. Grand Ronde, Or.*
LaLonde is a divorce suit filed in the
If you are contemplating buying a
The "Speed Cop" copped James circuit court. These parties were
drag-saw see the Tillamook Feed Co., Walker. Jack Rupp, T. J. Jacobs.A! married In Tillamook, Oregon. June
and get prices.
* R. Klingblel, W. G. Grauman, T. A. 26, 1916. and one son was born to
160 acres wheat, land to trade for Gillen, J. J. Hollett. B. J. Williams, the union The defendant entered the
Tillamook residence property. O. M. and Harry Elliott, and Justice of the army, after which he began a course
Cupk at Singer Agency Opp. P. O. * peace Stanley "touched” them each of cruel and Inhuman treatment to­
wards the plaintiff. Letters of the de­
for 315.00 and costs.
Let B— K be your disinfectant. It is
fendant showed that he bad lost hie
safe, clean and powerful. For sale at
affection for the plaintiff and they
the Kuppenbender Warehouse.
• from Corxallis, says: "You see I got could not live together longer Ls
busted up a bit in France and good
Let wour co-worker oa the farm be Uncle Sam is putting me through »he husband and wife, requesting plain­
the Cleveland Tractor. Ou display at Oregoft Agricultural College. I am tiff to obtain a divorce. The defend­
the Kuppenbender Warehouse.
* taking a forestry course, and like my ant is a skilled mechanic and able to
earn 3109.0) a month. Plaintiff asks
For Sale—Bay horse. 6 years old, work fine."
the court to allow, her 350.00 per’
weight about 1400, good all round
A large float has recently been put month for support of herself and
work horse.—Ike
Quick, Mutual
in at the Bay City boat landing. Also child.
an approach of sufficient capacity,
Tillamookers: Are yon going to
Look! My % interest In acre tract has been put in so that teams and
wait until the boom is on before
and also lot 14 in Pacific Addition, automobiles can go on the float from
getting in on some of the real
all in Bay City, for aale for tax val- the dock. These Improvements have estats propositions? Realty that
nation. Write Gllbert Eyk, Naw
will advance rapidly as soon as ths
Auburn, Wis.
traffic to Bayocean.
highway and other coast develop­
Por rent. 4 room modern furnished 4 Father Odilo. O. 8. B.. of Concep­ ments »re under way can now be
house Want to sell c**oltne Iron, tion, Misaouri. brother of the late eecored for a small outlay. We
have some mighty interesting
baby swinging chair, breakfast table Father Ba«il. .of Tillamook, and
.-.nd chairs, dreseer and stand, tables, brother of Mi».- Agnes Schriber. of pt »positions in Bayocean for the
»'all, at 8 E corner of 8th Street and Tillanriok, Ir here for an tndefli i»e beach home seeker or the fpecukn-
tor. H. L. Kiag.
41th Ave. East.
• stay. Miae Schriber hope» that it can
Tillamook Jottings
A ear driven by Howard William
ran into H. H. Rosenberg's car near
Webster Holmes residence at Hob-
sonville. There was a disabled car on
the side of the road as the two other
cars approached from different direc­
tions. Mr. Rosenberg slowed up and
was almost at a standstill, to allow it
to pass. At first it looked as though
j the Williams car would crash into
the disabled car,, but suddenly turn­
ed and crashed into the Rosenberg
car. The Williams car was somewhat
. smashed up, but the Rosenberg car
was more fortunate, being ^onfined
to a few injuries.
It being the desire of the late Ml.
Burton that the proceeds of her
| estate should go towards the Red
¡Cross and the Boys’ and Girls’ Aid
[Society, County Judge A. M. Hare
! has accepted the position of trustee
and will dispose of the 120 acre farm
The deceased lady did not leave a
will, out her family, which includes
Fred Button, Miss Nellie Burton and
Mrs. Jim Brown, know that this was
their mother’s request, have waved
their rights to the property and the
county judge will sell the farm at
private sale. Half of the proceeds
will go to the Red Cross and half to
the Boys’ and Girls’ Aid Society.
Buy your life Insurance with Geor­
gia A. Hoss, who represents in Tilla­
mook County the Mutual Life In­
surance Co. of New York. Thip com­
pany was the first to offer the life
income form of protection to the peo­
ple and the contract it issues is un­
excelled. Also the Mutual Life is the
oldest American company, is one of
the greatest in the world, and is of
inpfegnable strength. Its faithful
protection encircles thousands of
homes in Tillamook county. Our in­
surance doubles in event of acci­
dental death. In event of total disa-
. bility the premiums are waived and
I an annual income is paid policy
holder, and at death the full face of
policy paid to beneficiary. Will be
in your county until Oct lBt. See me
| and get my rates before
your insurance.—eorgia A. Hoss
care Tillamook Hotel.
To Speak for Salvation Army Drive.
------ o------
The M. E. Centenial Movement.
------ o----- -
----- o——
About thirty Methodist men and
their friends gathered at the banquet
tendered them by Dr. Gibson at the
Oddfellows Hall last Monday noon.
The banquet was given by Dr. Gib­
son as a get together meeting for the
discussion of the Centenary move­
ment now being pushed by the
MethodiBt Episcopal Church, and for
the purpose of raising Tillamook’s
quota in carrying out this movement.
Dr: T. B. Ford, District Superin­
tendent for this district of the Meth­
odist church, gave a very forcible
talk upon the Centenary movement,
r.nd explained it in detail, and it
only took Dr. Gibson about ten min­
utes after the address of Dr. Ford to
raise 33.110.00 of Tillamook’s quota
which has been placed at 34,270.00.
The interest created among the
Methodist and their friends con­
cerning the Centenary movement has
been very great, and there seems no
question but that Tillamook will be
able to raise her quota, and probably
several hundred dollars more, as
several friends and members of the
church were unable to attend the
banquet, and their subscriptions In a
large amount is expected in due
i time. A. G. Beals started the sub-
¡scriptions at the banquet with 3750.
I The ladies of the Rebekah Lodge
I prepared the banquet for Dr. Gibson,
and the same was a very enjoyable
affair from start to finish,' both in
the manner in which it was served
by the Rebakahs and the success of
the banquet for the purpose for
,,'hich Dr. Gibson gave it.
Friday, June 6—"The Cheat"—Par­
amount production featuring Fan­
nie Ward.
"Burton Holmes Travelogue.”
Saturday, June 7—"Peggy Does Her
Darndest” Metro production feat­
uring May Allison. For real clean,
, sharp cut comedy this picture is
surely a winner. Don’t miss it.
"Look Out Below” Harold Lloyd
Sunday June 8.—"Woman and Wife”
Secret pictures production featur­
ing Alice Brady.
'Woman and
Wife” adopted for the screen from
Charlotte Bronte’s master piece
“Jane Eyre”
"Pathe News."
Monday, June 9.—“Fuss and Feath­
ers” Paramount production featur­
ing Enid Bennett. A typical story
of the mining districts and the dau­
ghter of one of the miners.
Tuesday, June 10.—"He Comes Up
featuring Douglas Fairbanks. A
speedy and very pleasing comedy.
“Pathe News."
Wednesday, une 11—"Too Many
Millions”—Paramount production
featuring Wallace Ried. Can you
imagine a man with "too many
millions. If you can, you have the
situation of this picture, if you can
not, then don’t miss seeing this
entbarrasing situation.
“Bray Pictograph."
Thursday, June 12—“Treat 'Em
Rough”—William Fox production
featuring Tom Mix. We all know
the type of play in which Mix ap­
pears. There is nothing left to do,
but to see hint-“Treat ’Em Rough"
Two teel comedy.
Alice Brady at The Gem.
------- o-------
"Woman And Wife,” adapted from
Charlotte Bronte’s beloved novel
"Jane Eyre,” will be shown at the
Gem Theatre next Sunday. June 8.
This phrtodrama is the second Select
I Star Series released featuring Alice
Brady, who surpasses here even her
previous success in "Her Silent Sac­
In her sympathetic delineation of
the much suffering heroine, Mise
Brady rises to a high rank as one of
our leading emotional actresses. Jane
Eyre is a poor girl who travels over
a long rocky road before she finally
I wjns to her heaven of happiness.
First as “a poor relation” among
cold hearted relatives, later as an in­
mate of an institution for orphans
under a cruel supervisor, and lastly
as governess to the child of the man
she lovus and who loves her—even
here she finds a seemingly insuper­
able obstacle to happiness, A kind
fate finally intervenes, and
many privations and sorrows, she Is
united with her true lover.
Dr. Charles T. Wheeler, special
envoy of the Salvation Army, who
has recently returned from active
service in the battle area of France,
will speak In Tillamook, Wednesday,
June 18th, at 8 p.m. in the interest
of the Home Service Campaign of the
Salvation Army in Oregon, June 22
to 30.
Dr. Wheeler while in France was
along the battle front in Cantigny,
Chateau Thierry, Saint Mihiel, the
Toul and Baccorat Sectors. He spoke
night after night to thousands of
doughboys with* accompaniment of j
thundering cannons and exploding 1
Cheese Scoring Contest.
------- o-------
Dr. Wheeler Is a noted orator and | The Cheese Makers’ Association
his appearance in this city will be met at Cloverdale on Friday even-
welcomed by all who have had the ing. a good attendance was present,
opportunity of hearing him on his Dolph TinnerBtett, county Dairy In­
former platform tours In this coun­ spector, and F. W.
, .Cheese Inspector, were invited gues-
In Buker where he opened his [ >t8-
speaking campaign for the state, all I . After some discussion a motion was
the ministers of the city, irrespective pro
pOsed and unanimously - adopted
of creed, united in arranging the de- , requesting all makers and helpers to
tails of the meeting which was held wear white suits,
in the Baker Elk Temple,
A feature of the meeting was a
scoring contest In which the cheese
to be Bcored was selected by drawing,
Haberlach Engaged
Two Year». I ana
nun u made
lw>*v on
'and me
the uiieenr
cheese uiaw»»
drawn was
Two new factories were taken into I the 11th day of May, from the first
the Tillamook County Creamery A h - ' vat. Th1» gave the makers no chance
soclation at the meeting of the board to select I heir best cheese and in
of directors held at the office of Carl some cases their poorest was on the
Haberlach, secretary, last Monday. Table.
The judging was done by three of
The Sandlake Creamery Co., and the
Upper f.estucca factory which is sit­ their members, Hai ry Hogan, Albert
uated two miles above Blaine, are Wade and Frfd Meitzke, which re­
the new members. C. A. McDonald, sulted as follows:
president of the Upper Nestucca Co., I Harry Thomas — .
was sworn in aB a director of the
, Elmer Hopkins ....
Following this action, the associa- | Ray Cooper . . .
tion voted Fred W. Christensen, Edgar Norburg
cheese Inspector, an increase of 3500 Hugh Barber . .
per annum in salary. Mr. Christensen N. V. Kirby ...
pointed out that his salary, after de­ Flold Kqlberson
ducting expenses incurred in visiting I Frank Wilson .
the various factories throughout the Fred Meitzke . .
county, was actually less than that Harry Hogan . .
of any of the cheese makers of the Edward Fogg
larger factories, for whose work, he Ralph Dunn . .
is, in part, responsible. In view of Albert Wade . .
this fact, and because of the Impor­
tance of Inspection to the dairy in­
terests of the community, the direc­
tors deemed the raise proper.
Other business transacted during
the day include the election of Carl
Haberlach as secretary and salesman
for the association for two additional
years without change of compensa­
tion. Advocates of "clean-up day”
for all factories; passage of a resolu­
tion recommending that Inspection
of cows be postponed until October 1,
unless requested by Individual farm­
ers; and Increase of the salary of di­
rectors from 32.50 to »3 00 per day
while In attendance at meetings Of
the board.
D R. Tlnnerstet. deputy Dairy and
Food Inspector, made an Interesting
report of his fork, and displayed re­
sults of sediment teats made by var­
ious factories during the month. His
specimens showed the amount of sed
Iment contained In a quart of milk
'tom each patron * «allvvred to the
Too Many Millions.
— o-------
Suppose you were a young man and
suppose you had forty million dol­
lars. Then suppose someone stole the
money from you. And suppose you
were caught in a fire with a girl you
loved, and suppose you and the girl
escaped with your lives, but without
much clothes. What would you do
That’s the plight that Walsingham
Van Dorn and Desiree Lane found
themselves in one night.. Walsing-
ham'B first move was to throw b;ank-
ets over Desiree and himself, and his
second act was to call a preacher
who was watching the fire, and ar­
range for the marrtage with Desiree.
His third move was to get a job
the next day so as to support the
bride. As for the other moves the
happy couple made—they are all
shown in a delightful comedy, "Too
Many Millions”, which will be dis­
played at the Geni Theatre, Wednes-
day, June 11.
Newspaper Men Get Medals.
•------ o-------
That the Victory Liberty Loan met
with the same gratifying success as
did the four preceding loans was due
in a great measure to the loyal sup­
port of practically every newspaper
and magazine in the United StateH.
We are indeed grateful to the pub­
lishers and editors of the Twelfth
Federal Reserve District for their
generous contribution to the govern­
ment of space both In their news and
advertising columns during the sev­
eral Liberty Ixian drives and partic­
ularly dtirlng the Victory Loan cam­
paign because the sacrifices of peace
times In behalf of the national gov­
ernment indicate a higher type of
patriotism than is promoted by the
hysteria of a people at war.
Now that the last popular loan has
been successfully floated we want
you to fully know that we fully ap­
preciate the great service you have
rendered our government. In our
humble way we thank you.
It is quite beyond our power Io
compensate you for your efforts in
behalf of war financing but the en­
closed medal made from captkred
German cannon may serve as a
pleasant reminder of our gratitudu
for your able cooperation with us.
Very sincerely yours,
General Publicity Coni.
C. A. Farnsworth,
Emd Bennett in “F um and Feather»”
Seal'd bids will be received to
Jun« 14, 1919, for the purchase of
In the history of humankind, it
has been found that real qualities of
worthwhile character are of more
avail In the battle of life than mere
erudition or aristocratic manners.
Thia is graphically shown In the
story of ' Fuss and Feat here,” a new
Paramount picture
produced by
Thomas H. Ince and starring Enid
Bennett, which will be shown at the
Gem Theatre, Monday, Juu« 9.
MI m Bennett plays the role of a
mining camp girl. She la taken to the
city when her dad strikes It rich
and Is snubbed by the aristocratic
crowd But she gets even when she
rescues l he wayward son of a weal­
thy family and wins his love. In the
end she triumphs and all ends hap­
pily. Fred Nlblo directing the picture
which was written by Julien Jose­
phson. The leading man Is Douglas
the S. W.% of S. E. % and 8% of
of 8. W. % of Sec. 7. Tp. 2 S. R. 9 W.
The bids will be considered fur
any forty acre subdivision sep­
arately? or for the full amount of
laud to be sold. Blds may be tiled
with ths county clerk, or the under­
signed The right Is reserved to re­
ject any and all bids. A. M. Hare
Co. Judge. Trustee.
Vaxarine Church Services.
------ o .
10 a.m. Sunday School, William
Fletcher, Ass’t Supt.
11 a m., Preaching for the pastor,
Rev A. F. Ingler, followed by the
Communion service.
7:10 pro Social service and even­
Ing sermon. special singing
Mid-week service on Thursday at
8 p.m Al) v ulcoiiie