TILLAMOOK Scraps of Paper. ------- o------- Villa has seized Fatal. The "watch­ ful waiting wins” slogan is almost as fiMiny as “he kept us out of war,” isn’t it? . • The poetical souls who say the human race has been born again as tlie result of the war still lock their doors every night as usual. ------- o------- "U. S. must build the world,” says Secretary -Glass. If it is done under the management of the present ad­ ministration, through the cost plus system, it is going to be an expensive job. Democratic leaders at this time feel a good deal like the woman on the vessel in a storm. "We are In the hands of God”, said the captain. “O, captain’’ anxiously cried the lady, “is it so bad as that?” Bill Nye, Joe Billings, Artemas Ward and Petroleum V. Nasby are all dead, but their worthy successors are in Paris furnishing the American press associations and newspaper syndicates with heavy stuff about the peace conference. Postmaster General Burleson has issued a statement braging about the economics in government opera­ tion. This administration, however, has put the "con” in "economy,”' and it is about time for somebody to put the "ex” In ’extrayagance.” Senator Hitchcock says that we should be for the British Wilson covenant because it will keep us out of war and prevent our boys from being .-laughtered on foreign battle­ fields. Where have we heard that stuff before? been "using the churches". That the administration has been "using" the churches in a good many instances is pretty apparent, but only in the same sense thal it has been ’using” the movies, magazines and other instru­ ments of publicity. Whether the churches have been complimented or benefitted by the "use” made of them remains to be seen. Secretary Josephus Daniels says that in Europe the reactionaries are making concessions to public senti­ ment. Presumably there is some reas­ on to hope that in due time the Democratic politicians in the state in which Mr. Daniels is the chief Democratic journalist, may permit at least half the legal citizens of the state to vote, give them the secret ballot and otherwise revise the laws of their state up to the point within fifty years or so of representative republican government. Every national convention in these days is descended upon by a band of administration horn-tooters who in­ ject into the proceedings some Wil­ son resolutions. Because of the indis­ position to appear disloyal, things of this kind are not often opposed. At the recent convention of the Cham­ ber of Commerce of the United States in St. Louis, affairs go out of the hands of the horn-tooters for a little bit. Resolutions were passed express­ ing the opinion that President Wil­ son ought to be at home looking after the tangled affairs of his own coun­ try. The administration bucket bri­ gade got busy, however, and put out the blaze. The resolutions were re. cplled and made innocuous by sun­ dry amendments. Nevertheless as or­ iginally passed, they expressed the views of those attending the con­ vention who were more interested in the person and partisan politics of the administration. HEADLIGHT MAY 2 9, | spend a few- billion dollars in naval preparation for perpetual peace. We are also told that we are in a triple alliance to protect Franqe against ! Germany. The impression grows that when all five ol our delegates to the peace conference gets back, wo ought io meet him at the depot with a band and a torch-light proces ion. 1919. IrQ In p Notice of Sheriff's Sale. • Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ tue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, on the 9th day of May, 1919, and to me directed, on a judgment and decree of foreclosure entered in said Court on the 5th day of May, 1919, in a suit wherein Scandinavian-American Bank, a cor­ poration was plaintiff and G. E. Walling and J. Louise Walling, his wife; Walter R. Rossman; Meier & Frank Co., a corporation; and E. L. Barnett were defendants, and in which the plaintiff recovered judg­ ment against the defendants G. E. Walling, and J. Louise Walling, his wife; and each of them, for the sum of >4.425.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from July 9, 1915, and for »400.00 attorney fees, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from May 5, 1919, and for costs and disbursements of this suit, taxed at »48.00, and commanding me to sell all the real property hereinafter de­ scribed, to satisfy the same, now therefore by virtue thereof, I will on Saturday the 21st day of June, 1919, at 10 o’clock a.m., on said date, at the Court House in Tillamook, said County and State, sell at public auc­ tion, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and in­ terest of the said defendants, and all of them In and to the following de­ scribed real property, situated in Til­ lamook County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots No. 10, 11 and 12 in Block 14, and Lots No. 10 and 11 in Block 15, Lake Lytle, Tillamook County, Oregon. Dated May 21. 1919. W. L. Campbell , Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. First publication May 22, 1919. Last publication June 19, 1919. M*., z°n „ ,,4 .... "O Referring to the proposed forma­ tion of a national organization of veterans of the world war, later ac­ “Dictated by Hate.” complished at St. Louis. Democratic o------ National Chairman Homer ’S. Cum­ "The treaty,” howls Herr Fehren- mings said: ‘It is to laugh”. We ad­ bach. President of the German Nat­ vise all Democratic politicians to ional Assembly, “was dictated by laugh now. They Will never have hate." another chance. It was. For once a Hun speaks truth. But he spoke it unintentional­ Nineteen new nations have been ly, meaning it to be a lie. He meant created in Europe without a plebis­ that the treaty was dictated by hate Notice of Sheriffs Sale. cite in a single instance to determine which the Allies have in their heart .$1 ------- o------ the wishes of the people as to their toward Germany. That la not true, Notice is hereby given, that by vir- I future governmental affiliations. In It it were, if the treaty had been turc of an execution and order of sale that particular terminology which formed according to the hatred of issued out of the Circuit Court of the i says wk.it It doesn’t mean and means the Huns which all civilized men State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­ what it doesn’t say, this la “self de- would be Justified in cherishing, it ty, on the 19th day of May, 1919, termination of peoples.” would have been a far different in­ on a decree of said Court made and ------ o------ strument from what it is. entered on the Sth dav of May, 1919, President Wilson says that great The hate which inspired this trea in a sui* to forclose a mortgage. reforms come gradually, We notice ty was Germany’s own. It was the ! wherein Edward Kleist was plaintiff thal su -h great changes- as “a re­ spirit which breathed through that i and Irma M. Vose and R. H. Vose turn to that simplicity and economy "Hymn of Hate” which four years and Rosanna Vose, his wife were de- befitting a democratic government." ago was the most popular ode in fendants, wherein the plaintiff re- and a reduction of the high cost of Germa ny. It was the spirit which covered a Judgment against the de- living, as promised In the Democrat­ made the whole Hunnish people ad- fendant for the sum of »764.00 to- ic national platform of 1912, do not opt, as a morning greeting, "Cott gether with »122.40 accumulated seem to arrive on a gallop. opt, as a morning greeting. "Gott interest all bearing interest at the strafe America!” German scholars rate of 8 per cent per annum from The Springfield Republican says have long prided themselves upon the 5th day of May. 1919, for the I hat each nation should approach their metaphysics and their physhol. further sum of »75.00 attorney fees, 0R.O..L. H.HOHLFELD, ,'T. BOI 18, world problems with the spirit of ogy. Surely they should be able to and the further sum of »22.00 costs “supreme sacrifice.” Very true, but discern and to understand how that and disbursements, the said execu­ VETERINARIAN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. . I the fellow that goes Into a poker hellish spirit of hatred which they tion being to me directed and com­ Complete Set of Abstract Boi ks in Bell Phone — 2F2 Mutual Phone game with a bunch of experienced themselves conceived in wantonness manding me to sell the property Office. curd sharks armed only with the and cherished in malignity has re­ hereinafter described to satisfy said Tillamook Oregon. Taxes »'aid for Non Residents spirit of supreme sacrifice will be acted upon themselves with deadly Judgment, accumulating interest, at­ lucky to come out of with a uhirt on force. T illamook B lock , torney fee, costs and disbursements, his back. Tillamook .... Oregon It was because of Germany's hatred together with the costs and expenses AVID ROBINSON, M.D., of her n< ighbors that those neighbor of sale. Now therefore, I will on Sat­ Both Phones. Why all the haste about Junking nations were compelled to take up urday ihe 21st day of June, 1919, at it down war material and knocking arms in self defense and crush the the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. on said PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON at ten cents or so (tn the dollar? Why hating and hateful thing. It was be­ date, sell to the highest bidder for 0R J. G. turner not wait until we see what demands cause of the German people's hatred cash in hand, at the Court-House NATIONAL BUILDING, are to be made upon this country of other peoples, that -those other door in said county and state, all the EVE SPECIALIST. when the war is over, if it is ever peoples now take means to prevent right, title and interest of the said TILLAMOOK OREGON. PORTLAND — OREGON allowed to be over by the diplomats them from ever again making that defendants, and each and all of them, and politicians? Surely not so that hatred effective tor haem. Regular Monthly Visits to T-iBOALS, M.D., had at the date of said decree, in and we may have opportunity to buy Yes, thi Treaty had its origin in to the following described property, Tillamook and Cloverdale. more material at inflated prices. hate. But it was Hunnish hate.— situated in said Tillamook County, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. ■ —— o----- to-wit: All of the South half of the Harvey’s Weekly. I William Allen White writes: "Am. Surgeon S. P. Co. Northwest quarter of the North­ erica's inextricable entanglement In west quarter of Section 18 in Town­ <1. O. O. F. Bldg.) H GOYNli. Europe as the world's money lender This is the Peace that Passeth Un­ ship 2 South of Range 9. West of the makes retirement Impossible, how­ derstanding. . . . Oregon containing Tillamook • Willamette Meridian, attorney - at - law . ever desirable”. A good many people 20 acres. We want the peace conference de- have been coming to the conclusion Dated this 20th day of May. 1919. Office: O hpositk ICO okt F , that this Is a better explanation of a termined to accept nothing, and we TD OBERT H. M c G rath , W. L. Campbell, lot of the things that have been hap- have had our wish. Tillamook . Sheriff of Tillamook • O. tgon. Cot'NSKLLOR-AT LAW, Great Brit Ian and Japan divide the pening at Paris than the solful rha- — i County,Oregon. pening at Paris than the soulful rha- German colonies. ODDFELLOWS’ Bl'II.DIN ■G J °MN LKLAND HENDERSON, France gets Alsace and Lorraine, from other quarters. Notice of Sale. and recognition or her territorial ------- o------- TILLAMOOK, OREGON. ------ o------ ATTORNEY William Allen White's latest dis­ claims In northern Africa. 1’oRTI AND OFFICE Notice is hereby given that the un­ Great Brltlan retains dominant sea AND covery is that unless the united 1110 W ilcox B ld . dersigned administrator of the estate States accepts a mandate over Ar- power, und eliminates the second of COUNSELLOR AT-J.AW of A. J. Getchell, deceased, will on or menia there is going to be a war be­ the world’s naval powers. Her suzer­ after the 7th day of July, 1919, sell T illamook B lo ^ k , tween the Christian and Mohtmnie- ainty of Egypt becomes possession. Tillamook • . . . at private sale, the whole or any ^ARL HABERLACH Her position In India and the near ­ dan world. Of course if there Is dan­ part then of as may be necessary, of ROOM NO. 2B1. ger of a war between the Mohamme­ East is made Impregnabl by the dawn the following described real property dans and Christians, the way for un fall of Russia. Her commercial power ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. situated in Tillamook County, Ore­ to keep right out of it is to be right Is vastly enhanced by the elimination gon, to-wlt: T illamook B lock on the Mason Dixon line between of Germany as a competitor. Her The South half of the Southeast title to all territory now occupied, them. . ~ Tillamook Otegon with sovereignty over one-third of quarter of Section 17. and the North ------ o — As un exemplification of Wilsonian the world’s population, 1» perman­ naif of the Northeast quarter of Sec­ _____ "HIU w MlriCTIO« tion 20, all in Township 4 South of idealism the delivery of Shantung, ently confirmed and guaranteed. She range 9 West of the Willemette ■^^^KBSTKR HOLMES, gets the greater part of Germany's populated by 40,000,000 Chinese, to PERFECTLY Meridian. Japan, with only *58.000.000 popula- shipping. I « ATTORNEY-AT LAW Said sale will be made in pursuance Italy gets the territory commanding SIMPLE i on at home, appeals to ua about the of an order of the County Court of COMMERCIAL BUILDING, best thing that has been pulled off the Adriatic to which she has long Tillamook County. Oregon, made on SIMPLY since we saved the world for democ­ aspired. Belgium gets a strip of Prussian the 23rd day of May, 1919.««nd said FIRST STREET. racy. We could have prevented the PERFECT. sale will be made for cash or upbn .••ar. maybe, by giving forty million territory sixty miles broad. OREGON Needle., Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing France. Belgium. Enland and Italy such terms as may be approved by TILLAMOOK people and the land they live on. to ^Machine supplies. Repairing a specialty.» will il.de the hue Indemnity lm. the County Court., and bids will be Germany. received by the undersigned at her ------ o posed upon Germany. 0R.L. L. HOY, New Home Users Japan gets Shantung a Chinese residence at Hebo. Oregon, from and i You might as well make the victim after the above date. are quality choaers. of a higliway man who liqs been left province of 10..000 square miles, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGECN by the roadside with an empty pocket with forty millioin population, and Dated this 27th day of May. 1919. For Sale By • Florence V. Getchell, ■’ • ' .* broken heart believe that practical suzerainty over China. T illamook B lock , Administratrix of the SHARFF lb DUBIVER Switzerland gets the capital of the he lias been the recipient of kindly Estate of A. J. Getchell. attentions by a Good Samaritan as league of nations. 172 3rd Street Tillamook, deceased. Oregt n. We get i. debt of thirty billion convince China, delivered into the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE Geo. P. Winslow A T H. Goyne, of the ,nds of oriental militarism and dollars und the presidency Attorney» for the estate. COMPANY lobbed of a province populated by league of nations, besides saving a C. HAWK forty millibn Chinese, believe that couple of the fourteen points We are San Francisco California. Whooping Cough. -he Im been the beneficiary of ”ide- also assured by Josephus Daniels that we are to form an important llsm.” Give Chamberlain's Cough remedy PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON part of the International police force - O—— — Anyway, they haven't yet put any • minister declares proudly that that is to guarantee the delivery of to keep the cough looee and expector­ war tax on haircut*. That shows we'­ Oregon re not bolshevlki. he lust time the government has ail the.-»' goods, and therefore must ation easy. It is excellent.—Adv. HIS is a Service branch of the Hartford Com pany. Through this agency, active Fire Pre vention is applied to the homes and property of every Hartford policy-holder hereabouts. Let us explain this Service to help relieve you of the fear of fire, qty ! th? danger of lesr. ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man We write ALL KINDS of Insurance and give YOU SERVICE. All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. Office 34 J and Mutual. • National Bld. Tillamook City, Oregon , AKBISW e Sold by Tillamook Feed Company. C. 0. & C. M. Dawson Conover & Condit. Geo. R. Edmunds, Tillamook, Oregon A. Anderson, Wheeler, Ore. W. A. Rowe, Brighton. Oregon. Wilson & Co., Beaver. Mohler Supply Co., Mohler. Chas H. Jones. Bay City, Ore... All coffees will be higher in price. TOWER’S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER, is a corker for staying on the I jklk' £3 X» 12 » Waifprntf Abt ii/p/y. dealers everywhere . A. J. TOWER CO BOSTON. H. T. Botts, I res. Attorney at-Law. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treae., Attorney at- Law and Notrarj Public, Tillamook Title and ’Abstract Co. Law Abstracts Real Estate ¡Insurance. Both Phones Tlf-LANOOK—ORK'ON.