TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 29. 1919. ‘THE BARRIER,” even Reel Super Production. ------- T F "THE r BARRIER" ken from the Famous Story of the same name by Rex Beach. , < L • JREX k BEACH a CONTROLLED BV LEWIS. JUSEUNICK Everything about “The Barrier” is powerful— Character, Plot and Incidents. It is “BIGNESS” spelled with capital letters. The cast is especially strong, including Mitchell Lewis, Russel Simpson, Ed. Roseman and other stars of great prominence in the “Photoplay World.” The scenes in this stupen­ dous play are laid among surroundings of unusual beauty and grandeur in the Far North, as seen by Mr. Beach during his five years in Alaska, and con­ cern men and women whom he met during his stay among the mining camps. ■ hïsat GEM THE ATRE,Tillamook Friday-Saturday,30th-31st. Adults 25c. Come Early and be sure of Choice of Seats. ______________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ _____________________________________ -— — - ■ — ■ have to pull for every measure. It . for there are so many old voters op­ • ’ CITY TO HAVE “ROUND UP” will will be a great benefit to the | posed to taxation. Nevertheless we ! ------ 0------ {hem a run for their mon- whole state. Women To Pull Off Big Stunts Next We must not rest on our oars. We Tuesday. ------- o------- must put the shoulder to the wheel -------0------- 1 and work like trdjans so as to be Mosier Fruit Growers Association. Barvuction Committee Boosting sure to carry all the i measures by Tillamook City is to have’a gen­ Yours lelative to Roosevelt High­ I unanimous vote. uine "Round Up" next Tuesday, with For the Roosevelt Highway way received, and have been doing a We, the people of Bay City, realize little boosting for you, but so far some sensational stunts. The star ac­ ■ • '-------9------- tors in the city "Round Up" are what it means to have the highway fear Mr. Baker: I notice in the have found no one opposed to it, women, and they are going to make ■ clippings that quite a few pa- Improvement going through. We also understand Hood River people it interesting for the Bull Moosers, • are printing your article on the i have been struggling for years for are solid for It, so guess you will the unterrifled Democratic muleH, Instruction measures to be voted 1 the want of better roads but now we have that mud fixed. the Republican elephants and the tn June 3. 1 want to congratulate ( are on the eve of victory. We shall “wet” and “dry” goats, should they b-upon your article. It stilkes me 1 endeavor to carry all the measures Queen Insurance Co., of America. attempt to buck when being roped Bit is very good and effective i by unanimous vote. I can assure you I hav3 for acknowledgment your and dragged to the polls. Lord Harry that Bay City will not stand behind to of work. favor of May 15th, together with only knows what is going to happen as to voting for all that interests Bad the honor of speaking before circular with reference to the Roose­ to any v-iskered bolschiviki the wom­ ■Chamber of Commerce on Mon­ county and state measures. It means velt Highway and your request that en happen to lasso who refuses to Ion the Roosevelt Highway, and prosperity and upbuilding of the I keep it in mind and vote for it vote for the Roosevelt Highway have ■ glad indeed to do my little bit whole state. It is no dream, years when the time comes and do what I measure and other reconstruction ■his very important public im_ been here for the last fifteen measures. The "knockers”, and moss- have can to help it along. Bement. I am very anxious indeed in this county in and out and friend backs, and persons running around I assure you, my good Tilla_ lee the Roosevelt Highway get a never seen anything yet that Watson, that when this measure with a giouch had better take to the y splendid vote on June 3 in mook County undertook that they comes up, I shall certainly vote for it woods. The sheriff and city marshal did not finish proper. Wishing you Inomah County, and I assure you and do all I can to help it along. In | as well as the district attorney, won’t I I am bending every energy to success I remain. fact I am so much of a road enthus­ I take part in the performance, but Ire that result. I am working iast, that I believe, were there a pro­ ¡should these minions of the law at­ President Campbell, U. of 0. I in close touch with the irriga- vision on the ballot to vote for a Owing to absence from home I highway across the Pacific Ocean, I tempt to Interfere they will be roped I boys, and they are sending out and put through some bucking krs and telegrams to their friends have been delayed in replying to would vote for it, bo you can rest as­ stunts. Eastern Oregon, instructing them your favor of May 9th. I can assure sured that I will do all I can in favor Every loyal Tillamooker must go Jo down the line for the Roose- you that we are all deeply interested of this measure, with the belief that to the polls next Tuesday and vdte I Highway. It strikes me that one in the Roosevelt Highway and we it is one of the main issues up for for the Roosevelt Highway measure. he important results of this elec- will do cur best to secure for it the the benefit of Oregon. That is the mandate of the commit­ [ if we win on the various meas- support of this section of Oregon. I tee. and the women have promised to agree with you perfectly that the I, will be a better spirit of eo­ see that the mandate is carried out. Vivian Martin in “ Mirandy Smiles" . state can do nothing better now than lation between the different sec- ------ o ■ — A word to the wise is sufficient. Go to undertake an aggressive campaign *• of the state. Vivian Martin certainly shows her to the polls early and then the wom­ ¡assure you that we appreciate in all questions relative to internat­ versatility in "Mirandy Smiles” her en won’t be able to make a "goat” of r very good and effective work, ional development. You may count latest Paramount picture in which you and put you through a bucking on our hearty sympathy and support. h kind personal regards, I am, she will be seen at the Gem Theatre, stunt. Let’er buck, and success to the Yours truly, Wednesday, June 4. She appears as a city "Round Up!” Clark Leiter, Lang & Co., Portland. Oregon quaint, high spirited little scrub girl The managers of the "Round Up” Campaign Director. I wish to acknowledge yours of who works in the opera house of a are Mesdames C. J. Edwards, S. 8. ------- o------- May 15th, relative to the RooBevelt middle west town. Johnson and XV. B. Aiderman, and 1 At first we see her with the cele- the lasso committees for each pre­ Its F. Girard, Mayor of Bay City. highway measure, and assure you Martin curls whipped cinct are as follows: Have delayed some in answering that not only myself, but I think bzrated Goodspeed—Mrs. R. McGrath and ■r letter of the 15th. Have been every mln in this office agrees with straight back and tied in two By in converting some of the peo- you. Everything reasonable will be straight braids. She is cleaning the Mrs. Robt Wott. Hays—Mrs, H. T. Botts, Mrs. J. M. | floors in the opera house when she | to the right way of thinking and done here to push the measure. slips and lands in a pail of soapy ’ Smith and Mrs. Sam Moulton. ------- o B doing for their own good. water. She is rescued by Teddy Law­ Stillwell—Mrs. Jennie McGhee, I ■ find that they are mostly alf in E. L. McCormick, City Recorder of rence, a musician at the opera house I Mrs. W. G. Dwight and Mrs. Geo. j ■or of the project. The very im- Hillsboro. Yarson, • I just received your letter pertain­ and there the romance starts. ■tance of the matter dote not re- Even without her curls and-while Sunnymead — Mrs. Jesse M. Steph- j Ire much consideration to bring ing to the Roosevelt Highway, and doused in soapy water pretty Vivian | ens, Mrs. F. R. Cardiff and Mrs. C. J. ! ■ Bt of the people in our vicinity to | will say that you have a friend in me is as fascinating-as ever, and as the ! Coburn. for the highway. I have come to the I right way of thinking, That to story develops and she appears with Tillamook—Mrs. that if we who .iongT^ are here !puffed out, and le for the bonds with a great ma- ! conclusion .7^7 do nordo ‘‘an7hln\" in better | Mrs. Chas. Barnes |ty. today, du i lines of progress and development fif (C othes, she shows some exceeding l Dawson. Tillamook county is beginning to (clever acting by the contrast in the Hoquarton—Mrs. A. C. Everson, the state’s resources, there will never ke up to the realization that the little scrub girl character which she Mrs. H. Crenshaw and Mrs. Geo. ke Is ripe for a great movement, ¡anything be done. The highway, in presents. __________ Leep. nhing yet has been proposed that 1 my estimation. is one- of the best moves on foot. Of course we hawe a ¡an.-, more for the upbuilding of the Card of Thank«. Notice to Rebekahs. pie-county and state than the road lot of proposed highways to build, ■----- O' - tiding' measure as just put up by • and it seems like the state is very, The annual Rebekah Convention It is with heartfelt thanks that very slow to get busy, and sometime I Roosevelt Highway Association. will be held at Cloverdale, Wednes­ we wish to express our gratitude f