COFFEE All kinds of them boys. Come in and pick out the ones you want. Some at........... .................. 5c BOYS’ VELOCIPEDES ENAMELED SAUCE PANS GOOD PINE TAR SOAP PERCOLATORS I HIGH GRADE Big 5 oz. cake. SPRING BALANCES A sp e c i a 1 showing o f coffee perco­ lators of the most a p- Strong, accurate spring and brass proved type. face. Priced now at, each. 20c Coffee made in one of these perco­ HALF S O L E S Full 3 qt. size, well and strongly lators is superior to that brewed The best made. Now sold at......... 39c in ordinary coffee pots. Specially prime priced for this selling at, $1.85 tanned oak leather of COLLAPSIBLE CUPS various ENAMELED KETTLES sizes. Each, 42c RUBBER HEELS Each pair in box with nails. Putthem on yourself. Per pair • • • • • • • 15c Adjustable heavy leather seat, A good grade gray enameled Jrxtra heavy steel wheels. A_big ware, strongly made, tin cover. 75c CHILDREN’S STRAW HATS value at. , 54.45 Each................ .................. NECKLACES Each, 15c __ - SwnrirS Your selection of a number of new and attractive styles. Every girl is wearing one this season. Choice now at, each.... ............... $1.00 SLICERS AND GRATERS SMART LA VALLIERES Made of the best quality, full weight sheet iron. Various sizes. Some An unusual offer­ at........ 121c in g of attractive la valliere pen­ dants with gold EXTRA DEEP DISH PANS filled chains at­ tached. Some at, Each, 15c « z GOLD FILLED RINGS A splendid assortment of gold filled rings with ruby, emerald, amethyst, opal and garnet style settings. All very pretty. Your choice, each.. 15c w SPECTACLES You can al­ ways find a full line h e r e. Re­ liable goods Some at, per CUTE CINNAMON “TEDDY”BEARS HAIR PINS Several sizes as­ sorted in a box. This is an oppor­ tune time to make your purchase. Per box 10c HUMP HAIR PINS Uniform gray mottling on heavy steel base, enameled cover and knob. Big value at... .... 85c This is the famous hair pin that keeps the hair in place. You can buy it from us at, per package... 5c TANGLEFOOT The genuine. You know, the goods. On sale, ’ p e r d o u_b 1 e sheet- 21C E N V E L O P E S This is the best place in town to buy e n v e 1 opes. We always have a big line in stock at prices to please you. DRESS GINGHAMS Per package unusually substan­ Some extremely pleasing patterns for your selection in the way of dress ginghams. Some at, per ya....................................... 23c tial for haid wear. Each........ 15C PANS Strong, well made pail, absolutely guaranteed against leakage. Strictly reliable and dependable. Will stand more hard usage and last longer than most. A bigger than ever value. Specially priced during this sale only Eac,h> 85c These popular favorites will al­ ways be in big demand with the kiddies. Our present showing seems almost lifelike. Each, 75C MEN’S CLOTH GLOVES Mighty handy for rough work. They are warm and substantial, too. Perpair...., ............. I7ic WOOD HANDLE OOU0U St A Mt 0 throughout. Each. MUFFIN ....... 45c PANS 3 PIECE GARDEN SETS SAND PAILS a SHOVELS 25c ment of End view Actual size HOOKS AND EYES All sizes and colors. We handle the kind that will not rust or tar­ nish. Per card....... .......... 5c popular c o 1- ors in sub- A full assortment of styles & sizes always to be had here. Ea 10c stantial tin. Each LEATHER PURSES CHILDREN’S SUi .... 15c Large variety of styles and shapes. Special value, each.... 25c Popular for children’s use. Also with adults for short trips, shop­ ping, etc. Well made of good ma­ terial. Bargain at... 75c GALVANIZED WASH TUBS HAIR BRUSHES We have a number of these brushes in good grades from which you cer­ tainly can make a pleasing selection. Each.................................... 35 c Here is a very interesting special that of course you are going to take advantage of. Getting a tub of this kind at this price is a sensational proposition. While they last you can have them at....................................Each $1.49 SAFETY PINS D,ickel plated on brass. Very good and substantial. Some at............ .................. 5c (SittESCWT?^ I._ SAFETY PINS IO QT GALVANIZED PAILS Here is a pail wade of full weight material. It is double seamed, has a strong bail and is firm­ ly riveted. We are mak­ ing a special price on them right now for ad­ vertising purposes. Come and get yours at Each, 49c Solid brass, nickel plated, needle points, guarded spring. Strictly first qual­ ity pins. Specially priced during this sale. Card of 1 dozen................ gp large size bleached TURKISH BATH TOWELS f6c SMITHY'S VARIETY STORE I. O. 0. F. BUILDING TIN CUSPIDORS An assort­ Double seamed, bright tin, well soldered and heavily made Seamless Come to this store for the most improved curtain rods, you wil' surely gray en- find just what you want at prices you will be willing to pay. Here’s a in e I c d an extension rod at........................ I7ic ware of good quality. Specially priced A very good quality tin that will not warp. Real value for th« ................................ 35c money. Each...................... 25c Just the thing for» the MILLINERY FLOWERS children or for light work in Hower gardening. Per RETINNED FLOUR SIFTERS set.......................... 30C Well made and f i n - ished. Will give satis- faction. Priced spe­ We have a pleasing line of cially for these popular little toys this sale, which we uow offer vou .'¿fry. CURLING IRONS 5c TIN MILK PAILS R O D S BASINS Trimmings hr the season's hats <»re here in a larg variety of styles and a rainlmw of c