FRIDAY WHITE PLATES Strongly made goods at prices that are sure to move them in a hurry. .Each........ .............. 22c ELASTIC ARM BANDS ta SALE STARTS SATURDAY, MAY 31st AND LASTS 7 DAYS Silk covered with brass clasps, very oWe can save you money! Come in and make us„prove it. Buy where you can save the most- That s the way we do. And this very habit of ours is what enables us to save so much for YOU. To give you a practical demonstration of money-saving, and the power of small amounts to buy things, we have arranged this ECONOMY SALE. In it you will find another proof of the SELLING power and SAVING power of this store. The values on this sheet show what we mean. strong and well made. ANS THIMBLES ’-.uned pans in several DISH MOPS TOOTH MILLINERY BRUSHES PILLOW CASES HUCK TOWELS Made to suit you. Various sizes. Some at.......... ................ 5c POPULAR HAIR NETS Dependable, well made k hair nets, ¿W with an elas- tic edge. A good selec­ tion of colors to choose from at 9c BACK COMBS Good quality plain and fancy combs, a number of styles to choose from. Choice 25c DRESSING COMBS Good value in dressing combs, ex­ tra heavy back, assorted colors. Each..................................... 25C RUBBER POCKET. COMBS These are of the popular style with coarse and fine teeth fitted in a leatherette case. Each.......... ........ 15c Don’t be without these when you can buy them now at, each, 10c LIGHTNING RAT TRAPS CELLULOID HAIR PINS 3 in. crimped, polished sharp tapered prongs, quality and workm a n s h i p make these al­ most indestruc­ tible. Bend without break- mg. 1........ 10c MALACCA PLATED TEA SPOONS RAT ■ TRAP These traps really catch. Securely made and are long lasting. Each.................................. ,j 10C You ought to have tooth picks. You’ll be satisfied with what wt have. Special, per box... 5C “0-CEDAR” POLISH MOPS HORSESHOE TUMBLERS Very popular fn r hardwood ’noors. If y o u haven’t got one KU. V kwl , , , you don t know what you are missing. Come in and see them. Each... 51.00 MIXING BOWLS The popular yellow ware. & While they last you can get them at. each............ 60c ROCKINGHAM TEA POTS Best quality jet black, heavy glaze inside and outside. Rich enamel decorations that will not wear off. Some, each........ 85c Table-Spoons Vc O M P E R S Here is one with the patent lug fas­ tening and remov­ able nickel top. Each........ ggc CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS We have a good line of these very popular and useful garments for little girls and boys. They are well made out of a good grade of* wash fabric« and are to be had in various sizes. Each.... ................ 58c Another grade of Rompers at >1.15 S EATS Imitation leather tufted chair 8 e a t s are easy tn nd- just and Hake V H O V F L 9 ri«'* COATS a PANTS HANGERS Seamless water pails made out of best speckled enameled ware. Each.................................... $1.25 ASBESTOS MATS Tin bound good grade as­ bestos. Not to be confused with flimsy light weight goods. Each ...•••••••••»*••••• IOC .............. 15c - jutaim » High grade article made EH TEO BAR CARROT PULL OUT out of best quality glass. We are now offering this useful article at.......... .................. 10c 8 STRAND ....... o GALVANIZED WIRE CLOTHES LIN SlAD IRON HANDLES r Made of polished walnut. Solid and substantial. Standard sizes and good make now to be had at, each.... 15o LEMON EXTRACTORS 10c M Il i g h grt 50 foot lin Note the con- s t r u c t i o n. Each 35C SMITHY’S VARIETY TILLAMOOK, STORE OREGON I. 0. 0. F. BUILDING COMBS SCREW DRIVERS You know it is the WATER 20c You need one of these in your kitchen. Buy it for... ... 15c Deep, seamless pie plates made of good grade enameled Wfi re, Each.................................... 25c FAIRY SOAP Fine white finish. Per cup and saucer.......... ...................... 25c CHAIR BRASS LAMP BURNERS SHIÑOLA SHOE POLISH SYRUP PITCHER A remarkable value made possible by the new plating. Our price, each..................................... . PICKS Well made of dependable ma­ terials. Very attractive value at, each............ ...................... 35c THROW SPRING IT We have on hand a good lot of these towels which will be sure to please you in quality and price. Some at ?.... 17C Specially made to give you service. We are sure you will like what we have, f’.ome r.t.................. 15c TOOTH BARRETTES Fine values in popular plain and fancy styles. During this sale, choice.. 15c 10c Pr I These broom good qu Idy and dm t . made out of st mngly sewed ........ 85c