TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 29. 1919 destroying Prussian Government un­ GEM THEATRE PROGRAM Washington, Idaho, Oregon and der the Kaiser, and the present con­ ----- o----- .Montana will bring »80,000.000 more dition of the affairs of the whole than '-*■ — last *—* year. ------ ** Present “ —‘ condftions in­ Friday & Saturday, May 30 k 31 - world demand that their patriotism Fred C. Baker, Editor. "TheBarrier" by Rex Beach. This dicate that Washington alone will should be given due credit to the end picture has been heralded as une that the patriotism of all our citizens harvest nearly as much winter wheat of the greatest dramas that has be inspired to a higher degree, SUBSCRIPTION this year as was cut in the four per year $2.00 " * and —* ever been on the screen. At the states last year. This is for winter that the dangers oi Anarchy and Broadway Theatre, New York, it wheat alone, and the outlook is m he combated to the end Advertising Rates. scored a tremendous hit and has Bolshevlsi equally bright for a big increase in th ■ liberties of free America Display Advts, per inch.......... 20c. that since proven to be an attraction ot spring wheat. The Willamette valley, ' s preserved, now therefore be . .half page 17*4c. unusual merit every.» here it has nmy be which suffered the past two years it Adults 25c., childien ... full page 15(. been shown. from partial crop failures, looks as if Resolved, that the citizens of Tilla- it will have splendid crops, and over 15c. Locals .... per line 7c. ... be requested to observe 1—“The Safety Cur- i.iook Uitj here in the Coast Counties, every-I Sunday, June Readers, with reading matter Memori 11 Day by closing their usual picture corporation thing looks, as usual, promising for on that day be- per line................................. 7c. production, featuring Norma Tal­ places 01’ business a big increase in dairy pioducts, and hours of lo a.m. and 4 P. tlie tween Nonces of meetings etc, per line 7c. mage. This picture comes to us. it is predicted that Tillamook cheese under a new contract and we feel ■m. Resolutions................. per line Sc. will bring $2,000,000 this year, an Adopted by the Common Council Ol that in offering photoplays releas­ increase ot »700.00«. The prospect City, Oregon. iliamoot. 1 ed by Select Picture Corporation, looks bright for all logging camps and we have some of the best on the saw mills and shingle mills being market today. Select pictures kept busy for a long time, with lum­ Revival Meetings Closed. -o------ ------ o------ shown every Sunday night. ber and shingles selling at a good The local Roosevelt committee Tile New England evangelists Pathe News. profitable figure.. With bumper should be in demand; tor it was "It” crops and a big output of lumber and ' .Monday, June 2 "A Daughter of the closed tlieir services al the Nazarene when it came to doing Tillamook's Old South" Paramount production Church lust Sunday night with grat. shingles in the Northwest, it is safe Leading citizens predict that Ore ­ share of the boosting. featuring Pauline Frederick. Lying results, and the congregation gon will undergo a period of recon­ to sqy that all lines of business will ' ~ " '* Spiritually, struction the next five years. We be prosperous, especially with deal, Tuesday, June 3.—"We Can't Have is greatly encouraged. It is intimated that there is going hope they are correct in their predic­ ers In tractors, auto trucks and Everything.”—Cecil B. Dentille there is much land ahead to be poss- to oe another government loan drive. tion. The vote next Tuesday on the autos. production. They all got what they eased and the church is marching on Made necessary, of course, by the ex­ reconstruction measures will show wanted but how they got it! That’s with victory perched upon her ban- ------- o------- travagant manner running the war the sentiment of the people of Oregon. what makes this such a wonderful ners. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins go to There are 3115 persons registered and to pay the tremendous loss in the It is a clean cut issue whether the in Tillamook County, and probably comedy drama. Sand Lake, Ore, on May 29 to begin government taking over the control state is to be developed and prosper, 1500 who are not registered. We sim­ Pathe News. meetings in the Grange hall. Bles- of the railroads, telephones, etc. 4.—“Mirandy sings on them and their hearers. or whether its growth is to be retard­ ply mention this to show the impor­ Wednesday June Smiles" Paramount production • To Tillamook they came from - - —o------- ed. Take the Roosevelt highway tance of inducing every person in featuring Vivian Martin. It doesn’t Cushing, Iowa, where they held a re­ Every precinct in Tillamook county measure for an illustration. It will 1 the county to go to the polls next matter whether a girl is carrying a vival in the Methodist church. Some should give a 100 per cent vote for open up a wonderful productive sec­ Tuesday and vote for the Roosevelt bucket or fan—if her smile is 26 young men and maidens were con­ Roosevelt highway. Watch i for tion that is “bottled up’’, and will highway measure, as well as the right #-be will land t he boy she verted there and the church wonder­ returns on Tuesday night and give Oregon the greatest highway in other reconstruction iheasures. There wants—see Mirandy do it. next issue of the Headlight and the United States. Market roads is are several reasons why every voter fully encouraged. These evangelists Bray Pictograph. if your precinct is 100 per < cent another reconstruction measure that should go to the polls on Tuesday. are expected to return to Tillamook should receive the support of the First, to carry the Roosevelt high­ Thursday, June 5.—“The Girl With in the full for another revival cath- loyal to Tillumook county. < No Regrets” William Fox produc­ paigii, and all who heard them will voters, as well as irrigation projects way measure the Coast Counties in Eastern Oregon. There are great must poll a heavy vote to overcome tion featuring Peggy Hyland. I extend to them a royal welcome. Why. of course, every woman who possibilities for Oregon if these i the adverse vote that will be cast "Romance and Brass Tacks.” Com­ Nazarene Sunday services as fol- can vote is going to the polls on measures are voted on favorably by against It in other parts of the state, edy. lows: Tuesday and vote for the Roosevelt the people next Tuesday, for this is Should the Coast Counties fail to do Note- Theatre open every night in Sunday School at 10 a.m. Mrs. B. highway measure. It is the men folk an age of progress. so, there Is a possibility of the meas- the future, adults 2oc., children 10 E. iving, Supt. w ¡jo will have to be punched up. and uro being defeated. Second, with the cents unless otherwise advertised. 11 a.m.. Childrens’ Day exercises, we hope the women folk will get In all the propaganda that is com­ Coast Counties giving a 100 per cent songs, etc. Tlie public is cordially in­ busy and see to it that the men folk ing from Germany, there are several vote in favor of the measure it will vited to attend. don't become slackers. The Allied Church. important matters that are not men­ carry great weight in procuring fed. 7:30 p.m. praise service and even­ ------- o------- j eral assistance, which can be more Announces the District Supt. of the ing sermon by the pastor. , The snap shot man certainly wish tioned and others that are distorted. i readily obtained with an overwhelm­ Mid-week service on Thursday, at the new saw mills at Garibaldi and It was Germany that started the war ing vote cast in its favor. The snap Methodist contingent. Dr. T. B. Hobsonville better luck than the for world conquest, and carried It on I shot man sees great possibilities j’or Ford, together with Dr. Avison of 8 p.m. All welcome. other saw mills-built on that side of in a blood thirsty, murderous man­ the Coast Counties should this high- the First Church Salem, Ore., Dr. High School Notes. the Bay. Great developments were ner. breaking all rules ' of internai ; way be constructed, and that is the Gilbert, Rev. Johnson and Rev. expected- to follow, but the score or lonal law. France did not want war, reason we now appeal to every voter Brown will arrive in Tillamook Sat­ Some surprise when you walk into so of sawmills all disappeared one and it was Germany who violated the i to go to tlie polls and vote in favor urday evening, May 31st, in tlj« in­ after another, the northwest gales treaty with Belgium and sent its of the measure. We are well aware terest of the benevolences and cen­ the assembly of the Tillamook High and the toredo playing havoc with army through that country and in­ that most persons are busy just now. tenary movement of the Methodist and see that the Freshman compose vaded France with the idea of crush­ Church. nearly three-fourths of the number l hem. ing those countries first in its con­ but this should not prevent them Services will be held Saturday eve­ of students. More than 95 per cent ------- o------- i from voting, when the importance of The Coast Counties are in a little quest of the world. Only once in a j the election is taken into consldena- ning at 8 p.m.; Sunday at 11 a.m. of the pupils that took the eighth grade finals are now in high school. scrap that is getting interesting. It while does some person in Germany 1 lion. Go to the polls and- vote early and Sunday evening at 8 p.m.. These meetings will be full of In­ Don’t forget the Memorial program is for place of honor. The scrap is admit that that country was respon­ I and then get busy and take others, over the question "Which of the sible for the horrors of the world | lor there should not be one slacker terest from the start to the finish. which will be held in the High < oast Counties will poll a 100 per war, and that Germany intended to | in the county next Tuesday. Tilla- Come and hear what they are plan- Schopl Assembly at 2:30 Thursday afternoon, in which all the grades cent vote?” Tillamook County is in annex Belgium and the coast ports of I mook county should give the Roose- ding to do with »125,000.000. Remember the Sunday School at 10 will participate, as well as high the race for first honors. We haven't France. As Germany started the war velt highway measure a majority ot school students. There will also be heard of one "knocker” in the county for conquest and to rob the conquor- 4500 votes. The votes are here. Show a.m. tint! this assures this courtly of the ed countries in large money indemni- that you are a patriotic Tillamooker some speeches given by soldiers, at place of honor at the top of th« list ties, it looks preposterous . for Gen- and do your bit by getting every­ Business Houses to Close on Memor­ that time. eral Ludendorff, who was probably for a 100 per cent vote. We all hope that the faculty of ial Bay. more responsible for the war than body to the polls. This is how the ------- o—----- both schools have a rousing good Coos Bay Tinies puts it: "If you fail any one in Germany, to take the po- Whereas, the 30th day of May in time, Saturday* when they will go The women of Tillamook city are to go to the polls on June 3, whether going to take part in the Roosevelt sltlon that Germany was fighting a .you arz registered or not, you are each year has been declared a holi­ out on the bay in the launch, Olive, highway campaign. They are going to war of defense. When war was de­ not a loyal citizen and you will have day by the State of Oregon, tor the each one preparing their own lunch. round up every voter in Hoquarton, clared the German people were im­ missed one of the greatest oppor­ purpose of paying proper reverence Tillamook, Sunnymead, Stillwell, bued with the idea that they could tunities ever offered to boost for and respect to the ntemory of the | For Bilious Trouble. Hays, and Goodspeed precincts and conquor France as they did in 1870, Western Oregon. If you fail to vote Soldiers of the United States, and has To promote a healthy action of the see that they go to the polls, Bully and the kaiser predicted that he ‘yes’ on 310 for the Roosevelt Mem­ been observed as such holiday for liver and correct the disorders caused for the women of Tillamook City, would eat his Chvistntas dinner in orial Highway on June 3 you will many years, and by billiousness, Chamberlains’ Tab­ Whereas, the soldiers of our county lets are excellent. Try them and see And why can’t the women In other Paris, flirtory will record that Ger­ have missed the opportunity of a many was intent on robbery and was precincts do the same? This goes to- lifetime to develop the great resourc­ are now returning from doing theii how quickly they give you a relish prove that the men folk like the the most murderous, blood thirsty es of this magnificent coast country, share in the great world war, where­ for your food and banish that dull women to take a lively interest in nution of the present age. That must for which our government is willing in they have so bravely assisted in and stupid feeling.—Adv. matters that are of vital importance be instilled into the German people, to pay half the cost.” to the future development and pros- which is gradually dawning upon them. perity of Tillamook county. ------- Q------- ‘ THE BARRIER” Œtllamnok Editorial Snap Shots Eastern Oregon and the Coast Countizs are going to swap votes next Tuesday, lor the reason that Tillamook County needs the hay grown ill Eastern Oregon. It is esti­ mated that 450 cars of hay were shipped into this county last winter. What Eastern Oregon people want is more irrigation yrojects, and as it will not cost the taxpayers one cent for the irrigation measure, but sim­ ply to back those projects up, 11 looks to us that Tillumook people, es­ pecially the dairymen, should be as much Interested -in voting for thut measure as the Roosevelt highway measure. ------ o ■ - If the Roosevelt highway measure carries. Multnomah county will con­ tribute one third of the »2,500,000. And from all accounts that county will poll a big vote In favor of the highway. IF other parts of the state were ns broad minded as Multnomah county Is In building hardsuifaced roads in Its own county, and con­ tributing large sums in taxation to build roads In other counties, the Pacific Highway would hnve been finished and hurdsurfaced before this, but some of the Willamette valle/ counties, with their moss-back popu­ lation, showed no disposition to help out two years ago. Sentiment, how­ ever.. is somewhat changed in the valley, but to what extent the vote next week will determine. ------- o------- This la your lust chance. Haven't you n five or a ten to help the local Roosevelt highway committee out In lie successful work It lias accom­ plished. Show your upon elation of 'ieir eiforta in this way. It is for the enelit of the entile county that It Is orku g, and everybody should do bit. This means those w ho have trlbuted their mite to this laudable movement that is of ast importance to Tillumook . The commit tee bus done a lot of good work, and It would showing the committee the light spirit to deprive it of sufficient and- 'u pay the expenses. Probably nine of our citizens have not given us much attention us they should It Is not too late to help out w ith >. ten or or twenty-five dol- There seems to be some doubting Thomas' who are afraid that the federal government will not co.op- erate in building the Roosevelt mili­ tary highway. The snap shot man does not agree with them. As soon as the people of Oregon give the meas­ ure a favorable vote, the w hole of-the northwest delegation at Washing­ ton will immediately get busy, for the states of California and Wash­ ington are just as much if not more so. Interested in the highway as Oregon. Fortunately there is a Re­ publican congress, and we believe it will