ÍW ITFSTl TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 2». 1919. The Recomtruction Measures ceiving benefits from this fund must COAXING YOU TO SMILE. contribute an equal amount. This’ Oregon han a great opportunity in bill means rhe raising of $2,000,000 Didn't Count. the election June 3 to keep in the annually to be spent on roads to ben­ Some doughboys were sitting first rank of forward moving states. efit the farmer rather than for main The reconstruction measures on the trunk highways as in the $10,000,- around the camp fire swapping ex. periences. Each in turn recounted ballot are worthy of support. They 000 issue. some hair-raising accident in which mean safe guarding the future and providing for the steady employ­ Oregon voters can do no better he hud figured. Finally It came the ment of labor. They mean the crea­ than to adopt the whole program, turn of r chap who had traveled all tion of new taxable wealth and not give the returning soldiers a chance over the world. They waited breath­ tile raising of taxation. to go on the land. Adopting these lessly for his yafn, but he declared Oregon was kept in the first rank measures which will make an indus­ he had nothing to tell. "Haven’t you ever had an acci­ Of patriotic states. trial and economic depression an im­ The reconstruction measures were possibility in the state and at the dent?" they chorused in amazement. "Accident? No. placed on the ballot at the request same time inaugurate the certainty "Never had anything happen to of the statesmen of the nation and of steady development of the states after careful consideration by the resources and the creation of new you?" “Oh, a rattler bit me once.” legislature. taxable wealth. "Don’t you call that an accident?” ------ o------ ------ o------ "Hell, no, the thing bit me on pur­ The 15,000,000 reconstruction The fanner, the laborer, the busi­ ness man—all will share equally in pose.” bonding bill provides: ■------ o 1. $2,000,000 for reclamation of the benefits. Nothing to Worry About. ------ o------ arid, swamp and logged off lands, The passage of the reconstruction Uncle Ben was a bachelor, but was provided the Federal Government allots Oregon an equal amount. This bills means a greater and more pros­ full of enthusiasm for his married friends, and when his brother-in-law- money will be spent in development perous Oregon. invited him to come and spend a few of Oregon. The expenditure of $4,- days and see his son and heir, he Hiring Faster Than Firing. <000,000 will create at least $20,- ------ o— gladly accepted. 000,000 of new taxable wealth. It It was an education to watch the will create new values to help bear Illuminating figures on how the taxation Instead of raising taxes, government is “economizing” is old gentleman's efforts to amuse the since every dollar, principal and in­ shown by a recent official report of 6-months-old child. Just for fun he /CONDITIONS these day«—the larger demanda terest will be repaid by the settlers. the United States Housing Corpora­ would snatch its bottle away at feed­ V-4 on everybody’s purse—are leading motorists Soldiers, sailors and marines will be tion. These figures show that the ing time and wonder why the young everywhere to look more closely into the actual given preferential rights under Sec­ government added 416 employes to thing yelled. value of automobile tires. Then he would tickle it almost into retary of the Interior Lane’s bill. its clerical force in Washington in The purpose of the constitution am­ the week ending April 26. This rep­ convulsions. Finally he gave it his We see it every day. See it in the steadily in«> endment and the accompanying resents net gain in the number of watch to play with. Then peace creasing demand for Fisk Tires. measure is to enable Oregon to get persons put on the public payrolls in reigned. And thus the mother found baby and bachelor. its share of the Federal appropria­ a single week. In the week mention­ Fisk Tires give certain very definite features "Good gracious!” she exclaimed, ed, 1,034 persons left the service or tion if the Lane bill passes. that more and more motorists have come to look for excitedly. Look! Baby's got the —greater uninterrupted tire mileage* longer life* 2. 3645,500 for the Land Settle­ were discharged, but 1,500 new watch in his mouth. He’ll swallow it. clerks were appointed. The fact that greater safety under all driving conditions. ment Commission. This money will Take it out or he’ll choke!" be spent in developing new farm this is being done by various execu­ "Don ’ t be alarmed, ” replied Uncle As an enlightened motorist you want homes in all parts of the state which tive departments at a time when Ben smiling placidly: "I’ve got hold your tire expense cut down to where will be sold to settlers’ the primary there is widespread demand for econ­ of the chain. It can’t go far!” omy. is the cause of the utmost com ­ idea being to provide farms for re­ it really belongs. Next time— Buy Fisk. turning soldiers. These will not be plaint bw members of the new Con­ The Cause. * given away but will be paid for on gress. Both in the House and Senate The driver of the car had been long time, both principal and inter­ appropriations committees feeling is deep seated that this sort of thing killed instantly in the accident. est. cannot go on. The coroner summoned several wit­ 3. $2,352,000 for much needed nesses,'among them a man residing public buildings throughout the A Bishop of Commerce. near the scene of the accident. state: • ------ o------ When interrogated, the latter an­ New penitentiary, to cost not ex­ An Episcopalian bishop, who also swered : ceeding 3500,000. "If I had to write that young fel­ Reconstruction hospital not ex­ served as an army chaplain, has now low's epitaph, I should say: "He died been elected president of the cham ­ ceeding 3350,000. trying 60 miles an hour out of Oregon Agricultural College build­ ber of commerce in his diocesan city a 10-mile road!” and has accepted the office and its ings not exceeding 3500,000. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE ------ o------ University of Oregon buildings responsibilities. Ten years ago this would have been an impossibility. No not exceeding 3500,000. Her Opportunity. State Normal School buildings, not community would have the hardi­ They were discussing entertain­ At Tillamook in the State of Oregon, at the clone of business on May 12 1919 hood to suggest a bishop for the exceeding 3100,000 « ments of various kinds, and one girl, State Insane Hospital buildings, place and no bishop would have dar­ whose plainness of feature and gen­ RESOURCES. ed serve. It is still somfwhat remark­ not exceeding $150,000. eral air of thing old maldishaess was Loans and discounts, including rediscounts................................. $596,111.74 Armories not exceeding 3203,000. able, but the only question asked is very marked, said: 6,336.37 Overdrafts unsecured ........................................................................ "Why not? ” and the more it is con ­ State Soldiers Home, $25,000. “For my part I don’t care a rap for 25,000.00 State institute of Feeble Minded, sidered the more certain is the con­ your dances and receptions and teas. Premium on U. S. Bonds . . . ............................................................. Liberty Loan Bonds, 3>4, 4 and 4*4, per cent, pledged to secure clusion that the selection is a bit of $20,000. 65,900.00 State or other deposits or bills payable................................. wisdom, if not an inspiration. In the What I like is a dinner party.” "Mercy!” exclaimed another wom­ Bonds (other than U..S. bonds) pledged to secure The Governor and State Board of first place, if the bishop is such a Control have promised that these man as his fellow citizens would an, "are you becoming a gourment?” postal savings deposits...................................... !.. $3,000.00 "No," said the old maid, "the food Bonds and securities pledged as collateral tor State buildings will not be erected when a wish and invite to this place his ca­ labor shortage exists, that the money pacity to serve his church and his doesn’t matter, but it is the one time or other deposits (postal excluded) or bill» payable 5,04)0.00 will be expended only when condi­ God is enlarged rather than lessened, when I am sure of having a man on Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including tions as to unemployed exist, making and in the second place the standing either side of me who can’t get stocks) owned unpledged............ ’......................... 75,532.77 it advisable to proceed with the and reputation of the community it­ away.” 83,532.77 Total Donds, securities, etc., other than U. S..................... . . . . ------ o ------ work in order to give employment to self should be strengthened by the 900.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank (50 percent of subscription. . . 7,247.16 labor. mere fact of this relationship. At Inherited. Furniture and fixtures.......................... ....................... ................... Thus it will be seen that $2,647,- any rate, it is in accord with the get 44,858.34 The schoolteacher had punished Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank................................. 500 of the proposed fund is a per­ together spirit which prevails be­ Tommy so often for talking in school Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks . v .. 56,167.68 manent investment fund to be re­ tween denominations as well as be­ and the punishments had been so ap­ Net amount due from banks, bankers, and trust companies other paid with principal and interest and tween the world and the church.— parently without effect that as a last 193.27 than included above ................................................................. that the proposed building program Los Angeles Times. 526.66 resort she decided to notify Tommy's Exchanges for clearing house ......................................................... depends upon the necessity arising 2,394.14 father of his son's fault. So, follow­ Checks on other banks in the same city as reporting bank. . . . for employing surplus Oregon labor. ing the deportment mark on his Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting Rigid Investigation of Waste Prom­ next report were these words: 10,023.83 bank and other cash items....................................................... ised. The six per cent indebtness for "Tommy talks a great deal.” Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. ------ o------ permanent roads amendment will 1,250.00 In due time the report was return­ Treasurer ..................................................................................... permit Oregon counties to go ahead Sharply arraigning extravagance ed with his father’s signature and Interest earned but not collected—approximate—on Notes with their road building programs. in the departments and declaring the under it was written. 8,265.36 and Bills Receivable not past due.......................................... It is a local option measure. Counties financial outlook for the government 915.30 "You ought to hear his mother,” War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned. .. will be able to vote road bundling not encouraging, Representative W. ------ o------ bonds up to six per cent of their as­ R. Green of the House Ways- and Total ..................................................................................... $909,622.62 Did Learn Something. sessed valuation. Means committee calls for drastic re­ The stubborn optimist had decided LIABILITIES trenchment. ------ o------ there was no one from whom he The industrial and reconstruction Capital stock paid in............. ............................................................ $ 25,000.00 "The cutlook with reference to the could not learn something. hospital amendment will permit the financial affairs of the government is 15,000.00 We had disputed him, and had Surplus fund ............................................... -..................................... location of the proposed reconstruc­ anything but encouraging,” said plotted to heap confusion upon his Undivided profits............................................................. $15,635.64 7,440.69 8,194.95 tion hospital at Portland. Representative Green. “If, as was head by shutting him in with the Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid .... 24,200.00 provided in the revenue bill passed village bore who never knew any­ Circulating notes outstanding................................................... ... ------ 0------ The state bond payment of irriga­ by the last Congress, only $4,000,- thing for use. Net amount due to banks, bankers, and trust companies ...... 7,598.13 tion and drainage interest for the 000,000 of revenue is raised; a huge 73.86 After two hours with the V. B., Certified checks outstanding........................................................... period of five years is designed to deficit is impending for the ensuing the S. O. emerged pale, but smiling. Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding................................... 1,722.29 make irrigation and drainage dis­ fiscal year. In any event we will have Demand Deposits “Arra harrh!” he snarllngly gloat­ trict bonds saleable at par instead of to have another bond Issue. The dif­ ed. “And did you learn anything Individual deposits subject to check.............................................. 448.461.26 at runious discounts. The state will ficulties in the way of raising rev­ from him?” Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days( other than be protected with liens on the enue are constantly increasing, as money borrowed) ............. ................................................. 23,501.74 "Yes,” replied the optimist brave­ land benefitted. This measure will war profits no longer exist, although ly. “I learned what an awful thing it State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge mean the investment of over $20,- the government continues to pour is to be a person from whom no one of assets of this bank................................................................. 15,000.00 000,000 in Oregon within the next out large sums in fulfillments of can learn anything.” Other demand deposits...................................................................... 1,242.50 five yars. The state assures payment contracts. We can and should get ad­ Time deposits subject to reserve ■ o of the interest on the settlers notes ditional revenue from customs duties Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) .... 47,990.14 I They Don’t Mix for five years enabling them to bor­ but our foreign trade is in an alto­ Postal savings deposits...................................................................... 459.99 I "No, Herbert, ” she said, in a low row money at better terms. The gether abnormal situation. Other time deposits............................................................................ 205,204.62 pi incipal is not guaranteed. This "There is much complaint with’ tone, "it is impossible. I fear to trust pills payable, other than with Federal Reserve bank. Including measure means development and the reference to heavy taxation but we my future with you." all obligations representing money borrowed, other than "And why?” creation of more farm homes and ad­ cannot always go on issuing bonds rediscounts................................................................................... 40,000.00 "I have watched your conduct very ditional property. to pay the interest on former bonds. Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank..................................... 4 5,000,00 —.—o------ We ought at the coming session not closely. It lacks the mark of such de­ Liabilities other than those above stated..................................... 973.14 The Roosevelt Coast Military High­ only to force a budget system upon votion as my soul craves.” ’ » 4 , ----------------------- “Do I not come to see you four way bill provides $2,500,000 for a the administration but institute Total ..................................................................................... $909,622.62 nights in the week?" state and national highway along drastic tetrenchment in expenses. State of Oregon. County of Tillamook, sa: "Yes, but I have detected a calcu­ the coast, providing the Federal gov­ "The number of unnecessary em­ I, C. A. McGhee, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear ernment appropriates $2,500,000. ployes in Washington is fast becom­ lating selfishness In your nature that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. This highway also means the open­ ing a public scandal and while a few which I fear.” C.A. McGhee, Cashier. "What do you mean?” ing up of a large territory to devel­ are being released, preparations are "You have never yet failed to Subscribed and sworn to before me the 21st day of May, 1919. opment and taxation. No money now being made to take more on. The Louis V. Eberhart, would be spent unless the state ap­ various committees on expenditures leave in time to catch the last bus.” Notary Public for Oregon “But that is only common sense.” propriation was matched by the In the several departments ought to My Commission expires September 26, 1921. ’’I know it is, Herbert, and there­ Federal Government. The building get busy at once at the opening of Correct—Attest: A. B. Bunn, C. J. Edwards. B. C. Lamb, directors. of this highway would be equiva­ the session to cut down expenses. Ail fore it is not love.” lent .to building another railroad in through the war, these committees the state of Oregon. have been as silent as the grave, not Were ever of the best. Do You Sleep Well? On a Fiddler's Gravestone, ------ o------- even venturing to meet.” o With nodding head the ehe fast asleep on more than one oc ­ ■ —o------ This is to give notice that persons ter you feel with a dear head and good if you let us know. casion while playing a country dance, The market road tax bill provides Qn this platform we are building and was always ready to give a cap­ are forbidden to trespass upon our 1 good digestion.-—Adv. a 1 mill tax to raise approximately premises, for hunting is strictly pro­ up a nice business. Call and sec us in ital song The inscription reads: $1,000,000 annually for market For Sale— young registered Hol- hibited. His duty done beneath this stone road-. Multnomah County will pay our new location. stein bull, ready for service. In good H. F. Goodspeed, Tillamook Tire Co. Old Michael lies at rest: $365,000 of this fund and will re­ condition and good breeding. Bob F. M. Trodt. E. F. Rogers, Mgr. His rustic rig. his song, his Jig. ceive only $100,000. Counties re­ ’ I Stlllw. ¡1. Fisk Tires Going Onto More Cars Every Day ACKLEY & MILLER, Tillamook, Oregon. FISK w TIRES FIRST NATIONAL BANK • TESTED AND PROVEN ------ o------ There is a Heap of Saloce in Being Able to Depend Upon a Well- Earned Reputation. For months Tillamook readers have seen the constant expression of praise for Doan's Kidney Pills, and wad about the good work they have done in this locality. What other remedy ever produced such convinc­ ing proof of merit? T. J. Campbell, retired farmer, Ash St. Dallas, Oregn., says: "For a long time I have peen using Doan's Kid­ ney Pills when my kidneys have needed attention and in every in­ stance, I have found them all they are represented to be. I couldn’t rec­ ommend a better medicine for back­ ache and for regulating the kidneys than Doan’s Kidney Pills.” Price 60c. at all dealers. Don’t Birnply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Campbell had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd Adv. DELCO-LIGHT Th« eoatplata Electric Light and Power Plant Plenty of bright, safe clean electric light. No more hot, smoky lamps. ACKLEY & MILLER Tillamook Garage, Tillamook Oregon. SPRING FEVER - v Following Colds, Grippe, Thx^ Watery or Poisoned Blood (B y D r . V alentine M ott .), At this time of year most people Suf­ fer from what we term ’’spring fever” because of a stagnant condition of the! blood, because of the toxic poifontf Stored up within the body during the long winter. We eat too much meat, With little or no green vegetables. Bloodless people, thin, anemic pedpld, those with pale cheeks and lips, who have a poor appetite and feet that tired, worn or feverish condition in the spring­ time of the year, should try the refresh­ ing tonic powers of a good alterative and blood purifier. Such a tonic as drug­ gists have sold for fifty years, is Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It is a standard remedy that can be ob­ tained in tablet or liquid form. )sition.”— Samuel Kaliekv. 978 Euclid Ave. T he « L atest r Electricity s latest gift to the housewife -greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the I Western Electric P ortable S ewing M achine No more tiresome treadle pushing - no more backache a little electric motor does the hard work. A foot control gives any speed desired. ? The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. Ask for a demonytra- tion. s COA S7 POWER CO THE ELECTRIC STORE V J