TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MAY 29, 1910 is Hunbecoming and Hungracious. legislature seemed to take a more The terms of peace were Huncondi- fuvorable view toward reclamation BUMBLE BEE BUSY WORKER tlonal surrender.—Corvallis Gazette- than its predlcessois. II Only Severe Cold Weather Induces In. They may try the Kaiser all right, Times. sect to Take a Rest From Its but where are they going to find the FRENCH CLEVERNESS Labors. Jobless Heroes. twelve n en who haven't any opinion as to his guilt or innocence? Ump- I Argument of French and German Of­ Edmund Vance Cook in the qua Valley News. ficials Settled by Jeweler. Jden of life success w<-i'',| be 40 a, ;, ) Washington Herald, —o------- of red clover waist high. In full Jun» they cheered our march Some 25 years ago. at a public din. The “Appeal to Reason" is still bloom mid fritgraiice all the y, ar y Arch ner, General von Manteuffel, the talking about the "great soul" of Ihrodga the X through and forever. What one bum­ k ’ welcome home ’ . That they built for Debs and some of the other obstruc­ (German military governor of Alsace, ble bee could do with 40 acres of . lo­ tionists. Funny, .isn't it, how many And th • tniyor was there got into a dispute with a French dip­ ver no bee nor mortal ever knew but martyrs and heroes of papers like the From hi? civic chair." lomat over the question of the su­ Appeal to Reason are serving jail And the Gov, from the state house periority of French workmen over the bee. if huiunn wise, would want all that nod more. dome. sentences for violating the laws of I the artisans of other nations. As Invade his flowery honey farm at And somebody sung and somebody the land.—Telephone Register. General von Manteuffel hated the the height of the season, nnd he pnts spoke —;----°-------- French and every thing that savored out no restraining hand. There Is no many (He talked so long that I wished he'd u( that nation, the dispute assumed Soon after the Civil wt padlock on his gate. The whole field choke.' ) the proportions almost of a quarrel*. manufacturing plants made a great is a-hum with polyglot plunderers com­ And everyone cheered a lot. ¡Finally the French diplomat, with a advance in prosperity by introducing ing from everywhere to carry away steam power. A somewhat t similar \V. were soused with coffee and cig­ smile, remarked that nothing existed the very goods that are gold to the arettes; (that was so ugly that a French ar­ situation exists today on the farms bumble bee. But he puts up no de­ • use Oh. ye.-, we thought we were quite tisan could not make it into a thing that are expanding op- erat 1ÛI1S by fense. lie innkes no vicious counter- some pets. of beauty. of tractors and other n< ew mach littery, offensive, ns the yellow-jacket might. And :Len—then they all forgot. Pulling a hair from his bristly The average farm ma; iy itot bt e dble If you search for him here you find to increase production i as R1U jch as N< •w a Tank is a Yank, .and a Gog's gray mustache. Von Manteuffel said; him diligently prospecting with Ills a Gob, I'lAll right, then take that, send it to shop little I proportionately as th honey put -p humming a barytone solo it nei much when he needs I gained when it put in 1 stf a lark, explaining the circumstances, ap­ a wilderness of dry stubble under a I ago that from an e onomic stand- | A ride in the park. pealing to his patriotic pride, and scorching July sun, nnd his millions point the election to be held June 3 And a ■■ anting of gasoline. telling him to spare no expense in In clover are swept away by the hand will be one of the most niost important But a cheer soon dies, and a smoke’s making that hair "a thing of beauty” of the strong, this bumble bee will soon gone, ever held in Oregon, , ,and yet he and then he assured the German gen­ not be found hanging by a spiderweb said he felt sure that there had never And a peech isn’t built to be lived eral that if he would have patience to a fence-row fireweed, a bankrupt upon. been, during his residence in the he should see the result of real suicide. Not he. In this fence cor­ state, so little interest manifested in For more than a week or so, French skill. ner left by the mower, clad in his vel­ a general election. We think he is And “heto" and "savior” sound right In the course of a week the general vet suit of black and yeMow, even nice. correct in his surmisings and we received a neat parcel from the now he Is working over the damp of doubt if half the voters scarcely re­ But it pretty much looks that they jeweler. In it was a beautiful scarf a goldenrod mine, and gold Is shining cut no ice, alize that the date of so important pin in the form «of a Prussian eagle; from his pants pockets. Moreover, lie election is less than fifteen days When our cash on hand runs low. •in the talons of the bird was the has a fair swig left in his honey Jug, Yes, a Yank is a Yank and a Gob's a hair, at each end of which was ahead. — Newberg Graphic. _____ a ... lit- and he Is still humming his song of Gob, , tie gold ball. On one of the balls was high June. "Th’ coorse av true peace treaties And “g.ory”" is good, .but a job is a inscribed “■Alsace” and on the other As the season goes down the steep job! niver did run smooth," says Dinny "Lorraine,” while *on the eagle's i slope toward chilly weather, the bum­ Shea at the Bow Wow- Club, “because perch were the words. ‘You i hold ble bee does not dig his reluctant heels thim who are doin’ th' runnin’ are Important Changes in Water, Irri­ them but by a hair only.” Into the sod. Ing sullenly back and turn gation and Diainage District Laws. too dom smooth. Peace is for those a regretful eye over hls shoulder, with I who are strong enougt to make it, Change of Location. his heart in the lost red clover. He I an' justice is for those who take what • Some important changes were made takes the small sweets of poverty asl they can get. The peace conference by the last legislature in the water . The building owned by F. R. Beals, he did the rich sea of June honey. arrives at peace whin they are all laws and irrigation and drainage dis­ located on the corner of 2nd Ave. & From a June millionaire’s estate he aslape in bed. A peaceful mon is his trict laws of the state. The abolish­ 4th St., occupied by the Tillamook has fallen to the fortune of an au­ waking hours is headed for a diverse ment of the office of Superintendent Tire Co. and Mrs. E. F. Rogers’ Mil­ tumn tramp, taking a handout from coort, or a mOnstray, or is retired of Water Division No. 1 reduces the linery Store, is being moved this a belated weed and begging a night's fr'm business in th’ hands av a dry State water Board to two members, week to the corner of 3rd Ave. and lodging in the Inst bloom of n wayside nurse." J. Hennessy Murphy, in the State Engineer and the State 3rd St., across the- corner from the hollyhock. But he still retains his Oregon Voter. Water Superintendent. The State En­ Tillamook Hotel. The old building well-brushed suit, hls good deep bary­ ------- o------- gineer was given charge of the dis- will undergo a thorough repairing tone and his memories of June. The existence of the dog in these triuution ol the water of the State, and painting, and the same business United Slates is not the reason more with authority of overseeing the lines will be carried on, only In a PROVED ABILITY TO REASON sheep are not raised. Dogs are more work of the various water masters, more extensive way. The same plan of square dealing numerous in the greatest sheep rais­ which.work has heretofore been Hard to Explain Monkey’s Action in ing countries than they are here. The under the direction of the division and abiding by the Golden Rule will Putting Out Fire Unless That Ad­ real reason that sheep are not more superintendent. The Supervision of go forward that has built up these mission Is Made. extensively raised is to be found in water division No . 2 was given businesses to its present magnitude, American farm practice. The average charge of the adjudication of water and, in fact, only time will tell of A Louisiana planter who owns a pet American farmer wants to do things rights in the entire state and was the development of these businesses with machinery as much as possible. given the title of State Water Su­ in Tillamook. We certainly appre­ monkey which answers to the name of ciate our patrons and will try to do Jocko, tells an anecdote about him He even has machines to milk the perintendent. all within our power to satisfy them. which proves that such animals can cotfs and to feed and water the A constitutional amendment pro_- chickens. And the American farmer viding foi the guarantee Of the first We will be glad to meet all of our and do reason. The children of the house and Jocko has little or no cheap help, hired or I ’ five years' interest on irngation and customers in our new location and otherwise. Sheep do not lend them­ drainage bonds will be submitted to I many new ones. We are here to stay, are boon companions, and of a sum­ selves readily to be taken care of by the people at the coming special elec­ and will save you n^oney in your mer afternoon enjoy n frolic together upon the lawn. One day someone machinery. They are less able to de­ tion. Ou account of heavy discount I purchases. Both phones will be in- ’ threw a match dowu and the grass fend then.selves than other domestic on drainage and irrigation bonds stalled again as soon as possible. Ignited, making n little blaze. animals, are more stupid and more this class of reclamation has beeu ' Yours for business. Jocko saw It and stopped and liable to'self inflicted fatal injury.— under a severe handicap, which it is ' Tillamook Tire Co. looked, then glanced all around, and. COUnty Observer. E. F. Rogers, Mgr. believed will be la.gely removed if • seeing a piece of plank not far off, ran Mrs. E. F. Rogers, Milli­ . ------ o------- this amendment is passed. for it, crept cautiously to the fire, nil ner and Artist. Van rouver. Wash., will boost the the time holding the plank ns a shield A statute was enacted providing ' n a home idea by organizing a that irrigation districts may accept i Notice of Executor’s Final Account. between himself and the flame, then club with 85O..OUO capital to loan to a part of the land of any landowner I pressed It down nnd extinguished it. • - O---- r— persons wishing to build, payments within the district as an offset Notice is hereby given that the un- What child could have reasoned better to amount to rent. Thp club is not ■ against the reclamation charge on j dersi^ned executor of the estate of and done more? Although, perhaps, no danger could formed for profit, .but merely as a the remainder of his land. This will John C. Sander, deceased, has filed means of building up the city, which probably sprve uh a very convenient in the county court his final account have come from the fire, still no one suggests that Hillsboro is badlj in method of cooperation with the Fed- and that the said court has fixed Sat- knows what the result might have need of homes and a similar organ­ eral Government. _____ the _______ _______ ’ urday, 31st ___ day of May, 1919, at been, nnd the monkey evidently be­ ization would go far in meeting the The provision of the irrigation dis- ; 10 am. as the time and the office of lieved that prudence is the better part housing situation here. Strange as trlct law relating to the validation I the County Judge, of Tillamook of valor. it may appear, all sections are con- of the piocedure prior to the issu­ ¡County, Oregon as the place for hear- fronted with similar conditions to ance of bonds was clarified by the I ing of said account. All persons are He’d Forgotten. Hillsboro, where new arrivals are re-enactment of this portion of the hereby required to appear at said The school dramatic society was giv­ confronted by lack of houses. The irrigation district law. time and place and show cause, if ing Its first performance of the sea­ majority of these places are attempt­ Agricultural lands included with­ any there be, why the said final ac- son and the play they had chosen for ing to solve the problem in various count should not be allowed and the the momentous occasion was “Julius ways, while it must be confessed that in the limits of a municipality may executor discharged. Caesar.” now be included in an irrigation dis ­ talk is about all that has niaterial- All went smoothly till Caesar’s dead Dated this April 28, 1919. trict. This amendment was deemed ized here. The independent has here­ ’Herman Sander, Execu­ body was brought in, and Marc Antony necessary on account of the large tofore suggested a building club tor of the estate of John had to deliver hls famous speech. which will either rent or sell the area of agricultural land which is He put his heart into the part and: C. Sander, deceased. included within the limits of some of houses it builds, Bank statements the audience felt acutely for the poor Johnson & Har.dley Attorneys. the municipalities within or adjacent show that we have the money and citizens, who were all presumably hor­ there are any number of desirable to the irrigation district. ror-stricken and overcome with grief, Provision has also been made for If I Were a Fanner. when Antony gently but firmly vacant lots. A beginning therefor«, — o ------- grasped, as he thought, the face-cloth« appears all that is necessary, and the reclamation of lands in an irri­ If I were a farmer I would keep at and slowly, very slowly, began to draw the advice to do it now is timely. It gation district in units. Heretofore, Is true labor and materials are high, it was necessary that every acre of hand a few reliable medicines for It back. Just then an excited whisper came but vacant lots are returning no in­ irrigable land in a district should be minor ailments that are not so ser­ come and idle money is not profita­ aosessed the same as every other fr- ious as to require the attention of a from the other end of the corpse: “This end, you Idiot!” ble either. Why not start the ball ugauie acre, inis uiought about a physician, such as Chamberlain's tendency to exclude land from the Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy for But Antony was too much wrapped rolling?—Independent. district, which would increase the bowel complaints. In grief to hear. He presevered and! ------- o------- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for then suddenly disclosed to the intently cost against the main body of land Hunscrupulous Huns seem notwithstanding • the fact that it coughs, colds and croup. gazfng audience Caesar's boots! still Hunchanged and Hunconverted. might be possible to include such Chamberlain's linament for sprains The peabe terms no doubt are Hunat- lands in an irrigation district as a bruBes and rheumatic painB. Rhine’s Wanderings. tractlve, tpit they will be Hunable to separate unit, and assess them ac- By having these articles at hand it show that they-are Hunfair or Hun- cording to the cost of reclamation. A remarkable thing about the Rhine- would often save the trouble of a Is Its length for so small a river. Un­ just. Their Hunpalability will be Under the irrigation district law trip to town in the busiest season or like the Nile, which contains less wa­ made more Hunsavory if the Hun- in the night, and w>«uld enable me as enacted in'1917, the district ter at Cairo than at Berber. 1,500 holy K-in becomes Hunnerved and could not require construction bonds to treat slight ailments as eoon as miles upstream, the Rhine has numer­ Hunftt to act Hunbiased in the mat­ in excess of 25 per cent of the they appear, and thereby avoid the ous affluents, but never attains the- ter. The Hungovernable rage which amount of the contract. This has more serious diseases that so often dignity of a real river, as American» he has Hunfurled • is not hard to been cured us the statute now pro­ follow.—Adv. understand such definitions, until It Hunderstand when It I b Hunderstood vides .hat no such bond shall be less enters Holland. that he is not only Hundone for the Pune Lost. than 25 per cent of the construction ------- o------- The "German Rhine" owes its orig­ present but for generations yet Hun- costs. Lost, a purse, containing about »75 in to the Swiss mountains, wander» born. He had such Hunbounded con­ The drainage district law was also In bills and silver. Purse had admis­ with apparent aimlessness—first west fidence that his victory was not at all Huncertain. .hence he finds it amended in some important features sion card signed P. Thomas, in it. and then north and northwest, after doubly hard to undo his Hunfriend- so that it now corresponds more Finder leave same at the Headlight leaving Lake Constance—until It en­ • ters Holland, where It becomes as slug­ ly course and Hunderstand. as the closely with the irrigation district office and receive reward. gish as any Dutchman who ever dwelt peace terms are Hunfolded. that the law and all quest’on has been elimi­ in New Amsterdam. rest of the world regards him as nated as to whether or not the obli­ Ornamental Fire Placet Built Hunfit and Hunsafe for decent so. gation of the district was an individ­ of Brick and Stone, All Fire ciety. His Hunutterable astrocities ual or a community obligation by fix­ Too Severe. Places absolutely guaranteed are still Hunpopular and Hunless it ing it definitely as a community ob­ “Yon told me when you were n stilt- not to smoke or money re ­ ligation. is made impossible for ’him to Hun- or for my hand that my will would funded. Another statute was enacted pro­ load another such package of grief «ver be law to you,' said Mrs. Grip- Brick work of all kinds done upon an Huniucky and H unsuspect­ viding for the certiflcaiton of drain­ piti». . on short notice. ing .world the purpose of the war age district bonds in the same man­ We make a specialty of re­ "So ! dld, my dear, sol dtd.” rapile»! ner as lirigatiim district bonds are willhavc been Hunacco npli.-hed He pairing smoking Fire Pieces. M - Grippin«. mildly. “Rut at thnt par­ I I ought u. to Hunderstand by this time r.qw certified. ti, alar tini, little dld I dream ’hot .siimmi up. theteft i r. \ h fu- ’that the rest of I he world regards yonr wtll would «ver tnke thè furui of 1 vornble legislation was secured af. the Hun as Hunclean. and that his —er—mattisi law."—Birmingham Age- Hunactlons assumption of innocence feeling reclamation. la fact, the last Heeuld. TILLAMOOK. ORE. What the Editors Say BUILDINC. UP TILLAMOOK !■ you were to look tinder and behind the dairy­ ing, tittitt ttfuct it ri u farniiilif and business structures of Tillamook County* you would in a very yreat many instances find evidence of that co­ operation which the FIRST NATIONAL BANK is both able and willing; to extend its patrons. If you would jjrow ii|» witn the community and this bank-open an account here NOW. DIRECTORS : A. W. burin, Farmer.\ P. Heisei, Farmer. C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C.PowerCo. ./. Holden, Vice Pres. B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. IV. J. Rier hers. Cashier. Thefirst National Bank TILLAMOOK. ORFGON. the SIGN The Red Crown sign means “The Gasoline of Quality”— always dependable. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. a standard oil COMPANY (California) Si tt \> -e^^***^ J z •^Gasoline Quality | i ! Have Your Garments Dry Cleaned. EXPER T D YEING. Agency of M. Paumies’ Dye House, Butte, Montana. $ g S The Pacific Cleaning & Tailoring Co. $ Call 31 J TILLAMOOK, ORE. Mail Order Ilept. The Tillamook Transfer Co., contracted the wood output of the Coats Lumber Co., Mill. Jf the wood supply from this plant is not suf­ ficient for the local demand we will till orders from other sources. Place your order» for wood with uh . TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO LIBERTY T You men are saving every cent you can. You ought to know that this quality tobacco costs less to chew—not more! You take a smaller chew. It gives you the f'ood tobacco taste. It asts and lasts. You don’t need a fresh chew so often. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW t>ut uf> in two styles RIGHT CUT is ii short-cut tobacco W-B CUT' is a long finc-cut tobacco 8 RALPH E. WARREN,