TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MAY 29, 1919. This Store Will Close All Day Memorial Day, Friday, May 30th. Decoration Day is no longer a memorial of the Civil War, it is a day of tribute to all heroic souls who have shown Remnants ! Remnants ! ! HALF-PRICE. Hundreds of splendid and desirable lengths of all kinds of Piece Goods— Silks, Press Goods, Wash Goods, Domes­ tics, Draperies, etc , etc. all at Just Half the Marked Price. devotion to the highest patriotism ; to those who gave their lives, and to those who were willing to do so. PHENOMENAL 7 DAYS UNDERPRICING SALE Odds and Ends, 93c. Each. Bargain Table of all sorts of Merchan­ dise of which we have only one or two pieces of a kind. Actual values QOz» up to $3.50. Yourchoice..................... VOL. Beginning at 10 A.M. Saturday, May 31st. a phenomenal event affording'you scores of opportunities for saving on wanted wearables and Drygoods. \ N event in which every department in this big store is —X participating, and in which each department is en­ deavoring to outdo the others in Bargain Giving anti price Reductions. Seasonable, Up-to-date Merchandise in Hundreds of other Bargains not advertised, but equally as good as these mentioned. See Windows Thursday. Liberty Bonds of any denomination taken at face value in lieu of Cash. Underpricing Sale of ? Heatherbloom Petticoats, $1.57 Underpricing Sale of Underpricing Sale of Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits Coats-Capes-Dolmans. Women's Percale House Aprons, $1.69 Actual $2.25 regular and extra size heatherbloom petti­ coats in plain colors and figured effects. Special for 7 days. Extra heavy percale aprons in light and dafk colors, and neat patterns. These are ac­ tual $2.25 values. tf-i Special only................. $1.57 Shown for the First Time • Polly-Anna House Dresses. Billy Burke and Conserva­ tion Models in these famous Dresses. Made of white Pop lin and galatea. Ä $3.98-15.65 Udderpricing Sale of Crepe de Chine Waists $2.97 Actual $4.50 values in colors White, Flesh and Black. Made of good heavy quality silk. Nearly all sizes. Smart spring styles in Suits and Coats priced regularly from $20.00 to$35.00 at this low figure for 7 days only beginning Saturday, May 31st. Every woman who needs a new suit or coat should take advantage of this great underpricing event for the savings available are decidedly exceptional at this time of the year. Are in all sizes from 16 years to 44 inch bust and come in Poplins, Serges, Ga­ bardines, Cheviots, Tweeds and Trico­ tines, in smart spring ' models. Ladies’ White Wash Skirts, New and effective styles in plain, stripe and" plaid Ga­ bardine Dress Skirts in white only. Very special- tf 4 nr Or ly priced from CO A TS THE THE SUITS Just Received bj Express including Capes, and Dolmans a re s h o w n in Poplins, Velours, Tweed Mixtures, Ser­ ges and Taffetas. Practically all sizes in the selection. Ladies' Lisle Hose, 29c. Pair. $12.85 Also actual $20.00 Coats for only - $33.90 $70 and $72 Coats and Dolmans for - $48.00 $49 and $50 Coats and Capes for - Underpricing Sale of Actual 31 c. values in Ladies’ nice tine Lisle Hose in Black and White and all sizes 8| to 10. Underpricing Sale of Underpricing Sale of Wash Goods, Dress Ginghams, 38c. Yard. 25c. Yard. Tissue voiles in 32 and 36 Actual 35c. and 39c. Amos- keag Ginghams in .mall, medium and large checksand plaids in a large variety of colors. All 27in. wide. inches wide in stripes and plaid designs and yardwide plain white and novelty voiles, skirtings and suitings in ac­ tual 50c. to 63c. value‘ 38c. for only............... Apron Ginghams—assorted checks and colors. 15c. Per Yard....................‘ Underpricing Sale of Spring Millinery. Mias Dougherty, who until just recently has been creating Millinery Models in prominent stores in Pacific Coast Cities, has now taken charge of our Millinery Dept, on the Balcony, and for our Under- pricing Sale beginning Saturday an­ nounces these very special Bargains in pretty, becoming creations in Spring Cha­ peaux for Children, Misses and Women. Ladies’ Hats, Underpricing Sale of $1.98 Pair. $2.98 Actual $5.00 values in up-to-date creations at a great saving in our Underpricing Sale. See them in the window tonight. Actual $6.00 Hats for only................... $4.98 Actual $8.00 Hats for only................... $5.98 Actual $10 and $12 Hats only............... $7.98 Children’s Ha ts, 98c. Splendid stylish little creations for Children and girls. Actual $1.48 values for only 98c. Each. Actual $3.00 Hats for only................... $1.98 Actual $4.50 Hats for only................... $2.98 Actual $6.00 Hats for only................... $3.48 ^hern’s Front and Black Lace Models in nearly all sizes from 19 to 34 in these famous Corsets. Actual $3.50 values for only............ $1.98 Pair. Underpricing Sale of Women's and Misses' Shoes. Women’s Mary Jane Canvas Pumps with and without "nd white- S’**" 2i to 7. Actual $1.35 $2.00 values for ........................... Misses' White Canvas Pumps. Sizes iOj to 2 for only....................... Actual $1.65 values. $1.19 Women s White Nubuck and Canvas Lace Shoes with mili- tarv, Cuban and Louis Cuban Heels, Actual $7.1)0 $385 values for only per pair................................. Ladies' Dress Shoes in Grey, Field Monse and Mahogany. Lace styles with cloth and kid tops,- $2.00 valti-s $7 95 sizes and widths for ...................................