o remiren WTT*<*T\ iX TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Tillamook Jottings The "bolshevikied” proposition that nas been holding Bayocean back can't last much longer. Then no more chance for bargains, See H. L. King. ---------- O----------- Dr. Wise—Dentist. Live Stock Ins.,—See Watson. • For Sale--Our entire.herd of fine high rade Jersey milk cows, 11 head. These are very heavy milkers. Hoofror Remedy at C. 1. Clough Rasmussen Bros. Dayton Ore. Co. • ■ V. illiams, of the Tillamook Spend your evenings at the Gem Feed Co., and get prices on the Theatre. * handsome 19 series Studebaker For sale.—Shetland pony, cheap.— , cars, before buying your new car. * C. W. Miller. Thieves won’t get your money if Don't fall to see the farm tank at you spend it fast enough. Attend the the Kuppenbender Warehouse. ♦ ' shows at the Gem Theatre and pro- j test your bank account. Apartments for rent. Address Box j1 For • Sale— Registered Holsteins, I 6 cows, two 2-year old heifers; two Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. quality heifers; Bull calf.—L. J. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. • Lownds, Linnton R. 2 Box 90. Sharp and Allen, dentists. ’ Seven room house for rent.—C. O. Albert Byers, Haltom’s ad man. & C. M. Dawson. returned from two weeks visit to Singer Sewing Machine Agency British Columbia on Sunday. Mrs. « Byers started today for England. opposite P. O.. Both phones. Marriage licenses were issued to Oscar Swenson has accepted a po- Sherman Reed and Margaret T. Mix; sition in the sheriff’s office. William G. Smith and Bernice Monte Wliy not place your feed orders for Cristo. the luture with Kuppenbender. For sale, 16 and one fourth acres Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. of dairy land, with nine cows. 1 Wise. • miles south of town. Enquire at the Headlight office. Caddllac Bug for sale. Square Deal Oh yes! Bring aloug all the noise Repair Shop. 2* you want to Saturday, because yqu Seven room house and five acres can sure use it. Carnpval dance. May for sale.- C. O. & C. M. Dawson. 31. Tickets $1.00. Bring the girls. For Sale—Nice white potatoes for William T. Coates, son of Tom seed Jim Simmons, Mutual phone * Coates, returned on Sunday. He was Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at in Company M, of the Oregon regi, lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. * ment, and he saw some severe fight­ ing in France. We handle Trojan Powder. Best for ’ C. Holden returned to the city on stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. * curday, coming in by way of Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- Sheridan He will go into business, ei Warehouse. * opening a vulcanizing and tire es- Don’t miss “The Barrier” Gem tabiishment. Theatre Friday and Saturday. The First National Bank has just See The Tillamook Feed Co. about received a shipment of Victory Lib­ Republic tires and save money. * erty Bonds. All subscribers who have paid in full may now receive their Obtain your wood from the .Tilla­ bonds. mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* Before buying your auto tires, ln- For Sale—Five room house in pav­ vestigate the Republic Standard five ed disTict, or will take automobile as thousand mile guarantee, price right part payment. —Sam Moulton. * ut Tillamook Feed Co. See Willims about the Republic, The steady down pour of rain on Sunday and Monday did considerable the yellow chasis truck that serves so I well and honest, a truck at an good. ' honeste price. Tillamook Feed Co. * And what about those big doings C. W. Miller, of the Coats Lumber Fourth of in Tillamook City on the Co.,, will leave Tillamook in a few July? days, having resigned liis position as For Sale—residence ■ and sonffe bookkeeper, to look after other in- household effects, j good kitchen I te rests. t range.—-C. W. Miller. ' For sale,, one team of horses, Dancing every Satudray night, at weight about 2200, and harness, Barview. Excellent music and floor well broke—G. I. Graham, Route Box like polished glass. * ■ 33, Nehalem, inquire at Kuppenben. * For sale, young Scotch Collies. Ap­ der Warehouse. ply to El nest Gisler, Long Prairie, Look! My interest in acre tract Box 124 R. F. D. 1. * ¡and also lot 14 in Pacific Addition, For sale or rent—50 acre dairy all in Bay City, for sale for tax val­ ranch 4 miles from Tillamook on uation. Write Gilbert Eyk, New * Auburn, Witj. * main county road.—Call 56-J. Mrs. George Wilt returned on Sat ­ So the women of Tillamook City are going to put on a “Round Up” urday after spending a month visit­ ing her daughter at Portland. She stunt n'jxt Tuoeaay. I also attended the Rebekah conven- Two New Home sewing machines tion at Salem. for sale cheap. Singer Sewing Ma- Dealers in high grade pianos and chine Agency opposite P. O. Player pianos for over 45 years Gem Theatre is now open every Sold on easy monthly payments, night. Don’t think there is no place Write for catalogue and terms.— to go. Feature pictures every night. Leland B. Erwin, Rep., Tillamook.* For rent—Eight room house, mod­ For rent, 4 room modern furnished ern throughout, wUl only rent by the house. Want to sell gasoline Iron, year.—Apply to M. R. Hannenkratt. baby swinging chair, breakfast table There is nothing too good for us, and chairs, dresser and stantj, tables. See all the best photo plays at the Call, at 9. E. corner of 8th Street and Gem. 6th Ave. East. * For Sale, a 25-candle power acety­ Just received a car of mill feed at »he Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices lene gas plant, to be sold at a great are lowest. • sacrifice. Splendid opportunity to procure gas plant for farm house at Regular services at the Christian a small cost. C. B. Wiley, north of Church next Sunday. The public in­ Tillamook City. * * vited. H. F. Cook has, in recent months Four good milk cows for sale, been tuned and repaired more than 80 fresh one month.—J. D. Johnson, pianos in this county. He handles the Sandlake, Oregon. * best plat.us for this climate. On ex­ If you are contemplating buying a hibition at Singer Sewing Machine drag-saw see the Tillamook Feed Co., Agency. Opp. P. O. Liberty Bonds * and get prices. * taken. Father Odilo, O. S. B., of Concep­ “We Can’t Have Everything,” a tion, Missouri, brother of the late pleasing comedy drama. Gem Thea­ Father Basil, of Tillamook, and tre, Tuesday, June 3rd. father of Miss Agnes Schriber, of Til­ 160 acres wheat land to trade (or lamook. in here for an indefinite s’ay. Tillamook residence property. O. M. Miss Shriber hopes that it can be ar­ Cook at Singer Agency Opp. P. O. • ranged so her father Odilo can stay Hey Bill! you gonna go? Go where. in the west. Wanted.—By student,, 20, work on Why, you big fish to the Carnival dairy. Expert milker. Can run dance of course. machine. Working for O. A. C. dairy. No greater picture ever made than Steady and reliable. Good salary ex­ “The Barrier.” Gem Theatre, Friday pected. Honest work given. Refer­ and Saturday. ences. L. L. Love, 504 N 25th St. Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is Corvallis,, Ore. safe, clean and powerful. For sale at State Senator T. B. Handley re the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * turend yesterday from Eastern Ore C. B. Wiley left on Tuesday for gon where he went to boost for the Yamhill county where he will spend Roosevelt highway. He says the peo- pie in Eastern Oregon are going to memorial day. swap votes with the Coast Counties, Let wour co-worker on the farm be both voting for the irrigation meas­ the Cleveland Tractor. On display at ure and the highway. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • For Sale.—Two fine registered Election return« flashed on the Holstein bulls, one ready for service screen at Gem Theatre Tuesday and from Toby De Koi 2nd Johanna 4 night. Duke, 75 per cent same breeding as Bay horse. 6 years old. Lady De Koi. 36.5» butter, at 3*4 For Sale­ weight about 1400, good all round years, world’s record ’.•hen made. vork horse.—Ike Quick. Mutual Ako one 6 weeks old well bred.— • Chas Macpher.xai, Giar.d .¡mde. Or.* Phone, 29, 1919. 100 PER CENT VOTE FOR ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY This is How Tillamook County Should Vote Next Tuesday OVER 4,000 VOTERS MUST VOTE Every Precinct in County to Have a “Round Up” Committee. We do not recall anything in recent years that is of as much importance to Tillamook county as the Roosevelt high­ way measure, and for that reason it behooves every voter to go to the polls next Tuesday and vote for this measure. Never be­ fore have the people of this county been so united and of one accord as on this occasion, and we cannot conceive of one reas­ on why the voters of this county should not give a 100 percent vote for the Roosevelt highway and poll the biggest vote in the history of the county. All loyal, patriotic Tillamookers should take great pride in being able to say that they cast their ballot in favor of this commendable enterprise, which means so much., and is of far reaching importance to the future development and prosperity of the Coast Counties, and of Tillamook County in particular. Even in Tillamook county only a comparatively few persons have any conception of the large amount of undeveloped country the highway will open up to settlement, which is bottled up and isolated because of the need of a coast highway. The snap shot man has been preach­ ing the gospel of the Roosevelt Highway for several weeks and we have devoted considerable space and time in the effort to put the measure over the top on the 3rd of June. So this is our last sermon we intend to preach to the people of Tillamook county on this subject. We are fully aware that we have con­ verted most every Tillamoker to vote for the Roosevelt high­ way, ,but should there be one or two who are opposed to the development of the Coast Counties, all we can say we hope they will fall into line before election day. It is not necessary for us to add another word as to the merit of the measure. We are all agreed and united on that point and co-operating one with the other to obtain a favorable vote in the state. There is one more thing to do however, and that is to create plenty of enthusiasm and get the people to the polls on Tuesday. It is votes that count. There are about 4000 of more in the county. Let every voting precinct in the ccunty make a strenuous ef­ fort to get the voters to the polls. Every patriotic, loyal Tilla- mooker should devote some time to this on Tuesday, for it is of vital importance to Tillamook county that a heavy vote be cast in favor of the Roosevelt highway. The snap shot man is in hopes that Tillamook County will have the honor of recording a 100 per cent vote in favor of the Roosevelt Highway meas­ ure. It will be a wonder when built. Won’t you put your shoulder to the wheel and help bring this about. It can and should be done,, and wc know it will be done now that the people see what this great highway will do for the future de­ velopment of the Coast Counties and the State of Oregon. There are some persons who advocate that the voters vote for all even numbers on the ballot, and from present indica­ tions a considerable vote will be cast that way. Below we give the measures to be voted upon, and how to vote for the reconstruction measures: Six Per Cent County Indebtedness for Permanent Road Amendment. Vote Yes. Industrial and Reconstruction Hospital Amendment. Vote Yes State Bond Payment of Irrigation and Drainage District Bond Interest. Vote Yes. Five Million Dollar Reconstruction Bonding Amendment. Vote Yes. Lieutenant Governor Constitutional Amendment. Yes No recommendation. No. The Roosevelt Coast Military Highway Bill Vote Yes. The Bayocean "Meadows” Ocean­ view and vicinity will develop rap­ idly soon as completion of Bay­ ocean road is under way. Good^ tyne >‘o get in on some of this while it can be had for a “song.” Something may happen most any­ time. Consult with King. For Sale--Seven head good grade cows, all fresh, at Oscar Tittle’s ranch on Wilson River. Call and see them. For Sale—20 acres»of river bottom land one and one-half miles from Tillamook—Apply to Karl Kumerle. Tillamook, Oregon. ’ * Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ mook office across the «street from the court house, Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays until further notice. * Fred C. Baker, Mrs. C. J. Edwards ai d Frank A. Rowe are members of the state committee In Tillamook county to boost for the $5,000,000 President of Roosevelt Highway As­ sociation and Tillamook Cheese I reconstruction measure. The grand jury is called to meet on Saturday, when the robbery case at the Brighton logging camp in which two Austrians robbed another Aus­ trian will be investigated. It is thought that the men will plead guilty ana it is expected that Judge Bagley will be in to sentence them on Saturday. Soldiers.’ Sailors' and Marines Educational,, Financial Aid Vote Yes. Market Roads Tax Bill Vote Yes. ON SPARATE BALLOT. To Bond Tillamook County for $430.000 to Help Build Permanent Roads: Vote Yes. Glowing tribute to Tillamook county, to its famous cheese, to its many attractions and the progressive policy and energetic spirit, of its people, was paid by S. C. Pier, re_ cently, in an address before the fed- erated clubwomen of Portland. Mr. Pier was speaking in behalf of the Roosevelt highway and lie told the women what this great roadway would mean to all the counties of the coast of Oregon. In his speech he ex­ plained the educational,» economic and agricultural advantages that would be opened i\> and urged the women tc stand by the measure at the election June 3. “Tillamook is an example of what can be done on the coast of Oregon” said the speaker. “The fertile valleys and hillsides are yielding in dairy products millions of* dollars yearly. Tillamook cheese is famous as a pro­ duct of Oregon, famous because it is the best cheese in all the country. When I was in Philadelphia 1 saw some cheese in the place of honor in a fine store and I asked the proprietor why it was there and he said "That's Tillamook cheese. It is so much bet­ ter than others that my customers are glad to pay more for it than any other.” I felt a glow of pride to hear Oregon goods so highly praised. Mr. Pier explained also that the highway will help the farm.us in Isolated spots and will open up a filed of wealth to the state. Mrs. ■Charles H. Castner, state president of the federation, appealed to the club to support the bond measure for the highway, fdr soldiers and sailors ed­ ucation and for the building of in­ stitutions. The entire reconstruction program was discussed and advocat­ ed. The Portland committee includes Mrs. G. W. McMath, Mrs. A. Bern­ stein, Mrs. C. E. Runyan, Mrs. Jen­ nie Richardson, Mrs. Edith Knight, Holmes, Mrs. J. F. Chapman and a few other, representing lhe clubs. Drs. Wise and Lebow will be at Wise’s office and residence across the street south of the court house Mondays, Tuesdays and Wed­ nesdays to do dental work. .Thurs­ days at Cloverdale; Fridays at tne Nehalem Hotel and Saturdays until noon on Sundays at Wheeler. * 1154 acre stock ranch, improved, and 225 acres in crop this year, sur­ rounded by open range and only 2 miles to summer range. Grows grain and alfalfa. And owing to had health must sell or exchange for sdmething on or near coast. Can give attractive time to right party. Address H. H. Davis, Portland, Ore, care Piedmont Car Barns. * For Sale—Two Improved lots, full size, well located. In desirable part of city, on one of the most prominent paved streets in town, concrete walks house of seven rooms besides bath, pantry, washroom, hall, clorc’s and porches, modern plumbing, electric wired, commodious woodshed and barn. Price $2,650.00, $1,000 cash, balance on terms to suit purchaser. Apply at F. R. Beals office. * Howitt 'Commission Co. 135 Front St., Portland, Oregon, will pay the following prices on shipments re­ ceived up to and including June 5. Veal, 75 to 120, top ....................... 19c. Veal, 7 5 to 120, medium.......... 18c. Veal, fair to good .................... 17c. Veal, heavy.............................. 12 to 17c. Hogs, ljjO to 160 top . . 23 to 25*4c. Hogs, poor and heavy ... 20 to 23c. prompt returns, No commission, Write for shipping tags. We are. looking for a woman at Tillamook, past 30 years old as resi- dent manager, to tuke charge of col­ lections, renewals, circulation of most all magazines published. Must have some salesmanship ability and good references. Our new plan makes everybody a customer and saves the public much money. Position will pay from $1,000 to $3,000 a year. E. J. Hamilton, 311 Globe Bldg. Portland, Oregon. Say Girls! Do you want u swell fine pound box of candy? Of course you do. Who ever heard at a girl not wanting candy? Well anyway come to Bar View and get one Saturday, May 31, Carnaval dance. Every l»dy will get a number as she comes in and the one who holds the number corresponding to the one Inside the box, gets the candy. Box will be op­ ened at eleven thirty, Be sure and be there. Tillamookers: Are you going to wait until the boom is on before getting in on some of the real estate propositions? Realty that will advance rapidly as soon as the highway and other coast develop­ ments ere under way can now be secured for a small outlay. We have some mighty interesting propositions in Bayocean for the beach home seeker or the specula- tor. H. L. King. Reconstruction Bonding Bill Vote Yes lhe surviving children aie as fol­ lows: Mrs. A. G. Wilhelm, of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. J. C. Strebln, of Gresh­ am, Or ; Mrs. A. Marolf, Mrs. W. H. Hannenkrat. Mrs. J. Naegeli, Albert and Herman Schlappi, of Tillamook, Oregon. The two elder sons Kasper and Jghn are dead. Besides her husband and children Mrs. Schlappi leaves three brothers, 4 sisters and 6 grand children to mourn her absence. - As she lived a Christian life so she died a Christian death.. On May 25tli. w hen she went home, nature was dressed in her lovliest robes;’surrounded by singing birds and blooming flowers sh^ said good- by to these earthly scenes and enter­ ed the Paradise of God, there to meet the friends of the long ago, no more to say "good by” forever. Death of Mrs. Kasper Schiappi. Archbishop Christie Visit» Tillamook ------ o------ Most Rev. Alexander Christie, blslmp of the Catholic arch diocese of Oregon, composed of the north­ west part of the United States, ar­ rived in Tillamook Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening at eight o’clock adminlsteied the sacrament of con­ firmation to a class of 7 5 at Sacred Heart church. The archbishop was assisted by Prior Maurus,, O. S. B., and Father Ambrose, O. S. B, of Mount Angel, Oregon, Father Odilo, O. S. B., of Conception, Missouri, and Father Hildebrand the local pastor. The confirmation class was com­ posed of children and some adults from all parts of the Tillamook coun­ try. Besides a large congregation of Tillamook people a number of rela­ tives and friends, of those confirmed, from outride districts, were in at­ tendance at the ceremonies. I Address to the class explaining the sacrament and that they were to be come confirmed soldiers, fighting for the spiritual kingdom of Heaven. Must also remember that as Catho­ lics they must be loyal soldiers of their country and ready to give up their lives for it. ' The archbishop expressed himself as very glad to have been able to come to Tillamook. He was surprised and well pleased at the progress of I the Tillamook parish and the beauti- I ful church that has been erected. Archbishop Christie is a booster for Oregon good roads projects. Some of Tillamook's citizens called on him at the Catholic parsonage while he was here last Sunday. He made inquiries in regard to ' the location of the Roosevelt highway and other high­ way projects In Tillamook. He hoped they would all carry and that the roads would be constructed at an early date. We are sorry to record the death of Mrs. Katherine Schlappi, wife of Kasper Schlappi, which occurred on the 25th at her home In this city. The funeral services were held on Tuesday, at the reform church. Dr. Charles Gibson conducting the rc- ligious services, which was one of the largest attended funerals in the county for some time, the deceased being highly respected by a large A Charming Photoplay. ------- o------- number of friends and neighbors, as well as a women who was greatly be­ l Revealing a story of Intense dra­ matic interest, "A daughter of the loved . Katherine Raz, was born in Switz­ Old South,” the newest Paramount erland. September 15. 1852. On Nov. picture starring beautiful Pauline '13, 1874, she was united in marriage Frederick, which will be shown at I with Kasper Schlappl of that place. the Gem Theatre, Monday, June 2, is In 1887 they came to America, lo­ I In every respect a charming photo- cating at Tillamook, where they have ; play. The story was written by Alicia Ramsey and Rudolph De Cordova and since made their home. Nine ihlldren were bor:i to the un­ it was adapted for the screen by Mar­ ion. The husband and seven children garet "‘utnblil. The dlrectoi was Emile < hauiord, survive the wife and mother. I